Eclipse Platform Build Notes (3.3)
Team, Compare and CVS

Integration Build (June 05, 2008, 8:03 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 196799. [Project Sets] Provide the doc for the Alternative Repository Wizard (FIXED)
Bug 235661. Manual proxy configuration cannot persist proxy authentication (FIXED)

Integration Build (June 04, 2008, 6:20 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 234375. Additional adopting of API Tooling by Team/Core (ASSIGNED)
Bug 235330. Copyright update for 3.4 (ASSIGNED)

Integration Build (May 29, 2008, 6:48 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 234662. [Proxy] Disable Gnome lib - Eclipse on RHEL/Gnome with IBM vm 1.4.2 crashes (FIXED)

Integration Build (May 28, 2008, 8:40 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 231190. NPE in CVSRepositoryLocation.fromString (FIXED)
Bug 234237. Wrong patch is applied (FIXED)

Integration Build (May 26, 2008, 6:23 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 222468. [compare] adopt schema identifier (FIXED)
Bug 222602. [team] adopt schema identifier (FIXED)
Bug 232996. Editors leaked when creating patch (FIXED)

Integration Build (May 21, 2008, 6:32 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 232272. [Examples] Don't use the XML Compare example for real XMLs (FIXED)
Bug 232495. [Proxy] Gnome library should not blow up Eclipse w/o Gnome (FIXED)
Bug 232746. Provider and plug-in names not available for (FIXED)
Bug 232822. NPE in the Apply Patch wizard (FIXED)
Bug 232995. [Proxy] Additional tracing for (FIXED)

Integration Build (May 15, 2008, 7:04 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 228004. Compare editor leaks various elements (FIXED)
Bug 230406. [Repo View] Can't delete a cvs location because it is not valid (FIXED)
Bug 232308. Additional tracing for showing history (FIXED)

Integration Build (May 15, 2008, 12:29 a.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 201714. [Patch] Files selected in synchronize perspective are often not checked by default in create patch dialog (ASSIGNED)

Integration Build (May 14, 2008, 6:47 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 231352. [Proxy] VM crash loading the Gnome library (ASSIGNED)

Integration Build (May 13, 2008, 11:08 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 188278. [History View] History sometimes not correctly filled with revision (FIXED)

Integration Build (maj 13, 2008, 11:25 a.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 215672. [WorkbenchParts] The Workbench's SaveablesList contained some null Saveable and caused NullPointerException (FIXED)
Bug 217673. Adding linked resources calls teamprovider validateEdit after trying to write to the .project file (FIXED)
Bug 217861. A test for the bug 217673 (FIXED)
Bug 228738. [Proxy] support automatic proxy lookup mechanism for gnome (FIXED)
Bug 229748. Widget is disposed error in the .log file (FIXED)
Bug 229982. cvs, extssh, checkout dies with msg: Error: Unknown response received from cvs server (FIXED)
Bug 230040. [Proxy] Hang when using system detected proxy with Gnome window manager (FIXED)
Bug 231609. ISynchronizeScope and its implementations miss @noextend tags (FIXED)

Integration Build (April 28, 2008, 10:36 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 228212. CVS decorators causes secure storage initialization on startup (ASSIGNED)

Integration Build (April 25, 2008, 5:13 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 226462. [Proxy] Use system values for proxy settings on Linux (FIXED)
Bug 227498. [Proxy] Refactoring in win32 proxy settings support (FIXED)
Bug 228064. hasRemoteChange method in SubscriberResourceMappingContext class (FIXED)
Bug 228671. [Annotate] Support moving mouse into revision hover (FIXED)
Bug 228738. support automatic proxy lookup mechanism for gnome (FIXED)
Bug 228857. Do not use (s) in Apply Patch (FIXED)

Integration Build (April 22, 2008, 12:39 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 180921. [Proxy] Use system values for proxy settings (FIXED)
Bug 188060. [Wizards] Unsorted existing repository list (FIXED)
Bug 188086. Read-only widgets for CVS Repository properties (FIXED)
Bug 214796. [Proxy] bundle should not require org.eclipse.core.runtime (FIXED)
Bug 224588. [Patch] Provide an information how many lines does the patch change (FIXED)
Bug 224691. Compare Editor warns about unsaved changes when editor save actions are active (NEW)
Bug 226454. [Proxy] Copyrights, javadocs updates in and (FIXED)
Bug 226462. [Proxy] Use system values for proxy settings on Linux (ASSIGNED)
Bug 226587. NPE upon save all (NEW)
Bug 226993. Update to use showView command instead of view id (FIXED)
Bug 226994. Update to use showView command instead of view id (FIXED)
Bug 227150. Simplification in ContentMergeViewer#setRightDirty and setLeftDirty and tests (FIXED)
Bug 227522. ContentMergeViewer#getToolBarManager(Composite) misses @since tag (FIXED)
Bug 227565. NPE in TeamAction.dispose() on shutdown (FIXED)
Bug 227585. TextMergeViewer.isCurrentDiff(Diff) leaks a non-API type (FIXED)
Bug 227736. Add @noextend tag to LocalResourceTypedElement (FIXED)
Bug 227826. ApplyPatchOperation#parsePatch doesn't respect the storage encoding (FIXED)
Bug 227999. [Proxy] bundle id is wrong and compiler compliance level should be set to 1.4 (FIXED)

Integration Build (April 15, 2008, 1:59 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 214796. bundle should not require org.eclipse.core.runtime (ASSIGNED)

