Eclipse Platform

Class TextViewer

All Implemented Interfaces:
IInputProvider, IInputSelectionProvider, ISelectionProvider, ITextOperationTarget, ITextOperationTargetExtension, ITextViewer, ITextViewerExtension, IWidgetTokenOwner
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class TextViewer
extends Viewer
implements ITextViewer, ITextViewerExtension, ITextOperationTarget, ITextOperationTargetExtension, IWidgetTokenOwner

SWT based implementation of ITextViewer. Once the viewer and its SWT control have been created the viewer can only indirectly be disposed by disposing its SWT control.

Clients are supposed to instantiate a text viewer and subsequently to communicate with it exclusively using the ITextViewer interface or any of the implemented extension interfaces.

A text viewer serves as text operation target. It only partially supports the external control of the enable state of its text operations. A text viewer is also a widget token owner. Anything that wants to display an overlay window on top of a text viewer should implement the IWidgetTokenKeeper interface and participate in the widget token negotiation between the text viewer and all its potential widget token keepers.

Clients should no subclass this class as it is rather likely that subclasses will be broken by future releases.

See Also:

Nested Class Summary
protected  class TextViewer.WidgetCommand
          Represents a replace command that brings the text viewer's text widget back in sync with text viewer's document after the document has been changed.
Field Summary
protected  Map fAutoIndentStrategies
          The text viewer's auto indent strategies
protected  Map fDefaultPrefixChars
          The string a line is prefixed with on PREFIX and removed from each line on STRIP_PREFIX
protected  Map fDoubleClickStrategies
          The text viewer's text double click strategies
protected  IEventConsumer fEventConsumer
          The text viewer's event consumer
protected  IInformationControlCreator fHoverControlCreator
          The creator of the text hover control
protected  boolean fIgnoreAutoIndent
          Should the auto indent strategies ignore the next edit operation
protected  Map fIndentChars
          The strings a line is prefixed with on SHIFT_RIGHT and removed from each line on SHIFT_LEFT
protected  int fLastTopPixel
          The last visible vertical position of the top line
protected  boolean fReplaceTextPresentation
          Indicates whether the viewer's text presentation should be replaced are modified.
protected  Map fTextHovers
          The text viewer's text hovers
protected  List fTextInputListeners
          All registered text input listeners
protected  List fTextListeners
          All registered text listeners
protected  IUndoManager fUndoManager
          The text viewer's undo manager
protected  List fViewportListeners
          All registered viewport listeners>
protected static int INTERNAL
protected static int KEY
protected static int MOUSE
protected static int MOUSE_END
protected static int RESIZE
protected static int SCROLLER
          ID for originators of view port changes
protected static String SHIFTING
          Internal name of the position category used selection preservation during shift
static boolean TRACE_ERRORS
          Internal flag to indicate the debug state.
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextOperationTarget
Constructor Summary
protected TextViewer()
          Internal use only
  TextViewer(Composite parent, int styles)
          Create a new text viewer with the given SWT style bits.
Method Summary
 void activatePlugins()
          Activates the installed plug-ins.
 void addTextInputListener(ITextInputListener listener)
          Adds a text input listener to this viewer.
 void addTextListener(ITextListener listener)
          Adds a text listener to this viewer.
 void addViewportListener(IViewportListener listener)
          Adds the given viewport listener to this viewer.
 void appendVerifyKeyListener(VerifyKeyListener listener)
          Appends a verify key listener to the viewer's list of verify key listeners.
protected  boolean areMultipleLinesSelected()
          Returns true if one line is completely selected or if multiple lines are selected.
 boolean canDoOperation(int operation)
          Returns whether the operation specified by the given operation code can be performed.
protected  boolean canPerformFind()
 void changeTextPresentation(TextPresentation presentation, boolean controlRedraw)
          Applies the color information encoded in the given text presentation.
protected  void createControl(Composite parent, int styles)
          Creates the viewer's SWT control.
protected  IDocumentAdapter createDocumentAdapter()
          Factory method to create the document adapter to be used by this viewer.
protected  StyledText createTextWidget(Composite parent, int styles)
          Factory method to create the text widget to be used as the viewer's text widget.
protected  void customizeDocumentCommand(DocumentCommand command)
          Hook called on receipt of a VerifyEvent.
protected  void deleteText()
          Deprecated. use StyledText.invokeAction instead
protected  void disableRedrawing()
          Disables the redrawing of this text viewer.
 void doOperation(int operation)
          Performs the operation specified by the operation code on the target.
protected  void enabledRedrawing()
          Enables the redrawing of this text viewer.
 void enableOperation(int operation, boolean enable)
          Enables/disabled the given text operation.
protected  int findAndSelect(int startPosition, String findString, boolean forwardSearch, boolean caseSensitive, boolean wholeWord)
protected  void fireInputDocumentAboutToBeChanged(IDocument oldInput, IDocument newInput)
          Informs all registered text input listeners about the forthcoming input change, This method does not use a robust iterator.
protected  void fireInputDocumentChanged(IDocument oldInput, IDocument newInput)
          Informs all registered text input listeners about the sucessful input change, This method does not use a robust iterator.
protected  int getAverageCharWidth()
          Returns the average character width of this viewer's widget.
 int getBottomIndex()
          Returns the visible line with the highest line number.
 int getBottomIndexEndOffset()
          Returns the document offset of the lower right corner of this viewer's viewport.
 Control getControl()
          Returns the control of this viewer.
 IDocument getDocument()
          Returns the text viewer's input document.
 IFindReplaceTarget getFindReplaceTarget()
          Returns the find/replace operation target of this viewer.
 Object getInput()
          Returns the input.
 int getMark()
          Returns the mark position, -1 if mark is not set.
 IRewriteTarget getRewriteTarget()
          Returns the viewer's rewrite target.
 Point getSelectedRange()
          Returns the range of the current selection in coordinates of this viewer's document.
 ISelection getSelection()
          Returns the current selection for this provider.
 ISelectionProvider getSelectionProvider()
          Returns a selection provider dedicated to this viewer.
protected  ITextHover getTextHover(int offset)
          Returns the text hover for a given offset.
protected  AbstractInformationControlManager getTextHoveringController()
          Returns the text hovering controller of this viewer.
 ITextOperationTarget getTextOperationTarget()
          Returns the text operation target of this viewer.
 StyledText getTextWidget()
          Returns viewer's text widget.
 int getTopIndex()
          Returns the visible line with the smallest line number.
 int getTopIndexStartOffset()
          Returns the document offset of the upper left corner of this viewer's viewport.
 int getTopInset()
          Returns the vertical offset of the first visible line.
