All 143 scenarios |
SLED 10 Sun 1.5.0_10 (2 x 3.00GHz - 3GB RAM)
| RHEL 5.0 Sun 6.0_04 (2 x 3.00GHz - 3GB RAM)
| Win XP Sun 1.5.0_10 (2 x 3.00GHz - 3GB RAM)
+27.9% [±0.5]
+40.3% [±0.4]
+6.9% [±1.8]
+4.3% [n/a]
- 2.3% [n/a]
+0.0% [n/a]
- 6.2% [n/a]
+0.0% [n/a]
+3.1% [n/a]
- 1.8% [n/a]
+1.8% [n/a]
+2.8% [n/a]
+6.2% [n/a]
+14.3% [n/a]
+0.0% [n/a]
- 1.5% [±1.2]
Performance criteria not met when compared to 'R-3.4-200806172000_200909141800': Elapsed Process= 1.3s is not within [0%, 110'%] of 1s
- 21.7% [±1.0]
Performance criteria not met when compared to 'R-3.4-200806172000_200909141800': Elapsed Process= 0.35s is not within [0%, 110'%] of 0.3s
- 15.3% [±0.3]
Performance criteria not met when compared to 'R-3.4-200806172000_200909141800': Elapsed Process= 2.6s is not within [0%, 110'%] of 2.1s
- 22.4% [±0.3]
Performance criteria not met when compared to 'R-3.4-200806172000_200909141800': Elapsed Process= 3.7s is not within [0%, 110'%] of 3s
- 20.4% [±0.3]
Performance criteria not met when compared to 'R-3.4-200806172000_200909141800': Elapsed Process= 2.2s is not within [0%, 110'%] of 2s
- 13.2% [±0.1]
GenerateIdentifiersTest#Generate 10000 identifiers()
Performance criteria not met when compared to 'R-3.4-200806172000_200909141800': Elapsed Process= 0.31s is not within [0%, 110'%] of 0.26s
- 16.3% [±1.6]
- 0.8% [±1.6]
Performance criteria not met when compared to 'R-3.4-200806172000_200909141800': Elapsed Process= 0.3s is not within [0%, 110'%] of 0.23s
- 31.2% [±2.4]
*LabelProviderTest#DecoratingLabelProvider with Colors() (vs. N20090424-1216)
- 0.4% [±2.7]
+0.0% [±1.3]
+90.4% [±0.0]
*LabelProviderTest#DecoratingLabelProvider() (vs. N20090424-1216)
- 0.3% [±1.9]
+0.2% [±1.0]
+90.7% [±0.0]
*LabelProviderTest#DecoratingStyledCellLabelProvider with Colors() (vs. N20090424-1216)
- 0.2% [±4.8]
+1.5% [±3.7]
+59.0% [±0.3]
*LabelProviderTest#DecoratingStyledCellLabelProvider() (vs. N20090424-1216)
+0.0% [±1.7]
+2.8% [±2.5]
+64.9% [±0.1]
ObjectContributionsPerformance#testObjectContributions:large selection, limited contributors()
+6.8% [n/a]
- 1.6% [n/a]
+0.5% [n/a]
ObjectContributionsPerformance#testObjectContributions:limited selection, limited contributors()
- 7.7% [n/a]
Performance criteria not met when compared to 'R-3.4-200806172000_200909141800': Elapsed Process= 3.3s is not within [0%, 110'%] of 2.8s
- 17.7% [n/a]
Performance criteria not met when compared to 'R-3.4-200806172000_200909141800': Elapsed Process= 3.5s is not within [0%, 110'%] of 3.1s
- 14.2% [n/a]
- 5.6% [±1.0]
+2.1% [±1.3]
+40.5% [±8.3]
+99.1% [±38.2]
+97.9% [±97.7]
+2.4% [±8.6]
+1.6% [±1.3]
- 3.5% [±1.7]
+39.1% [±1.5]
- 5.5% [±2.0]
- 4.2% [±2.0]
