Eclipse 3.2 Java Debug Build Notes 

3.2 RC6 - May 26, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

143579: Adding library fails when contributing 2 VMs

3.2 RC4 - May 12, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

140828: JRE_CONTAINER is not directly compatible on Mac
140179: Name of default JDK set to Home
140547: NoSuchElementException
140874: No version range specified when requiring bundles
140888: No version range specified when requiring bundles
136372: Remove transient 3.2 JRE container EE formats

3.2 RC3 - May 05, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

125868: Invalid Thread Access when launching
139579: "New Scrapbook Page" Icon Suffers Gigantism
139581: JDT launching has an unnamed marker type
137339: Edit JRE dialog buttons are not visible when vmargs is very long

3.2 RC2 - April 28, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

128900: Debug view steals focus when breakpoint hit
136670: StandardSourcePathProvider causes expensive JAR verification
134865: VMDisconnectedException not caught by breakpoint
124274: debug keybindings not active on first launch
120596: Should warn when no exact match for execution environment on build path
132619: Can't Add Installed JREs with Simplified Chinese folder name.
136146: JRE container with EE is not backwards compatible with 3.1
137372: warning for EE/JRE mismatch does not appear when JRE deleted
137572: not present exception
112774: Performance of JavaStackTraceHyperlink.getSourceElement()
138227: Need new property tester to be used by JUnit 4
120620: Static variables show up twice in Find Variables Dialog
127025: system thread filter loses selection/collapses on first invocation
127232: variables view loses contents
133623: Show Source action does not trigger lookup
136516: recognize J9 foundation JREs
137513: Internal error when stepping quickly
137513: Internal error when stepping quickly
118512: NPE evaluating detail formatter calling method without this.

3.2 RC1 - April 13, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

133914: Instance Filter Breakpoint Selection dialog is not resizable
89474: [polish] Installed JRE pref page: Modify multiple attributes at once
8644: Can add modification watchpoint to final field
130916: can set method breakpoint on interface and watchpoint on interface field
102446: Intalled JREs preference pages not in synch with help
106871: Top stack frame null at method refresh in org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.actions.ShowSystemThreadsAction
134114: [Java 1.5] Test failure in StepIntoSelectionTests
135270: Potential NPE in ToggleBreakpointAdapter
107385: Detail formatter on interface cannot be editted or removed
46315: Scrapbook actions wrongly disabled after inspect or execute
89636: Undo/Redo does not work in Scrapbook editor
109073: Classpath container missing from runtime classpath
114604: Non-Line breakpoints do not update their selection ranges after refactorings which change the type or package name.
123588: Losing key binding in scrapbook page
132986: new variables view: show id in first column or a special column for the id
133540: thread does not show suspended on class load breakpoint
135658: Breakpoint properties dialog quickly shows an error message
132543: Method breakpoint does not work on generic method with bounded type variable
105767: Javadoc missing from IRuntimeClasspathEntry entries
120627: Javadoc location reappears after I've cleared it
134694: Installed JRE preference page should suggest name
136383: [NPE] changing filters when type is selected in LCD
136386: [LCD] run/debug button enabled when it shouldn't be
136638: NPE in debug UI

3.2 Milestone 6 - March 31, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

133711: [Breakpoints] Breakpoint hit count busted
132750: need to adopt ICU4J APIs
133217: Suspend policy combo should be read only
132863: Launching a simple java program in a plugin project needs ages
133512: NPE when clicking on a stacktrace

March 21, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

77125: Preference for suspending VM on breakpoint
74612: Step filtering pref page should allow you to enable step filters
124045: Launching Java 5 VM in debug mode
110837: javax.crypto.KeyAgreement.getInstance(String) throws exception in IDE
131414: labels don't update when primitive options changed
131557: Import JRE definition settings also for already existing locations
27383: classpath entries get exported into other projects even though I said not to [build path]
96248: Support for multiple src roots in archive
132337: suspend on uncaught exceptions broken
118122: Removing External JARS within an Installed JRE definition
120619: Add/Edit JRE dialog: remove should remove src attachment, not jar

March 14, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

80744: Ability to inspect exception object at exception beak point
130717: Runtime JRE Combo on Main lauch configuration tab should show more items
94212: Cannot set method breakpoint in generics
104754: No command for Run > Watch
129524: Inconsistent terminology for derived types in pop-up menus
130743: SWT 'setdata' event now contains item index
116336: Using Enums breaks Debbugger's "Step into selection" feature
130369: Additional menu polishing

March 7, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

130145: Method entry breakpoint fails on method with Enum parameter
126938: Cannot import Installed JREs from preference file
128307: Incorrect thread label after stepping
128909: Preferences (Installed JREs) overridden during startup
130243: EventRequestManagerImpl holding onto event requests forever

February 28, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

125590: consider caching system properties for IVMInstall
106789: Run menu: Folder selector shows files, too
120135: catch up with new type rename refactoring support

