Compiler Report

Compiler: Eclipse Java Compiler Version: 0.959, 3.5.0 rc1

Number of source files: 43 Number of classfiles: 59

Problems: 9 (Errors: 0 Warnings: 9 )

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/web/core/internal/modelhandler/
1. WARNING: DeadCode

Dead code :

80 : IStructuredModel xmlModel = null;

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/web/core/internal/project/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable sub is never read :

46 : SubProgressMonitor sub = new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 25);

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/web/core/internal/project/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable sub is never read :

48 : SubProgressMonitor sub = new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 25);

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/web/core/javascript/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable nh is never read :

367 : NodeHelper nh = new NodeHelper(container);

2. WARNING: DeadCode

Dead code :

466 : if(isContainerRegion && REPLACE_INNER_BLOCK_SECTIONS_WITH_SPACE) { spaces = Util.getPad(regionLength); fScriptText.append(spaces); }

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/web/core/javascript/search/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable ctId is never read :

80 : String ctId = null;

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/web/core/javascript/search/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The field JsSearchSupport.SearchJob.fIsCaseSensitive is never read locally :

99 : boolean fIsCaseSensitive = false;

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The field JsSearchSupport.SearchRunnable.fIsCaseSensitive is never read locally :

190 : boolean fIsCaseSensitive = false;

3. WARNING: UnusedPrivateConstructor

The constructor JsSearchSupport.SearchRunnable(String, IJavaScriptSearchScope, int, int, int, boolean, SearchRequestor) is never used locally :

205 : public SearchRunnable(String searchText, IJavaScriptSearchScope scope, int searchFor, int limitTo, int matchMode, boolean isCaseSensitive, SearchRequestor requestor) {