Performance criteria not met when compared to 'R-3.4-200806172000_200909141800': Elapsed Process= 0.19s is not within [0%, 110'%] of 0.17s
- 10.3% [±3.4]
- 6.4% [±2.6]
- 0.4% [±1.8]
- 9.2% [±2.2]
- 1.9% [±2.1]
+0.5% [±1.9]
- 8.3% [±2.9]
+11.9% [±6.5]
- 3.0% [±10.0]
Performance criteria not met when compared to 'R-3.4-200806172000_200909141800': Elapsed Process= 19ms is not within [0%, 110'%] of 15ms
- 26.7% [±16.8]
+0.9% [±2.5]
- 2.4% [±2.6]
+0.0% [±4.3]
- 1.9% [±0.5]
- 1.8% [±0.2]
- 4.3% [±0.3]
- 0.8% [±0.3]
- 0.9% [±0.1]
- 3.1% [±0.5]
- 2.0% [±0.2]
+0.2% [±0.1]
- 3.8% [±0.5]
- 1.5% [±0.3]
- 1.2% [±0.1]
- 8.2% [±0.8]
- 2.5% [±0.5]
- 1.3% [±0.1]
- 3.5% [±0.3]
- 1.3% [±0.3]
- 1.3% [±0.1]
- 5.8% [±0.6]
- 4.6% [±0.4]
- 3.3% [±0.1]
- 8.3% [±0.6]
- 1.9% [±0.5]
- 1.7% [±0.1]
- 3.4% [±0.4]
- 0.9% [±0.2]
- 1.0% [±0.1]
- 1.8% [±0.3]
- 4.8% [±2.5]
- 3.1% [±7.5]
+2.9% [±2.2]
+5.0% [±8.4]
+5.2% [±4.1]
+2.5% [±1.6]
+0.2% [±1.6]
+9.3% [±5.6]
+4.4% [±1.3]
- 0.6% [±3.5]
- 3.6% [±9.2]
+6.3% [±2.1]
- 1.0% [±2.3]
+6.8% [±3.5]
+6.0% [±3.3]
Performance criteria not met when compared to 'R-3.4-200806172000_200909141800': Elapsed Process= 21.1s is not within [0%, 110'%] of 18.4s
- 14.3% [n/a]
Performance criteria not met when compared to 'R-3.4-200806172000_200909141800': Elapsed Process= 30s is not within [0%, 110'%] of 24.6s
- 21.7% [n/a]
- 9.0% [n/a]
Performance criteria not met when compared to 'R-3.4-200806172000_200909141800': Elapsed Process= 20.6s is not within [0%, 110'%] of 18.1s
- 13.7% [n/a]
Performance criteria not met when compared to 'R-3.4-200806172000_200909141800': Elapsed Process= 29.4s is not within [0%, 110'%] of 24.4s
- 20.4% [n/a]
- 8.2% [n/a]
- 0.2% [n/a]
Performance criteria not met when compared to 'R-3.4-200806172000_200909141800': Elapsed Process= 6.9s is not within [0%, 110'%] of 5.5s
- 24.2% [n/a]
- 7.8% [n/a]
- 2.6% [n/a]
Performance criteria not met when compared to 'R-3.4-200806172000_200909141800': Elapsed Process= 7s is not within [0%, 110'%] of 5.6s
- 25.0% [n/a]
- 7.8% [n/a]
- 3.3% [n/a]
Performance criteria not met when compared to 'R-3.4-200806172000_200909141800': Elapsed Process= 8.7s is not within [0%, 110'%] of 7s
- 24.0% [n/a]
- 9.9% [n/a]
- 4.6% [n/a]
Performance criteria not met when compared to 'R-3.4-200806172000_200909141800': Elapsed Process= 8.3s is not within [0%, 110'%] of 6.9s
- 19.4% [n/a]
Performance criteria not met when compared to 'R-3.4-200806172000_200909141800': Elapsed Process= 2.6s is not within [0%, 110'%] of 2.3s
- 11.4% [n/a]
- 5.2% [n/a]
+13.0% [n/a]
+5.4% [n/a]
- 5.2% [±1.7]
- 3.2% [±2.9]
- 6.8% [±1.3]
- 2.5% [±1.3]
- 0.8% [±2.2]
+0.5% [±1.5]
PerspectiveSwitchTest#testPerspectiveSwitch:performancePerspective1,performancePerspective2,editor 1.perf_basic()
+1.0% [±2.8]
+1.2% [±1.8]
+0.0% [±1.8]
