errors | others warnings | forbidden warnings | discouraged warnings |
top | others warnings | forbidden warnings | discouraged warnings |
top | errors | forbidden warnings | discouraged warnings |
1. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/ui/internal/services/ (at line 25) rc = (Set<String>) arguments[0]; Type safety: Unchecked cast from Object to Set<String> |
2. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/ui/internal/services/ (at line 27) Set<String> locals = (Set<String>) context .getLocal(ContextContextService.LOCAL_CONTEXTS); Type safety: Unchecked cast from Object to Set<String> |
1. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/ui/internal/services/ (at line 45) Set<String> locals = (Set<String>) eclipseContext .getLocal(LOCAL_CONTEXTS); Type safety: Unchecked cast from Object to Set<String> |
2. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/ui/internal/services/ (at line 51) locals = new HashSet(locals); Type safety: The constructor HashSet(Collection) belongs to the raw type HashSet. References to generic type HashSet<E> should be parameterized |
3. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/ui/internal/services/ (at line 51) locals = new HashSet(locals); Type safety: The expression of type HashSet needs unchecked conversion to conform to Set<String> |
4. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/ui/internal/services/ (at line 51) locals = new HashSet(locals); HashSet is a raw type. References to generic type HashSet<E> should be parameterized |
5. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/ui/internal/services/ (at line 65) Set<String> locals = (Set<String>) eclipseContext .getLocal(LOCAL_CONTEXTS); Type safety: Unchecked cast from Object to Set<String> |
6. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/ui/internal/services/ (at line 69) locals = new HashSet(locals); Type safety: The constructor HashSet(Collection) belongs to the raw type HashSet. References to generic type HashSet<E> should be parameterized |
7. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/ui/internal/services/ (at line 69) locals = new HashSet(locals); Type safety: The expression of type HashSet needs unchecked conversion to conform to Set<String> |
8. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/ui/internal/services/ (at line 69) locals = new HashSet(locals); HashSet is a raw type. References to generic type HashSet<E> should be parameterized |
9. WARNING in /src/org/eclipse/e4/ui/internal/services/ (at line 81) Set<String> set = (Set<String>) eclipseContext .get(IServiceConstants.ACTIVE_CONTEXTS); Type safety: Unchecked cast from Object to Set<String> |
top | errors | others warnings | discouraged warnings |
top | errors | others warnings | forbidden warnings |