Compiler log for org.eclipse.ui.tests_3.5.0.I20100601-0800 : uitests.jar.bin.xml


errors others warnings forbidden warnings discouraged warnings


top others warnings forbidden warnings discouraged warnings

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/ : 3 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/
 (at line 18)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.Perspective;
The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.Perspective cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/
 (at line 35)
Perspective persp = wbPage.getActivePerspective();
Perspective cannot be resolved to a type
3. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/
 (at line 35)
Perspective persp = wbPage.getActivePerspective();
The method getActivePerspective() is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/api/ : 5 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/api/
 (at line 221)
IStatus rc = window.saveState(state);
The method saveState(XMLMemento) is undefined for the type WorkbenchWindow
2. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/api/
 (at line 251)
IStatus rc = window.saveState(state);
The method saveState(XMLMemento) is undefined for the type WorkbenchWindow
3. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/api/
 (at line 287)
window.restoreState(state, window.getActivePage().getPerspective());
The method restoreState(XMLMemento, IPerspectiveDescriptor) is undefined for the type WorkbenchWindow
4. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/api/
 (at line 310)
IStatus rc = window.saveState(state);
The method saveState(XMLMemento) is undefined for the type WorkbenchWindow
5. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/api/
 (at line 338)
window.restoreState(state, window.getActivePage().getPerspective());
The method restoreState(XMLMemento, IPerspectiveDescriptor) is undefined for the type WorkbenchWindow

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dialogs/ : 4 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dialogs/
 (at line 33)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.Perspective;
The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.Perspective cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dialogs/
 (at line 94)
Perspective persp = null;
Perspective cannot be resolved to a type
3. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dialogs/
 (at line 101)
persp = new Perspective((PerspectiveDescriptor) getWorkbench()
Perspective cannot be resolved to a type
4. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dialogs/
 (at line 170)
The method getCustomPersp(String) is undefined for the type PerspectiveRegistry

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/ : 3 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 64)
The method attachView(IViewReference) is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage
2. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 67)
The method attachView(IViewReference) is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage
3. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 70)
The method attachView(IViewReference) is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/ : 19 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 23)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.LayoutPart;
The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.LayoutPart cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 24)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane;
The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane cannot be resolved
3. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 26)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack;
The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack cannot be resolved
4. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 53)
PartPane pane = site.getPane();
PartPane cannot be resolved to a type
5. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 53)
PartPane pane = site.getPane();
The method getPane() is undefined for the type PartSite
6. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 54)
PartStack parent = ((PartStack) (pane.getContainer()));
PartStack cannot be resolved to a type
7. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 54)
PartStack parent = ((PartStack) (pane.getContainer()));
PartStack cannot be resolved to a type
8. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 68)
PartPane pane = ((EditorSite) editor.getSite()).getPane();
PartPane cannot be resolved to a type
9. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 68)
PartPane pane = ((EditorSite) editor.getSite()).getPane();
The method getPane() is undefined for the type EditorSite
10. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 73)
public static PartPane getPane(IEditorPart editor) {
PartPane cannot be resolved to a type
11. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 74)
return ((EditorSite) editor.getSite()).getPane();
The method getPane() is undefined for the type EditorSite
12. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 77)
public static PartPane getPane(IViewPart view) {
PartPane cannot be resolved to a type
13. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 78)
return ((ViewSite) view.getSite()).getPane();
The method getPane() is undefined for the type ViewSite
14. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 81)
public static Rectangle getDisplayBounds(PartPane pane) {
PartPane cannot be resolved to a type
15. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 82)
LayoutPart parent = ((LayoutPart) (pane.getContainer()));
LayoutPart cannot be resolved to a type
16. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 82)
LayoutPart parent = ((LayoutPart) (pane.getContainer()));
LayoutPart cannot be resolved to a type
17. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 88)
public static Point getLocation(PartPane pane, int side) {
PartPane cannot be resolved to a type
18. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 100)
.getEditorPresentation().getLayoutPart().getControl()), side);
The method getEditorPresentation() is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage
19. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 152)
The method getActivePerspective() is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/ : 1 error :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 260)
The method testInvariants() is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/ : 1 error :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 47)
return DragOperations.getLocation(DragOperations.getPane(getPart()),
The method getPane(IEditorPart) from the type DragOperations refers to the missing type PartPane

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/ : 1 error :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 50)
The method getPane(IEditorPart) from the type DragOperations refers to the missing type PartPane

