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19  package org.eclipse.jetty.util;
21  import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
22  import java.lang.reflect.Method;
24  /**
25   * Provide for a Uptime class that is compatible with Android, GAE, and the new Java 8 compact profiles
26   */
27  public class Uptime
28  {
29      public static final int NOIMPL = -1;
31      public static interface Impl
32      {
33          public long getUptime();
34      }
36      public static class DefaultImpl implements Impl
37      {
38          public Object mxBean;
39          public Method uptimeMethod;
41          public DefaultImpl()
42          {
43              ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
44              try
45              {
46                  Class<?> mgmtFactory = Class.forName("",true,cl);
47                  Class<?> runtimeClass = Class.forName("",true,cl);
48                  Class<?> noparams[] = new Class<?>[0];
49                  Method mxBeanMethod = mgmtFactory.getMethod("getRuntimeMXBean",noparams);
50                  if (mxBeanMethod == null)
51                  {
52                      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("method getRuntimeMXBean() not found");
53                  }
54                  mxBean = mxBeanMethod.invoke(mgmtFactory);
55                  if (mxBean == null)
56                  {
57                      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("getRuntimeMXBean() method returned null");
58                  }
59                  uptimeMethod = runtimeClass.getMethod("getUptime",noparams);
60                  if (mxBean == null)
61                  {
62                      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("method getUptime() not found");
63                  }
64              }
65              catch (ClassNotFoundException | 
66                     NoClassDefFoundError | 
67                     NoSuchMethodException | 
68                     SecurityException | 
69                     IllegalAccessException | 
70                     IllegalArgumentException | 
71                     InvocationTargetException e)
72              {
73                  throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Implementation not available in this environment",e);
74              }
75          }
77          @Override
78          public long getUptime()
79          {
80              try
81              {
82                  return (long)uptimeMethod.invoke(mxBean);
83              }
84              catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e)
85              {
86                  return NOIMPL;
87              }
88          }
89      }
91      private static final Uptime INSTANCE = new Uptime();
93      public static Uptime getInstance()
94      {
95          return INSTANCE;
96      }
98      private Impl impl;
100     private Uptime()
101     {
102         try
103         {
104             impl = new DefaultImpl();
105         }
106         catch (UnsupportedOperationException e)
107         {
108             System.err.printf("Defaulting Uptime to NOIMPL due to (%s) %s%n",e.getClass().getName(),e.getMessage());
109             impl = null;
110         }
111     }
113     public Impl getImpl()
114     {
115         return impl;
116     }
118     public void setImpl(Impl impl)
119     {
120         this.impl = impl;
121     }
123     public static long getUptime()
124     {
125         Uptime u = getInstance();
126         if (u == null || u.impl == null)
127         {
128             return NOIMPL;
129         }
130         return u.impl.getUptime();
131     }
132 }