IP Log for rt.swordfish


  • Eclipse Public License, 1.0

Third-Party Code

CQ Third-Party Code License Use
2325 spring-aop Version: 2.5.2 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
2326 spring-beans Version: 2.5.2 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
2328 spring-context Version: 2.5.2 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
2329 spring-core Version: 2.5.2 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
2330 spring-osgi-core Version: 1.0.2 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
2331 spring-osgi-extender Version: 1.0.2 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
2332 spring-osgi-io Version: 1.0.2 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
2333 geronimo-activation_1.1_spec Version: 1.0.2 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
2334 Apache Geronimo Java Transaction API (JTA) 1.1_spec Version: 1.1.1 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3009 AOP Alliance Version: 1.0 (using from Orbit CQ3087) Public Domain unmodified binary
3010 wsdl4j-1.6.2.jar Version: 1.6.2 (PB CQ1660) (ATO CQ2300) (using Orbit CQ2301) Common Public License 1.0
3011 commons-collections-3.2.jar Version: 3.2 (PB CQ1421) (using Orbit CQ1909) Apache License, 2.0
3012 stax-api 1.0.1 Version: jar (using Orbit CQ3088) Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3013 geronimo-ws-metadata_2.0_spec-1.1.1.jar Version: 2.0 (PB CQ1709) (using Orbit CQ1923) Apache License, 2.0
3014 neethi Version: 2.0.4 (using from Orbit CQ3097) Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3015 xmlschema Version: 1.4.2 (using Orbit CQ3089) Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3017 JDom Version: 1.0 Top Level Source Code Only (PB CQ1587) (using Orbit CQ1924) JDom License (based on Apache 1.1 Style License) unmodified source & binary
3018 saaj-api-1.3.jar Version: 1.3 from Glassfish (using from Orbit CQ3091) Common Development and Distribution License unmodified binary
3020 geronimo mail Version: 1.4 (ATO CQ2059) (using Orbit CQ2247) Apache License, 2.0
3021 Java Servlet API Version: 2.5 (PB CQ1961) (using Orbit CQ2075) Apache License, 2.0 unmodified source & binary
3025 Apache Commons Lang Version: 2.4 (ATO CQ2678) (using Orbit CQ2735) Apache License, 2.0
3026 velocity-1.5.jar Version: 1.5 (using Orbit CQ3093) Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3035 geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec Version: 1.1.1 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3037 resolver.jar Version: 1.2 (PB CQ1441) (using Orbit CQ2136) Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3038 wstx-asl Version: 3.2.8 (Excluding nested jar files) Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3043 Jetty Version: 6.1.15 (using Orbit CQ3031) Apache License, 2.0 + Custom Permissive OS Licenses unmodified source & binary
3047 Apache Geronimo Jaxws 2.1 Spec 1.0 (ATO CQ3001) (using Orbit CQ3289) Apache License, 2.0
3053 cxf-bundle Version: 2.1.3 (Subset) Apache 2.0, W3C, MIT License, OSOA License, Modified OSOA License, JDOM License, OASIS License unmodified binary
3056 JAXB 2.1.9 Version: API (using Orbit CQ3094) Common Development and Distribution License unmodified binary
3062 Apache ServiceMix NMR Version: 1.0 (from ServiceMix 4.0) Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3064 asm Version: 3.1 (using Orbit CQ1937) New BSD license unmodified source & binary
3238 Apache ServiceMix Kernel Version: 1.1.0 (Subset) Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3299 Jetty Management Version: 6.1.15 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3356 jetty-client Version: 6.1.15 (PB CQ3167) Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3357 jetty-sslengine Version: 6.1.15 (PB CQ3168) Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3402 Apache Ant 1.7.1 (ATO CQ2476) (subset - see comment7 in CQ2476) (using Orbit CQ2477) Apache License, 2.0 + W3C license
3403 xml-apis.jar Version: 1.3.04 (ATO CQ1448) (using Orbit CQ2166) Apache License, 2.0, Public Domain, W3C
3404 Commons Codec Version: 1.3 (ATO CQ131) (using Orbit CQ2208) Apache License, 2.0
3405 Apache HttpClient 3.1 (PB1765) (using Orbit CQ1857) Apache License, 2.0 unmodified source & binary
3406 Apache Commons Logging Jar Version: 1.1.1 (using Orbit CQ1907) Apache License, 2.0 unmodified source & binary
3408 axiom-api-1.2.4.jar Version: 1.2.4 (PB CQ1643) Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3409 servicemix-common Version: 2009.01 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3410 servicemix-soap Version: 2009.01 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3411 servicemix-soap2 Version: 2009.01 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3412 servicemix-utils Version: 1.1.0 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3413 servicemix-http Version: 2009.01 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3414 xbean-classloader Version: 3.5.0 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3415 servicemix.cxf.binding.nmr Version: 4.0.0 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3416 servicemix.cxf.transport.nmr Version: 4.0.0 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3417 servicemix.cxf.transport.osgi Version: 4.0.0 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3418 xbean-spring Version: 3.5.0 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
3445 JAXB IMPL Version: 2.1.12 (PB CQ3429) Common Development and Distribution License unmodified binary
3446 JAXB 2.1.12 Version: XJC (one file modified-comment54) (PB CQ3007) BSD, Apache 2.0, CDDL, Public Domain, MIT license, Apache 1.1 unmodified binary
3515 ServiceMix jbi-api 1.0_spec Version: 1.2.0 Version: 1.2.0 Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary

