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1   //
2   //  ========================================================================
3   //  Copyright (c) 1995-2016 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
4   //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
5   //  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
6   //  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
7   //  and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
8   //
9   //      The Eclipse Public License is available at
10  //
11  //
12  //      The Apache License v2.0 is available at
13  //
14  //
15  //  You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
16  //  ========================================================================
17  //
19  package org.eclipse.jetty.client.api;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import;
24  import;
25  import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
26  import java.nio.file.Path;
27  import java.util.EventListener;
28  import java.util.List;
29  import java.util.Map;
30  import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
31  import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
32  import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
34  import org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpClient;
35  import org.eclipse.jetty.client.util.InputStreamResponseListener;
36  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpFields;
37  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpHeader;
38  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpMethod;
39  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpVersion;
40  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.Fields;
42  /**
43   * <p>{@link Request} represents a HTTP request, and offers a fluent interface to customize
44   * various attributes such as the path, the headers, the content, etc.</p>
45   * <p>You can create {@link Request} objects via {@link HttpClient#newRequest(String)} and
46   * you can send them using either {@link #send()} for a blocking semantic, or
47   * {@link #send(Response.CompleteListener)} for an asynchronous semantic.</p>
48   *
49   * @see Response
50   */
51  public interface Request
52  {
53      /**
54       * @return the scheme of this request, such as "http" or "https"
55       */
56      String getScheme();
58      /**
59       * @param scheme the scheme of this request, such as "http" or "https"
60       * @return this request object
61       */
62      Request scheme(String scheme);
64      /**
65       * @return the host of this request, such as "" or ""
66       */
67      String getHost();
69      /**
70       * @return the port of this request such as 80 or 443
71       */
72      int getPort();
74      /**
75       * @return the method of this request, such as GET or POST, as a String
76       */
77      String getMethod();
79      /**
80       * @param method the method of this request, such as GET or POST
81       * @return this request object
82       */
83      Request method(HttpMethod method);
85      /**
86       * @param method the method of this request, such as GET or POST
87       * @return this request object
88       */
89      Request method(String method);
91      /**
92       * @return the path of this request, such as "/" or "/path" - without the query
93       * @see #getQuery()
94       */
95      String getPath();
97      /**
98       * Specifies the path - and possibly the query - of this request.
99       * If the query part is specified, parameter values must be properly
100      * {@link URLEncoder#encode(String, String) UTF-8 URL encoded}.
101      * For example, if the value for parameter "currency" is the euro symbol &euro; then the
102      * query string for this parameter must be "currency=%E2%82%AC".
103      * For transparent encoding of parameter values, use {@link #param(String, String)}.
104      *
105      * @param path the path of this request, such as "/" or "/path?param=1"
106      * @return this request object
107      */
108     Request path(String path);
110     /**
111      * @return the query string of this request such as "param=1"
112      * @see #getPath()
113      * @see #getParams()
114      */
115     String getQuery();
117     /**
118      * @return the full URI of this request such as "http://host:port/path?param=1"
119      */
120     URI getURI();
122     /**
123      * @return the HTTP version of this request, such as "HTTP/1.1"
124      */
125     HttpVersion getVersion();
127     /**
128      * @param version the HTTP version of this request, such as "HTTP/1.1"
129      * @return this request object
130      */
131     Request version(HttpVersion version);
133     /**
134      * @return the query parameters of this request
135      */
136     Fields getParams();
138     /**
139      * Adds a query parameter with the given name and value.
140      * The value is {@link URLEncoder#encode(String, String) UTF-8 URL encoded}.
141      *
142      * @param name the name of the query parameter
143      * @param value the value of the query parameter
144      * @return this request object
145      */
146     Request param(String name, String value);
148     /**
149      * @return the headers of this request
150      */
151     HttpFields getHeaders();
153     /**
154      * @param name the name of the header
155      * @param value the value of the header
156      * @return this request object
157      * @see #header(HttpHeader, String)
158      */
159     Request header(String name, String value);
161     /**
162      * <p>Adds the given {@code value} to the specified {@code header}.</p>
163      * <p>Multiple calls with the same parameters will add multiple values;
164      * use the value {@code null} to remove the header completely.</p>
165      *
166      * @param header the header name
167      * @param value the value of the header
168      * @return this request object
169      */
170     Request header(HttpHeader header, String value);
172     /**
173      * @return the cookies associated with this request
174      */
175     List<HttpCookie> getCookies();
177     /**
178      * @param cookie a cookie for this request
179      * @return this request object
180      */
181     Request cookie(HttpCookie cookie);
183     /**
184      * @param name the name of the attribute
185      * @param value the value of the attribute
186      * @return this request object
187      */
188     Request attribute(String name, Object value);
190     /**
191      * @return the attributes of this request
192      */
193     Map<String, Object> getAttributes();
195     /**
196      * @return the content provider of this request
197      */
198     ContentProvider getContent();
200     /**
201      * @param content the content provider of this request
202      * @return this request object
203      */
204     Request content(ContentProvider content);
206     /**
207      * @param content the content provider of this request
208      * @param contentType the content type
209      * @return this request object
210      */
211     Request content(ContentProvider content, String contentType);
213     /**
214      * Shortcut method to specify a file as a content for this request, with the default content type of
215      * "application/octect-stream".
