Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

May 14, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

37288: StepIntoSelectionHandler is filtering events from same debug target

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

May 7, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

36215: JR.computeDefaultRuntimeClasspath(IJavaProject)
36795: VariablesView.populateDetailPaneFromSelection not prepared for IVariable where getValue()==null
36160: Java watch expressions not using getAdapter.
36326: stackframe label not getting updated when stepping over source

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

March 24, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

35525: Unable to step when suspended at breakpoint during evaluation

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

March 19, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

35056: [eval] DetailFormatter failure
34593: Possible bug regarding workspace path and Applet Viewer

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

March 18, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

35000: Exception written to console (not log)
34075: Classpath variables disappear
35231: Launching messages cleanup
35209: Breakpoint installed notification sent every time breakpoint attribute changed
34856: Breakpoints set in enclosing class from inner class editor fail
34735: Missing F1 help
35182: Class cast exception opening type hierarchy
34667: Content assist inside conditions

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

March 17, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

35035: Migrate actions to command extension point
30139: Unable to launch with -Xbootclasspath/p:
34371: NPE attempting to create watch
34919: Setting classpath container initializer should be batched
34874: Context menu on IJavaVariable, IJavaInspectExpression and IJavaWatchExpression

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

March 13, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

34518: Java Applet: doesn't use the specified java executable
34375: NPE adding detail formatter to variable with null value
34816: Eval: Error with postif/prefix ++/-- on byte, char, short
34190: Evaluation: no stacktrace upon exception
34698: Title casing issues
34774: [wording]Add JRE lib wizard - final page confusion over "Add"
34091: NPE in SourceNotFoundEditorInput

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

March 12, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

34138: Invalid thread access during JDT Debug UI plugin startup
34090: Java debug action group missing var view actions
34860: JRE container performance problem

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

March 6, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

33712: "The resource tree is locked for modifications" from JavaDebugOptionsManager
32174: NPE evaluating in SWT class
27837: Detail formatters don't work in the scrapbook
33746: Error on adding a new JRE in Windows=>Preferences=>Java=>Installed JREs settings
32842: Java Line Breakpoint - instance restriction problem
33297: Unneccessary error logging from detail formatter manager
33830: Preferences: Installed JRE Preference page needs a table header
32347: bookmarks in every kind of editor
33350: Error message when launching applet with invalid project not very helpful
33893: Preference import can import non-existant JREs
33113: Evaluating 'for' loop suspends in URLClassLoader
30837: Loss of suspended at breakpoint information
33612: NPE resolving runtime classpath entry
33644: Unable to add libraries to Java build path in Project preferences
33988: API change in JCORE
31585: Suspending implicit eval does not update frames when done
34044: NPE in snippet editor
33127: No message to user when trying to perform nested evaluation

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

March 4, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

27874: wrong suspended status when attaching late to vm
32838: Hotswap does not work in inner types
33112: Duplicate mneumonics on Scrapbook Runtime page
32724: Changed fields not colored
30758: Error resuming debug session
33551: Step into selection does not work in default package
32720: Launch Configuration "Classpath" tab doesn't let you "apply" when the checkbox is changed the first time
32678: Opening breakpoint properties resets hit count
33478: Monitors view toggles do not work properly
32679: Breakpoint shows as "thread filtered" after thread/target terminates
33491: Show type names not working
32823: Stepping into already executed method brings up unknown source editor
32829: Lower text field on Detail Formatters pref page needs label
32494: Insp/Display actions in Run menu not enabled for scrapbook
33292: Show Source of selected element and Java Snippet Editor
33304: Snippet editor toolbar actions not grouped properly
33145: Strange hover message on breakpoints
32778: ConcurrentModificationException when resuming a suspended VM
33144: UnsupportedOperationException
33333: Advanced Option dialog truncates drop-down list choices
33646: Exception after removing JDK
32841: ClassCastException updating breakpoint request
32770: Java application launch shortcut error doesn't help user
33033: Unable to type in details area in expression view
33248: Problems attaching sources during debug session
33276: Internal errors found in .log file
33275: Scoped exception breakpoint & wild card patterns
24863: F1 Help on Detail Formatters pref page
32826: Double click to edit detail formatters
33921: evaluation while at breakpoint in snippet editor