Integration Build (April 15, 2008, 1:00 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 99037. [Wizards] Select connection type by keyboard (FIXED)
Bug 180921. [Proxy] Use system values for proxy settings (FIXED)
Bug 206619. [Contributions] editor leaked when invoking action from visible action set via keybinding (FIXED)
Bug 222124. Use secure storage to save passwords (FIXED)
Bug 224591. 'Compare With > Each Other' logs 'Ignored attempt to add saveable that was already registered' (FIXED)
Bug 224643. Unconfirmed cast in ActionDelegateWrapper (FIXED)
Bug 224661. InvocationTargetException created but not thrown in FileModificationValidator (FIXED)
Bug 225053. [WorkingSets] WorkingSetsDialog seems to be damaged (FIXED)
Bug 225095. Get rid of outdated context Id "org.eclipse.ui.globalScope" (FIXED)
Bug 225122. Adopt API Tooling by Compare (FIXED)
Bug 225127. Adopt API Tooling by CVS (FIXED)
Bug 225129. Adopt API Tooling by Team (FIXED)
Bug 225132. Adopt API Tooling by JSch (FIXED)
Bug 225134. Adopt API Tooling by Net (FIXED)
Bug 225439. Team Project Set export wizard has conflicting mnemonics (FIXED)
Bug 225441. [Wizards] Team Project Set export wizard has an imbalanced layout (FIXED)
Bug 225620. [History View] history view looks broken (unbalanced headings of sub-panes) (FIXED)
Bug 225668. 'Confirm Disconnect from CVS' dialog has no mnemonic keys (FIXED)
Bug 225912. [Patch] NPE when trying to create a patch in a non-existing directory (FIXED)
Bug 225987. widget disposed exception when canceling Compare With dialog while refreshing tags (FIXED)
Bug 226454. [Proxy] Copyrights, javadocs updates in and (FIXED)
Bug 226459. [Proxy] UI for system proxy settings (FIXED)
Bug 226587. NPE upon save all (NEW)
Bug 226683. [Decorators] Improve default settings for CVS decorators (FIXED)
Bug 226914. [Proxy] AIOOBE when the proxies array returned by the native provider is empty (FIXED)
Bug 226934. [Proxy] WindowsProxyProvider should correctly accept IProxyData constants (FIXED)

Integration Build (March 26, 2008, 12:06 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 208246. NPE in CVSCompareSubscriber.isSupervised (FIXED)

Integration Build (March 22, 2008, 8:14 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 177524. [Edit] Saveable * was not added using a saveables lifecycle event. (FIXED)
Bug 180921. [Proxy] Use system values for proxy settings (ASSIGNED)
Bug 221146. [Patch] "Apply patch" should sort hunks by insertion points (FIXED)
Bug 221328. "singleton:=true" needed for a plug-in that doesn't declare any extensions/extension points (FIXED)

Integration Build (March 04, 2008, 1:34 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 191308. [History View] Support sorting of tag list (FIXED)
Bug 205761. [Patch] Indicate the fuzz factor used to match (FIXED)
Bug 208022. [Apply Patch] cancel save modified resource does not cancel apply patch (FIXED)
Bug 209721. [Wizards] Creating working sets from Import Project Set Dialogue (FIXED)
Bug 217070. [Apply Patch] Show matched hunks in Apply Patch wizard (FIXED)
Bug 218038. Apply Patch options should be expanded initially (FIXED)
Bug 218428. [Wizards][Modules] Improve usability for sharing projects (FIXED)
Bug 219731. The number of "incoming/outgoing" of the result message of synchronization executed under background is not correct (FIXED)
Bug 220584. CVS Annotation hover: Fix wrong F2 behavior and use new simpler Text API (FIXED)

Integration Build (February 26, 2008, 11:37 a.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 204679. Show Annotation on old revision of .java file leaks CompilationUnitEditor (FIXED)
Bug 217890. [WorkbenchLauncher] Switching to an invalid workspace causes Eclipse to quit. (ASSIGNED)
Bug 218002. Usage of Collator from ViewerSorter class is deprecated (FIXED)
Bug 218008. [History View] Inappropriate selection handling in the TableViewerAction (FIXED)
Bug 218013. [prov] Not prompted for workspace location (FIXED)
Bug 218479. ConcurrentModificationException in testUnmergableConflicts (FIXED)
Bug 219418. [Wizards] Team Project Set import wizard comes up in an error state (FIXED)

Integration Build (February 07, 2008, 12:57 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 214796. bundle should not require org.eclipse.core.runtime (REOPENED)

Integration Build (February 04, 2008, 12:47 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 179498. [Edit] Editor tile of Compare With Each Other hard to read (FIXED)
Bug 205918. [Patch] Folding "Patch options" on the Apply Patch wizard (FIXED)
Bug 206156. [Tests] FileDiffResultTest#.getStringFromStream should use Utilities.readString (FIXED)
Bug 211727. [Edit] Copy from Right to Left works differently when copying a change at the end of a file (FIXED)
Bug 214079. Import Team Project wizard describes what it is, not what it does (FIXED)
Bug 215625. NPE in JSchSession.getSession(...) (NEW)
Bug 215844. LineComparator ignores IOExceptions (FIXED)
Bug 216038. change "Team Synchronizing" view perspective links (FIXED)
Bug 216043. change "CVS Repository Exploring" perspective links (FIXED)
Bug 216247. [Patch] PatchReader#setDateFormats is not thread safe (FIXED)
Bug 216256. [Decorators] CVS label decorator is adding space to folders (FIXED)

Integration Build (January 22, 2008, 10:17 a.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 183230. [Apply Patch] Add file dates to IFilePatch (FIXED)
Bug 188682. [Apply Patch] Apply Patch wizard says "Project does not exist" when all files excluded (FIXED)
Bug 214796. bundle should not require org.eclipse.core.runtime (FIXED)
Bug 215657. Team#setAllIgnores() incorrectly records ignore state of pattern (FIXED)
Bug 215794. The type org.eclipse.jface.util.Assert is deprecated (FIXED)

Integration Build (January 15, 2008, 10:14 a.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 114588. [Patch] Patch wizard shouldn't use IResource.getRawLocation() (FIXED)
Bug 131144. [Patch] UI issues in the apply patch wizard (FIXED)
Bug 177915. [Create Patch] Make workspace path field editable (FIXED)
Bug 209834. *.a under "Team->Ignored Resources" unchecks itself after each session (FIXED)
Bug 210164. [Wizards] Remember repository type when sharing a project (FIXED)
Bug 212738. [Edit] Incorrect info in the status line for a diff (FIXED)
Bug 213089. History view: clicking on 'Remote Revision' stops loading (FIXED)
Bug 213094. 'Review Patch' wizard page has conflicting mnemonics (FIXED)
Bug 213275. NPE in ChangeSetModelSorter (FIXED)
Bug 213441. User/Password is not restored in Network Connection preference page if http proxy is not used (FIXED)
Bug 214433. Borders missing on date selection fields (FIXED)
Bug 214917. [Apply Patch] Enablement of Include/Exclude actions (FIXED)

Integration Build (December 10, 2007, 1:58 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 99059. [Connection] Network connection problems being written to the Eclipse log (FIXED)
Bug 207003. [Patch] Wrong fuzz used after calculating the fuzz (FIXED)