216      *
217      * @param file the file to upload
218      * @return this request object
219      * @throws IOException if the file does not exist or cannot be read
220      */
221     Request file(Path file) throws IOException;
223     /**
224      * Shortcut method to specify a file as a content for this request, with the given content type.
225      *
226      * @param file the file to upload
227      * @param contentType the content type of the file
228      * @return this request object
229      * @throws IOException if the file does not exist or cannot be read
230      */
231     Request file(Path file, String contentType) throws IOException;
233     /**
234      * @return the user agent for this request
235      */
236     String getAgent();
238     /**
239      * @param agent the user agent for this request (corresponds to the {@code User-Agent} header)
240      * @return this request object
241      */
242     Request agent(String agent);
244     /**
245      * @param accepts the media types that are acceptable in the response, such as
246      *                "text/plain;q=0.5" or "text/html" (corresponds to the {@code Accept} header)
247      * @return this request object
248      */
249     Request accept(String... accepts);
251     /**
252      * @return the idle timeout for this request, in milliseconds
253      */
254     long getIdleTimeout();
256     /**
257      * @param timeout the idle timeout for this request
258      * @param unit the idle timeout unit
259      * @return this request object
260      */
261     Request idleTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit);
263     /**
264      * @return the total timeout for this request, in milliseconds
265      */
266     long getTimeout();
268     /**
269      * @param timeout the total timeout for the request/response conversation
270      * @param unit the timeout unit
271      * @return this request object
272      */
273     Request timeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit);
275     /**
276      * @return whether this request follows redirects
277      */
278     boolean isFollowRedirects();
280     /**
281      * @param follow whether this request follows redirects
282      * @return this request object
283      */
284     Request followRedirects(boolean follow);
286     /**
287      * @param listenerClass the class of the listener, or null for all listeners classes
288      * @return the listeners for request events of the given class
289      * @param <T> the type of listener class
290      */
291     <T extends RequestListener> List<T> getRequestListeners(Class<T> listenerClass);
293     /**
294      * @param listener a listener for request events
295      * @return this request object
296      */
297     Request listener(Listener listener);
299     /**
300      * @param listener a listener for request queued event
301      * @return this request object
302      */
303     Request onRequestQueued(QueuedListener listener);
305     /**
306      * @param listener a listener for request begin event
307      * @return this request object
308      */
309     Request onRequestBegin(BeginListener listener);
311     /**
312      * @param listener a listener for request headers event
313      * @return this request object
314      */
315     Request onRequestHeaders(HeadersListener listener);
317     /**
318      * @param listener a listener for request commit event
319      * @return this request object
320      */
321     Request onRequestCommit(CommitListener listener);
323     /**
324      * @param listener a listener for request content events
325      * @return this request object
326      */
327     Request onRequestContent(ContentListener listener);
329     /**
330      * @param listener a listener for request success event
331      * @return this request object
332      */
333     Request onRequestSuccess(SuccessListener listener);
335     /**
336      * @param listener a listener for request failure event
337      * @return this request object
338      */
339     Request onRequestFailure(FailureListener listener);
341     /**
342      * @param listener a listener for response begin event
343      * @return this request object
344      */
345     Request onResponseBegin(Response.BeginListener listener);
347     /**
348      * @param listener a listener for response header event
349      * @return this request object
350      */
351     Request onResponseHeader(Response.HeaderListener listener);
353     /**
354      * @param listener a listener for response headers event
355      * @return this request object
356      */
357     Request onResponseHeaders(Response.HeadersListener listener);
359     /**
360      * @param listener a consuming listener for response content events
361      * @return this request object
362      */
363     Request onResponseContent(Response.ContentListener listener);
365     /**
366      * @param listener an asynchronous listener for response content events
367      * @return this request object
368      */
369     Request onResponseContentAsync(Response.AsyncContentListener listener);
371     /**
372      * @param listener a listener for response success event
373      * @return this request object
374      */
375     Request onResponseSuccess(Response.SuccessListener listener);
377     /**
378      * @param listener a listener for response failure event
379      * @return this request object
380      */
381     Request onResponseFailure(Response.FailureListener listener);
383     /**
384      * @param listener a listener for complete event
385      * @return this request object
386      */
387     Request onComplete(Response.CompleteListener listener);
389     /**
390      * Sends this request and returns the response.
391      * <p>
392      * This method should be used when a simple blocking semantic is needed, and when it is known
393      * that the response content can be buffered without exceeding memory constraints.
