Orbit Build: R20080611105805

Useful Information

In addition to the bundles themselves, the following maps, project sets, and test results are useful for committers and consumers:

map file in CVS, text format
map file in GET, http format
Bundle IP Log Information
Team Project Set File
Test Results

Collected Bundles

The following zip file contains all of the orbit bundles, for downloading convenience:

Individual Bundles


Number of distinct third party packages: 83.
Number of bundles (including different versions): 111.
Total number of bundles (including source): 185.

CQ Bookkeeping

Total number of distinct CQs: 83.
IPZilla list of all CQs

Note: IPZilla is a database for tracking CQs (Contribution Questionnaires) and is only accessible by committers, since in theory they might contain some non-public information. But, don't worry ... if you are not a committer you are not missing anything ... they are pretty dry! These (and the links provided here) are just some aides for committers to double check our book-keeping.

Table of Bundles

BundleSourceVersionOrbit CQOrbit ContactNotes
ch.ethz.iks.slp(source)1.0.02387Chris Aniszczyk

jSLP is a pure Java implementation of SLP as specified in RFC 2608

com.ibm.icu(source)3.4.52202DJ Houghton 
com.ibm.icu(source)3.6.02201DJ Houghton 
com.ibm.icu(source)3.6.12205DJ Houghton 
com.ibm.icu(source)3.8.11956DJ Houghton 
com.ibm.icu.base(source)3.4.52202DJ Houghton 
com.ibm.icu.base(source)3.6.02201DJ Houghton 
com.ibm.icu.base(source)3.6.12205DJ Houghton 
com.ibm.icu.base(source)3.8.11956DJ Houghton 
com.jcraft.jsch 0.1.282200DJ Houghton 
com.jcraft.jsch 0.1.312203DJ Houghton 
com.jcraft.jsch(source)0.1.372002Martin Oberhuber 
com.sun.syndication(source)0.9.01943Chris Aniszczyk

Rss and atOM utilitiEs (ROME)

javax.activation 1.1.02248David Williams 
javax.jws 2.0.01709Oisin Hurley 
javax.mail 1.4.02247David Williams 
javax.management 1.2.02197DJ Houghton

These APIs were taken from the net.sourceforge.mx4j bundle. This is why we include the MX4J license.

javax.management.remote 1.0.02197DJ Houghton

These APIs were taken from the net.sourceforge.mx4j bundle. This is why we include the MX4J license.

javax.servlet(source)2.3.02073Simon Kaegi 
javax.servlet(source)2.4.02074Simon Kaegi 
javax.servlet(source)2.5.02075Simon Kaegi 
javax.servlet.jsp(source)1.2.02073Simon Kaegi 
javax.servlet.jsp(source)2.0.02077Simon Kaegi 
javax.wsdl 1.4.02090David Williams 
javax.wsdl 1.5.12091David Williams 
javax.wsdl(source)1.6.22301David Williams 
javax.wsdl15 1.5.12091David Williams

Deprecated. This bundle was required for Europa (by WTP, possibly others) due to issues with having bundles of same name but different versions. From Ganymede on, consumers should use the bundle with the id of javax.wsdl.

javax.xml 1.3.42166David Williams

Part of and required for Xerces 2.9.0. The bundle corresponds to the xml-apis.jar in the Xerces distribution.

javax.xml.bind(source)2.0.01710Chris Aniszczyk 
javax.xml.rpc 1.1.02172David Williams 
javax.xml.soap 1.2.02089David Williams

This is saaj.jar of Axis 1.4 binary distribution.

javax.xml.ws 2.0.01711Oisin Hurley 
net.sourceforge.lpg.lpgjavaruntime(source)1.0.02071Christian W. Damus

Run-time library for parsers generated by the LALR Parser Generator.

Does not include the parser generator, itself.

net.sourceforge.lpg.lpgjavaruntime(source)1.1.02072Christian W. Damus

Run-time library for parsers generated by the LALR Parser Generator.

