Eclipse Platform

Package org.eclipse.core.runtime

Provides core support for plug-ins and the plug-in registry.


Interface Summary
IAdaptable An interface for an adaptable object.
IAdapterFactory An adapter factory defines behavioral extensions for one or more classes that implements the IAdaptable interface.
IAdapterManager An adapter manager maintains a registry of adapter factories.
IConfigurationElement A configuration element, with its attributes and children, directly reflects the content and structure of the extension section within the declaring plug-in's manifest (plugin.xml) file.
IExecutableExtension Interface for executable extension classes that require access to their configuration element, or implement an extension adapter.
IExtension An extension declared in a plug-in.
IExtensionPoint An extension point declared in a plug-in.
ILibrary A runtime library declared in a plug-in.
ILog A log to which status events can be written.
ILogListener A log listener is notified of entries added to a plug-in's log.
IPath A path is an ordered collection of string segments, separated by a standard separator character, "/".
IPluginDescriptor A plug-in descriptor contains information about a plug-in obtained from the plug-in's manifest (plugin.xml) file.
IPluginPrerequisite A prerequisite entry declared by a plug-in.
IPluginRegistry The plug-in registry holds the master list of all discovered plug-ins, extension points, and extensions.
IProgressMonitor The IProgressMonitor interface is implemented by objects that monitor the progress of an activity; the methods in this interface are invoked by code that performs the activity.
ISafeRunnable Safe runnables represent blocks of code and associated exception handlers.
IStatus A status object represents the outcome of an operation.
Preferences.IPropertyChangeListener Listener for property changes.

Class Summary
MultiStatus A concrete multi-status implementation, suitable either for instantiating or subclassing.
NullProgressMonitor A default progress monitor implementation suitable for subclassing.
Path The standard implementation of the IPath interface.
Platform The central class of the Eclipse Platform Runtime.
PlatformObject An abstract superclass implementing the IAdaptable interface.
Plugin The abstract superclass of all plug-in runtime class implementations.
PluginVersionIdentifier Version identifier for a plug-in.
Preferences A table of preference settings, mapping named properties to values.
Preferences.PropertyChangeEvent An event object describing a change to a named property.
ProgressMonitorWrapper An abstract wrapper around a progress monitor which, unless overridden, forwards IProgressMonitor methods to the wrapped progress monitor.
QualifiedName Qualified names are two-part names: qualifier and local name.
Status A concrete status implementation, suitable either for instantiating or subclassing.
SubProgressMonitor A progress monitor that uses the a given amount of work ticks form a parent monitor.

Exception Summary
CoreException A checked expection representing a failure.
OperationCanceledException This exception is thrown to blow out of a long-running method when the user cancels it.

Package org.eclipse.core.runtime Description

Provides core support for plug-ins and the plug-in registry.

Package Specification

This package specifies the API related to running the platform itself. This includes area such as the definition and management of plug-ins and the starting, stopping and maintaining the platform itself. In addition, this API supplies various utility types such as Path, IPath and various flavours of progress monitors.

Clients writing plug-ins or accessing plug-in functionality will likely be interested in the types provided by this package.

Eclipse Platform

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2002. All Rights Reserved.