Integration Build (December 04, 2007, 11:54 a.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 210698. [API] org.eclipse.jsch.core.IPasswordStore should specify its API restrictions (NEW)
Bug 210961. org.eclipse.jsch.core should specify an Execution Environment (NEW)
Bug 210963. org.eclipse.jsch.core.IJSchLocation javadoc should not refer to internal types (NEW)
Bug 211720. Compare editor doesn't show infos correctly for some diffs (FIXED)

Integration Build (November 27, 2007, 1:37 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 87752. [History View] CVS Resource History view: allow to copy tag (FIXED)
Bug 207491. [Sync View] Missing decorator icons in the Synchronize view after a perspective reset (FIXED)
Bug 207853. Javadocs of ResourceModelContentProvider refer to an unexisting class (FIXED)
Bug 208869. Commit dialog is too wide after long commit message (FIXED)
Bug 209986. Incorrect JavaDoc for ResourceSyncInfo#setKeywordMode methods (FIXED)
Bug 210533. non-externalized string in ActiveChangeSetManager (FIXED)
Bug 210548. [API] org.eclipse.jsch.core.IJSchService should specify its API restrictions (FIXED)
Bug 210688. Three-way compare shows wrong changes (NEW)
Bug 210783. Dialog title looks weird when creating a patch file in the workspace (FIXED)
Bug 210789. Patch creation dialog has a confusing layout of controls (FIXED)

Integration Build (November 20, 2007, 11:45 a.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 209695. Truncation of change set label annoying (FIXED)

Integration Build (November 13, 2007, 12:38 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 131574. [Patch] Apply workspace patch guesses bad fuzz factor (FIXED)
Bug 201866. [Wizards] Cut and copy text to clipboard is broken in CVS commit wizard (FIXED)
Bug 204138. [SSH2] UI for SSH2 should be pushed down from CVS to jsch. (NEW)
Bug 207958. [Tests] Additional updates of manual tests (ASSIGNED)
Bug 207971. Typos in the package.html file. (FIXED)

Integration Build (October 26, 2007, 12:05 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 189025. Compare with Latest from HEAD results in empty revision (FIXED)
Bug 195494. [Examples] logs bad messages for closed projects (FIXED)
Bug 199988. Folder containing outgoing change not label decorated (FIXED)

Integration Build (October 23, 2007, 10:50 a.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 199846. [Patch] Misuse of the Fuzz Factor (FIXED)
Bug 203423. NullPointerException on CVS pserver access (FIXED)
Bug 204380. [Project Sets] Export ->Team Project Set does not indicate why the 'Finish' is disabled (FIXED)

Integration Build (October 15, 2007, 4:22 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 175297. MalformedByteSequenceException: Invalid byte 2 of 2-byte UTF-8 sequence (FIXED)
Bug 196800. [Tests] [Project Sets] Provide a test for the Alternative Repository Wizard (FIXED)
Bug 199396. [Change Sets] Suggested comment selection when adding a new Change Set (FIXED)
Bug 203413. NPE in CompareRevisionAction and OpenRevisionAction (FIXED)
Bug 203608. [Project Sets] Project set import dialog matching rule (FIXED)
Bug 204358. ContentMergeViewer can only contribute toolbar actions to CompareViewerPane (FIXED)

Integration Build (October 01, 2007, 10:35 a.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 204282. [Tests] [Patch] PatchTest#testPatchdataSubfolders() is failing too hastily (FIXED)
Bug 204403. A typo in the package.html file. (FIXED)
Bug 204679. Show Annotation on old revision of .java file leaks CompilationUnitEditor (NEW)
Bug 205038. ResourceModelContentProvider#dispose() can throw NPE (FIXED)

Integration Build (September 24, 2007, 10:13 a.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 197957. [Tests] Transient failure during 3.3.1 maintenance build (FIXED)
Bug 198382. [Test] Failure in nightly build (ASSIGNED)
Bug 202944. [Viewers] Please provide an "auto-merge" button in the text and java compare editors (ASSIGNED)
Bug 203944. Manual tests need to be updated (FIXED)
Bug 204141. [Sync View] AbstractTreeViewerAdvisor : excess if inside getCurrentItem (FIXED)
Bug 204379. [Project Sets] Import-> Team Project Set has conflicting mnemonic (FIXED)

Integration Build (September 14, 2007, 1:56 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 136330. [API] DelegatingStorageMerger should be API (FIXED)
Bug 175000. [API] Team and CVS are friends of Compare (FIXED)
Bug 189210. CVS's editor input should implement IURIEditorInput. (ASSIGNED)
Bug 198398. [Repo View] Ascending/descending optimization (FIXED)
Bug 198671. TokenComparator generates inaccurate diffs (FIXED)
Bug 199108. [Project Sets] Project set import dialog should pick best match (ASSIGNED)
Bug 199239. [Sync Info] Indicate issues when adding a file with spaces in it's name to .cvsignore (FIXED)
Bug 199367. [Actions] Replace With > Version x.yz disabled (FIXED)
Bug 199450. Ignored Resources preference page should describe patterns (FIXED)
Bug 199536. When committing new files of unknown type, commit wizard shows as binary although on the wizard page before ASCII was selected (FIXED)
Bug 200170. Keybindings on the Mac conflict with reserved OS bindings (FIXED)
Bug 202422. [Annotate] Remove old Annotate mechanisms (FIXED)
Bug 202788. [Tests] Failure in nightly build due to URL protocol (FIXED)
Bug 203077. Deprecate IStreamMerger (FIXED)

Integration Build (September 10, 2007, 3:33 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 70893. [Decorators] Don't show repository if same as project name (FIXED)
Bug 133667. [Model Sync] Add help to Sync Preferences (FIXED)
Bug 152581. [Sync View] Performance problem when synchronizing a project (ASSIGNED)
Bug 190023. TVT33:TCT318: Apostrophe missing in Compare with Local history (FIXED)
Bug 191364. [Proxy Preferences] Edit, Delete buttons enabled improperly (FIXED)
Bug 193324. [Sync View] Provide compare editor input for a single file that support editing on both sides (ASSIGNED)
Bug 196231. [History View] Menu entries for viewers unchecked while viewers are visible (FIXED)
Bug 196847. [Patch] Eclipse patcher does not require deletions or context lines to be contiguous (FIXED)
Bug 198319. handler conflict occurred between two team actions (FIXED)
Bug 199108. [Project Sets] Project set import dialog should pick best match (NEW)
Bug 199224. Compare With > Latest from HEAD takes ages to cancel with broken network connection (FIXED)
Bug 199242. [History View] NPE while fetching CVS revision history (FIXED)
Bug 200414. Team > Apply Patch... context menu item does not show keybinding (FIXED)
Bug 201547. NPE after closing duplicated compare editor (FIXED)
Bug 202788. [Tests] Failure in nightly build due to URL protocol (NEW)