Does not include the parser generator, itself.

net.sourceforge.mx4j 3.0.12197DJ Houghton 
net.sourceforge.mx4j.remote 3.0.12197DJ Houghton 
org.antlr.runtime(source)3.0.01921Chris Aniszczyk

We use this bundle for developing grammars

org.apache.ant(source)1.6.52209DJ Houghton 
org.apache.ant(source)1.7.02204DJ Houghton 
org.apache.axis 1.4.02087David Williams 
org.apache.batik.bridge(source)1.6.02070Christian W. Damus

Bridge, GVT, and Script components of the Apache Batik SVG manipulation and rendering library.

These three components are bundled together because they have a package-level dependency cycle between them.

org.apache.batik.css(source)1.6.02070Christian W. Damus

CSS component of the Apache Batik SVG manipulation and rendering library.

org.apache.batik.dom(source)1.6.02070Christian W. Damus

DOM component of the Apache Batik SVG manipulation and rendering library.

org.apache.batik.dom.svg(source)1.6.02070Christian W. Damus

SVG DOM component of the Apache Batik SVG manipulation and rendering library.

org.apache.batik.ext.awt(source)1.6.02070Christian W. Damus

AWT Util component of the Apache Batik SVG manipulation and rendering library.

org.apache.batik.extension(source)1.6.02070Christian W. Damus

Extension component of the Apache Batik SVG manipulation and rendering library.

org.apache.batik.parser(source)1.6.02070Christian W. Damus

Parser component of the Apache Batik SVG manipulation and rendering library.

org.apache.batik.pdf 1.6.02141Joel Cayne 
org.apache.batik.svggen(source)1.6.02070Christian W. Damus

SVG Gen component of the Apache Batik SVG manipulation and rendering library.

org.apache.batik.swing(source)1.6.02070Christian W. Damus

Swing component of the Apache Batik SVG manipulation and rendering library.

org.apache.batik.transcoder(source)1.6.02070Christian W. Damus

Transcoder component of the Apache Batik SVG manipulation and rendering library.

org.apache.batik.util(source)1.6.02070Christian W. Damus

Util component of the Apache Batik SVG manipulation and rendering library.

org.apache.batik.util.gui(source)1.6.02070Christian W. Damus

GUI Util component of the Apache Batik SVG manipulation and rendering library.

org.apache.batik.xml(source)1.6.02070Christian W. Damus

XML component of the Apache Batik SVG manipulation and rendering library.

org.apache.bcel(source)5.2.01933David Williams 
org.apache.bsf(source)2.4.02251Mike Squillace

used in validation component of ACTF

org.apache.commons.beanutils(source)1.7.01905Mike Squillace

We use this bundle for utiling beans :)

Squillace took ownership bc of use in ACTF on 02/13/2008

org.apache.commons.cli(source)1.0.01590Chris Aniszczyk

The CLI library provides an API for processing command line interfaces

org.apache.commons.codec(source)1.2.02356DJ Houghton 
org.apache.commons.codec(source)1.3.02208DJ Houghton 
org.apache.commons.collections(source)3.2.01909Chris Aniszczyk

We use this bundle for object pooling

org.apache.commons.discovery 0.2.02173David Williams

This is the commons-discovery-0.2.jar that is distributed with the Axis 1.4 binary.

org.apache.commons.el(source)1.0.02078Simon Kaegi 
org.apache.commons.fileupload(source)1.2.01895Chris Aniszczyk

We use this bundle for file uploading

org.apache.commons.httpclient(source)3.0.11354Chris Aniszczyk

We use this bundle for http manipluation

org.apache.commons.httpclient(source)3.1.01857Chris Aniszczyk

We use this bundle for http manipluation

org.apache.commons.io(source)1.3.21893Chris Aniszczyk

We use this bundle for io-related utilities

org.apache.commons.jxpath(source)1.2.02138Mike Squillace

used in model component of ACTF

org.apache.commons.lang(source)2.1.01595Chris Aniszczyk

The Lang Component provides a host of helper utilities for the java.lang API

org.apache.commons.lang(source)2.3.01942Chris Aniszczyk

Commons Lang provides a host of helper utilities for the java.lang API

org.apache.commons.logging(source)1.0.41945Chris Aniszczyk

We use this bundle for logging

org.apache.commons.logging(source)1.1.11907Chris Aniszczyk

We use this bundle for http manipluation

org.apache.commons.net(source)1.4.12105Martin Oberhuber

The FTP client from Apache Commons Net is used for DSDP-TM / RSE.

