Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020627

What's new in this drop

API changes

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020618

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API changes

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020612

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API changes

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020607

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API changes

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020601

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API changes

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020531

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API changes

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020530

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API changes

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020529

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API changes

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020528

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API changes

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020521

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020517

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020514

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020507

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020430

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020425

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020423

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020418

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020411

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020409

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020404

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Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020402

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Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020328

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Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020326

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Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020321

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020318

What's new in this drop

API changes

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020312

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Resolved Bugs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020212

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Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020205

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Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020129

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Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020122

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Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20020115

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Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20011218

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Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20011211

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Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20011127 (v213)

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Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20011120 (v211)

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Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20011113 (v210)

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Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20011108 (v209) - November 8, 2001

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Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 20011105 - November 5, 2001

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Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 207 - November 1, 2001

What's new in this drop

API changes

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Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 206 - October 25, 2001

What's new in this drop

API changes

Other highlights

Problem reports fixed

Fixed Problem Reports

3027  Integrate changes to core lib (1GDKWLA)
3122  -dev bin not removed from application arguments (1GJUABB)

Closed Problem Reports

3000  Hidden files not handled correctly (1FWHT63)
3029  Case sensitive and validity problems (1GDS96P)
3040  Potential deadlock on Java Project creation (1GETAUS)
3073  NPE in indexer printed to the console (1GFKO41)
3099  StreamCorruptedException showing in log file (1GI94QR)
3561  walkback creating class (named "AUX") (1G8VLRY)
5102  Second builder not getting delta from the first

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 205 - October 18, 2001

What's new in this drop

API changes

Other highlights

Problem reports fixed

Fixed Problem Reports

3035  duplicate dir structure created while creating .metadata (1GE8WDW)
3082  Problem with UUID and IP address (1GGRLEK)
3137  Performance: slow autobuild with many projects (1GL4NI5)
5059  IPath#append API different then implementation

Closed Problem Reports

2995  Missing content types from server (1FU2JQO)
2999  ISVs need to be able to validate rename (1FWHSSI)
3001  Deletion fails if MS Explorer is opened on workbench folders (1FWLYJ2)
3094  Extra directory created under ide-beta (1GHJBG2)
3090  Misc performance issues (1GHH6WS)
3097  Inconsistent API and implementation for IContainer and Container (1GHSNM1)

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 204 - October 11, 2001

What's new in this drop

API changes

Other highlights

Problem reports fixed

Fixed Problem Reports


Closed Problem Reports

1GLBU8U: ITPCORE:WINNT - UTFDataFormatException opening a 202a workspace with 203
1GF0ZHZ: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - NPE in Indexing thread (build 35!)
1GEL7MV: ITPJUI:ALL - Performance: working with autobuild is not possible

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 203 - October 4, 2001

What's new in this drop

API changes

Other highlights

Problem reports fixed

Fixed Problem Reports

1GKS8UD: ITPCORE:ALL - Copying files on Linux using Ant loses files permissions
1GKS5F8: ITPCORE:ALL - File loses attributes when contents are set/appended
1GKRUXD: ITPCORE:WINNT - "receiver" is a bad API word
1GKDEQ5: ITPCORE:WINNT - DCR: possible delta API changes
1GKD0C8: ITPCORE:WIN2000 - Nit: provider name for xerces is inconsistent
1GHOPB4: ITPCORE:WINNT - Class loader performance
1GGM3JX: ITPCORE:ALL - Marker deltas for changed markers reflect new state
1GFL45K: ITPCORE:ALL - File.create does not always close the stream
1GEGYX7: ITPCORE:ALL - Check modification stamp
1GET4T6: ITPCORE:WIN2000 - Prevent a workspace being opened twice
1GE28GZ: ITPCORE:WIN2000 - look for problem code 13
1GDIL18: ITPCORE:ALL - Don't modify marker dirty bit if transient

