Compiler Report

Compiler: Eclipse Java Compiler Version: 0.959, 3.5.0 rc1

Number of source files: 6 Number of classfiles: 24

Problems: 2 (Errors: 0 Warnings: 2 )

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/ws/internal/axis2/consumption/ui/widgets/
1. WARNING: MethodVarargsArgumentNeedCast

The argument of type null should explicitly be cast to Class[] for the invocation of the varargs method getMethod(String, Class...) from type Class. It could alternatively be cast to Class for a varargs invocation :

446 : Method GetLocalPartMethod = QNameClass.getMethod("getLocalPart", null);

2. WARNING: MethodVarargsArgumentNeedCast

The argument of type null should explicitly be cast to Object[] for the invocation of the varargs method invoke(Object, Object...) from type Method. It could alternatively be cast to Object for a varargs invocation :

447 : Object resultLocalPart = GetLocalPartMethod .invoke(serviceQnameInstance, null);