1. Activate a refactoring command. For example, rename a type by selecting it in the Outline view and choosing Refactor > Rename from its pop-up menu.
2. The Refactoring Parameters page prompts you for information necessary for the action. For example, the Rename Type Refactoring wizard asks you for the new name for the selected type.
3. Provide the necessary data on the parameters page, and then click Next.
4. If problems more severe than the default level set in the Refactoring Preferences page (Window > Preferences > Java > Refactoring) are anticipated, then the problems page comes to the front to display anticipated errors.
The Refactoring Preview page opens.
Refactoring without preview
Previewing refactoring changes
Undoing a refactoring operation
Redoing a refactoring operation
Refactoring actions
Refactoring wizard
Refactoring preferences