errors | others warnings | forbidden warnings | discouraged warnings |
top | others warnings | forbidden warnings | discouraged warnings |
top | errors | forbidden warnings | discouraged warnings |
1. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/demo/e4photo/ (at line 30) public Object getAdapter(Object adaptableObject, Class adapterType) { Class is a raw type. References to generic type Class<T> should be parameterized |
2. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/demo/e4photo/ (at line 49) public Class[] getAdapterList() { Class is a raw type. References to generic type Class<T> should be parameterized |
1. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/demo/e4photo/ (at line 720) int b; The local variable b is never read |
1. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/demo/e4photo/ (at line 28) private LinkedList queue; LinkedList is a raw type. References to generic type LinkedList<E> should be parameterized |
2. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/demo/e4photo/ (at line 34) queue = new LinkedList(); LinkedList is a raw type. References to generic type LinkedList<E> should be parameterized |
3. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/demo/e4photo/ (at line 71) queue.addLast(runnable); Type safety: The method addLast(Object) belongs to the raw type LinkedList. References to generic type LinkedList<E> should be parameterized |
1. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/demo/e4photo/ (at line 46) private final IEclipseContext outputContext; The field Thumbnails.outputContext is never read locally |
2. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/demo/e4photo/ (at line 47) private final ISchedulingExecutor backgroundRunner; The field Thumbnails.backgroundRunner is never read locally |
3. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/demo/e4photo/ (at line 117) final List images = new ArrayList(); List is a raw type. References to generic type List<E> should be parameterized |
4. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/demo/e4photo/ (at line 117) final List images = new ArrayList(); ArrayList is a raw type. References to generic type ArrayList<E> should be parameterized |
5. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/demo/e4photo/ (at line 121) images.add(resource); Type safety: The method add(Object) belongs to the raw type List. References to generic type List<E> should be parameterized |
top | errors | others warnings | discouraged warnings |
top | errors | others warnings | forbidden warnings |
1. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/demo/e4photo/ (at line 23) import org.eclipse.e4.workbench.ui.internal.UISchedulerStrategy; Discouraged access: The type UISchedulerStrategy is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/eclipse/e4/build/e4/downloads/drops/4.0.0/I20090729-1930/plugins/org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench/@dot |
2. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/demo/e4photo/ (at line 24) import org.eclipse.e4.workbench.ui.internal.Workbench; Discouraged access: The type Workbench is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/eclipse/e4/build/e4/downloads/drops/4.0.0/I20090729-1930/plugins/org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench/@dot |
3. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/demo/e4photo/ (at line 47) .create(app.getContext(), UISchedulerStrategy.getInstance()); Discouraged access: The type UISchedulerStrategy is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/eclipse/e4/build/e4/downloads/drops/4.0.0/I20090729-1930/plugins/org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench/@dot |
4. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/demo/e4photo/ (at line 47) .create(app.getContext(), UISchedulerStrategy.getInstance()); Discouraged access: The method getInstance() from the type UISchedulerStrategy is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/eclipse/e4/build/e4/downloads/drops/4.0.0/I20090729-1930/plugins/org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench/@dot |
5. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/demo/e4photo/ (at line 84) Workbench.initializeContext(dlgContext, dlgModel); Discouraged access: The type Workbench is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/eclipse/e4/build/e4/downloads/drops/4.0.0/I20090729-1930/plugins/org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench/@dot |
6. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/demo/e4photo/ (at line 84) Workbench.initializeContext(dlgContext, dlgModel); Discouraged access: The method initializeContext(IEclipseContext, MPart<?>) from the type Workbench is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/eclipse/e4/build/e4/downloads/drops/4.0.0/I20090729-1930/plugins/org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench/@dot |