protected  IDocument getVisibleDocument()
          Returns the viewer's visible document.
protected  int getVisibleLinesInViewport()
          Returns the viewport height in lines.
 IRegion getVisibleRegion()
          Returns the current visible region of this viewer's document.
protected  int getVisibleRegionOffset()
          Returns the offset of the visible region.
protected  int getWidthInPixels(int offset, int length)
          Returns the width of the representation of a text range in the visible region of the viewer's document as drawn in this viewer's widget.
protected  int getWidthInPixels(String text)
          Deprecated. use getWidthInPixels(int, int) instead
protected  void handleDispose()
          Frees all resources allocated by this viewer.
protected  void handleVerifyEvent(VerifyEvent e)
protected  void inputChanged(Object newInput, Object oldInput)
          Internal hook method called when the input to this viewer is initially set or subsequently changed.
protected  IRegion internalGetVisibleRegion()
          Returns the visible region if it is not equal to the whole document.
protected  void internalRevealRange(int start, int end)
          Reveals the given range of the visible document.
 void invalidateTextPresentation()
          Invalidates the current presentation by sending an initialization event to all text listener.
protected  boolean isBlockSelected()
          A block is selected if the character preceding the start of the selection is a new line character.
 boolean isEditable()
          Returns whether the shown text can be manipulated.
protected  boolean isPrintable()
          Returns whether the shown text can be printed.
protected  void markChanged(int offset, int length)
          Sends out a mark selection changed event to all registered listeners.
 boolean overlapsWithVisibleRegion(int start, int length)
          Returns whether a given range overlaps with the visible region of this viewer's document.
 void prependVerifyKeyListener(VerifyKeyListener listener)
          Inserts the verify key listener at the beginning of the viewer's list of verify key listeners.
protected  void print()
          Brings up a print dialog and calls printContents(Printer) which performs the actual print.
protected  boolean redraws()
          Returns whether this viewer redraws itself.
 void refresh()
          Refreshes this viewer completely with information freshly obtained from this viewer's model.
 void releaseWidgetToken(IWidgetTokenKeeper tokenKeeper)
          The given token keeper releases the token to this token owner.
 void removeTextInputListener(ITextInputListener listener)
          Removes the given listener from this viewer's set of text input listeners.
 void removeTextListener(ITextListener listener)
          Removes the given listener from this viewer's set of text listeners.
 void removeVerifyKeyListener(VerifyKeyListener listener)
          Removes the verify key listener from the viewer's list of verify key listeners.
 void removeViewportListener(IViewportListener listener)
          Removes the given listener from this viewer's set of viewport listeners.
 boolean requestWidgetToken(IWidgetTokenKeeper requester)
          Requests the widget token from this token owner.
 void resetPlugins()
          Resets the installed plug-ins.
 void resetVisibleRegion()
          Resets the region of this viewer's document which is visible in the presentation.
 void revealRange(int start, int length)
          Ensures that the given range is visible.
protected  Object selectContentTypePlugin(int offset, Map plugins)
          Selects from the given map the one which is registered under the content type of the partition in which the given offset is located.
protected  void selectionChanged(int offset, int length)
          Sends out a text selection changed event to all registered listeners.
 void setAutoIndentStrategy(IAutoIndentStrategy strategy, String contentType)
          Sets this viewer's auto indent strategy for the given content type.
 void setDefaultPrefixes(String[] defaultPrefixes, String contentType)
          Sets the string that is used as prefix when lines of the given content type are prefixed by the prefix text operation.
 void setDocument(IDocument document)
          Sets the given document as the text viewer's model and updates the presentation accordingly.
 void setDocument(IDocument document, int visibleRegionOffset, int visibleRegionLength)
          Sets the given document as this viewer's model and makes the specified region visible in the presentation.
 void setEditable(boolean editable)
          Sets the editable mode.
 void setEventConsumer(IEventConsumer consumer)
          Registers an event consumer with this viewer.
 void setHoverControlCreator(IInformationControlCreator creator)
          Sets the creator for the hover controls.
 void setIndentPrefixes(String[] indentPrefixes, String contentType)
          Sets the strings that are used as prefixes when lines of the given content type are shifted using the shift text operation.
 void setInput(Object input)
          Sets or clears the input for this viewer.
 void setMark(int offset)
          Sets or clears the mark.
 void setRedraw(boolean redraw)
          Enables/disables the redrawing of this text viewer.
 void setSelectedRange(int offset, int length)
          Sets the selection to the specified range.
 void setSelection(ISelection selection, boolean reveal)
          Sets a new selection for this viewer and optionally makes it visible.
 void setTextColor(Color color)
          Applies the given color to this viewer's selection.
 void setTextColor(Color color, int start, int length, boolean controlRedraw)
          Applies the given color to the specified section of this viewer.
 void setTextDoubleClickStrategy(ITextDoubleClickStrategy strategy, String contentType)
          Sets this viewer's text double click strategy for the given content type.
 void setTextHover(ITextHover hover, String contentType)
          Sets this viewer's text hover for the given content type.
 void setTopIndex(int index)
          Scrolls the widget so the the given index is the line with the smallest line number of all visible lines.
 void setUndoManager(IUndoManager undoManager)
          Sets this viewer's undo manager.
 void setVisibleRegion(int start, int length)
          Sets the region of this viewer's document which will be visible in the presentation.
protected  void shift(boolean useDefaultPrefixes, boolean right)
          Deprecated. use shift(boolean, boolean, boolean) instead
protected  void shift(boolean useDefaultPrefixes, boolean right, boolean ignoreWhitespace)
          Shifts a text block to the right or left using the specified set of prefix characters.
protected  void startSequentialRewriteMode(boolean normalized)
          Starts the sequential rewrite mode of the viewer's document.
protected  void stopSequentialRewriteMode()
          Sets the sequential rewrite mode of the viewer's document.
protected  void updateTextListeners(TextViewer.WidgetCommand cmd)
          Informs all registered text listeners about the change specified by the widget command.
protected  void updateViewportListeners(int origin)
          Checks whether the viewport changed and if so informs all registered listeners about the change.
protected  void validateSelectionRange(int[] selectionRange)
          Validates and adapts the given selection range if it is not a valid widget selection.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer
addHelpListener, addSelectionChangedListener, fireHelpRequested, fireSelectionChanged, getData, handleHelpRequest, removeHelpListener, removeSelectionChangedListener, scrollDown, scrollUp, setData, setSelection
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static boolean TRACE_ERRORS
Internal flag to indicate the debug state.


