Tentative IP Log for technology.mat

This tentative IP Log is generated dynamically from automatically collected project information. This information has not been vetted for accuracy by the Eclipse Foundation and may not represent the true state of the IP of this project(s). Please refer to the official approved IP Log(s) associated with the official release(s) of this project(s) for more information.

Third-Party Code

CQ Third-Party Code License Use
2190 Initial Memory Analyzer Code Contribution Eclipse Public License

No pre-req dependencies


Past and Present Active
Name Organization  
Andreas Buchen SAP AG
Erwin Margewitsch SAP AG
Elena Nayashkova SAP AG
Krum Tsvetkov SAP AG

Contributors and Their Contributions

Bug Size Description
Andrew Johnson (uk.ibm.com)
250741 1.5K Deleting index files fails for dumps with [] in name.
comment #0
256248 545 Huge object arrays are slow to view in the object inspector
comment #0

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