Performance of org.eclipse.jdt.core: M20070921-1145 relative to 3.2

RHEL 4.0 Sun 1.4.2_10 (3 GHz 2.5 GB)

Win XP Sun 1.4.2_10 (3 GHz 2 GB)

RHEL 3.0 Sun 1.4.2_10 (3 GHz 2 GB)

Win XP Sun 1.4.2_10 (2 GHz 512 MB)

RHEL 3.0 Sun 1.4.2_10 (2 GHz 512 MB)

Scenario Status

The following table gives a complete but compact view of performance results for the component.
Each line of the table shows the results for one scenario on all machines.

The name of the scenario is in bold when its results are also displayed in the fingerprints
and starts with an '*' when the scenario has no results in the last baseline run.

Here are information displayed for each test (ie. in each cell): Hints:

All 56 scenarios

RHEL 3.0 Sun 1.4.2_10 (2 GHz 512 MB)
RHEL 3.0 Sun 1.4.2_10 (3 GHz 2 GB)
RHEL 4.0 Sun 1.4.2_10 (3 GHz 2.5 GB)
Win XP Sun 1.4.2_10 (2 GHz 512 MB)
Win XP Sun 1.4.2_10 (3 GHz 2 GB)
FullSourceWorkspaceASTTests#testDomAstCreationProjectJLS3() +9.2% [±0.3] +13.2% [±0.9] +12.2% [±0.1] +9.1% [±0.3] +11.2% [±0.3]
FullSourceWorkspaceASTTests#testPerfDomAstCreationJLS2() +15.4% [±2.3] +17.3% [±1.7] +16.4% [±2.0] +15.6% [±1.9] +17.1% [±1.5]
FullSourceWorkspaceASTTests#testPerfDomAstCreationJLS3() +18.8% [±0.2] +18.4% [±0.3] +16.7% [±0.2] +17.0% [±0.2] +18.3% [±0.2]
FullSourceWorkspaceASTTests#testWkspDomAstCreationJLS2() +2.8% [n/a] +9.3% [n/a] +8.1% [n/a] Performance criteria not met when compared to '{config=eclipseperfwin1_R3.3, build=3.2_200606291905_200707261759, jvm=sun}': Elapsed Process: 2.46m is not within [0%, 110%] of 2.05m - 20.0% [n/a] +6.2% [n/a]
FullSourceWorkspaceBuildTests#testBatchCompilerNoWarning() - 0.6% [±1.4] - 0.3% [±1.4] +3.3% [±0.4] +1.4% [±0.4] +2.4% [±0.3]
FullSourceWorkspaceBuildTests#testCompileJDTCoreProjectAllWarnings() - 0.4% [±1.2] +0.9% [±1.8] +1.5% [±0.1] +0.3% [±0.2] +0.0% [±0.8]
FullSourceWorkspaceBuildTests#testCompileJDTCoreProjectDefault() +0.3% [±1.5] +4.0% [±1.2] +3.7% [±0.2] +2.3% [±0.3] +0.3% [±0.5]
FullSourceWorkspaceBuildTests#testCompileJDTCoreProjectJavadoc() +3.1% [±1.4] +3.6% [±1.2] +3.4% [±0.2] +0.9% [±0.3] +0.2% [±0.9]
FullSourceWorkspaceBuildTests#testCompileJDTCoreProjectNoWarning() +1.0% [±1.6] +1.7% [±0.7] +2.8% [±0.1] +1.6% [±0.5] +4.1% [±1.0]
FullSourceWorkspaceBuildTests#testCompileSWTProjectDefault() - 1.5% [±2.1] +2.5% [±1.2] +2.7% [±0.3] +1.5% [±0.2] +0.9% [±0.5]
FullSourceWorkspaceBuildTests#testFullBuildDefault() +1.3% [n/a] +7.5% [n/a] - 1.5% [n/a] Performance criteria not met when compared to '{config=eclipseperfwin1_R3.3, build=3.2_200606291905_200707261759, jvm=sun}': Elapsed Process: 4.05m is not within [0%, 110%] of 3.65m - 10.7% [n/a] - 1.0% [n/a]
FullSourceWorkspaceBuildTests#testFullBuildProjectAllWarnings() - 4.9% [±2.5] +0.2% [±0.3] - 5.9% [±3.7] - 3.6% [±1.0] +0.0% [±1.1]