protected static final int SCROLLER
ID for originators of view port changes

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int MOUSE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int MOUSE_END
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int KEY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int RESIZE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int INTERNAL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String SHIFTING
Internal name of the position category used selection preservation during shift

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected boolean fIgnoreAutoIndent
Should the auto indent strategies ignore the next edit operation


protected Map fIndentChars
The strings a line is prefixed with on SHIFT_RIGHT and removed from each line on SHIFT_LEFT


protected Map fDefaultPrefixChars
The string a line is prefixed with on PREFIX and removed from each line on STRIP_PREFIX


protected Map fDoubleClickStrategies
The text viewer's text double click strategies


protected IUndoManager fUndoManager
The text viewer's undo manager


protected Map fAutoIndentStrategies
The text viewer's auto indent strategies


protected Map fTextHovers
The text viewer's text hovers


protected IInformationControlCreator fHoverControlCreator
The creator of the text hover control



protected List fViewportListeners
All registered viewport listeners>


protected int fLastTopPixel
The last visible vertical position of the top line


protected List fTextListeners
All registered text listeners


protected List fTextInputListeners
All registered text input listeners


protected IEventConsumer fEventConsumer
The text viewer's event consumer


protected boolean fReplaceTextPresentation
Indicates whether the viewer's text presentation should be replaced are modified.

