# 27 Jun 2005 17:39:42 ---------- 1. WARNING in /builds/I/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ftp/src/org/eclipse/ftp/internal/LSDirectoryEntryParser.java (at line 193) String uid = tok.nextToken(); ^^^ The local variable uid is never read ---------- ---------- 2. WARNING in /builds/I/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ftp/src/org/eclipse/ftp/internal/LSDirectoryEntryParser.java (at line 195) long blocks = Long.parseLong(tok.nextToken(), 10); ^^^^^^ The local variable blocks is never read ---------- ---------- 3. WARNING in /builds/I/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ftp/src/org/eclipse/ftp/internal/LSDirectoryEntryParser.java (at line 196) String uid = tok.nextToken(); ^^^ The local variable uid is never read ---------- ---------- 4. WARNING in /builds/I/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ftp/src/org/eclipse/ftp/internal/LSDirectoryEntryParser.java (at line 197) String gid = tok.nextToken(); ^^^ The local variable gid is never read ---------- ---------- 5. WARNING in /builds/I/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ftp/src/org/eclipse/ftp/internal/LSDirectoryEntryParser.java (at line 202) String token; ^^^^^ The local variable token is never read ---------- ---------- 6. WARNING in /builds/I/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ftp/src/org/eclipse/ftp/internal/LSDirectoryEntryParserWithUsernameOnly.java (at line 38) long blocks = Long.parseLong(tok.nextToken(), 10); ^^^^^^ The local variable blocks is never read ---------- ---------- 7. WARNING in /builds/I/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ftp/src/org/eclipse/ftp/internal/LSDirectoryEntryParserWithUsernameOnly.java (at line 39) String username = tok.nextToken(); ^^^^^^^^ The local variable username is never read ---------- ---------- 8. WARNING in /builds/I/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ftp/src/org/eclipse/ftp/internal/Util.java (at line 127) String uid = tok.nextToken(); ^^^ The local variable uid is never read ---------- ---------- 9. WARNING in /builds/I/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ftp/src/org/eclipse/ftp/internal/Util.java (at line 129) long blocks = Long.parseLong(tok.nextToken(), 10); ^^^^^^ The local variable blocks is never read ---------- ---------- 10. WARNING in /builds/I/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ftp/src/org/eclipse/ftp/internal/Util.java (at line 130) String uid = tok.nextToken(); ^^^ The local variable uid is never read ---------- ---------- 11. WARNING in /builds/I/src/plugins/org.eclipse.ftp/src/org/eclipse/ftp/internal/Util.java (at line 131) String gid = tok.nextToken(); ^^^ The local variable gid is never read ---------- 11 problems (11 warnings)