February 21, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

108747: applet parameters in random order

3.2 M5 - February 17, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

126437: Incorrect error reporting in AbstractJavaLaunchConfigurationDelegate
124565: Change Object Value dialog adds new Group each time "Input literal text" is selected
125196: Installed JREs preference page layout problems
127136: Incorrect logic in AppletMainTab.handleSearchButtonSelected
120123: maintain config resource mapping during refactorings
127150: Dialog missing help button
127195: Problems after project rename
123284: Environment UI tweaks
127298: filtering label does not expand for font changes
122746: JavaDebugHover.getHoverInfo(...) logs exceptions
127100: ShowSystemThreadsAction is not using getAdapter to retrieve the associated IJavaThread object
126515: NPE when retrieving a non-existent field on an IJavaObject
127204: NPE in LaunchView$
127353: grammar in Refactoring messages
127350: Review JDTDebugRefactoringUtil.getJavaTypeLaunchConfigurations(String)
127156: package move launch config update problem
126942: AIOB during launch
127545: widget disposed in Expressions view
127800: NPE from Java debug hover
128052: Thread Groups always on in target workspace
127815: First invocation of "run to line" does not work
127924: Leak: JavaInspectExpression is not disposed

February 7, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

126183: behavior change in IJavaProject.findType(name)
126244: Exception changing variable value
125661: Javadoc is not generated for jdt.launching.environments
124137: unable to retrieve system properties
12018: show thread groups in the Debug view

January 31, 2006


Problem Reports Fixed

124828: A class with varargs in main method cannot run as Java Application
109211: [api] Require public api to extend Java Launch Configuration UI
101843: allow debugger to provide watch expression for var/register
125332: Compile error in test suite (N20060126-0010)
119922: mechanism to contribute VM install

January 24, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

124418: JavaDebugPreferencePage and incorrect preference stores
124491: Deadlock in EnvironmentsManager
124137: unable to retrieve system properties
124419: J9 Preference page not setting the dialog font on the notice string

January 17, 2006


Problem Reports Fixed

115150: Exception and Class load breakpoint should use new type selection dialog
105573: suspend at uncaught exception shows compiler warning
28792: New created Java Exception Breakpoint isn't selected
71549: 'Add Java Exception Breakpoint' dialog should support multiselections
121341: dot dot dot
117289: VMDefinitionsContainer#parseXMLIntoContainer() reads an XML file with wrong encoding.
119918: API to get system properties from a vm install
122338: Installed JRE UI message confusing
123860: Java launch shortcuts don't assign resource to configs

January 10, 2006

Problem Reports Fixed

122751: SnippetDocumentFactory is not needed.
120943: Cannot select Default option in working directory block
114867: Launching connector implementation of eclipse reports TimeoutException while Sun's implementation works

3.2 M4

Problem Reports Fixed

119924: Build path not updated when default execution environment changed
120385: transport error = -1
117717: NPE in BreakpointRenameTypeParticipant when renaming type in cu without primary type
118076: ResourceException: Problems encountered while deleting resources
120533: strange name for unresolved JRE
120886: debug test not cleaning before next test runs
114647: Run as menu slow in editor for applet

December 12, 2005


  1. API has been added in support of execution environments. An execution environment describes features of a runtime - for example, J2SE-1.4. A new API package has been added - org.eclipse.jdt.launching.environments, as well as a new preference page for managing environments. An extension point (org.eclipse.jdt.launching.executionEnvironments) has beed added to allow for an extensible set of execution environments to be contributed to the platform.

Problem Reports Fixed

115015: Installed JRE page needs a "Duplicate" feature.
119572: Typo in IExecutionEnvironment javadoc
119636: Catch up to changes in LazyJavaCompletionProposal
119761: Typo on EE preference page
117516: Make JDT .java agnostic
119371: A missing EE optional attribute causes an SWT error
119390: NPE from
119462: EE checkbox table does not refresh correctly
119581: EE preference page flags bogus errors and does not save.
119814: Execution environment ID may contain forward slashes
113909: Support for execution environments
118232: Error in MethodActionFilter.testAttribute(...)
119926: Installed JREs page generates bad names
119611: Java Stack Trace Console: source link does not work without space before type name
119911: Graphic disposed error on Execution Environments preference page
119916: Execution Environment preference page breaks Installed JREs Copy...

December 6, 2005


Problem Reports Fixed

116291: Cannot resume all threads
112613: Debug's Breakpoint actions act on remote stuff
118635: Duplicate breakpoints created for file not on buildpath

November 29, 2005

Problem Reports Fixed

108502: action filters for variables and expressions shold be combined

November 22, 2005

Problem Reports Fixed

49115: Cleanup on VMDisconnectException
114590: breakpoint checked state problems
115618: Mnemonics collision on Arguments tab of java launch config dialogs

November 8, 2005

Problem Reports Fixed

114609: Java main tab/shortcut should use new type selection dialog
114166: Refactoring of 'Main' tab for Java type launch configurations

November 2, 2005 - M3

Problem Reports Fixed

114484: Installed JDK preference page broken
114589: NPE invoking content assist in var view