Constructor Detail


protected TextViewer()
Internal use only


public TextViewer(Composite parent,
                  int styles)
Create a new text viewer with the given SWT style bits. The viewer is ready to use but does not have any plug-in installed.

parent - the parent of the viewer's control
styles - the SWT style bits for the viewer's control
Method Detail


protected StyledText createTextWidget(Composite parent,
                                      int styles)
Factory method to create the text widget to be used as the viewer's text widget.

the text widget to be used


protected IDocumentAdapter createDocumentAdapter()
Factory method to create the document adapter to be used by this viewer.

the document adapter to be used


protected void createControl(Composite parent,
                             int styles)
Creates the viewer's SWT control. The viewer's text widget either is the control or is a child of the control.

parent - the parent of the viewer's control
styles - the SWT style bits for the viewer's control


public Control getControl()
Description copied from interface: ITextViewerExtension
Returns the control of this viewer.

Specified by:
getControl in interface ITextViewerExtension
Specified by:
getControl in class Viewer
the control of this viewer


public void activatePlugins()
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Activates the installed plug-ins. If the plug-ins are already activated this call has no effect.

Specified by:
activatePlugins in interface ITextViewer


public void resetPlugins()
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Resets the installed plug-ins. If plug-ins change their state or behavior over the course of time, this method causes them to be set back to their initial state and behavior. E.g., if an IUndoManager has been installed on this text viewer, the manager's list of remembered text editing operations is removed.

Specified by:
resetPlugins in interface ITextViewer


protected void handleDispose()
Frees all resources allocated by this viewer. Internally called when the viewer's control has been disposed.


public StyledText getTextWidget()
Returns viewer's text widget.

Specified by:
getTextWidget in interface ITextViewer
the SWT control


public void setAutoIndentStrategy(IAutoIndentStrategy strategy,
                                  String contentType)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Sets this viewer's auto indent strategy for the given content type.

Specified by:
setAutoIndentStrategy in interface ITextViewer
strategy - the new auto indent strategy. null is a valid argument.
contentType - the type for which the strategy is registered


public void setEventConsumer(IEventConsumer consumer)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Registers an event consumer with this viewer.

Specified by:
setEventConsumer in interface ITextViewer
consumer - the viewer's event consumer. null is a valid argument.


public void setIndentPrefixes(String[] indentPrefixes,
                              String contentType)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Sets the strings that are used as prefixes when lines of the given content type are shifted using the shift text operation. The prefixes are considered equivalent. Thus "\t" and " " can both be used as prefix characters. Shift right always inserts the indentPrefixes[0]. Shift left removes all of the specified prefixes.

Specified by:
setIndentPrefixes in interface ITextViewer
indentPrefixes - the prefixes to be used
contentType - the content type for which the prefixes are specified


public int getTopInset()
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Returns the vertical offset of the first visible line.

Specified by:
getTopInset in interface ITextViewer
the vertical offset of the first visible line


public boolean isEditable()
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Returns whether the shown text can be manipulated.

Specified by:
isEditable in interface ITextViewer
the viewer's editable mode


public void setEditable(boolean editable)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Sets the editable mode.

Specified by:
setEditable in interface ITextViewer
editable - the editable mode


public void setDefaultPrefixes(String[] defaultPrefixes,
                               String contentType)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Sets the string that is used as prefix when lines of the given content type are prefixed by the prefix text operation. Sets the strings that are used as prefixes when lines of the given content type are prefixed using the prefix text operation. The prefixes are considered equivalent. Inserting a prefix always inserts the defaultPrefixes[0]. Removing a prefix removes all of the specified prefixes.

Specified by:
setDefaultPrefixes in interface ITextViewer
defaultPrefixes - the prefixes to be used
contentType - the content type for which the prefixes are specified


public void setUndoManager(IUndoManager undoManager)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Sets this viewer's undo manager.

Specified by:
setUndoManager in interface ITextViewer
undoManager - the new undo manager. null is a valid argument.


public void setTextHover(ITextHover hover,
                         String contentType)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Sets this viewer's text hover for the given content type.