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Feb 27, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

32633: Debug Launch configuration does not expand classpath variables properly

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Feb 20, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

31886: NPE in JDIDebugTarget.resume in console
31716: Java variable filtering dialog is difficult to understand
31558: Watch action missing its icon in perspective customization dialog
31907: Java variable Settings needs another row
32169: Toggle of "duplicate source files" does not enabled "apply"
32171: prompt for duplicate source elements when none
32163: Source not found dialog too large
32244: Revert sets JavaSourceLookupTab contents to the JavaClasspathTab
31888: conflict between compilation error and uncaught exception
32152: error in schema for classpathProviders
26716: JDI IOExceptions do not report runtime class
32291: NPE in log
30028: Java snippet navigate actions do not work with keybindings
32325: Step into selection requires to select the full symbol name
32382: 2.1 API adjustment in JCORE

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Feb 18, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

31637: should be able to cast "null"
30717: Can add the same external folder twice to the classpath
27332: details does not always update for watch expression
28946: Expressions pane ceases to display expressions
31266: inspect, watch, display or run to line disabled (or not in popup menu)
29587: Concurrent modification in JDIThread.findVariable
31110: Debbugger Source Lookup does not work with variables
29753: Eclipse keeps a lock on jar files even after a launch configuration is finished.
32048: org.eclipse.jdt.launching.classpathProviders
26697: Threads & Monitors View - show message when not supported
27622: VirtualMachine.resume() doesn't conform to spec
31882: use POST_AUTO_BUILD listener for breakpoint update

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Feb 13, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

31670: Evaluation failed - Thread not suspended
28406: Stepping over a conditional breakpoint resumes program
31181: Variable view not (always) updated when the debug view is hidden
31640: The debugger will sometimes not highlight current line in M5
31573: Watch expression update problem
31007: Use quick fix when no default JRE detected
31465: Stack frame update error
31464: After rapid step details not updated
31733: Fix deprecation in ClasspathContainerInitializer
27836: Too many threads and asyncExec to execute computeDetail()

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Feb 11, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

31057: [patch] remove deprecated syntax
30922: Remove hack to avoid stack overflow
31361: NPE clearing a console which contains a GB18030 character
29175: M4 Arguments Text Box in Run/Debug maxs CPU typing is slow
24761: Need Applet launcher icons
30264: Hover Description
30305: Add Breakpoint Dialog cut off with High Contrast

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Feb 6, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

30965: Editor opened by debug without annotation bar

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Feb 5, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

30019: Can't debug on Motif
27391: Cannot paste when changing value of String variable.
21823: use java debug model adapters
24422: org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Message in the evalution engine
26127: problem with snippet when java model presentation not loaded
29651: allow source attachment changes on classpath container entries
30448: Source lookup tab makes dialog unreasonably large.
24605: Debug tool flicker in toolbar with conditional breakpoint
27626: Should be able to specify filters on a per view basis
30755: Remove appearance pref page
25341: infopops not available from Launch Configurations
23268: Finding source when there are is more than one class with the same name.
29545: auto-discover source root paths
30498: Type in error dialog
29683: Re-naming a VM causes prompt for JRE resolution
29498: Address accessibility issues in variable filters dialog
27258: Icons in Expressions view are squashed
29400: LaunchHistory pref page resizes to hold entire history
28040: Debug - breakpoint not recognized due to missing line number?
30328: debug action group out of date
28177: Stack frames not updating when watch expression present
28704: Option to add variable to watch list should appear in context menu
30079: Modifying JRE contents shouldn't trigger a build without asking permission
30650: Conditional breakpoint compilation problem dialog usability

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Jan 28, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