Integration Build (August 08, 2007, 3:10 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 198383. [Tests] Failure on Mac in nightly build (REOPENED)

Integration Build (August 08, 2007, 11:25 a.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 173007. Errors in plugin.xml of (FIXED)
Bug 198457. "Open a compare editor when comparing a single file" doesn't seem to work (FIXED)
Bug 199104. [Wizards] Share Project on a folder opens multi-project share wizard (FIXED)

Integration Build (August 01, 2007, 8:51 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 159258. [Project Sets] Problems importing team project set (FIXED)
Bug 175526. [Sync View] Multiple copies of same image created by sync view (FIXED)
Bug 178968. [Viewers] Lines scrambled and different font size in compare (FIXED)
Bug 197166. [Repo View] Ascending/descending sorting order in the repo view (FIXED)
Bug 197977. [Proxy] non-proxy hosts not correctly updated (FIXED)
Bug 198383. [Tests] Failure on Mac in nightly build (FIXED)

Integration Build (August 01, 2007, 8:49 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 159258. [Project Sets] Problems importing team project set (FIXED)
Bug 175526. [Sync View] Multiple copies of same image created by sync view (FIXED)
Bug 178968. [Viewers] Lines scrambled and different font size in compare (FIXED)
Bug 197166. [Repo View] Ascending/descending sorting order in the repo view (FIXED)
Bug 197977. [Proxy] non-proxy hosts not correctly updated (FIXED)
Bug 198383. [Tests] Failure on Mac in nightly build (FIXED)

Integration Build (August 01, 2007, 8:44 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 159258. [Project Sets] Problems importing team project set (FIXED)
Bug 175526. [Sync View] Multiple copies of same image created by sync view (FIXED)
Bug 178968. [Viewers] Lines scrambled and different font size in compare (FIXED)
Bug 197166. [Repo View] Ascending/descending sorting order in the repo view (FIXED)
Bug 197977. [Proxy] non-proxy hosts not correctly updated (FIXED)
Bug 198383. [Tests] Failure on Mac in nightly build (FIXED)

Integration Build (July 30, 2007, 3:46 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 104203. [Wizards] Allow multiple projects to be shared (FIXED)
Bug 175526. [Sync View] Multiple copies of same image created by sync view (ASSIGNED)
Bug 193324. [Sync View] Provide compare editor input for a single file that support editing on both sides (ASSIGNED)
Bug 196157. [SyncView] "Remove from View" does not work when compare->with another version action is performed (FIXED)
Bug 196929. plugin.xml contains wrong reference to icon (FIXED)

Integration Build (July 23, 2007, 3:17 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 79445. [Wizards] Share Project dialog lists repositories in random order (FIXED)
Bug 154839. [Change Sets] Add To > ...: change set menu items are unordered (FIXED)
Bug 173547. [Wizards] Support comma delimeted list of folders during checkout (FIXED)
Bug 175266. [Sync View] Conflict for '' and '....synchronizeLast' (NEW)
Bug 181786. [Proxy] Make ResponsiveSocketFactory API in some form (WONTFIX)
Bug 183224. [Viewers] Make TokenComparator API (FIXED)
Bug 188083. [Wizards] Default connection type while creating a new CVS Repository (FIXED)
Bug 189210. CVS's editor input should implement IURIEditorInput. (ASSIGNED)
Bug 190778. [Edit] Multiple NPEs during Compare (NEW)
Bug 191524. [Viewers] Synchronize horizontal scrolling by # characters, not % of longest line (FIXED)
Bug 191579. [Viewers] Schemas for viewer creators wrongly indicate to subclass Viewer (FIXED)
Bug 192392. [CVS] "Switch to another branch or version" does not work for modified file (NEW)
Bug 196475. [Repo View] Ordering in the CVS Repositories view (FIXED)
Bug 196945. [Repo View] Reimplement Working Set menu (FIXED)

Integration Build (July 16, 2007, 1:51 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 77944. [Change Sets] Comment dialog: Use comment as title (FIXED)
Bug 133667. [Model Sync] Add help to Sync Preferences (FIXED)
Bug 166333. [Wizards] Show diff in CVS commit dialog (FIXED)
Bug 191605. Empty Team category in Customize Perspective->Shortcuts (FIXED)
Bug 194130. [RCP] Compare should not add Team menu item (FIXED)
Bug 194596. Use text editor font in commit comment editor (FIXED)
Bug 196684. [Wizards] Cannot commit due NPE in CommitWizardCommitPage (FIXED)

