Eclipse Platform


Application programming interfaces for defining and working with repository providers.


Interface Summary
IFileTypeInfo A file type info specifies both the file extension and the corresponding file type.
IIgnoreInfo An ignore info specifies both the pattern and the enabled state of a globally ignored pattern.
IProjectSetSerializer IProjectSetSerializer manages the serializing and deserializing of references to projects.

Class Summary
RepositoryProvider A concrete subclass of RepositoryProvider is created for each project that is associated with a repository provider.
Team The Team class provides a global point of reference for the global ignore set and the text/binary registry.

Exception Summary
TeamException This exception is thrown by the team provider API.

Package Description

Application programming interfaces for defining and working with repository providers.

Package Specification

This package specifies the API for defining repository providers. A repository provider supports the sharing of projects in the local Eclipse workspace with remote locations managed by a particular type of repository system. Additional facilites included in this API exist for the mapping and unmapping of a repository provider to a project, the deifnition of a project set serializer for sharing workspace setup, and the management of global ignore patterns and content type determination for files.

Eclipse Platform

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2002. All Rights Reserved.