27738: J9Plugin activated during shut down?
28737: Set font for snippet editor
29954: Can Step With Filters null pointer exception when want to debug..
24903: ResourceException while importing plugins
28567: Newly created Java applet configuration requires saving
28700: Launcher dialog window resizes to full width
24689: Conditional breakpoints when the value of an expression changes
29474: [Contributions] Context menu contributions should support visibility element
29992: JRE_LIB not properly resolved with JRE containers
30029: Notification of failure for "global" actions
17426: [Key Bindings] Ctrl+D and Ctrl+R are used in emacs mode. [general issue]
30130: Non-user friendly Javadoc URL preference
29409: Ctrl+Q to inspect doesn't work
20584: Toggle buttons not persisted correctly under some conditions
27311: debug actions too interested in selection changes
29925: Show qualified names action not in synch between tool bar & menu
30145: Inspect or Display : java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Jan 21, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

29482: Debugger finds external source, when it exists in the workspace
29429: Inspect fails to inspect large array
29472: property change events being fired for VM Standins
26679: Support source folder attachments
27093: Javadoc location should have initial value
26393: Error compiling snippet should not generate display output
29323: NPE in applet launch delegate
27276: instance filter tests not working
29646: 1.4 method inadvertantly used in SourceBasedSourceGenerator
29559: Should use system VM when running applications or tests
29780: AssertionFailedException in jdt.launching on MacOS X
28156: LaunchingPlugin start full build after attaching source to rt.jar
29680: threads in applets not working
28195: NPE on shutdown debug remote launch
29617: NPE attempting to modify properties of watchpoint
29747: StepFilter prefs 'Restore Defaults' doesn't work
29560: DebugActionGroup out of date in JDI DebugUI plugin.xml
27278: NPE in monitors view
24169: Add Step Filters to debugger dynamically
27396: Switching JREs rebuilds without progress bar
29780: AssertionFailedException in jdt.launching on MacOS X

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Jan 14, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

28796: M4: Adding external folder to source lookup path via advanced menu enters incorrect path
21248: Bad error message when no java VM's exist
23933: Jar Selection tree nodes NOT sorted [build path]
27220: Launch progress should remind launch config information
21800: Inform when referenced library does not exist
24267: Add JRE page, add external jar does not remember directory
29097: JavaProjectPropertyPage
28923: ClassCastException in debug Display view
29037: NPE in launch configuration dialog
29036: NPE while debugging
26178: Launch History Preference page missing mnemonics
29085: Cannot remove thread filter
27445: [Dialogs] Dialog font should be used by jdt debug component
28860: NullPointerException
20401: Need 'Execute' in addition to 'Inspect' and 'Display'
29145: NPE in getLibraryLocations during preference file import
28175: Add JRE slow and no progress reporting
29149: VM detection on Mac OS
24945: Breakpoint resume resets variable focus
24751: AppletLauncher should allow other classes of appletviewer to be used
25230: Launching without default classpath doesn't include i18n.jar
25978: Installed JRE doesn't not include the endorsed directory
29388: Could not lauch - project not open
26443: CTRL-space not working in var view
26527: display view code assist not working while debugging
28818: JRE JAR finder does not find JARs in jre/lib
29223: NPE in HotCodeReplaceManager
29297: Debug does not honor multiple output folders
29307: hot code replace drops not re-enter changed method
29320: Hot swap does two source lookups for same stack frame
29406: Error reporting for attempting to add method breakpoint to abstract method
24544: Search VM results in strange naming if VM name exists more than twice
25597: Show/Hide qualified names not working

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Jan 7, 2003

Problem Reports Fixed

21425: jdi implementation depends on eclipse preferences
22957: Local variable icon
24581: Debugger details' pane should be clear when the corresponding process is terminated
28205: No need to try to find source for ObsoleteMethod
16072: Disable console horizontal autoscrolling
28935: DebugException updating StepIntoSelectionActionDelegate on selectionChanged
28945: Infinite Recursive Loop when a cycle exists in the class path
26681: Multiple output folder

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Dec 17, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

27857: NPE running on the latest plugins
28420: Two dialogs define same image
28423: scrapbook eval always displays "source not found"
28283: left sq. bracket in run dialog arguments panel causes immediate crash

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Dec 16, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

28308: Changes in SourceElementRequestorAdapter
28327: Zombie targets left by CommandArgumentTests
26159: NPE evaluating snippet in anonymous inner class
26870: Incorrect interpretation of command line

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Dec 13, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