Integration Build (July 09, 2007, 2:57 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 19105. [CVS Repo View] NPE in Repositories View (INVALID)
Bug 39239. [Preferences] Ignored Resources should accept multi directory pattern (FIXED)
Bug 70893. [Decorators] Don't show repository if same as project name (FIXED)
Bug 76037. [CVS Add] Add to Source Control should prompt (FIXED)
Bug 106460. [RelEng] Better support to replace existing projects with a given branch (FIXED)
Bug 107025. [Wizards] expose the 'paste cvs connection' easter egg (FIXED)
Bug 110378. [Misc] Project > Share Project... with non-project resource selected causes NPE (ASSIGNED)
Bug 124482. [SSH2] Dialogs that warn of creation of .ssh files are excessive and confusing (ASSIGNED)
Bug 149683. [Operations] CVS cannot delete files beginning with - (FIXED)
Bug 156852. [Wizards] New spelling error marking: add to dictionary and fix with dictionary (FIXED)
Bug 172455. [Actions] Tag as Version... on file with uncommitted changes give inaccurate warning (FIXED)
Bug 189304. [Sync Info] cvsignore lines should be split on whitespace (FIXED)
Bug 189577. [Sync View] NPE exception when creating CVS synchronization for Window working set (FIXED)
Bug 189956. [History View] NPE Show In->History View on class file (FIXED)
Bug 190023. TVT33:TCT318: Apostrophe missing in Compare with Local history (FIXED)
Bug 190190. [Operations] No error dialog when branching with an existing branch name (FIXED)
Bug 190199. Deprecate EditionSelectionDialog (FIXED)
Bug 190434. [History View] NPE when closign a project while CVS History is open for a file in it (FIXED)
Bug 190626. [SSH2] TVT33:TCT436: IW: Fingerprint filed is RTL and garbled (FIXED)
Bug 190674. Conflicting resources message lost when typing in commit wizard (FIXED)
Bug 190822. [Edit] SaveableCompareEditorInput.prepareInput throws NPE when prepareCompareInput returns null (FIXED)
Bug 192735. [Sync View] Could not acquire children from extension: (FIXED)
Bug 193114. [Repo View] "Unable to Discard Location" dialog has bad resizing behavior (FIXED)
Bug 193293. [Sync View] Synchronize view should set actionDefinitionID for Next/Previous Difference (FIXED)
Bug 193524. [Wizards] Synchronize CVS dialog and Working Sets polishing (FIXED)
Bug 194232. [Preferences] Team: Option for exporting/importing ignoredr resources is needed (FIXED)
Bug 194396. Reduce retained memory usage of LogEntry objects (FIXED)
Bug 194427. Project set import in the background (FIXED)
Bug 194596. Use text editor font in commit comment editor (FIXED)
Bug 194782. NumberFormatException when checking out project from specific date & time (FIXED)
Bug 194942. pollutes project-specific preferences (FIXED)
Bug 194992. [Wizards] Display quick assists on context menu of commit dialog (FIXED)
Bug 195412. NPE when opening History for remote file (FIXED)
Bug 195521. [Actions] TeamAction leaks editors via targetPart (FIXED)

Integration Build (June 07, 2007, 9:55 a.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 191342. Checkout operations can add null elements to working set (FIXED)

Integration Build (June 05, 2007, 1:29 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 191050. Hover for annotation ruler does not show F2 message (ASSIGNED)

Integration Build (June 04, 2007, 1:20 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 190839. Update Team/Core version number (FIXED)

Integration Build (May 31, 2007, 4:28 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 189917. [] provide a way to specify installation-specific proxy preferences (ASSIGNED)

Integration Build (May 29, 2007, 1:16 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 173138. [Change Sets] Outgoing changes lost after Apply Patch/Commit (NEW)

Integration Build (May 28, 2007, 5:05 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 177113. [Examples] Handler conflict with Examples loaded (FIXED)
Bug 186481. [Apply Patch] Apply Patch requires double-click for open (FIXED)
Bug 187365. NPE trying to exclude part of a patch (FIXED)

Integration Build (May 25, 2007, 9:41 a.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 189032. javadoc errors in platform doc isv in I20070524-0800 (NEW)

Integration Build (May 24, 2007, 11:51 a.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 188898. [Apply Patch] Internal Error written to .log when applying patch (FIXED)

Integration Build (May 24, 2007, 11:13 a.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 188338. [Sync View] Populating Sync View after restart (FIXED)

Integration Build (May 23, 2007, 3:07 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 187365. NPE trying to exclude part of a patch (FIXED)
Bug 188260. History view has no help (FIXED)
Bug 188261. Synchronize view has no help (FIXED)
Bug 188314. [Apply Patch] AIOOBE on Apply Patch with unreadable clipboard (FIXED)
Bug 188392. [Preferences] Ignore patterns are not Bidi aware (FIXED)
Bug 188627. Polishing CVS Manual Tests (FIXED)
Bug 188645. Too many temporary dialogs when opening a compare editor (FIXED)

Integration Build (May 22, 2007, 5:00 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 185379. NPE in FileDiffResult.calculateFuzz (FIXED)
Bug 187806. Typos in CVS Manual Test Plan (FIXED)

Integration Build (May 16, 2007, 2:39 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 154839. [Change Sets] Add To > ...: change set menu items are unordered (FIXED)
Bug 179295. [Doc] Add doc for Proxy and SSH2 preference pages and API (NEW)
Bug 185385. IFilePatchResult.getPatchedContents doesn't return original stream when no matches (FIXED)
Bug 185990. [Examples] Internal error comparing after applying patch (FIXED)

Integration Build (May 15, 2007, 2:16 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 126313. [Examples] ElementValidator shows error dialog with Reason: MULTISTATUS (FIXED)
Bug 133667. [Model Sync] Add help to Sync Preferences (NEW)
Bug 180993. [quick diff] Improve colors for Show Annotation (ASSIGNED)
Bug 181141. [Examples] Team: filesystem provider example can not handle deletions (FIXED)
Bug 186166. [Examples] Synchronize and compare with Latest From Local History (FIXED)
Bug 186908. TVT33:TCT166: ar: 13.001370 Text needs to be right aligned (FIXED)

Integration Build (May 14, 2007, 2:23 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 186672. CVS labels are missing (FIXED)

Integration Build (May 11, 2007, 1:29 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 110022. Decoration terminology (outgoing change versus dirty) (FIXED)
Bug 170743. [Sync Info] Ignoring .cvsignore leaves project dirty (FIXED)

Integration Build (May 10, 2007, 12:58 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 94808. [Change Sets] "&" not showing up in dropdown menu (FIXED)
Bug 125905. Exceptions and instability after setting a File content type for file without extension ("*.") in Preferences -> Team->File Content (FIXED)
Bug 150543. [Preferences] (bidi) file types not displayed correctly in ignored resources pref page (FIXED)
Bug 181168. [Viewers] Line number ruler should use editor font and same color as in text editors (FIXED)
Bug 184183. [Sync View] Reuse open compare editors tweak (FIXED)
Bug 185379. NPE in FileDiffResult.calculateFuzz (FIXED)
Bug 185611. [History View] The dropdown for past inputs in the history view isn't responding to property changes (FIXED)

Integration Build (May 07, 2007, 4:31 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 128429. [Change Sets] Change Sets with / in name do not get persited (FIXED)
Bug 178874. Test failure against CVS 1.11.22 (FIXED)
Bug 179049. [Edit] Comparing .txt files and then .java files from archives logs HandlerActivation conflicts (FIXED)
Bug 181546. [Sync Info] Eclipse writes Entries-less metadata in recreated pruned dir (FIXED)
Bug 182792. [Annotate] Why does History view get focus after running Show Annotation (FIXED)
Bug 182819. [Edit] Undo not enabled on the first Paste (FIXED)
Bug 183951. Team > CVS preference page should include keywords 'timeout' and 'connection' (FIXED)
Bug 183961. [Sync View] async compare editors should show file name in editor tab (FIXED)
Bug 184660. [Operations] Compare With Branch Or Version Dialog Truncates Long Version Tags (FIXED)
Bug 185087. [Sync Info] Problems reported while synchronizing CVS Workspace. (FIXED)
Bug 185708. [Wizards] Provide link to open SSH/SSH2/proxy preferences from Connection wizard (FIXED)