October 31, 2005

Problem Reports Fixed

113697: Added libraies to JRE not persisted
113857: NPE in org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.util.JavaModelUtil.getAllSuperTypes
99810: ClassLoadBreakpoint not updated after refactoring
99803: Line Breakpoint Label not updated after refactoring
99807: Breakpoint removed after renaming a class
112232: Changing home directory of installed JRE does not update system libraries
113852: NPE in display view when code assist with no debugger context
114081: Undo fails when renaming type with breakpoints
96044: Breakpoint enable/disable state not preserved during refactoring

October 25, 2005

Problem Reports Fixed

113154: launchable main type not correctly detected
110955: NPE in JavaElementPropertyTester
112456: Would like a VM install change event for VM arguments property
113488: exception in scrapbook page
29565: Working Directory UI

October 18, 2005


  1. IVMInstallChangedListener has been enhanced to provide change notification for VM arguments via a property change event. A new property identifier, PROPERTY_VM_ARGUMENTS, has been added to indicate VM arguments have changed.
  2. Property tests have been added to the core Java debug plug-in (org.eclipse.jdt.debug), to support launch short enablement expressions. By pushing common property tests down to the core Java debug plug-in, more launch shortcut enablement expressions will run even though their plug-in may noe be loaded (as the Java debug plug-in is loaded earlier on), resulting in fewew choices in the run/debug cascade menus. Property tests have been added for the following.

Problem Reports Fixed

112455: Change JavaElementPropertyTester to not use JavaModelUtil.getAllSuperTypes
104104: Make 'hasMainType' and 'isApplet' property tests part of launching plug-in

October 11, 2005

Problem Reports Fixed

109358: Default installed JRE has no Javadoc Location

October 4, 2005

Problem Reports Fixed

111136: JavaStackTraceHyperlink broken.
111256: multiple hyperlinks on the same line not painted correctly

September 27, 2005

Problem Reports Fixed

110191: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in ExpressionInformationControl
110021: Java 5 inconsistency

September 20, 2005

Problem Reports Fixed

99416: Evaluation in context of superclass fails to resolve instvar in subclass
103026: When detected a 1.5 JDK on a fresh workspace as a default the default compiler complaince should be switch to 5.0
109392: JavaRuntime.detectDefaultVM changes my options

September 13, 2005

Problem Reports Fixed

108426: In debug mode, when hoovering over constants, their value should be showed
106682: Java debug code assist inconsistent
108498: Toggle watchpoint for field in external source
108505: refactor debug 'open type' actions
108640: jdi model presentation missing dispose method

Aug 23, 2005

Problem Reports Fixed

29565: Working Directory UI
86066: testJavaVersion() failure on mac

Aug 16, 2005

Problem Reports Fixed

106748: details fail for interface defined in the default package

Aug 10, 2005

Problem Reports Fixed

106479: Exception Processing async thread queue
106492: NPE on console during debug session
106489: CCE from watch Expression
106660: Array details for type in default package fails
106665: array details fail for interface types

Aug 8, 2005

API Changes

  1. API contract changes to IJavaReferenceType

  2. What is affected: Clients that call IJavaReferenceType.getClassLoaderObject().

    Description: In Eclipse 3.1, the method org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaReferenceType.getClassLoaderObject() was added to IJavaReferenceType. The method was not specified to return null, but could. In Eclipse 3.2, the specification has been updated to indicate that null is a valid return value. The behavior of the method has not changed, but callers should be aware that null can be returned and should add appropriate checks.

    Action required: Clients calling IJavaReferenceType.getClassLoaderObject() should be modified to handle null as a return value.


  1. Evaluations in the Java debugger are now supported in the context of array objects. The user may select a variable in the Variables View that references an array and enter an expression in the details area using this to refer to the array - for example, "this.length". Code assist also works for arrays. The API for evaluations has not changed although the behavior has. In releases prior to 3.2, IAstEvaluationEngine used to throw an exception when an evaluation was attempted for a receiver object that was an array. In 3.2, the evaluation proceeds.
  2. The UI for editing a JREs libraries has been improved. In 3.1 and earlier, users were required to uncheck the button labelled 'Use default libraries' in order modify library settings. This button has been removed and the function has been replaced with a 'Restore Defaults' button, which is a more common style in the Eclipse UI.

Problem Reports Fixed

105965: IJavaReferenceType.getClassLoaderObejct() can return null
25362: Cannot evaluate in the context of an array
106091: Code assist for eval in context of an array
106243: clear detail formatter cache when 'max detail length' pref changes
106361: NPE when adding a new JRE

Aug 2, 2005


  1. Added NL support for images.

Problem Reports Fixed

105255: [BIDI] need to add $nl$/ to icon paths for reversed icons

July 26, 2005

Problem Reports Fixed

103700: ClassCastException when evaluating assigment of array of interfaces
101075: Cannot assign array type to local variable of type Object.
98141: Evaluation in context of interface fails
103326: NPE executing step into command
81045: ClassNotLoadedException when trying to change a value
104654: Breakpoint on label is not honoured
102427: Cannot inspect/display static import methods