25516: Stepping takes > 2 seconds
27625: Default filter values
28110: Stack frame rendered incorrect
27334: Error when two watch expressions
28173: Expressions never disposed
27590: Default preference value loading causes pref. page class loading
28196: ObjectReferenceImpl#isCollected workaround
1727: Console buffer size (1GKKAKB)
26059: Method entry breakpoints makes the debugging program very slow

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Dec 10, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

26648: Exception starting debug
21701: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while debugging
24844: Variables View - improved final filter?
19987: variables view: 'show static/final fields' buttons do not work
27624: Filters should be "Java Filters"
27674: Hyperlinks for java stack traces
27598: Hyperlinks do not work for native methods in stack trace
27716: Cannot edit launch configuration
26425: Misleading error msg evaluating during long step & disabled action
27441: 0-based launch accelerator keys
12652: inconsistency in naming of attributes
26800: No javadoc generated in org.eclipse.jdt.doc.isv
27679: NPE on shutdown as initializing preference store
25933: After adding a parent folder, no longer able to add sub folder to classpath.

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Dec 03, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

24868: Disable condition text field when "Enable Condition" disabled
23607: Bug or Should not log the exception
22234: Disabled selection in views with details pane
26156: [External Tools] Prompt for unsaved changes
1605: Feature: Watch List (1GEPJ0Z)
27337: icon for "Add Watch Expression" action
27389: Unable to launch on J9
24478: EventRequestImpl & checkDisabled
27335: "Reevaluate" action available when no targets are running
26724: No default VM if eclipse is launched on Sidecar VM

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Nov 26, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

26131: Eval: cannot cast to an array type
26090: NPE when evaluating an expression
26696: NPE in conditional breakpoint field

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Nov 19, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

25833: A suspend event with STEP_END detail does not cause a switch to the debug view.
25223: Relaunch should be disabled for private launch configuration
22520: renaming project and CVS
26113: Scrapbook launches showing up in history
24970: JRE in the launch configurations dialog should be ordered
24873: Misc for the Detail Formatters preference page
1766: Text too low in change variable value text box (1GLE8CB)

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Nov 13, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

25575: New Display created on shutdown.
25734: Discovering default JRE
11933: No way to demote a favorite back to recent launch
25833: A suspend event with STEP_END detail does not cause a switch to the debug view.
23465: NPE in JavaRunntime when using new PDE classpath container
21491: JUnit - console output only shown in debugger perspective [JUnit]
14758: ILaunchConfigurationTab#performApply called twice on hitting the Apply button
25721: Add label to hover extension in plug-in xml
14794: "Run Ant..." starts ntvdm.exe which hangs
24839: TimeoutException debugging org.eclipse.ui.tests
25690: Ant runtime incorrect for older JDK
24782: Selecting a stack frame during a long step
26014: Error message on evaluation is centered

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Nov 12, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

25219: Can we persist the java version for a StandardVMType?
11396: GP: clicking off empty checkboxed label

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Nov 05, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

25426: Primitive detail formatters do not dispay "Edit Detail Formatter"
25102: Unbound classpath variables after upgrade
25147: Can't seem to cancel JRE search
25405: Debugging: Display functionality displays erroneous result
25477: Installed JRE names confuse launch configuration
25689: Problems setting console style ranges running debug test suite

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Oct 29, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

25151: Missing mneumonics on "Edit Detail Formatter", "New Detail Formatter"
25243: Missing on "Edit Detail Formatter", "New Detail Formatter" expressions
24720: ReferenceTypeImpl performance issue
1611: Console preferences (1GETAZ6)
24850: Array partitions are showing "="

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Oct 22, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

24828: Applet launcher - parameters tab
24879: UI freezes when switching to the Deadlock view
23723: Quick link to "formatter"
24721: Bug fixing link off of JDT Debug page is broken
24852: Title of Select Type dialog incorrect off of Add Detail Formatter
24855: Removing multiple entries in the Detail Formatter pref page causes flash
24857: Detail Formatters preference page does not resize correctly
24854: Detail formatters need to be ordered
24853: Possible to add a deatil formatter for the same type more than once
24859: Primitive types not handled well in detail formatter
23612: Build triggered if change source attachment for a JRE system library
24516: JDT debug test failures

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Oct 16, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

