Name | Status | Type | Time(s) |
Generate 10000 identifiers | Success | | 9.313 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory editor inactive part properties | Success | | 4.716 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory view inactive part properties | Success | | 4.760 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory editor active part properties | Success | | 4.522 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory view active part properties | Success | | 4.529 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory standalone with title active part properties | Success | | 4.439 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory standalone without title active part properties | Success | | 0.758 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory editor large folder creation | Success | | 5.620 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory view large folder creation | Success | | 5.389 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory editor creation | Success | | 4.929 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory view creation | Success | | 4.835 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory standalone with title creation | Success | | 4.536 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory standalone without title creation | Success | | 4.512 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory editor selection change | Success | | 16.299 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory view selection change | Success | | 16.399 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory editor activation | Success | | 13.039 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory view activation | Success | | 12.571 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory standalone with title activation | Success | | 10.869 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory standalone without title activation | Success | | 0.862 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory editor setSize | Success | | 10.087 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory view setSize | Success | | 10.147 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory standalone with title setSize | Success | | 9.449 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.presentations.WorkbenchPresentationFactory standalone without title setSize | Success | | 4.504 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory editor inactive part properties | Success | | 4.710 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory view inactive part properties | Success | | 6.473 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory editor active part properties | Success | | 4.416 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory view active part properties | Success | | 4.745 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory standalone with title active part properties | Success | | 4.584 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory standalone without title active part properties | Success | | 4.565 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory editor large folder creation | Success | | 6.535 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory view large folder creation | Success | | 6.055 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory editor creation | Success | | 4.622 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory view creation | Success | | 4.582 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory standalone with title creation | Success | | 4.487 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory standalone without title creation | Success | | 4.473 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory editor selection change | Success | | 16.480 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory view selection change | Success | | 20.468 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory editor activation | Success | | 5.068 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory view activation | Success | | 5.440 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory standalone with title activation | Success | | 5.196 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory standalone without title activation | Success | | 5.175 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory editor setSize | Success | | 8.499 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory view setSize | Success | | 17.071 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory standalone with title setSize | Success | | 17.202 |
Presentation org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.R21PresentationFactory standalone without title setSize | Success | | 17.121 |
Massively Recursive TrimLayout computeSize | Success | | 3.493 |
Massively Recursive TrimLayout layout(false) | Success | | 21.840 |
Massively Recursive TrimLayout layout(true) | Success | | 22.030 |
Massively Recursive TrimLayout setSize | Success | | 44.512 |
Perspective org.eclipse.debug.ui.DebugPerspective setSize | Success | | 45.358 |
Perspective org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaPerspective setSize | Success | | 40.308 |
Perspective org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaHierarchyPerspective setSize | Success | | 32.532 |