No pre-req dependencies

Unused Approved Contributions

CQ Third-Party Code License Status
1868 Apache Neethi Jar version 2.0.4 Apache License, 2.0 obsolete: was used in the past but is not longer used
1869 Apache Commons Configuration 1.2 Apache License, 2.0 unused: not currently in use, but may be used in a future release
2324 Apache ServiceMix NMR Version: 1.0 M1 Apache License, 2.0 obsolete: was used in the past but is not longer used
2337 Apache Ant Version: 1.7.0 (ATO CQ1232) (using Orbit CQ2204) Apache License, 2.0 obsolete: was used in the past but is not longer used
2369 xbean-classloader Version: 3.4.1 Apache License, 2.0 obsolete: was used in the past but is not longer used
2883 spring-test Version: 2.5.2 Apache License, 2.0 unused: not currently in use, but may be used in a future release
2885 Spring OSGI test support 1.0.2 (Excluding embedded jar files) Apache License, 2.0 unused: not currently in use, but may be used in a future release
3016 OpenSAML Version: 1.1 (using from Orbit CQ3090) Apache License, 2.0 unused: not currently in use, but may be used in a future release
3019 Apache Commons Pool Version: 1.3 (PB CQ1770) (using Orbit CQ1908) Apache License, 2.0 unused: not currently in use, but may be used in a future release
3023 Apache Jakarta ORO Library Version: 2.0.8 (using Orbit CQ2104) Apache Software License 1.1 unused: not currently in use, but may be used in a future release
3024 xalan 2.7.1 top level jar Version: 2.7.1 (minus nested jar files) (ATO CQ1985) (using Orbit CQ2213) Apache License, 2.0 unused: not currently in use, but may be used in a future release
3027 serializer.jar Version: 2.7.1 (using Orbit CQ2134) Apache License, 2.0 unused: not currently in use, but may be used in a future release
3028 Apache XMLBeans Version: 2.3 (using Orbit CQ1602) Apache License, 2.0 unused: not currently in use, but may be used in a future release
3036 JMS Spec Version: 1.1 (using Orbit CQ3202) Common Development and Distribution License unused: not currently in use, but may be used in a future release
3039 Apache ODE BPEL Engine 2.0-beta2 ( Excluding third party jars distributed with binaries) (PB CQ2742) Apache License, 2.0 unused: not currently in use, but may be used in a future release
3042 wss4j Version: 1.5.4 (excluding X509NameTokenizer) Apache License, 2.0 unused: not currently in use, but may be used in a future release
3045 SLF4J version Version: 1.4.3 (Subset: API Jar and Log4J Jar) (using Orbit CQ3096) MIT license, + MIT License with no endorsement clause unused: not currently in use, but may be used in a future release
3046 jcl104-over-slf4j Version: 1.4.3 Apache License, 2.0 unused: not currently in use, but may be used in a future release
3049 spring-web Version: 2.5.2 Apache License, 2.0 unused: not currently in use, but may be used in a future release
3057 JAXB 2.1.9 Version: IMPL (using Orbit CQ3095) Common Development and Distribution License obsolete: was used in the past but is not longer used
3059 saaj-impl Version: 1.3.2 Common Development and Distribution License unused: not currently in use, but may be used in a future release
3444 JAXB API Version: 2.1.12 (BINARY only - see comment 9) (PB CQ3428) Common Development and Distribution License unused: not currently in use, but may be used in a future release


Past and Present Active
Name Organization  
Zsolt Beothy-Elo SOPERA GmbH
Juergen Kindler SOPERA GmbH
Gerald Preissler SOPERA GmbH
Oliver Wolf SOPERA GmbH
Dietmar Wolz SOPERA GmbH
Volodymyr Zhabiuk SOPERA GmbH

Never Active
Name Organization  
Adrian Co Exist Global
Klaus Kiehne
Jonas Lim
Guillaume Nodet Progress Software Corporation
James Strachan Progress Software Corporation

Contributors and Their Contributions

Bug Size Description
(no contributors)


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