Specified by:
setTextHover in interface ITextViewer
hover - the new hover. null is a valid argument.
contentType - the type for which the hover is registered


protected ITextHover getTextHover(int offset)
Returns the text hover for a given offset.

offset - the offset for which to return the text hover
the text hover for the given offset


protected AbstractInformationControlManager getTextHoveringController()
Returns the text hovering controller of this viewer.

the text hovering controller of this viewer


public void setHoverControlCreator(IInformationControlCreator creator)
Sets the creator for the hover controls.

creator - the hover control creator


public boolean requestWidgetToken(IWidgetTokenKeeper requester)
Description copied from interface: IWidgetTokenOwner
Requests the widget token from this token owner. Returns true if the token has been aquired or is already owned by the requester. This method is non-blocking.

Specified by:
requestWidgetToken in interface IWidgetTokenOwner
requester - the token requester
true if requester aquires the token, false otherwise


public void releaseWidgetToken(IWidgetTokenKeeper tokenKeeper)
Description copied from interface: IWidgetTokenOwner
The given token keeper releases the token to this token owner. If the token has previously not been held by the given token keeper, nothing happens. This method is non-blocking.

Specified by:
releaseWidgetToken in interface IWidgetTokenOwner
tokenKeeper - the token keeper


public Point getSelectedRange()
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Returns the range of the current selection in coordinates of this viewer's document.

Specified by:
getSelectedRange in interface ITextViewer
the current selection


public void setSelectedRange(int offset,
                             int length)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Sets the selection to the specified range.

Specified by:
setSelectedRange in interface ITextViewer
offset - the offset of the selection range
length - the length of the selection range


protected void validateSelectionRange(int[] selectionRange)
Validates and adapts the given selection range if it is not a valid widget selection. The widget selection is invalid if it starts or ends inside a multi-character line delimiter. If so, the selection is adapted to start after the divided line delimiter and to end before the divided line delimiter. The parameter passed in is changed in-place when being adapted. An adaptation to [-1, -1] indicates that the selection range could not be validated. Subclasses may reimplement this method.

selectionRange - selectionRange[0] is the offset, selectionRange[1] the length of the selection to validate.


public void setSelection(ISelection selection,
                         boolean reveal)
Description copied from class: Viewer
Sets a new selection for this viewer and optionally makes it visible.

Subclasses must implement this method.

Specified by:
setSelection in class Viewer
selection - the new selection
reveal - true if the selection is to be made visible, and false otherwise


public ISelection getSelection()
Description copied from interface: ISelectionProvider
Returns the current selection for this provider.

Specified by:
getSelection in interface ISelectionProvider
Specified by:
getSelection in class Viewer
the current selection


public ISelectionProvider getSelectionProvider()
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Returns a selection provider dedicated to this viewer. Subsequent calls to this method return always the same selection provider.

Specified by:
getSelectionProvider in interface ITextViewer
this viewer's selection provider


protected void selectionChanged(int offset,
                                int length)
Sends out a text selection changed event to all registered listeners.

offset - the offset of the newly selected range in the visible document
length - the length of the newly selected range in the visible document


protected void markChanged(int offset,
                           int length)
Sends out a mark selection changed event to all registered listeners.

offset - the offset of the mark selection in the visible document, the offset is -1 if the mark was cleared
length - the length of the mark selection, may be negative if the caret is before the mark.


public void addTextListener(ITextListener listener)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Adds a text listener to this viewer. If the listener is already registered with this viewer, this call has no effect.

Specified by:
addTextListener in interface ITextViewer
listener - the listener to be added


public void removeTextListener(ITextListener listener)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Removes the given listener from this viewer's set of text listeners. If the listener is not registered with this viewer, this call has no effect.

Specified by:
removeTextListener in interface ITextViewer
listener - the listener to be removed


protected void updateTextListeners(TextViewer.WidgetCommand cmd)
Informs all registered text listeners about the change specified by the widget command. This method does not use a robust iterator.

cmd - the widget command translated into a text event sent to all text listeners


public void addTextInputListener(ITextInputListener listener)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Adds a text input listener to this viewer. If the listener is already registered with this viewer, this call has no effect.

Specified by:
addTextInputListener in interface ITextViewer
listener - the listener to be added


public void removeTextInputListener(ITextInputListener listener)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Removes the given listener from this viewer's set of text input listeners. If the listener is not registered with this viewer, this call has no effect.

Specified by:
removeTextInputListener in interface ITextViewer
listener - the listener to be removed


protected void fireInputDocumentAboutToBeChanged(IDocument oldInput,
                                                 IDocument newInput)
Informs all registered text input listeners about the forthcoming input change, This method does not use a robust iterator.

oldInput - the old input document
newInput - the new input document


protected void fireInputDocumentChanged(IDocument oldInput,
                                        IDocument newInput)
Informs all registered text input listeners about the sucessful input change, This method does not use a robust iterator.

oldInput - the old input document
newInput - the new input document


public Object getInput()
Description copied from interface: IInputProvider
Returns the input.