Perspective org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaBrowsingPerspective setSize | Success | | 38.586 |
Perspective org.eclipse.pde.ui.PDEPerspective setSize | Success | | 40.657 |
Perspective setSize | Success | | 37.644 |
Perspective setSize | Success | | 27.312 |
Perspective setSize | Success | | 36.915 |
Perspective org.eclipse.ui.resourcePerspective setSize | Success | | 39.424 |
Perspective org.eclipse.ui.tests.util.EmptyPerspective setSize | Success | | 26.060 |
Perspective org.eclipse.ui.tests.util.EmptyPerspective2 setSize | Success | | 26.005 |
Perspective org.eclipse.ui.tests.dnd.dragdrop setSize | Success | | 33.622 |
Perspective org.eclipse.ui.tests.presentations.StandaloneViewPerspective setSize | Success | | 36.550 |
Perspective org.eclipse.ui.tests.presentations.StandaloneViewPerspective2 setSize | Success | | 34.518 |
Perspective org.eclipse.ui.tests.zoom.ZoomPerspectiveFactory setSize | Success | | 34.440 |
Perspective org.eclipse.ui.tests.api.ViewPerspective setSize | Success | | 32.314 |
Perspective org.eclipse.ui.tests.api.SessionPerspective setSize | Success | | 28.019 |
Perspective org.eclipse.ui.tests.fastview_perspective setSize | Success | | 26.191 |
Perspective org.eclipse.ui.tests.PerspectiveWithMultiViewPlaceholdersAtTopLevel setSize | Success | | 26.229 |
Perspective org.eclipse.ui.tests.PerspectiveWithMultiViewPlaceholdersInPlaceholderFolder setSize | Success | | 26.271 |
Perspective org.eclipse.ui.tests.PerspectiveWithMultiViewPlaceholdersInFolder setSize | Success | | 27.329 |
Perspective org.eclipse.ui.tests.performancePerspective1 setSize | Success | | 33.641 |
Perspective org.eclipse.ui.tests.performancePerspective2 setSize | Success | | 34.159 |
Perspective org.eclipse.ui.tests.rcp.util.EmptyPerspective setSize | Success | | 26.109 |
testPerspectiveSwitch:org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaPerspective,org.eclipse.debug.ui.DebugPerspective,editor | Success | | 10.589 |
testPerspectiveSwitch:org.eclipse.ui.tests.performancePerspective1,org.eclipse.ui.tests.performancePerspective2,editor 1.perf_basic | Success | | 5.396 |
testPerspectiveSwitch:org.eclipse.ui.tests.dnd.dragdrop,org.eclipse.ui.tests.fastview_perspective,editor 1.perf_basic | Success | | 5.219 |
testPerspectiveSwitch:org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaPerspective,org.eclipse.ui.tests.util.EmptyPerspective,editor 1.perf_basic | Success | | 5.621 |
testPerspectiveSwitch:org.eclipse.ui.resourcePerspective,org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaPerspective,editor | Success | | 6.153 |
testOpenClosePerspectives:org.eclipse.ui.tests.util.EmptyPerspective2 | Success | | 5.335 |
testOpenClosePerspectives:org.eclipse.ui.tests.performancePerspective1 | Success | | 5.169 |
testOpenClosePerspectives:org.eclipse.ui.resourcePerspective | Success | | 5.622 |
testOpenClosePerspectives:org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaPerspective | Success | | 6.387 |
testOpenClosePerspectives:org.eclipse.debug.ui.DebugPerspective | Success | | 5.778 |
testOpenCloseWindows:org.eclipse.ui.tests.util.EmptyPerspective2 | Success | | 4.677 |
testOpenCloseWindows:org.eclipse.ui.tests.performancePerspective1 | Success | | 4.972 |
testOpenCloseWindows:org.eclipse.ui.resourcePerspective | Success | | 4.316 |
testOpenCloseWindows:org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaPerspective | Success | | 4.919 |
testOpenCloseWindows:org.eclipse.debug.ui.DebugPerspective | Success | | 4.869 |
showView:org.eclipse.ui.views.ProgressView | Success | | 4.967 |
showView:org.eclipse.ui.views.TaskList | Success | | 5.175 |
showView:org.eclipse.ui.views.ContentOutline | Success | | 5.062 |
showView:org.eclipse.ui.views.PropertySheet | Success | | 5.005 |
showView:org.eclipse.ui.views.BookmarkView | Success | | 5.206 |
showView:org.eclipse.ui.views.ResourceNavigator | Success | | 5.084 |
showView:org.eclipse.ui.views.ProblemView | Success | | 5.179 |
View org.eclipse.ui.views.ProgressView setSize | Success | | 5.904 |
View org.eclipse.ui.views.TaskList setSize | Success | | 5.371 |
View org.eclipse.ui.views.ContentOutline setSize | Success | | 5.129 |
View org.eclipse.ui.views.PropertySheet setSize | Success | | 5.323 |
View org.eclipse.ui.views.BookmarkView setSize | Success | | 6.219 |
View org.eclipse.ui.views.ResourceNavigator setSize | Success | | 5.306 |
View org.eclipse.ui.views.ProblemView setSize | Success | | 6.207 |
testOpenAndCloseEditors:perf_basic | Success | | 5.629 |
testOpenAndCloseEditors:perf_outline | Success | | 6.333 |
testOpenAndCloseEditors:java | Success | | 17.089 |
testEditorSwitch:perf_outline,java | Success | | 6.515 |
testEditorSwitch:perf_basic,perf_outline | Success | | 6.038 |
testOpenMultipleEditors:perf_basic[closeAll] | Success | | 7.377 |
testOpenMultipleEditors:perf_outline[closeAll] | Success | | 8.369 |
testOpenMultipleEditors:java[closeAll] | Success | | 30.441 |
testOpenMultipleEditors:perf_basic[closeEach] | Success | | 7.419 |
testOpenMultipleEditors:perf_outline[closeEach] | Success | | 8.443 |
testOpenMultipleEditors:java[closeEach] | Success | | 29.195 |
testBindingCacheHitHard | Success | | 3.126 |
testBindingCacheHitHardReverse | Success | | 0.819 |
testBindingCacheHitSoft | Success | | 5.508 |
testBindingCacheMissLarge | Success | | 0.504 |