Configuring a remote syslog server

You can configure a remote syslog-compatible log server to act as a single, centralized repository for all log messages that are forwarded from the following Eclipse Amlen logs: imaserver-default.log, imaserver-connection.log, imaserver-security.log, imaserver-admin.log, and imaserver-mqconnectivity.log.

All messages logged to these files are forwarded to a remote syslog server when log message forwarding is enabled. The webui-messages*.log files are not forwarded.

When log messages are forwarded, a facility keyword is applied to each message according to the Eclipse Amlen log file which contains the forwarded message, as follows:
Table 1. Facility keywords are applied to log messages that are forwarded to a remote syslog server. The facility keyword is based on the Eclipse Amlen log file which contains the forwarded message. The first column details the Eclipse Amlen log file, and the second column details the facility keyword.
Eclipse Amlen log file Facility keyword
imaserver-default.log kern
imaserver-connection.log local0
imaserver-security.log authpriv
imaserver-admin.log cron
imaserver-mqconnectivity.log local1
You can use the facility keyword to filter the log messages on the remote syslog server.