errors | others warnings | forbidden warnings | discouraged warnings |
top | others warnings | forbidden warnings | discouraged warnings |
top | errors | forbidden warnings | discouraged warnings |
top | errors | others warnings | discouraged warnings |
top | errors | others warnings | forbidden warnings |
1. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/pde/internal/ui/ (at line 13) import org.eclipse.e4.pde.internal.webui.Activator; Discouraged access: The type Activator is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/e4/build/e4/downloads/drops/4.0.0/I20101213-1130/plugins/org.eclipse.e4.pde.webui/@dot |
2. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/pde/internal/ui/ (at line 14) import org.eclipse.e4.pde.internal.webui.PDEServlet; Discouraged access: The type PDEServlet is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/e4/build/e4/downloads/drops/4.0.0/I20101213-1130/plugins/org.eclipse.e4.pde.webui/@dot |
3. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/pde/internal/ui/ (at line 36) + PDEServlet.getSessionId(), "http://localhost"); Discouraged access: The type PDEServlet is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/e4/build/e4/downloads/drops/4.0.0/I20101213-1130/plugins/org.eclipse.e4.pde.webui/@dot |
4. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/pde/internal/ui/ (at line 36) + PDEServlet.getSessionId(), "http://localhost"); Discouraged access: The method getSessionId() from the type PDEServlet is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/e4/build/e4/downloads/drops/4.0.0/I20101213-1130/plugins/org.eclipse.e4.pde.webui/@dot |
5. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/pde/internal/ui/ (at line 39) + Activator.PORT Discouraged access: The type Activator is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/e4/build/e4/downloads/drops/4.0.0/I20101213-1130/plugins/org.eclipse.e4.pde.webui/@dot |
6. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/pde/internal/ui/ (at line 39) + Activator.PORT Discouraged access: The field PORT from the type Activator is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/e4/build/e4/downloads/drops/4.0.0/I20101213-1130/plugins/org.eclipse.e4.pde.webui/@dot |