/shared/eclipse/builds/4P/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator /shared/eclipse/builds/4P Entering 'eclipse.jdt' Entering 'eclipse.jdt.core' Updating branch R4_3_maintenance_Java8 Previous HEAD position was f545445... Partial Fix for Bug 430425 - [1.8][compiler] Type mismatch: cannot convert from StyleConverter to StyleConverter Switched to a new branch 'R4_3_maintenance_Java8' Branch R4_3_maintenance_Java8 set up to track remote branch R4_3_maintenance_Java8 from origin by rebasing. Current branch R4_3_maintenance_Java8 is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.jdt.core.binaries' Entering 'eclipse.jdt.debug' Updating branch R4_3_maintenance_Java8 Previous HEAD position was 8e0007d... Bug 428862 - [1.8] Unable to install breakpoint Switched to a new branch 'R4_3_maintenance_Java8' Branch R4_3_maintenance_Java8 set up to track remote branch R4_3_maintenance_Java8 from origin by rebasing. Current branch R4_3_maintenance_Java8 is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.jdt.ui' Updating branch R4_3_maintenance_Java8 Previous HEAD position was 83c6556... Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into BETA_JAVA8 Switched to a new branch 'R4_3_maintenance_Java8' Branch R4_3_maintenance_Java8 set up to track remote branch R4_3_maintenance_Java8 from origin by rebasing. Current branch R4_3_maintenance_Java8 is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.pde' Entering 'eclipse.pde.build' Entering 'eclipse.pde.ui' Updating branch R4_3_maintenance_Java8 Switched to a new branch 'R4_3_maintenance_Java8' Branch R4_3_maintenance_Java8 set up to track remote branch R4_3_maintenance_Java8 from origin by rebasing. Current branch R4_3_maintenance_Java8 is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.platform' Entering 'eclipse.platform.common' Entering 'eclipse.platform.debug' Entering 'eclipse.platform.releng' Entering 'eclipse.platform.resources' Entering 'eclipse.platform.runtime' Entering 'eclipse.platform.swt' Entering 'eclipse.platform.swt.binaries' Entering 'eclipse.platform.team' Entering 'eclipse.platform.text' Entering 'eclipse.platform.ua' Entering 'eclipse.platform.ui' Entering 'rt.equinox.binaries' Entering 'rt.equinox.bundles' Entering 'rt.equinox.framework' Entering 'rt.equinox.p2' /shared/eclipse/builds/4P /shared/eclipse/builds/4P/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator /shared/eclipse/builds/4P git add eclipse.jdt.core eclipse.jdt.debug eclipse.jdt.ui /shared/eclipse/builds/4P