Closed Problem Reports

1GIVK8A: ITPCORE:ALL - Opening multiple instances of Eclipse on the same target
1GIGQ9V: ITPCORE:WINNT - IPath - inconsistency between API and implementation
1GI8ZMM: ITPCORE:ALL - launching Eclipse.exe multiple times
1GI8X55: ITPCORE:ALL - opening the same workspace / platform data area twice
1GI3CPS: ITPCORE:WINNT - ResourceInfos not cleaned up after deletion
1GHQ0AP: ITPCORE:WINNT - Not available builders not handled nicely
1GEWI5C: ITPJUI:ALL - inconsistent IPath API
1GEWF2M: ITPCORE:ALL - Metadata directory contains dot-whatever files
1GEHAAS: ITPVCM:WINNT - Performance: catching up hangs
1GE7206: ITPUI:ALL - Canceling rename may create two projects
1GDT696: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Performance: Auto-Build does full build after a while
1G5SV9O: ITPCORE:WIN - PlunginStats and ResourceStats

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 202 - September 27, 2001

What's new in this drop

API changes

Other highlights

Problem reports fixed

Fixed Problem Reports

1GK9KQN: ITPCORE:WIN2000 - Soft Prereqs - Ignore incompatible versions
1GK9755: ITPCORE:WIN2000 - Orphaned plugin picks wrong prerequisite

Closed Problem Reports

1GKMN8V: ITPCORE:ALL - Need easier way to access child deltas
1GKM7OQ: ITPCORE:WINNT - Stack overflow shutting down workspace

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 201 - September 20, 2001

What's new in this drop

API changes

Other highlights

Problem reports fixed

Fixed Problem Reports

1GJUFYH: ITPCORE:ALL - ResourceInfo.setSynInfo has a concurrency info
1GJNHIP: ITPCORE:WIN2000 - Multiple version prerequisite confuses resolver
1GHWFC5: ITPCORE:ALL - Performance: AdapterManager#getFactory(Class, Class)
1GHH81D: ITPCORE:WIN2000 - Multiple versions of fragments not handled properly
1GFIE1Q: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Non-obvious error message when creating a project
1GBZ5GB: ITPCORE:WIN - Performance: is refresh local producing unecessary garbage?
1G85WX2: ITPCORE:WINNT - Soft prereqs

Closed Problem Reports

1GJ7ZV5: ITPUI:WINNT - ANT.UI: MissingResourceBundle
1GFOG2P: ITPCORE:WINNT - Progress bar for refresh from local is not very accurate
1GFBQVP: ITPCORE:ALL - Performance: Project creation time
1GF9WSC: ITPCORE:ALL - Remove workspace linking on restore?
1GF9NQD: ITPCORE:ALL - Optimization of findExistingResourceVariant method
1GEVOEW: ITPCORE:WIN2000 - Performance tracking PR
1GDF4FX: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Performance: Strange Build behaviour
1G3PBWX: ITPCORE:ALL - dtree and watson refactoring

Eclipse Platform Build Notes

Eclipse SDK Build 200 - September 13, 2001

What's new in this drop

API changes

Other highlights

Problem reports fixed

Fixed Problem Reports

1GJ9RRK: ITPCORE:ALL - Unused temporary variables
1GJ6OIO: ITPCORE:ALL - Typo in IWorkspace javadoc
1GIKD70: ITPCORE:WIN2000 - API: AntRunnerListener should be called IAntRunnerListener
1GIIQOK: ITPCORE:ALL - Obsolete import statement on ConfigurationElement
1GII85Y: ITPCORE:ALL - Obsolete import statement on IResource
1GHST7H: ITPCORE:ALL - IWorkspace typo
1GGEPM1: ITPCORE:WIN2000 - More than one runtime element allowed in plugin.xml
1GAIYEE: ITPCORE:ALL - Performance: Marker attributes

Closed Problem Reports

1GJLIRE: ITPCORE:Linux - Symlinks are "dangerous" to use
1GHGSSM: ITPCORE:WINNT - strange resource string in exception