Release Build: 3.2
May 26, . These downloads are provided under the Eclipse Foundation Software User Agreement.

To view the build notes for this build click here.
To view the test results for this build click here.
To view the map file entries for this build click here.

Performance results now available

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Platform Runtime Binary

These drops contain only the Eclipse Platform with user documentation and no source and no programmer documentation. The Java development tools and Plug-in Development Environment are NOT included. You can use these drops to help you package your tool plug-ins for redistribution when you don't want to ship the entire SDK.

Windows (Supported Versions)
(http)  (ftp)
33 (md5)
Linux (x86/GTK 2) (Supported Versions)
(http)  (ftp)
33 MBeclipse-platform-3.2-linux-gtk.tar.gz (md5)
Linux (x86_64/GTK 2) (Supported Versions)
(http)  (ftp)
33 MBeclipse-platform-3.2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz (md5)
Linux (PPC/GTK 2) (Supported Versions)
(http)  (ftp)
33 MBeclipse-platform-3.2-linux-gtk-ppc.tar.gz (md5)
Linux (x86/Motif) (Supported Versions)
(http)  (ftp)
35 MBeclipse-platform-3.2-linux-motif.tar.gz (md5)
Solaris 8 (SPARC/GTK 2)
(http)  (ftp)
33 (md5)
AIX (PPC/Motif)
(http)  (ftp)
33 (md5)
HP-UX (HP9000/Motif)
(http)  (ftp)
33 (md5)
Mac OSX (Mac/Carbon) (Supported Versions)
(http)  (ftp)
33 MBeclipse-platform-3.2-macosx-carbon.tar.gz (md5)