Release Notes for CDO R20120612-1449

These release notes have been generated from the commit log of the 4.1 stream and the associated bugzillas.
The first commit is 2e45c51345cf6fe71b4fe4417d3f4a163d466fb8 in the master branch.
The last commit is a9bbe022dff89e1ff5ad5c65420a4bf88b37f40b in the master branch.
This is the first build of the 4.1 stream.

Table of Contents

CDO Model Repository (Core)


enhancement [237158] Provide Performance TestCase    assigned in 4.1
enhancement [272478] Better support for attributes having isMany() == true and isOrdered() == false    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [312186] Support post event handling for CDOTransactionHandler    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [329786] Connection-aware URIs support : default serialization and reconnection management    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [343084] Add security infos to BaseCDORevision and adjust the framework accordingly    assigned in 4.1
enhancement [349921] [DB4O] Create a test config using MEMDB4OStore    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [350015] Ensure that EMF pre 2.6 does not prevent CDO usage    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [350146] Make protocol timeout on the CDO server configurable    assigned in 4.1
enhancement [351395] Refactor CDOSession to separate management of views and connection    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [351405] Rename cdo.net4j.CDOSession to cdo.net4j.CDONet4jSession    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [351793] Enhance LockMgr with write options    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [351912] Lock coordination with SynchronizableRepositories    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [352561] Support client assigned CDOIDs (UUIDs)    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [352696] [Tests] Cleanup RepositoryConfigs    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [353691] Add lock notifications and lock caching    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [354419] Let MEMStore support client assigned CDOIDs (UUIDs)    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [354454] Recursive locking (tree locking)    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [355045] Allow NEW objects to be locked on commit    assigned in 4.1
enhancement [355285] Make CDOIDGenerator aware of EObject    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [355535] Redesign PropertyTesters and IPropertySourceProviders    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [355537] Add isDirty() and DirtyStateChangedEvents to CDOWorkspace    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [355539] Contribute PropertyTester and IPropertySourceProvider to CDOWorkspace    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [356754] Raw replication of persistent locks    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [358506] Expand the CDO definition framework to support server configuration    new in 4.1
enhancement [358552] Use FastList for listener lists and do not exclude duplicate listener elements    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [359341] Pull up OfflineClone.CommitContextData    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [362388] Add CDORevisionManager.getObjectType() with demand loading    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [362982] Add CDOTextResource and CDOBinaryResource    assigned in 4.1
enhancement [365719] Disambiguate CDOView.enableDurableLocking(boolean)    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [366803] Improve performance of CDOTransactionImpl.getID(InternalCDOObject, boolean)    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [367905] [CDO] Allow Adapters to be notified during loading    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [368532] Provide API to set CDOFetchRuleManager and CDOFetchAnalyzer    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [369777] Let CDOCommonView extend CDOLockOwner    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [373728] Make pages container in CDOServerBrowser configurable    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [374962] Make CDOStaleReferencePolicy.PROXY robust for eAdapters() calls    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [374965] Make detachment notifications configurable    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [375034] Consolidate server-side exceptions for commit conflicts    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [377212] Provide a CDOBalancedTree as object storage with list size optimization    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [377721] Make raw replication the default replication    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [380107] Durable locking ID support through connection aware URI    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [380341] Avoid object not found exception for local changes    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [380629] Design a default Security model    assigned in 4.1
enhancement [381356] Support prefetching through CDO URI formats    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [381472] Design a repository administration API    resolved-fixed in 4.1