23186: Applet viewer should be part of SDK
24767: Spurious 'Save changes' dialog for applet launch configs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Oct 15, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

24479: PacketSendManager terminates early
1694: FEATURE: Contributed inspection formatter (1GJ4MUE)
24302: Problems with non-externalized String warnings
24463: JDI Primitive values #type()
24466: Bad behavior for StackFrameImpl.getValues(List)
24547: Found JREs get removed
24389: Removing installed VMs doesn't work
24579: Deadlock on first checkout of java project
24103: NPE trying to open launch configs
22390: IBM 1.4 VMs don't have rt.jar
24464: Check for not compatible values in the JDI client
21895: Javadoc URL is lost after restart
24399: Launch Config working set gray checked does not turn to unchecked
24218: JDIDebugUIAdapterFactory hides JDT UI's IWorkbenchAdapter
24424: Debug test failures
18627: Adding a project to the classpath should add the exported contents of the project

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Oct 8, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

24236: Monitor view not cleared on resume
20021: Importing preferences loses added JREs
24284: Javadoc for new 2.1 types in launching
3536: Support to search for JDK installations (1G5HPND)
24321: VM names should not be allowed to have slashes
23906: Launch Default JRE shouldn't show the path to JDK, but rather its registered name
24285: Workspace rebuild on first preference export
24297: NPE after closing "VM does not support HCR" dialog
24260: Run configuration Program Parameters don't allow empty parameters
1736: Feature: Smart "step-into" (1GKQHSY)
23565: Code assist in conditional expression
24387: "Detected VM" is bad name
24367: LaunchingPlugin.buildProjects
23179: Review JDI implementation for differences/shortcuts based on the JDI spec
24094: Scoped Java Exception Breakpoint not working?
24462: PacketReceiveManager.getCommand(...)

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Oct 1, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

23690: Variable view show old instance
21489: Debugger does not find source
8693: Evaluation completing on shutdown starts loading plugins
24105: JRE container should also use extension directory
21622: handling disconnect/communication error
1525: Feature: Locks and Monitors (1G3A7ZH)
1576: Remove all terminated action inefficient (1GDW2Z3)
23965: Cannot resume VM after 'Suspend VM' breakpoint is hit

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Sept 24, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

23905: Bad behavior of the remove button in the detail formatters page
23706: Code assist in the 'detail formatters' preference page
23716: Reporting "formatter errors"
23835: JDI version incorrect

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Sept 19, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

23496: Eval: API change in the java AST model
23408: Externalize JavaUISourceLocator.SourceLookupDialog
23630: Terminate button disabled after highlighing text in console
23423: runtime eclipse does not come up - VMDisconnectException
23735: Array Index out of bounds
23762: NPE - variable details stop showing
22975: Instance filters on breakpoints

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Sept 17, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

23173: NPE in the TcpIpSpy for JDWP replay packets with incorrect id
23388: IJavaType does not implement equals
1552: Method entry breakpoints and source types (1GC138W)
23034: Install JRE preference : problem switching between standart vm and standart 1.1.x vm
5500: No Stop In Main Option
23568: Ctrl-Space is not working in the Scrapbook
7999: Source lookup with Runtime JRE
23610: StandardVMType matches on MacOSX even if it shouldn't
19741: Default class/source path show project JRE, not config (README)
23471: Eval: possible wrong static/non-static context

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Sept 10, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

22460: HotSwap failure dialog does not give reason for failure
22482: Conditional breakpoint with suspend VM does not show threads suspended
22843: Scrapbook broken in 2.1
22081: AST Exp Eval: variable declaration don't work for array type variables
19349: Debug exception on step if var selected and detail pane visible
22944: "Suspend VM" conditional breakpoints don't resume the VM
21769: Invalid code index stepping in junit code
23040: JDIThread breaks caching for stacks of same depth
23012: Exception Occured while launching
10670: Support for JDI v 1.3
22908: ClassCastException from conditional breakpoint [evaluation]
22877: BufWriter and VerboseWriter are not in the right package
10651: JDI client uses Vector where does not appear to be needed
22477: JDI: Method#locationsOfLine and Method#allLineLocations with abstract and native methods
1582: Resume should do the stepping trick to reuse state (1GE4NE9)
20869: Method breakpoints make debugger run 50 times slower
23171: Method entry breakpoints on abstract methods