394      * <p>
395      * For example, this method is not appropriate to download big files from a server; consider using
396      * {@link #send(Response.CompleteListener)} instead, passing your own {@link Response.Listener} or a utility
397      * listener such as {@link InputStreamResponseListener}.
398      * <p>
399      * The method returns when the {@link Response.CompleteListener complete event} is fired.
400      *
401      * @return a {@link ContentResponse} for this request
402      * @throws InterruptedException if send thread is interrupted
403      * @throws TimeoutException if send times out
404      * @throws ExecutionException if execution fails
405      * @see Response.CompleteListener#onComplete(Result)
406      */
407     ContentResponse send() throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, ExecutionException;
409     /**
410      * <p>Sends this request and asynchronously notifies the given listener for response events.</p>
411      * <p>This method should be used when the application needs to be notified of the various response events
412      * as they happen, or when the application needs to efficiently manage the response content.</p>
413      * <p>The listener passed to this method may implement not only {@link Response.CompleteListener}
414      * but also other response listener interfaces, and all the events implemented will be notified.
415      * This allows application code to write a single listener class to handle all relevant events.</p>
416      *
417      * @param listener the listener that receives response events
418      */
419     void send(Response.CompleteListener listener);
421     /**
422      * Attempts to abort the send of this request.
423      *
424      * @param cause the abort cause, must not be null
425      * @return whether the abort succeeded
426      */
427     boolean abort(Throwable cause);
429     /**
430      * @return the abort cause passed to {@link #abort(Throwable)},
431      * or null if this request has not been aborted
432      */
433     Throwable getAbortCause();
435     /**
436      * Common, empty, super-interface for request listeners.
437      */
438     public interface RequestListener extends EventListener
439     {
440     }
442     /**
443      * Listener for the request queued event.
444      */
445     public interface QueuedListener extends RequestListener
446     {
447         /**
448          * Callback method invoked when the request is queued, waiting to be sent
449          *
450          * @param request the request being queued
451          */
452         public void onQueued(Request request);
453     }
455     /**
456      * Listener for the request begin event.
457      */
458     public interface BeginListener extends RequestListener
459     {
460         /**
461          * Callback method invoked when the request begins being processed in order to be sent.
462          * This is the last opportunity to modify the request.
463          *
464          * @param request the request that begins being processed
465          */
466         public void onBegin(Request request);
467     }
469     /**
470      * Listener for the request headers event.
471      */
472     public interface HeadersListener extends RequestListener
473     {
474         /**
475          * Callback method invoked when the request headers (and perhaps small content) are ready to be sent.
476          * The request has been converted into bytes, but not yet sent to the server, and further modifications
477          * to the request may have no effect.
478          * @param request the request that is about to be committed
479          */
480         public void onHeaders(Request request);
481     }
483     /**
484      * Listener for the request committed event.
485      */
486     public interface CommitListener extends RequestListener
487     {
488         /**
489          * Callback method invoked when the request headers (and perhaps small content) have been sent.
490          * The request is now committed, and in transit to the server, and further modifications to the
491          * request may have no effect.
492          * @param request the request that has been committed
493          */
494         public void onCommit(Request request);
495     }
497     /**
498      * Listener for the request content event.
499      */
500     public interface ContentListener extends RequestListener
501     {
502         /**
503          * Callback method invoked when a chunk of request content has been sent successfully.
504          * Changes to bytes in the given buffer have no effect, as the content has already been sent.
505          * @param request the request that has been committed
506          * @param content the content
507          */
508         public void onContent(Request request, ByteBuffer content);
509     }
511     /**
512      * Listener for the request succeeded event.
513      */
514     public interface SuccessListener extends RequestListener
515     {
516         /**
517          * Callback method invoked when the request has been successfully sent.
518          *
519          * @param request the request sent
520          */
521         public void onSuccess(Request request);
522     }
524     /**
525      * Listener for the request failed event.
526      */
527     public interface FailureListener extends RequestListener
528     {
529         /**
530          * Callback method invoked when the request has failed to be sent
531          * @param request the request that failed
532          * @param failure the failure
533          */
534         public void onFailure(Request request, Throwable failure);
535     }
537     /**
538      * Listener for all request events.
539      */
540     public interface Listener extends QueuedListener, BeginListener, HeadersListener, CommitListener, ContentListener, SuccessListener, FailureListener
541     {
542         /**
543          * An empty implementation of {@link Listener}
544          */
545         public static class Adapter implements Listener
546         {
547             @Override
548             public void onQueued(Request request)
549             {
550             }
552             @Override
553             public void onBegin(Request request)
554             {
555             }
557             @Override
558             public void onHeaders(Request request)
559             {
560             }
562             @Override
563             public void onCommit(Request request)
564             {
565             }
567             @Override
568             public void onContent(Request request, ByteBuffer content)
569             {
570             }
572             @Override
573             public void onSuccess(Request request)
574             {
575             }
577             @Override
578             public void onFailure(Request request, Throwable failure)
579             {
580             }
581         }
582     }
583 }