FullSourceWorkspaceBuildTests#testFullBuildProjectDefault() - 0.6% [±0.5] +0.8% [±0.7] +1.5% [±0.1] +4.3% [±3.9] +0.2% [±1.4]
FullSourceWorkspaceBuildTests#testFullBuildProjectNoWarning() - 0.8% [±0.4] +2.4% [±0.4] +1.7% [±0.2] +5.4% [±5.6] +0.2% [±1.4]
FullSourceWorkspaceBuildTests#testParser() +1.8% [±0.4] +3.1% [±0.7] +5.1% [±0.2] +1.3% [±0.2] +2.9% [±1.2]
FullSourceWorkspaceBuildTests#testScanner() - 4.8% [±0.2] - 6.5% [±0.3] - 1.0% [±0.1] - 2.9% [±0.1] +0.3% [±0.1]
FullSourceWorkspaceCompletionTests#testPerfCompleteEmptyName() - 2.7% [±0.6] - 1.2% [±0.4] - 3.7% [±0.3] - 2.8% [±0.3] - 3.3% [±0.4]
FullSourceWorkspaceCompletionTests#testPerfCompleteEmptyNameWithoutMethods() - 1.6% [±0.4] - 3.0% [±0.7] - 4.2% [±0.7] - 4.1% [±0.3] - 5.3% [±0.5]
FullSourceWorkspaceCompletionTests#testPerfCompleteEmptyNameWithoutTypes() - 0.4% [±0.4] - 1.1% [±0.5] +3.9% [±4.3] - 2.3% [±0.4] - 8.0% [±3.8]
FullSourceWorkspaceCompletionTests#testPerfCompleteMemberAccess() +3.8% [±0.5] +5.1% [±0.5] +4.3% [±0.4] +2.0% [±0.4] +2.7% [±0.4]
FullSourceWorkspaceCompletionTests#testPerfCompleteMethodDeclaration() +1.9% [±1.3] +4.1% [±1.3] +2.5% [±1.3] +2.9% [±2.7] +0.4% [±1.1]
FullSourceWorkspaceCompletionTests#testPerfCompleteName() +8.1% [±0.3] +24.3% [±2.5] +18.2% [±0.2] +8.7% [±0.2] +24.3% [±1.3]
FullSourceWorkspaceCompletionTests#testPerfCompleteNameWithoutMethods() +9.1% [±0.4] +25.8% [±0.4] +20.2% [±0.3] +9.4% [±0.4] +24.3% [±0.2]
FullSourceWorkspaceCompletionTests#testPerfCompleteNameWithoutTypes() - 0.9% [±0.6] - 1.6% [±0.6] - 9.4% [±3.6] - 3.1% [±0.4] - 3.2% [±0.5]
FullSourceWorkspaceCompletionTests#testPerfCompleteTypeReference() +9.7% [±3.9] +26.1% [±0.3] +21.0% [±0.2] +10.1% [±0.4] +23.9% [±0.2]
FullSourceWorkspaceFormatterTests#testFormatDefault() +41.5% [±0.8] +38.0% [±0.7] +41.5% [±0.8] +44.5% [±0.7] +39.3% [±0.7]
FullSourceWorkspaceFormatterTests#testFormatDefaultBigFile() +65.0% [±0.1] +59.5% [±0.4] +65.7% [±0.0] +67.7% [±0.1] +60.7% [±0.5]
FullSourceWorkspaceModelTests#testCloseProjects() +27.9% [±7.7] +28.3% [±5.6] +21.4% [±10.3] - 1.6% [±4.9] +21.2% [±2.8]
FullSourceWorkspaceModelTests#testCreateJavaElement() +86.9% [±0.5] +86.4% [±0.4] +90.4% [±0.3] +84.0% [±0.2] +84.8% [±0.2]
FullSourceWorkspaceModelTests#testFindType() +93.3% [±0.1] +93.8% [±0.1] +93.8% [±0.1] +94.4% [±0.0] +94.1% [±0.0]
FullSourceWorkspaceModelTests#testInitJDTPlugin() +9.0% [±4.6] +15.4% [±1.0] +11.1% [±0.2] +16.2% [±7.7] +16.0% [±0.3]
FullSourceWorkspaceModelTests#testNameLookupFindKnownSecondaryType() - 0.4% [±0.9] +3.0% [±0.9] - 1.3% [±0.7] +2.7% [±0.5] - 0.8% [±0.5]
FullSourceWorkspaceModelTests#testNameLookupFindKnownType() +3.5% [±1.6] +3.9% [±1.6] - 0.8% [±1.2] - 4.6% [±1.2] +5.4% [±1.1]
FullSourceWorkspaceModelTests#testNameLookupFindUnknownType() +3.9% [±2.0] +2.3% [±1.0] - 1.3% [±0.7] +5.5% [±0.5] +0.0% [±0.5]