org.apache.commons.pool(source)1.3.01908Chris Aniszczyk

We use this bundle for object pooling

org.apache.derby(source)10.1.22159Chris Aniszczyk

In derby terms, this is version The last, fourth field becomes part of our qualifier in Eclipse ... ... so appears as "10.1.2" in some lists.

We use this bundle for database access.

org.apache.jasper(source)5.5.172076Simon Kaegi 
org.apache.log4j 1.2.132168David Williams 
org.apache.log4j 1.2.82167David Williams 
org.apache.lucene(source)1.4.32210DJ Houghton 
org.apache.lucene(source)1.9.12199DJ Houghton 
org.apache.lucene.analysis(source)1.9.12199DJ Houghton 
org.apache.oro(source)2.0.82104Martin Oberhuber

Jakarta ORO is a prerequisite of Jakarta Commons Net, which we use for DSDP-TM / RSE.

org.apache.ws.commons.util 1.0.02357DJ Houghton 
org.apache.ws.jaxme 0.5.12195DJ Houghton 
org.apache.wsil4j 1.0.02090David Williams 
org.apache.xalan 2.7.01910David Williams

BCEL and JAVA_RUNTIME bundles required for full functionality, but not absolutely required.

Related CQs: 1761 (WTP Incubator)

org.apache.xalan 2.7.12213David Williams

BCEL and JAVA_RUNTIME bundles required for full functionality, but not absolutely required.

Related CQs: 1761 (WTP Incubator)

org.apache.xerces 2.8.02093David Williams 
org.apache.xerces 2.9.02095David Williams 
org.apache.xml.resolver 1.1.02151David Williams

Part of and required for Xerces 2.8.0

org.apache.xml.resolver 1.2.02136David Williams

Part of and required for Xerces 2.9.0.

org.apache.xml.serializer 2.7.12134David Williams

Part of and required for Xerces 2.9.0.

org.apache.xmlrpc 3.0.02196DJ Houghton 
org.jdom(source)1.0.01587Oisin Hurley 
org.junit(source)3.8.12207DJ Houghton

This is the JUnit Test Framework.

org.junit(source)3.8.22206DJ Houghton

This is the JUnit Test Framework.

org.mortbay.jetty(source)5.1.112079Simon Kaegi 
org.mortbay.jetty(source)5.1.142080Simon Kaegi 
org.mortbay.jetty.server(source)6.1.72081Simon Kaegi 
org.mortbay.jetty.util(source)6.1.72081Simon Kaegi 
org.mozilla.javascript 1.6.21628David Williams 
org.mozilla.javascript 1.6.62175David Williams 
org.objectweb.asm(source)3.0.01954Chris Aniszczyk 
org.objectweb.asm(source)3.1.01937Chris Aniszczyk 
org.sat4j.core 2.0.02350Pascal Rapicault 
org.sat4j.pb 2.0.02350Pascal Rapicault 
org.uddi4j 2.0.52169David Williams 
org.w3c.css.sac(source)1.3.02070Christian W. Damus

W3C Simple API for CSS, the Java implementation.

This bundle comprises packages extracted from the Batik 1.6 distribution's batik-ext.jar component.

org.w3c.dom.smil(source)1.0.02070Christian W. Damus

W3C SMIL DOM, the Java binding.

This bundle comprises packages extracted from the Batik 1.6 distribution's batik-ext.jar component.

org.w3c.dom.svg(source)1.1.02070Christian W. Damus

W3C SVG DOM, the Java binding.

This bundle comprises packages extracted from the Batik 1.6 distribution's batik-ext.jar component.