Specified by:
getInput in interface IInputProvider
Specified by:
getInput in class Viewer
the input object


public IDocument getDocument()
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Returns the text viewer's input document.

Specified by:
getDocument in interface ITextViewer
the viewer's input document


public void setInput(Object input)
Description copied from class: Viewer
Sets or clears the input for this viewer.

Specified by:
setInput in class Viewer
input - the input of this viewer, or null if none


public void setDocument(IDocument document)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Sets the given document as the text viewer's model and updates the presentation accordingly. An approriate TextEvent is issued. This text event does not carry a related document event.

Specified by:
setDocument in interface ITextViewer
document - the viewer's new input document


public void setDocument(IDocument document,
                        int visibleRegionOffset,
                        int visibleRegionLength)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Sets the given document as this viewer's model and makes the specified region visible in the presentation. An approriate TextEvent is issued. The text event does not carry a related document event. This method is a convenience method for setDocument(document);setVisibleRegion(offset, length).

Specified by:
setDocument in interface ITextViewer
document - the new input document
visibleRegionOffset - the offset of the visible region
visibleRegionLength - the length of the visible region


public void addViewportListener(IViewportListener listener)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Adds the given viewport listener to this viewer. The listener is informed about all changes to the visible area of this viewer. If the listener is already registered with this viewer, this call has no effect.

Specified by:
addViewportListener in interface ITextViewer
listener - the listener to be added


public void removeViewportListener(IViewportListener listener)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Removes the given listener from this viewer's set of viewport listeners. If the listener is not registered with this viewer, this call has no effect.

Specified by:
removeViewportListener in interface ITextViewer
listener - the listener to be removed


protected void updateViewportListeners(int origin)
Checks whether the viewport changed and if so informs all registered listeners about the change.

origin - describes under which circumstances this method has been called.
See Also:


public int getTopIndex()
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Returns the visible line with the smallest line number.

Specified by:
getTopIndex in interface ITextViewer
the number of the top most visible line


public void setTopIndex(int index)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Scrolls the widget so the the given index is the line with the smallest line number of all visible lines.

Specified by:
setTopIndex in interface ITextViewer
index - the line which should become the top most line


protected int getVisibleLinesInViewport()
Returns the viewport height in lines. The actual visible lines can be fewer if the document is shorter than the viewport.

the viewport height in lines


public int getBottomIndex()
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Returns the visible line with the highest line number.

Specified by:
getBottomIndex in interface ITextViewer
the number of the bottom most line


public int getTopIndexStartOffset()
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Returns the document offset of the upper left corner of this viewer's viewport.

Specified by:
getTopIndexStartOffset in interface ITextViewer
the upper left corner offset


public int getBottomIndexEndOffset()
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Returns the document offset of the lower right corner of this viewer's viewport. This is the visible character with the highest character position. If the content of this viewer is shorter, the position of the last character of the content is returned.

Specified by:
getBottomIndexEndOffset in interface ITextViewer
the lower right corner offset


public void revealRange(int start,
                        int length)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Ensures that the given range is visible.

Specified by:
revealRange in interface ITextViewer
start - the offset of the range to be revealed
length - the length of the range to be revealed


protected void internalRevealRange(int start,
                                   int end)
Reveals the given range of the visible document.

start - the start offset of the range
end - the end offset of the range


protected final int getWidthInPixels(String text)
Deprecated. use getWidthInPixels(int, int) instead

Returns the width of the text when being drawed into this viewer's widget.

the width of the presentation of the given string


protected final int getWidthInPixels(int offset,
                                     int length)
Returns the width of the representation of a text range in the visible region of the viewer's document as drawn in this viewer's widget.

offset - the offset of the text range in the visible region
length - the length of the text range in the visible region
the width of the presentation of the specified text range


protected final int getAverageCharWidth()
Returns the average character width of this viewer's widget.

the average character width of this viewer's widget


public void refresh()
Description copied from class: Viewer
Refreshes this viewer completely with information freshly obtained from this viewer's model.

Specified by:
refresh in class Viewer


public final void invalidateTextPresentation()
Invalidates the current presentation by sending an initialization event to all text listener.

Specified by:
invalidateTextPresentation in interface ITextViewer


protected IDocument getVisibleDocument()
Returns the viewer's visible document.

the viewer's visible document


protected int getVisibleRegionOffset()
Returns the offset of the visible region.

the offset of the visible region


public IRegion getVisibleRegion()
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Returns the current visible region of this viewer's document. The result may differ from the argument passed to setVisibleRegion if the document has been modified since then.