Bug Fixes

major [353690] RWOLockManager.changeContext neglects to update contextToLockStates map    resolved-fixed in 4.1
major [363287] CDODeltaNotification.getOldValue() returns a CDOIDObjectLongImpl on remotely detached CDOObject    resolved-fixed in 4.1
major [364548] Exception "Durable locking is not enabled." during save of changes    resolved-fixed in 4.1
major [371342] CDOSession can send out of sequence invalidations to the CDOViews    resolved-fixed in 4.1
major [374882] Issue on control/uncontrol of model element with Savepoint    resolved-fixed in 4.1
major [375444] InvalidURIException with controlled resources and autoreleaseLock option disabled    reopened in 4.1
normal [322218] ClassCastException adding an object to an EList with objects of a custom data type    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [338921] Cannot load resource on a previously cleared ResourceSet    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [341995] ConcurrentModificationException on commit while holding a write lock    closed-fixed in 4.0
normal [349599] [Tests] EMF runtime compatibility issue and duplicate code in test models    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [349793] New transaction waits for different update, than asked    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [349804] Session is not invalidated after commit    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [350008] CDOTransactionImpl#getTransactionHandlers() throws NPE instead of returning an empty array    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [350027] Fix index for moves from left to right    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [350649] Offline test and example failures    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [351067] Exception adding the same Blob data    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [352189] PushTransactions construction : reconstructSavepoints==false is troublesome    resolved-worksforme in 4.1
normal [352191] Locking detached elements    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [352330] Make lockArea loading vetoable    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [352439] Prefetch revision ends with IllegalArgumentException    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [352977] Dirty Objects of CDOTransaction with CDOSavepoint    assigned in 4.1
normal [353078] Failure when trying to unlock a collection of elements    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [353167] CDOSavePoint and Reattachment issue    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [353249] CDOTransaction/CDOView getResourceNode does not return null    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [353303] RWOLockManager.unlock(CONTEXT) gives ConcurrentModEx    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [354009] DeadLock in CDO Session    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [354395] containsAll returns wrong result in case of detached objects    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [354963] handleRevisions() does not work correctly for sub branches    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [356000] CDOWorkspace.checkin() does not detect remote conflicts    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [356049] CDOWorkspace.merge() is broken    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [358028] Enabling Locking Notifications leads to endless server requests    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [358581] AbstractCDOView.getObjectsArray gives array with NULLs    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [359035] Deleting a locked object leaves dangling locks in the LockManager    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [359669] CDO cannot handle resources with indexed fragments    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [360501] CDOQuery memory leak with getResult    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [360514] EMF adapters leak on EPackages    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [361819] Double refresh breaks model consistency    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [362270] CDODeltaNotification.getNewValue() returns a CDOIDExternal instead of the EObject from the containing XMIResource    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [363153] API Break in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.net4j.CDOSession    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [363998] Net4jConnectorInjector does not skip sessions that already have a connector    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [364106] WriteAccessHandler.handleTransactionBeforeCommitting() is called before the tempIDs are mapped    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [365204] Invalidate transition creates illegal object for audit view    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [365832] Issues when trying to import changes: Cannot modify a frozen revision    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [366777] (Other) launch configs broken due to missing GoGo console    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [368539] LoadRevisionsRequest with CDOFetchRuleManager enabled leads sometimes to NPE    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [368553] CDOModificationTrackingAdapter should ignore CDOInvalidations    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [373726] Resource that was not found stays in ResourceSet (bad state)    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [375033] Remote notifications must be ignored in CDOPostEventTransactionHandler    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [376067] CDOFeatureDelta.UNKNOWN_VALUE is not a Notifier    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [376075] Transient containment should bypass attached() / detached()    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [376167] CDOURIHandler doesn't supports connection aware URI    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [376470] "Durable locking is not enabled for view..." while doing a rollback on a clone    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [376566] Clone Repository doesn't retry to init root resource    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [377521] "Root resource has not been initialized in Repository" Error    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [381410] IllegalStateException from OCL query with non-Collection result    resolved-fixed in 4.1
minor [355287] Error in LockingNotificationsTest.testSameBranchDifferentSession [Combined, MEM-branching, JVM, Native]    new in 4.1
minor [357400] CDOPushTransaction.isDirty() should call delegate.isDirty()    resolved-fixed in 4.1
trivial [369685] Current linebreaks from help message of the CDOCommandProvider doesn't work under windows    resolved-fixed in 4.0

CDO Model Repository (Legacy Mode)

Bug Fixes

normal [337886] [Legacy] Bugzilla_305527_Test.testAvoidReferencingDifferentViews() fails in Legacy    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [352204] [Legacy] Failing event PREPARE in state CLEAN : state machine issue with legacy mode    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [355915] [Legacy] Adapter notified with CDOLegacyAdapter    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [359966] Issues when trying to import changes from PushTransaction in legacy mode    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [359992] [Legacy] CDODeltaNotification.getNewValue() returns a CDOLegacyWrapper instead of the wrapped EObject    reopened in 4.1

CDO Model Repository (User Interface)


enhancement [376582] [UI] Possibility to choose the Editor for CDO resources    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [377269] [UI] Make CDOEditor easier to reuse    resolved-fixed in 4.1