Integration Build (May 02, 2007, 1:33 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 184971. Four leaked images switching models in sync view (NEW)

Integration Build (May 01, 2007, 4:05 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 184792. Cntrl-3 / New CVS Repo fails (NEW)
Bug 184861. [Annotate] NPE closing annotated editor (FIXED)

Integration Build (April 30, 2007, 3:32 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 177651. [Preferences] Add hyperlink from CVS to proxy and SSH2 settings (FIXED)
Bug 177831. NullPointerException while viewing changes (FIXED)
Bug 177897. [Proxy] Improve UI of Proxy Preferences Page (FIXED)
Bug 178204. [Edit] Compare editors should have 'Show In' in context menu (FIXED)
Bug 184489. NPE when I open the compare editor (FIXED)

Integration Build (April 26, 2007, 4:01 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 64664. [Project Sets] project set import should happen in the background (FIXED)
Bug 90582. [EditorMgmt] (regression) Error when opening .html file from CVS repository explorer (NEW)
Bug 91236. [Viewers] The ">" center button in TextMergeViewer alway copy diff to left (FIXED)
Bug 97661. [Preferences] Pref Page General/Compare/Patch/Text Compare - missing mnemonic (FIXED)
Bug 149444. [Patch] Apply Patch wizard should select 'Clipboard' if it contains a valid patch (FIXED)
Bug 175811. [Apply Patch] 'Ignore WhiteSpace' in Apply Patch wizard does not work (FIXED)
Bug 182298. Compare editor only notices the first SAVE action for text files (FIXED)
Bug 182868. DBCS3.3: compare displays bogus if invoked at History view (FIXED)
Bug 183763. ValidateEdit does not work with Pessimistic Simple Provider in Example Plug-ins (FIXED)
Bug 183956. History view wrongly ordered on startup, sort indicator missing (FIXED)
Bug 184098. exports packages (FIXED)

Integration Build (April 23, 2007, 4:18 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 72424. [Sync View] Add "Restore Removed Items" to Synchronize view (FIXED)
Bug 125503. [Sync View] Add pin/unpin to menu for accessibility (FIXED)
Bug 129011. [Tests] Add regression test for loading a project set with multiple projects (FIXED)
Bug 149634. [History View] 'Previous' useless in History view (FIXED)
Bug 150158. [Operations] Revert to Base does not recreated deleted files (FIXED)
Bug 150875. IFileRevision adapter factory request (FIXED)
Bug 163078. [Sync View] Synchronize view commits/updates wrong resource (FIXED)
Bug 171983. [Preferences] Wrong ref to preference page on 'Server Encoding' property page (FIXED)
Bug 172325. Bind commands (and keybindings) in compare editor (FIXED)
Bug 173959. add mechanism for navigating from team annotation to corresponding task (NEW)
Bug 175254. Move "Ignore White Space Where Applicable" toolbar button to merge viewer toolbar (FIXED)
Bug 177813. Export Team Project Set does not updateEnablement() when switching bewteen Project and Working sets (FIXED)
Bug 178224. [Project Sets] DBCS 3.3 - Working Set doesn't work when exporting Team project set (FIXED)
Bug 179500. Compare With > Local History... sets wrong open mode in History view (FIXED)
Bug 181260. [Viewers] Compare viewers should bind command for Show Line Numbers (FIXED)
Bug 182287. compare editors open separate Find/Replace dialogs and don't follow focus (FIXED)
Bug 182313. Compare viewer context menu actions are missing mnemonics (FIXED)
Bug 183011. NPE when trying to open a compare editor (FIXED)
Bug 183014. Failure in Nightly build (FIXED)
Bug 183222. [Aply Patch] IFilePatch.apply creates *.rej files (FIXED)
Bug 183372. The Proxy Host Address field should not allow invalid characters (FIXED)
Bug 183629. EditionHistoryPage uses 136 MB (FIXED)

Integration Build (April 16, 2007, 4:27 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 127162. [History View] Comments from Nick (FIXED)
Bug 173456. Convert the CVS action sets actions to the new menu support (NEW)
Bug 176397. [Proxy] Document migration of proxy settings (ASSIGNED)
Bug 177288. Empty values on new SSH2 Preference Page when migrating existing workspace (FIXED)
Bug 178224. [Project Sets] DBCS 3.3 - Working Set doesn't work when exporting Team project set (NEW)
Bug 178233. Unnecessary checkbox for Commit Wizard (FIXED)
Bug 178236. [Repo View] Discarding repository location should be confirmed (FIXED)
Bug 179174. CVS client sets timestamps back when replacing (FIXED)
Bug 179175. Commit wizard pauses for up to 1 second after collecting outgoing changes (FIXED)
Bug 181194. History view should be post selection listener (FIXED)
Bug 181260. [Viewers] Compare viewers should bind command for Show Line Numbers (NEW)
Bug 181603. [Project Sets] Canceling during overwrite of project prompt doesn't cancel (FIXED)
Bug 181655. [Proxy] CVS fails when a proxy is configured (FIXED)
Bug 181800. [Project Sets] Working set export should consider Resource Mappings (FIXED)
Bug 181899. CVS History wrongly ordered (FIXED)
Bug 181919. LineReader creating unneeded garbage (FIXED)
Bug 182225. LocalHistoryPageSource can't show history for IAdaptables (FIXED)
Bug 182267. "Add Date..." button shouldn't be visible in merge wizard (FIXED)
Bug 182442. Display full comment in tooltip (FIXED)