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/ : 1 error :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 50)
The method getPane(IEditorPart) from the type DragOperations refers to the missing type PartPane

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/ : 1 error :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 46)
Control control = window.getFastViewBar().getControl();
The method getFastViewBar() is undefined for the type WorkbenchWindow

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/ : 7 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 15)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane;
The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 17)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewStack;
The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewStack cannot be resolved
3. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 77)
PartPane pane = ((ViewSite) part.getSite()).getPane();
PartPane cannot be resolved to a type
4. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 77)
PartPane pane = ((ViewSite) part.getSite()).getPane();
The method getPane() is undefined for the type ViewSite
5. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 83)
ViewStack parent = ((ViewStack) (pane.getContainer()));
ViewStack cannot be resolved to a type
6. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 83)
ViewStack parent = ((ViewStack) (pane.getContainer()));
ViewStack cannot be resolved to a type
7. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 85)
PartPane presentablePart = wholeFolder ? null : pane;
PartPane cannot be resolved to a type

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/ : 1 error :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 53)
return DragOperations.getLocation(DragOperations.getPane(getPart()),
The method getPane(IViewPart) from the type DragOperations refers to the missing type PartPane

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/ : 1 error :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 59)
The method getPane(IViewPart) from the type DragOperations refers to the missing type PartPane

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/ : 1 error :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dnd/
 (at line 59)
The method getPane(IViewPart) from the type DragOperations refers to the missing type PartPane

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dynamicplugins/ : 1 error :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dynamicplugins/
 (at line 85)
IActionSet[] sets = window.getActionPresentation().getActionSets();
The method getActionPresentation() is undefined for the type WorkbenchWindow

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dynamicplugins/ : 2 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dynamicplugins/
 (at line 68)
The method findPerspective(IPerspectiveDescriptor) is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage
2. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/dynamicplugins/
 (at line 93)
The method findPerspective(IPerspectiveDescriptor) is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/helpers/ : 14 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/helpers/
 (at line 27)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.FastViewBar;
The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.FastViewBar cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/helpers/
 (at line 28)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.FastViewBarContextMenuContribution;
The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.FastViewBarContextMenuContribution cannot be resolved
3. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/helpers/
 (at line 82)
((WorkbenchPage) page).addFastView(ref);
The method addFastView(IViewReference) is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage
4. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/helpers/
 (at line 92)
return ((WorkbenchPage) page).saveState(memento);
The method saveState(IMemento) is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage
5. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/helpers/
 (at line 102)
return ((WorkbenchPage) page).getFastViews();
The method getFastViews() is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage
6. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/helpers/
 (at line 124)
return ((WorkbenchPage) page).isFastView(ref);
The method isFastView(IViewReference) is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage
7. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/helpers/
 (at line 156)
FastViewBar fastViewBar = ((WorkbenchWindow) page.getWorkbenchWindow())
FastViewBar cannot be resolved to a type
8. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/helpers/
 (at line 157)
The method getFastViewBar() is undefined for the type WorkbenchWindow
9. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/helpers/
 (at line 170)
((FastViewBarContextMenuContribution) menuContribution)
FastViewBarContextMenuContribution cannot be resolved to a type
10. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/helpers/
 (at line 170)
((FastViewBarContextMenuContribution) menuContribution)
FastViewBarContextMenuContribution cannot be resolved to a type
11. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/helpers/
 (at line 182)
return ((PartSite) viewRef.getPart(true).getSite()).getPane()
The method getPane() is undefined for the type PartSite
12. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/helpers/
 (at line 195)
The method getPane() is undefined for the type PartSite
13. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/helpers/
 (at line 230)
return ((WorkbenchPage) ref.getPage()).getActivePerspective()
The method getActivePerspective() is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage
14. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/helpers/
 (at line 242)
return ((WorkbenchPage) ref.getPage()).getActivePerspective()
The method getActivePerspective() is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/internal/ : 2 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/internal/
 (at line 82)
The method getPerspectiveBar() is undefined for the type WorkbenchWindow
2. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/internal/
 (at line 100)
The method getPerspectiveBar() is undefined for the type WorkbenchWindow

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/keys/ : 1 error :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/keys/
 (at line 103)
support.getKeyboard().press(keyStrokes, event);
The method getKeyboard() is undefined for the type BindingService

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/keys/ : 1 error :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/keys/
 (at line 88)
support.getKeyboard().press(keyStrokes, event);
The method getKeyboard() is undefined for the type BindingService