Bug Fixes

normal [366491] [UI] Exception in creating a folder in "CDO Sessions" view    resolved-fixed in 4.1

CDO Model Repository (JDBC Support)


enhancement [344231] [DB] Improve Statement.executeBatch result checking    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [350036] [DB] Convert CLOB to String in SQLQueryHandler    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [351078] [DB] Support raw replication in HorizontalBranchingMappingStrategyWithRanges    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [351393] [DB] Make the URI column in the table "cdo_ext_refs" larger    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [360011] Set qualifiedNames=true in cdo-server.xml    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [366686] [DB] Reduce amount of update statements for non-audit mode    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [369775] [DB] H2 Database - SQL state for duplicate key exceptions changed in versions >1.3.154    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [376205] [DB] Name FEATUREMAP columns like LIST columns    resolved-fixed in 4.1

Bug Fixes

normal [351096] [DB][Derby] Adding two blobs at the same time, derby throws exception    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [351921] [DB] NPE in GMF notation caused by CoreTypeMappings$TMCustom.getDefaultValue    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [352062] [DB] Dawn PostgreSQL Issue: IllegalStateException: No type mapping factory found EByteArray --> VARBINARY    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [353246] [DB] Duplicate entry / Violation of unique index in 'cdo_package_units_idx0'    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [357441] [DB] Range-based list mappings can be very slow    new in 4.1
normal [369646] [DB] ClassCastException after setBranch when server cache contains partially loaded collections    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [377719] [DB] mySQL exception during replication    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [377727] [DB] rawReplication of BLOB in mySQL wrong    resolved-fixed in 4.1

CDO Model Repository (Hibernate Support)


enhancement [339492] [Hibernate] Support backup/restore (export/import) feature    resolved-fixed in 4.1

Bug Fixes

normal [361792] [Hibernate] store commit time stamp in the database    new in 4.1
normal [374632] NumberFormatException when converting String to CDO LOB    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [380042] [Hibernate] upgrade the CDO Hibernate Store to Teneo 2.0 and Hibernate 4.1    resolved-fixed in 4.1

CDO Dawn


enhancement [319486] [Dawn] Implement locking mechanism for extended editors    assigned in 4.1
enhancement [332902] [Dawn] Decouple Dawn Runtime from integrated frameworks    assigned in 4.1
enhancement [359656] [Dawn] Provide collaborative extension for Graphiti editors    assigned in 4.1

Bug Fixes

normal [352823] [Dawn] EMF runtime compatibility issue and duplicate code in test models    resolved-fixed in 2.0
normal [361743] [Dawn] Extended EMF editor does not show Dawn specific context menus    resolved-fixed in 4.1
minor [356176] Dawn src-gen folders cause SVN-related warnings    resolved-fixed in 4.1

Net4j Signalling Platform and Utilities


enhancement [347381] OMPlatform should provide the command line args of an application    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [351147] Emit TimeoutChangedEvent from SignalProtocol    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [351160] Automatically send client-side protocol timeouts to server, as well    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [357437] Provide a specialized IJVMChannel    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [358069] Provide log event filtering hook    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [366290] Provide an OMBundle.getClasses() method    resolved-fixed in 4.1

Bug Fixes

major [363997] Deadlock in ManagedContainer    resolved-fixed in 4.1
major [375939] Payload size of 21331 cause Buffer error when CDO UI is used    assigned in 4.1
normal [367148] SSL launch config broken    resolved-fixed in 4.1

Net4j User Interface


enhancement [354345] Enable listeners of ElementWizard to be notified about UI changes    resolved-fixed in 4.1

Release Engineering


enhancement [351062] Make all test packages internal so that changes won't require major version change    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [351616] [releng] Provide platform-specific CDOServer + CDOExplorer downloads    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [351807] [Releng] Remove Bugzilla_259869_Test    resolved-fixed in 4.1
enhancement [355921] [Tests] Constrain tests declaratively    assigned in 4.1
enhancement [382225] Provide CDO example installers    assigned in 4.1
enhancement [382278] Provide Net4j example installers    assigned in 4.1

Bug Fixes

normal [373128] Test framework does not properly cleanup reused repositories    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [380100] [Releng] Doc plugins can not be unpacked    resolved-fixed in 4.1

This is the first build of the 4.1 stream.