
We (the Eclipse development team) received a tremendous amount of help from across the Eclipse community throughout the 3.1 development cycle: being pioneers living on the "bleeding" edge, entering bugs, commenting on bugs, participating in discussions, providing patches, testing, and generally leaning on it with us to make it real. While we'd like to thank each of you personally, the sheer numbers of people involved makes that difficult. So please accept our collective "Thank You" to all of you for your help; 3.1 would not have been as good as it is without your contributions.

The Releng team would like make a special acknowledgment of the following people for their contributions during the 3.1 development cycle:

The JDT Core team acknowledges and thanks the many people who pioneered with our J2SE 5.0 tooling and helped us to mature it. In particular, we are grateful to all bug reporters, starring Adam Kiezun (20 raised issues got fixed), Igor Fedorenko (13), Stefan Matthias Aust (11), Bart J. Geraci (11) and David Saff (7). Also, special thanks to Tim Hanson for his help on wildcard capture, and to Gilad Bracha and Peter von der Ahé for discussions on Java 5 semantics.

The Team/CVS team would like to thank the following people who contributed to the Team and CVS plug-ins during the 3.1 development cycle: Tony Hoyle for working to make CVSNT compatible with Eclipse; Sebastian Davids for ensuring that all our dialogs and preference pages were up to snuff by providing both bug reports and patches; Sylvain Pasche for helping ensure 3.1 is compatible with CVS 1.12.x; and Michael Fraenkel and Brock Janiczak for providing multiple patches to help improve the CVS UI. Also, thanks to the many others who helped ensure the quality of the Team/CVS component by taking time to file bug reports and enhancement requests.

The Text team is grateful to Genady Beryozkin who contributed the word completion feature, and would like to extend special thanks to Ed Merks and Sebastian Davids for supplying patches that made it into 3.1.

The JDT UI team would like to send special thanks to: Konstantin Scheglov for his contribution of new quick assists; Jesper Kamstrup for his continuing work on the call hierarchy; and to Robert M Fuhrer and Frank Tip who helped us a lot by getting the ball rolling on the Infer Type refactoring.

The Platform UI team would like to thank the following people for their contributions to Eclipse 3.1: Sebastian Davids for patches in many different areas of the UI; Matthew Hatem for several patches for RCP-related enhancements and bug fixes; Aaron Luchko for the TAR import/export support; and Gunnar Wagenknecht for the sorting enhancement to the Properties view, and other contributions.

The PDE team would like to thank Sherry Loats for her significant contribution to the validator. Thanks also go out to the huddled masses who took the time to open bug reports and feature requests helping us deliver another solid release.

The Platform Help team would like to thank all contributors of 3.1 enhancements. Special thanks go to Michael Y Kwong for secure infocenter access enhancement, Jiang Lin Quan for numerous fixes, and Ben Konrath and Michael Behm for their contributions to platform-specific documentation support.

The SWT team would like to thank everyone who filed bugs and helped improve the toolkit. Special thanks goes to Randy Hudson, Artyom Kuanbekov, Rutger Ovidius, Benjamin Pasero, Florian Priester and André Weinand.

The Debug team would like to thank Samantha Chan for the contribution of the Memory view to the debug platform, and congratulate her for earning commit rights on the Debug platform.

The Ant team would like to thank Richard Hoefter for the initial contribution and ongoing support of the "Export to buildfile" functionality. Thanks also goes out to the other individuals who provided patches (Juan Hernandez, Mark Melvin and Brock Janiczak), and to everyone who took the time to log a bug. Keep on Build'n.

And, finally, special mention goes to Ed Burnette, for being a tireless advocate of all things Eclipse, especially the Rich Client Platform effort. Ed is very active in the Eclipse community, contributing many thoughtful posts via his blog (recently moved to, the Eclipse newsgroups and mailing lists, and bugzilla. Ed has also recently stepped into the role of Eclipse Articles editor.