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Aug 27, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

21506: Keyboard shortcut for duplicate launch configuration needed
20901: Terminate debug target when >1 running causes concurrent exception
21625: Can we be more helpful when there is no line number information
22543: Array initialization with primitive types fails
22610: HCR of anonymous classes loses breakpoints
22664: Variables view should remember expansion
21772: toString evaluation for multiple members at once
22719: step filtering configuration should allow for multiple selection and recursive masks
21119: run as java app: no qualification for types
22469: False "no line number attributes" error?
22656: Java popup menu items missing from debug action group
22244: Innappropriate error dialog terminating debug target while Inspect eval running
21878: Feature: Exception breakpoints - option to ignore packages/classes/methods/lines
22195: Limit displayed launch configurations to those relevant to the current project
22842: NPE adding variable to view
22397: JVM runtime memory size on scrapbook runner
22599: Breakpoints view: Go to File doesn't work for JSP files

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Aug 13, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

21982: Feature: Ability to stop evaluation
8334: Evaluation fails message in the Display view from Expressions view
21579: Should improve UI for 'default' JREs
17830: Should allow multiple exception breakpoints for one class
17491: Display problem in the Variables View
20852: "Launch Configurations" window doesn't always give an appropriate message
4084: Open on decl/rec type bug
5516: Open on... should open a type hierarchy
6660: Feature: Hover over breakpoints give line number
7202: Detail area does not respect "primitive type display" prefs
17409: Clear JDI cache on termination
22006: Exception breakpoints - can't scope to default package
22107: STATE change event should only "update"
22005: Review UI runnables
22316: Deadlock on shutdown if evaluation suspended at breakpoint
22199: Delay hotswap attempt on compilation error
21776: Evaluate action enabled for non-java stack frames

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

Aug 06, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

21518: Debugger source lookup problem when debugging against Wireless Toolkit (WTK) 1.04
1765: "this" displayed with default protection (1GLE801)
12480: AST Exp Eval: loop statements are not implemented
12482: AST Exp Eval: variable declaration statement is not implemented
21197: Don't hard code the editor id names for the ManageBreakpointRulerActionDelegate
21389: Breakpoint Properties: Add Package should allow multi-select
21390: Breakpoint Properties: Add Class, Package missing '...'
21460: The "Add Java Exception Breakpoint" dialog displays NPE twice.
21630: Extra jdwp requests: getValues(List)
22048: NPE in JDIStackFrame
21070: Usability: Add Exception Breakpoint dialog
21247: Eclipse doesn't detect Blackdown VM

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

July 30, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

21792: vm arguments ending with a backslash cause problems
12966: Remote debugging with Sun J2ME Wireless Toolkit fails
21400: Loss of member details in text of Breakpoints
18943: Same snippet editor, two different windows (README)
1559: Debugger doesn't pop to front when breakpoint hit (1GD7P7D)
18923: Error on first attempt to use moved scrapbook page
18927: Copied scrapbook page uses some "old" information
21010: Use getAdapter when converting IJavaThread to JDIThread
21170: NPE in RuntimeClasspathEntry if internal source archive removed
21636: Extra jdwp requests: ReferenceType of ObjectReference must be cached
21801: ThreadGroupReference related data should be cached
21803: UI hangs after an evaluation in the display view
21433: JRE_LIB container entry and JRE names clash

Eclipse Platform Build Notes 
Java Debug

July 16, 2002

Problem Reports Fixed

21099: HCR failed dialog - default control is wrong
18722: Projects re-build when not required
18792: Minor: caught/uncaught only enabled for single selection
20260: TVT2: corrupted characters in java prefs page
20417: ManageBreakpointActionDelegate.selectionChanged causes NullPointerException
21483: Error from ClassPrepareEvent when debugging WTK
21305: Debug element rendering can be more rebust
21308: Method.isObsolete() broken for method ID 0 on JDK < 1.4
20469: Concurrent modification of JDIDebugTarget breakpoint collection
21450: Breakpoint hit in parent's class method instead of class method