FullSourceWorkspaceModelTests#testPerfReconcile() +4.3% [±0.5] +6.0% [±0.6] +5.7% [±0.2] +5.1% [±0.3] +5.3% [±0.3]
FullSourceWorkspaceModelTests#testPerfReconcileBigFileWithSyntaxError() +0.3% [±0.4] +1.5% [±0.9] +0.6% [±0.3] +0.6% [±0.4] +0.4% [±0.3]
FullSourceWorkspaceModelTests#testPerfSearchAllTypeNamesAndReconcile() +5.9% [±0.2] +9.2% [±0.6] +9.7% [±0.2] +5.4% [±0.0] +9.7% [±0.4]
FullSourceWorkspaceModelTests#testProjectFindKnownMemberType() +0.6% [±0.5] - 1.5% [±1.7] +1.7% [±0.6] +0.3% [±0.5] - 2.8% [±1.3]
FullSourceWorkspaceModelTests#testProjectFindKnownSecondaryType() +1.2% [±0.7] - 0.8% [±1.0] +3.1% [±0.5] - 3.7% [±0.7] +0.3% [±0.4]
FullSourceWorkspaceModelTests#testProjectFindKnownType() +3.7% [±0.8] +1.9% [±1.0] +1.3% [±0.9] - 2.5% [±1.0] +3.9% [±0.5]
FullSourceWorkspaceModelTests#testProjectFindUnknownType() - 0.1% [±0.4] +0.3% [±0.6] +0.2% [±0.5] - 6.0% [±0.8] - 3.7% [±0.3]
FullSourceWorkspaceModelTests#testSeekPackageFragments() - 4.9% [±2.1] +3.5% [±2.0] - 1.2% [±1.7] - 5.3% [±3.1] - 3.5% [±2.6]
FullSourceWorkspaceSearchTests#testIndexing() +4.6% [n/a] +16.5% [n/a] +15.5% [n/a] +2.3% [n/a] +11.5% [n/a]
FullSourceWorkspaceSearchTests#testIndexingOneProject() +4.1% [±0.5] +9.9% [±0.6] +11.0% [±0.5] +1.7% [±0.3] +7.6% [±0.2]
FullSourceWorkspaceSearchTests#testNewSearchAllTypeNames() +32.2% [±0.4] +57.0% [±1.6] +47.8% [±0.2] +27.1% [±0.0] +52.9% [±0.7]
*FullSourceWorkspaceSearchTests#testSearchAllTypeNameMatches() (vs. I20070310-1638) - 1.3% [±0.3] - 1.7% [±1.3] - 1.0% [±0.2] - 0.2% [±0.0] +0.0% [±0.0]
FullSourceWorkspaceSearchTests#testSearchAllTypeNames() +15.4% [±0.8] +32.9% [±0.4] +27.3% [±0.2] +15.4% [±0.3] +31.9% [±0.1]
FullSourceWorkspaceSearchTests#testSearchBinaryMethod() +2.8% [±0.2] +12.0% [±1.8] +9.0% [±0.2] +3.6% [±0.3] +10.5% [±0.6]
FullSourceWorkspaceSearchTests#testSearchConstructor() - 1.7% [±0.6] +0.0% [±0.6] +1.4% [±0.5] - 0.7% [±0.1] +0.1% [±0.1]
FullSourceWorkspaceSearchTests#testSearchField() +0.0% [±0.4] +4.1% [±0.9] +4.4% [±0.3] +0.5% [±0.1] +4.1% [±0.2]
FullSourceWorkspaceSearchTests#testSearchMethod() +1.9% [±0.6] +4.2% [±1.1] +7.7% [±0.4] +1.8% [±0.6] +4.2% [±0.4]
FullSourceWorkspaceSearchTests#testSearchPackageDeclarations() +96.7% [±0.1] +96.5% [±0.7] +96.5% [±0.3] +100.0% [±0.8] +100.0% [±0.1]
FullSourceWorkspaceSearchTests#testSearchPackageDeclarationsWorkspace() +62.5% [±0.1] +72.3% [±0.3] +72.6% [±0.2] +51.6% [±0.2] +63.7% [±0.1]
FullSourceWorkspaceSearchTests#testSearchType() - 0.4% [±0.6] +4.0% [±0.7] +3.7% [±0.3] +0.6% [±0.3] +3.6% [±0.2]
FullSourceWorkspaceTypeHierarchyTests#testPerfAllTypes() +12.6% [±0.3] +27.2% [±0.7] +22.4% [±0.3] +12.7% [±0.2] +25.4% [±0.5]
FullSourceWorkspaceTypeHierarchyTests#testPerfClassWithPotentialSubinterfaces() +28.0% [±0.4] +49.5% [±1.7] +39.9% [±0.5] +26.0% [±0.6] +51.5% [±0.7]