Compiler Report

Compiler: Eclipse Java Compiler Version: 0.868, 3.4.0 release candidate-2

Number of source files: 11 Number of classfiles: 11

Problems: 6 (Errors: 0 Warnings: 6 )

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/ws/tests/axis/tomcat/v50/perfmsr/
1. WARNING: NullLocalVariableReference

Null pointer access: The variable performanceMeter can only be null at this location :

120 : performanceMeter.dispose();

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/ws/tests/axis/tomcat/v50/perfmsr/
1. WARNING: NullLocalVariableReference

Null pointer access: The variable performanceMeter can only be null at this location :

116 : performanceMeter.dispose();

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/ws/tests/axis/tomcat/v50/perfmsr/
1. WARNING: NullLocalVariableReference

Null pointer access: The variable performanceMeter can only be null at this location :

111 : performanceMeter.dispose();

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/ws/tests/axis2/tomcat/v55/perfmsr/
1. WARNING: NullLocalVariableReference

Null pointer access: The variable performanceMeter can only be null at this location :

120 : performanceMeter.dispose();

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/ws/tests/axis2/tomcat/v55/perfmsr/
1. WARNING: NullLocalVariableReference

Null pointer access: The variable performanceMeter can only be null at this location :

113 : performanceMeter.dispose();

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/ws/tests/axis2/tomcat/v55/perfmsr/
1. WARNING: NullLocalVariableReference

Null pointer access: The variable performanceMeter can only be null at this location :

109 : performanceMeter.dispose();