Integration Build (April 09, 2007, 3:47 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 72424. [Sync View] Add "Restore Removed Items" to Synchronize view (NEW)
Bug 72936. [Viewers] Show line numbers in comparision (FIXED)
Bug 106876. [Actions] Add "Revert to Base" to CVS Team menu (FIXED)
Bug 126442. [Viewers] each compare editor is leaked (FIXED)
Bug 177550. [Proxy] Socks proxy system properties are problematic (FIXED)
Bug 177825. ImportProjectSet importing WorkingSet fails if WorkingSet exists in workspace (FIXED)
Bug 179174. CVS client sets timestamps back when replacing (FIXED)
Bug 179183. Use spelling support from JFace in CVS commit dialog (FIXED)
Bug 179977. CVS log command doesn't scale well with lots of tags and versions (FIXED)
Bug 180329. Add icon to "Tag as Version" repository action (FIXED)
Bug 180358. [Apply Patch] Cursor jumps to beginning of filename field on keystroke (FIXED)
Bug 180436. Use table sort indicators on CVS (FIXED)
Bug 180586. javadoc warnings in N20070401-0010 (NEW)
Bug 180622. [Proxy] Inconsistent enablement states in network preference page (FIXED)
Bug 180984. Do not hide support for "Highlighting Individual Changes" (FIXED)
Bug 181320. regression in cvs access over socks proxy in 3.3 M6 (FIXED)

Integration Build (April 02, 2007, 7:28 a.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 89648. [Edit] Provide option to revert to Text compare (FIXED)
Bug 109482. [Viewers] Find (Ctrl+F) should work in compare editor (FIXED)
Bug 153932. [History] Custom hyperlink detectors for comments in History view (FIXED)
Bug 173456. Convert the CVS action sets actions to the new menu support (NEW)
Bug 176085. Utils.shortenText could be optimized (FIXED)
Bug 178293. [Change Sets] Duplicate change sets should not be permitted (FIXED)
Bug 179110. [Perspectives] Log entry switching perspectives (FIXED)
Bug 179826. Editor areas should support select All (FIXED)

Integration Build (March 26, 2007, 3:34 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 39392. Replace AvoidableMessageDialog with MessageDialogWithToggle (FIXED)
Bug 45247. [Structure Compare] Show compare editor structure in Outline view (NEW)
Bug 116427. [Patch] No check for patch existence when creating patch while another one is in progress (FIXED)
Bug 144393. [Annotate] Cannot show CVS annotations for binary file in text editor (FIXED)
Bug 169437. [Apply Patch] Patch wizard Include/Exclude of container disallows subsequently altering child I/E status (FIXED)
Bug 171683. [Sync View] Cannot open two compare editors from Synchronize view at once (FIXED)
Bug 172753. [CVS UI][SSH2] KeyboardInteractiveDialog can not save a password. (FIXED)
Bug 175682. Null label in synchronize view (NEW)
Bug 176232. Export team project set should pre-select projects based on selection (FIXED)
Bug 176809. Editor tooltip for 'Show Annotations' on old revision misses revison (FIXED)
Bug 177045. Platform should consume Orbit (ASSIGNED)
Bug 178685. FileModificationValidator can be called from any thread (ASSIGNED)

Integration Build (March 21, 2007, 9:42 a.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 123430. Patch file misses changes without network connection during patch creation without indication (FIXED)
Bug 177947. Text Compare gives wrong results (FIXED)

Integration Build (March 19, 2007, 2:59 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 178107. [Preferences] NLS33:Unexternalized string in Team Preferences (FIXED)

Integration Build (March 16, 2007, 5:35 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 78064. [SSH2] Scary & strange looking dialog (FIXED)
Bug 135635. [Sync Info] Package explorer incorrectly shows cvs files on linux FAT32 partition (ASSIGNED)
Bug 155781. [Project Sets] Exported Team Project Sets (.psf) should be sorted (FIXED)
Bug 158380. [Wizards] Check out as wizard page is really tall (FIXED)
Bug 173519. [Apply Patch] Copy right to left should be disabled for Hunks (FIXED)
Bug 176992. RepositoryProvider#getFileModificationValidator returns deprecated interface (FIXED)
Bug 177031. [Change Sets] Commit on unassigned project includes resources in change sets (FIXED)
Bug 177288. Empty values on new SSH2 Preference Page when migrating existing workspace (REOPENED)
Bug 177320. Pending changes to internal class UpdateCore will break Tasks/Core (NEW)
Bug 177321. patch for test failures in team.cvs and (FIXED)
Bug 177519. [Wizards] Adopt new IResource.findMaxProblemSeverity API (FIXED)
Bug 177550. [Proxy] Socks proxy system properties are problematic (ASSIGNED)

Integration Build (March 12, 2007, 1:58 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 95889. Ignored Resources not persistent (FIXED)
Bug 133011. Restore from Repository dialog unusable with keyboard due to eager loading (FIXED)
Bug 176447. Widget is disposed error replacing some resources with HEAD contents (FIXED)
Bug 176907. Inconsistent borders in Compare/Patch preference page (FIXED)

Integration Build (March 05, 2007, 1:00 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Integration Build (March 03, 2007, 5:13 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 66022. [compare] java structure compare fails to show change in member (FIXED)
Bug 106318. [Repo View] Refreshing tags automatically for all projects gives error dialog (FIXED)
Bug 123430. Patch file misses changes without network connection during patch creation without indication (FIXED)
Bug 160905. Need better validateEdit api (FIXED)
Bug 170883. [SSH2] jsch connection preferences should be made public below "Internet" category (NEW)
Bug 173071. [Viewers] Show invisible whitespace characters in compare editors (FIXED)
Bug 173274. [History View] Cannot select two items in History view after Show Annotation (FIXED)
Bug 173609. Error when copying project: Project * does not contain CVS folder meta-information (FIXED)
Bug 175001. TeamAction uses workbench internals (FIXED)
Bug 175002. Team RegistryReader uses workbench internals (FIXED)
Bug 175040. CVS file history isn't refreshed when using standard API (FIXED)
Bug 175860. Team showInPart should refer to ProjectExplorer (FIXED)
Bug 175902. Error in .log file when opening a compare wizard on a dirty compilation unit (FIXED)
Bug 176024. Remove objectContribution action ids from API (FIXED)
Bug 176102. Tooltip for the history view's back button (FIXED)

Integration Build (February 26, 2007, 2:10 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 118166. [Edit] New Editor from "file compare view" should provide a normal editor on the file (FIXED)
Bug 159894. Team - Create Patch does not respect file line endings (FIXED)
Bug 165397. [Operations] Update disrupted when folder with improper name encountered (FIXED)
Bug 171678. [Viewers] Token diff treats space as significant (FIXED)
Bug 172197. [History View] History view shows wrong input if Java member selected (FIXED)
Bug 172710. [History View] Issues with Replace with History dialog (FIXED)
Bug 173448. Convert search fields to use SWT.SEARCH style (FIXED)
Bug 174846. [Menus] Strange entry in log opening Commit Wizard (NEW)
Bug 175199. Failure in test case (FIXED)
Bug 175438. Deprecation warnings in Team core plugin (FIXED)