Specified by:
getVisibleRegion in interface ITextViewer
this viewer's current visible region


public void setVisibleRegion(int start,
                             int length)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Sets the region of this viewer's document which will be visible in the presentation.

Specified by:
setVisibleRegion in interface ITextViewer
start - the offset of the visible region
length - the length of the visible region


public void resetVisibleRegion()
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Resets the region of this viewer's document which is visible in the presentation. Afterwards, the whole document is presented again.

Specified by:
resetVisibleRegion in interface ITextViewer


public boolean overlapsWithVisibleRegion(int start,
                                         int length)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Returns whether a given range overlaps with the visible region of this viewer's document.

Specified by:
overlapsWithVisibleRegion in interface ITextViewer
true if the specified range overlaps with the visible region


public void setTextDoubleClickStrategy(ITextDoubleClickStrategy strategy,
                                       String contentType)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Sets this viewer's text double click strategy for the given content type.

Specified by:
setTextDoubleClickStrategy in interface ITextViewer
strategy - the new double click strategy. null is a valid argument.
contentType - the type for which the strategy is registered


protected Object selectContentTypePlugin(int offset,
                                         Map plugins)
Selects from the given map the one which is registered under the content type of the partition in which the given offset is located.

plugins - the map from which to choose
offset - the offset for which to find the plugin
the plugin registered under the offset's content type


protected void customizeDocumentCommand(DocumentCommand command)
Hook called on receipt of a VerifyEvent. The event has been translated into a DocumentCommand which can now be manipulated by interested parties. By default, the hook forwards the command to the installed IAutoIndentStrategy.

command - the document command representing the verify event


protected void handleVerifyEvent(VerifyEvent e)
See Also:


public boolean canDoOperation(int operation)
Description copied from interface: ITextOperationTarget
Returns whether the operation specified by the given operation code can be performed.

Specified by:
canDoOperation in interface ITextOperationTarget
operation - the operation code
true if the specified operation can be performed


public void doOperation(int operation)
Description copied from interface: ITextOperationTarget
Performs the operation specified by the operation code on the target. doOperation must only be called if canDoOperation returns true.

Specified by:
doOperation in interface ITextOperationTarget
operation - the operation code


public void enableOperation(int operation,
                            boolean enable)
Description copied from interface: ITextOperationTargetExtension
Enables/disabled the given text operation.

Specified by:
enableOperation in interface ITextOperationTargetExtension
operation - the operation to enable/disable
enable - true to enable the operation otherwise false


protected void deleteText()
Deprecated. use StyledText.invokeAction instead

Deletes the current selection. If the selection has the length 0 the selection is automatically extended to the right - either by 1 or by the length of line delimiter if at the end of a line.


protected boolean isBlockSelected()
A block is selected if the character preceding the start of the selection is a new line character.

true if a block is selected


protected boolean areMultipleLinesSelected()
Returns true if one line is completely selected or if multiple lines are selected. Being completely selected means that all characters except the new line characters are selected.

true if one or multiple lines are selected


protected void shift(boolean useDefaultPrefixes,
                     boolean right)
Deprecated. use shift(boolean, boolean, boolean) instead

Shifts a text block to the right or left using the specified set of prefix characters. The prefixes must start at the beginnig of the line.

useDefaultPrefixes - says whether the configured default or indent prefixes should be used
right - says whether to shift to the right or the left


protected void shift(boolean useDefaultPrefixes,
                     boolean right,
                     boolean ignoreWhitespace)
Shifts a text block to the right or left using the specified set of prefix characters. If white space should be ignored the prefix characters must not be at the beginning of the line when shifting to the left. There may be whitespace in front of the prefixes.

useDefaultPrefixes - says whether the configured default or indent prefixes should be used
right - says whether to shift to the right or the left
ignoreWhitespace - says whether whitepsace in front of prefixes is allowed


protected boolean isPrintable()
Returns whether the shown text can be printed.

the viewer's printable mode


protected void print()
Brings up a print dialog and calls printContents(Printer) which performs the actual print. Subclasses may override.


protected boolean canPerformFind()
See Also:


protected int findAndSelect(int startPosition,
                            String findString,
                            boolean forwardSearch,
                            boolean caseSensitive,
                            boolean wholeWord)
See Also:
IFindReplaceTarget.findAndSelect(int, String, boolean, boolean, boolean)


public void setTextColor(Color color)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Applies the given color to this viewer's selection.