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/keys/ : 3 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/keys/
 (at line 37)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.keys.WorkbenchKeyboard;
The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.keys.WorkbenchKeyboard cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/keys/
 (at line 104)
List keyStrokes = WorkbenchKeyboard
WorkbenchKeyboard cannot be resolved
3. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/keys/
 (at line 109)
support.getKeyboard().press(keyStrokes, null);
The method getKeyboard() is undefined for the type BindingService

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/multieditor/ : 4 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/multieditor/
 (at line 45)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorSashContainer;
The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorSashContainer cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/multieditor/
 (at line 220)
EditorSashContainer container = (EditorSashContainer) page
EditorSashContainer cannot be resolved to a type
3. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/multieditor/
 (at line 220)
EditorSashContainer container = (EditorSashContainer) page
EditorSashContainer cannot be resolved to a type
4. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/multieditor/
 (at line 221)
The method getEditorPresentation() is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/presentations/ : 4 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/presentations/
 (at line 25)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorSashContainer;
The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorSashContainer cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/presentations/
 (at line 78)
final EditorSashContainer container = (EditorSashContainer) page.getEditorPresentation().getLayoutPart();
EditorSashContainer cannot be resolved to a type
3. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/presentations/
 (at line 78)
final EditorSashContainer container = (EditorSashContainer) page.getEditorPresentation().getLayoutPart();
EditorSashContainer cannot be resolved to a type
4. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/presentations/
 (at line 78)
final EditorSashContainer container = (EditorSashContainer) page.getEditorPresentation().getLayoutPart();
The method getEditorPresentation() is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/quickaccess/ : 3 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/quickaccess/
 (at line 38)
return table;
table cannot be resolved to a variable
2. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/quickaccess/
 (at line 42)
return filterText;
The field QuickAccessDialog.filterText is not visible
3. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/quickaccess/
 (at line 46)
The method toggleShowAllMatches() is undefined for the type QuickAccessDialog

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/services/ : 4 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/services/
 (at line 78)
Cursor cursor = ((PartSite)site).getPane().getControl().getCursor();
The method getPane() is undefined for the type PartSite
2. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/services/
 (at line 92)
cursor = ((PartSite)site).getPane().getControl().getCursor();
The method getPane() is undefined for the type PartSite
3. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/services/
 (at line 115)
cursor = ((PartSite)site).getPane().getControl().getCursor();
The method getPane() is undefined for the type PartSite
4. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/services/
 (at line 129)
cursor = ((PartSite)site).getPane().getControl().getCursor();
The method getPane() is undefined for the type PartSite

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/ : 20 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 23)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewStack;
The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewStack cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 24)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.PresentablePart;
The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations cannot be resolved
3. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 25)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.util.TabbedStackPresentation;
The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations cannot be resolved
4. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 97)
ViewStack stack = (ViewStack) site.getPane().getContainer();
ViewStack cannot be resolved to a type
5. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 97)
ViewStack stack = (ViewStack) site.getPane().getContainer();
ViewStack cannot be resolved to a type
6. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 97)
ViewStack stack = (ViewStack) site.getPane().getContainer();
The method getPane() is undefined for the type ViewSite
7. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 99)
TabbedStackPresentation pres = (TabbedStackPresentation) stack
TabbedStackPresentation cannot be resolved to a type
8. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 99)
TabbedStackPresentation pres = (TabbedStackPresentation) stack
TabbedStackPresentation cannot be resolved to a type
9. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 122)
ViewStack stack = (ViewStack) site.getPane().getContainer();
ViewStack cannot be resolved to a type
10. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 122)
ViewStack stack = (ViewStack) site.getPane().getContainer();
ViewStack cannot be resolved to a type
11. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 122)
ViewStack stack = (ViewStack) site.getPane().getContainer();
The method getPane() is undefined for the type ViewSite
12. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 124)
TabbedStackPresentation pres = (TabbedStackPresentation) stack
TabbedStackPresentation cannot be resolved to a type
13. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 124)
TabbedStackPresentation pres = (TabbedStackPresentation) stack
TabbedStackPresentation cannot be resolved to a type
14. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 155)
private void verifyOrder(TabbedStackPresentation pres, String[] order) {
TabbedStackPresentation cannot be resolved to a type
15. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 171)
IPresentablePart[] partList = (IPresentablePart[]) ((ViewStack) site .getPane().getContainer()).getPresentableParts().toArray(
ViewStack cannot be resolved to a type
16. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 171)
IPresentablePart[] partList = (IPresentablePart[]) ((ViewStack) site
ViewStack cannot be resolved to a type
17. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 172)
The method getPane() is undefined for the type ViewSite
18. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 176)
if (((PresentablePart) part).getPane() == site.getPane()) {
PresentablePart cannot be resolved to a type
19. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 176)
if (((PresentablePart) part).getPane() == site.getPane()) {
PresentablePart cannot be resolved to a type
20. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 176)
if (((PresentablePart) part).getPane() == site.getPane()) {
The method getPane() is undefined for the type ViewSite