Integration Build (February 20, 2007, 11:19 a.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 174783. Exception in latest build (NEW)

Integration Build (February 19, 2007, 4:13 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 114678. [Wizards] Commit files dialog - finish (FIXED)
Bug 145752. [Tests] Intermittant test failure in testDeletionConflicts (FIXED)
Bug 160851. [Wizards] Inconsistent "Check out as .." behavior for versions (FIXED)
Bug 169978. [Project Sets] Clicking cancel doesn't cancel when overwriting project in team project set import (FIXED)
Bug 171666. [Commands] Could we have CVSStatus as an API ? (FIXED)
Bug 172753. [CVS UI][SSH2] KeyboardInteractiveDialog can not save a password. (FIXED)
Bug 173996. Compare With Latest From Head should not open Synchronize View (FIXED)

Integration Build (February 12, 2007, 3:51 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 172887. Need to change RelEng tool to handle map file changes (NEW)

Integration Build (February 12, 2007, 3:49 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 173652. RepositoryProviderManager.removeListener adds the listener instead of removing it (FIXED)

Integration Build (February 08, 2007, 4:51 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 173466. [Apply Patch] Exceptions in new apply patch support (FIXED)

Integration Build (February 08, 2007, 10:57 a.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 173466. Exceptions in new apply patch support (NEW)

Integration Build (February 07, 2007, 11:56 a.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 167722. Switch to using OverlayIcon from JFace (FIXED)
Bug 172199. [Edit] AssertionFailedException: unknown saveable: (ASSIGNED)
Bug 173007. Errors in plugin.xml of (NEW)

Integration Build (February 05, 2007, 12:38 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 172336. [Apply Patch] Provide core level API (FIXED)
Bug 172752. Possible deadlock in the change set manager (FIXED)
Bug 172846. NPE in CVSFileHistory.refresh (FIXED)
Bug 172863. CVSHistoryPage holds on to closed editor (FIXED)

Integration Build (February 02, 2007, 4:38 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 138414. [Sync View] Flat presentation in Synchronize view is not available any more (FIXED)
Bug 156503. [Sync View] Prompted twice to switch perspectives (FIXED)
Bug 162750. [Tests] Compare tests have failures when built on Windows (FIXED)
Bug 164362. [misc] NPE in RevisionPainter (FIXED)
Bug 172199. AssertionFailedException: unknown saveable: (FIXED)
Bug 172336. [Apply Patch] Provide core level API (FIXED)
Bug 172579. Double-click file in Synchronize view caused tree to expand (FIXED)
Bug 172647. [Apply Patch] Apply patch does no longer if you click on Finish on first wizard page (FIXED)
Bug 172678. Apply patch wizard forces user to go on next page to Finish although it did not in 3.2 (DUPLICATE)

Integration Build (January 29, 2007, 3:04 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 165212. Update graphics for Compare/History View (FIXED)

Integration Build (January 29, 2007, 1:13 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 102826. [Viewers] At a glance diffs - highlight individual diffs. (FIXED)
Bug 112169. [Apply Patch] Exception applying a patch (FIXED)
Bug 132377. [Model Sync] Double-click expand to next diff (FIXED)
Bug 132881. [Model Sync] Removal of element from working set doesn't update sync view (FIXED)
Bug 149672. [Patch] Create Patch wizard should remember previous settings (FIXED)
Bug 166998. [History View] Team History view should use single button drop down to navigate to previous histories (FIXED)
Bug 169953. [Edit] Compare editor does not take focus (FIXED)
Bug 171707. Preview for highlighting individual changes on preference page is odd (FIXED)
Bug 171714. [Dialogs] Provide common UI for managing identity info stored in the platform keyring (NEW)
Bug 171986. AFE when comparing two org.eclipse.pde.prefs files (FIXED)

Integration Build (January 22, 2007, 2:34 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 49892. [History View] Can't select words by doubleclick in CVS Resource History Comment Viewer (FIXED)
Bug 102826. [Viewers] At a glance diffs - highlight individual diffs. (FIXED)
Bug 165796. [Sync View] Allow to open several compares in parallel (FIXED)
Bug 169387. [Viewers] Automatic split bar movement when one side is empty (FIXED)
Bug 170337. NPE during: "Fetching local history revisions" (FIXED)
Bug 170879. [paste] paste patch from clipboard into package explorer (ASSIGNED)

Integration Build (January 15, 2007, 12:33 p.m.)

Problem reports updated

Bug 2802. [Navigation] java compare: up and down not symetrical (1GJW2SQ) (FIXED)
Bug 60586. [Sync View] SaveablePartDialog uses internal compare class (FIXED)
Bug 67306. [Patching] Errors creating patches with icons (binary file) (FIXED)
Bug 67800. [Algorithms] RangeDifferencer progress reporting stops at 50% (FIXED)
Bug 71285. [Viewers] Option to open structure compare is ignored (FIXED)
Bug 156002. Unwanted "Team > Share Project..." menu item (FIXED)
Bug 161121. [History View] recursive attempt to activate part (FIXED)
Bug 163203. [Sync View] synchronize view: When selected multiply projects the label now says: "CVS X items" (FIXED)
Bug 165663. patch root incorrect for new files (as opposed to changed files) (FIXED)
Bug 167711. [Viewers] Check that progress in viewers/dialogs is recognizable (FIXED)
Bug 168983. [History View] Illegal Character in CVS port number opening history View (FIXED)
Bug 169858. NPE after Override and Update (FIXED)
Bug 169953. [Edit] Compare editor does not take focus (ASSIGNED)
Bug 169955. [WorkbenchParts] Widget disposed exception when activating compare editor (FIXED)
Bug 170012. [Edit] Asynchronous initialization may cause double creation (FIXED)
Bug 170107. Can't undo my decision to go to the beginning when end is reached (FIXED)
Bug 170219. typo in plugin.xml makes CVS commands unavailable (FIXED)
Bug 170227. constructor of StructureRootNode is missing Javadoc (FIXED)
Bug 170236. NPE while creating comparison structure for addition of *.properties file (FIXED)