Specified by:
setTextColor in interface ITextViewer
color - the color to be applied


public void setTextColor(Color color,
                         int start,
                         int length,
                         boolean controlRedraw)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Applies the given color to the specified section of this viewer. controlRedraw tells this viewer whether it should take care of redraw management or not.

Specified by:
setTextColor in interface ITextViewer
color - the color to be applied
start - the offset of the range to be colored
length - the length of the range to be colored
controlRedraw - indicates whether this viewer should manage redraws


protected IRegion internalGetVisibleRegion()
Returns the visible region if it is not equal to the whole document. Otherwise returns null.

the viewer's visible region if smaller than input document, otherwise null


public void changeTextPresentation(TextPresentation presentation,
                                   boolean controlRedraw)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Applies the color information encoded in the given text presentation. controlRedraw tells this viewer whether it should take care of redraw management or not. If, e.g., this call is one in a sequence of multiple coloring calls, it is more appropriate to explicitly control redrawing at the beginning and the end of the sequence.

Specified by:
changeTextPresentation in interface ITextViewer
presentation - the presentation to be applied to this viewer
controlRedraw - indicates whether this viewer should manage redraws


public IFindReplaceTarget getFindReplaceTarget()
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Returns the find/replace operation target of this viewer.

Specified by:
getFindReplaceTarget in interface ITextViewer
the find/replace operation target of this viewer


public ITextOperationTarget getTextOperationTarget()
Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
Returns the text operation target of this viewer.

Specified by:
getTextOperationTarget in interface ITextViewer
the text operation target of this viewer


public void appendVerifyKeyListener(VerifyKeyListener listener)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewerExtension
Appends a verify key listener to the viewer's list of verify key listeners. If the listener is already registered with the viewer this call moves the listener to the end of the list.

Specified by:
appendVerifyKeyListener in interface ITextViewerExtension
listener - the listener to be added


public void prependVerifyKeyListener(VerifyKeyListener listener)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewerExtension
Inserts the verify key listener at the beginning of the viewer's list of verify key listeners. If the listener is already registered with the viewer this call moves the listener to the beginnng of the list.

Specified by:
prependVerifyKeyListener in interface ITextViewerExtension
listener - the listener to be inserted


public void removeVerifyKeyListener(VerifyKeyListener listener)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewerExtension
Removes the verify key listener from the viewer's list of verify key listeners. If the listener is not registered with this viewer, this call has no effect.

Specified by:
removeVerifyKeyListener in interface ITextViewerExtension
listener - the listener to be removed


public int getMark()
Description copied from interface: ITextViewerExtension
Returns the mark position, -1 if mark is not set.

Specified by:
getMark in interface ITextViewerExtension
the mark position or -1 if no mark is set


public void setMark(int offset)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewerExtension
Sets or clears the mark. If offset is -1, the mark is cleared. If a mark is set and the selection is empty, cut and copy actions performed on this text viewer peform on the region limited by the positions of the mark and the cursor.

Specified by:
setMark in interface ITextViewerExtension
offset - the offset of the mark


protected void inputChanged(Object newInput,
                            Object oldInput)
Description copied from class: Viewer
Internal hook method called when the input to this viewer is initially set or subsequently changed.

The default implementation does nothing. Subclassers may override this method to do something when a viewer's input is set. A typical use is populate the viewer.

inputChanged in class Viewer
newInput - the new input of this viewer, or null if none
oldInput - the old input element or null if there was previously no input


protected void enabledRedrawing()
Enables the redrawing of this text viewer. Subclasses may extend.



protected void disableRedrawing()
Disables the redrawing of this text viewer. Subclasses may extend.



public final void setRedraw(boolean redraw)
Description copied from interface: ITextViewerExtension
Enables/disables the redrawing of this text viewer. This temporarily disconnects the viewer from its underlying StyledText widget. While being disconnected only the viewer's selection may be changed using setSelectedRange. Any direct manipulation of the widget as well as calls to methods that change the viewer's presentation state (such as enabling the segmented view) are not allowed. When redrawing is disabled the viewer does not send out any selection or view port change notification. When redrawing is enabled again, a selection change notification is sent out for the selected range and this range is revealed.

Specified by:
setRedraw in interface ITextViewerExtension


protected final boolean redraws()
Returns whether this viewer redraws itself.

true if this viewer redraws itself


protected final void startSequentialRewriteMode(boolean normalized)
Starts the sequential rewrite mode of the viewer's document.



protected final void stopSequentialRewriteMode()
Sets the sequential rewrite mode of the viewer's document.



public IRewriteTarget getRewriteTarget()
Description copied from interface: ITextViewerExtension
Returns the viewer's rewrite target.

Specified by:
getRewriteTarget in interface ITextViewerExtension
the viewer's rewrite target

Eclipse Platform

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