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/ : 7 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 27)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorStack;
The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorStack cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 150)
EditorStack firstStack = (EditorStack) ((EditorSite) last
EditorStack cannot be resolved to a type
3. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 150)
EditorStack firstStack = (EditorStack) ((EditorSite) last
EditorStack cannot be resolved to a type
4. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 151)
The method getPane() is undefined for the type EditorSite
5. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 152)
EditorStack secondStack = (EditorStack) ((EditorSite) current
EditorStack cannot be resolved to a type
6. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 152)
EditorStack secondStack = (EditorStack) ((EditorSite) current
EditorStack cannot be resolved to a type
7. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/session/
 (at line 153)
The method getPane() is undefined for the type EditorSite

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/ : 1 error :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 115)
The method removeFastView(IViewReference) is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/ : 14 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 17)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane;
The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 19)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack;
The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack cannot be resolved
3. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 73)
PartPane pane = ((PartSite) newPart.getSite()).getPane();
PartPane cannot be resolved to a type
4. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 73)
PartPane pane = ((PartSite) newPart.getSite()).getPane();
The method getPane() is undefined for the type PartSite
5. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 74)
PartStack stack = (PartStack)pane.getContainer();
PartStack cannot be resolved to a type
6. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 74)
PartStack stack = (PartStack)pane.getContainer();
PartStack cannot be resolved to a type
7. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 94)
PartPane pane = ((PartSite) newPart.getSite()).getPane();
PartPane cannot be resolved to a type
8. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 94)
PartPane pane = ((PartSite) newPart.getSite()).getPane();
The method getPane() is undefined for the type PartSite
9. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 95)
PartStack stack = (PartStack)pane.getContainer();
PartStack cannot be resolved to a type
10. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 95)
PartStack stack = (PartStack)pane.getContainer();
PartStack cannot be resolved to a type
11. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 111)
PartPane pane = ((PartSite) newPart.getSite()).getPane();
PartPane cannot be resolved to a type
12. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 111)
PartPane pane = ((PartSite) newPart.getSite()).getPane();
The method getPane() is undefined for the type PartSite
13. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 112)
PartStack stack = (PartStack)pane.getContainer();
PartStack cannot be resolved to a type
14. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 112)
PartStack stack = (PartStack)pane.getContainer();
PartStack cannot be resolved to a type

/Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/ : 10 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 28)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane;
The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 77)
The method testInvariants() is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage
3. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 138)
The method isZoomed() is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage
4. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 164)
if (page.isFastView(ref))
The method isFastView(IViewReference) is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage
5. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 165)
The method removeFastView(IViewReference) is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage
6. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 182)
The method addFastView(IViewReference) is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage
7. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 183)
The method isFastView(IViewReference) is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage
8. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 194)
PartPane pane = site.getPane();
PartPane cannot be resolved to a type
9. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 194)
PartPane pane = site.getPane();
The method getPane() is undefined for the type PartSite
10. ERROR in /Eclipse UI Tests/org/eclipse/ui/tests/zoom/
 (at line 253)
return page.isZoomed();
The method isZoomed() is undefined for the type WorkbenchPage

/Eclipse Part References Test/org/eclipse/ui/parts/tests/util/ : 3 errors :

1. ERROR in /Eclipse Part References Test/org/eclipse/ui/parts/tests/util/
 (at line 22)
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane;
The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in /Eclipse Part References Test/org/eclipse/ui/parts/tests/util/
 (at line 128)
PartPane pane = site.getPane();
PartPane cannot be resolved to a type
3. ERROR in /Eclipse Part References Test/org/eclipse/ui/parts/tests/util/
 (at line 128)
PartPane pane = site.getPane();
The method getPane() is undefined for the type PartSite


top errors forbidden warnings discouraged warnings


top errors others warnings discouraged warnings


top errors others warnings forbidden warnings