ComputeSizeTest#Massively Recursive TrimLayout computeSize()
+6.7% [±3.1]
+0.0% [±5.2]
+1.1% [±1.5]
LayoutTest#Massively Recursive TrimLayout layout(false)()
+33.9% [±1.9]
+19.8% [±2.3]
+1.5% [±2.0]
LayoutTest#Massively Recursive TrimLayout layout(true)()
+33.5% [±1.6]
+25.3% [±2.2]
+0.4% [±2.1]
ResizeTest#Massively Recursive TrimLayout setSize()
+27.1% [±1.9]
+21.9% [±1.0]
+3.0% [±4.5]
ResizeTest#Perspective DebugPerspective setSize()
- 6.1% [±1.8]
+0.3% [±0.5]
- 6.9% [±0.4]
ResizeTest#Perspective JavaBrowsingPerspective setSize()
+2.7% [±1.6]
- 2.3% [±0.6]
- 2.0% [±0.3]
ResizeTest#Perspective JavaHierarchyPerspective setSize()
+0.7% [±1.4]
+0.6% [±0.4]
- 1.9% [±0.5]
ResizeTest#Perspective JavaPerspective setSize()
+1.0% [±1.4]
- 1.7% [±0.4]
- 2.1% [±0.4]
ResizeTest#Perspective PDEPerspective setSize()
- 2.4% [±1.1]
- 4.3% [±0.7]
- 1.7% [±0.4]
ResizeTest#Perspective cvsPerspective setSize()
+1.3% [±1.4]
- 0.6% [±0.4]
- 2.6% [±0.5]
ResizeTest#Perspective TeamSynchronizingPerspective setSize()
+1.6% [±1.5]
- 3.0% [±0.4]
- 2.6% [±0.7]
ResizeTest#Perspective resourcePerspective setSize()
+0.0% [±1.4]
- 0.5% [±0.4]
- 1.9% [±0.4]
ResizeTest#Perspective EmptyPerspective setSize()
+0.7% [±1.3]
+1.5% [±1.0]
- 2.4% [±1.0]
ResizeTest#Perspective EmptyPerspective2 setSize()
+1.2% [±1.5]
+1.6% [±1.1]
- 2.0% [±0.9]
ResizeTest#Perspective performancePerspective1 setSize()
+0.6% [±1.3]
- 0.2% [±0.4]
+0.0% [±0.6]
ResizeTest#Perspective performancePerspective2 setSize()
+1.6% [±1.1]
- 0.6% [±0.3]
- 2.9% [±0.8]
ResizeTest#Perspective StandaloneViewPerspective setSize()
+1.1% [±1.4]
- 0.6% [±0.2]
- 1.0% [±0.4]
ResizeTest#Perspective StandaloneViewPerspective2 setSize()
+2.3% [±1.2]
- 0.4% [±1.4]
- 0.7% [±0.7]
ResizeTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory editor setSize()
+0.8% [±0.5]
- 5.0% [±0.6]
+0.0% [±4.2]
ResizeTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory standalone with title setSize()
+6.6% [±0.6]
+5.1% [±0.6]
- 4.8% [±1.7]
ResizeTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory standalone without title setSize()
+6.1% [±0.5]
+8.2% [±0.5]
- 4.8% [±1.6]
ResizeTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory view setSize()
+6.4% [±0.6]
+4.7% [±0.5]
- 4.6% [±1.6]
ResizeTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic editor setSize()
+0.0% [±0.8]
- 1.1% [±0.6]
- 3.2% [±3.0]
ResizeTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic standalone with title setSize()
+0.0% [±0.4]
- 4.5% [±0.7]
- 1.8% [±3.3]
ResizeTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic standalone without title setSize()
+8.5% [±0.3]
+6.7% [±0.4]
+0.0% [±1.6]
ResizeTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic view setSize()
+0.0% [±0.7]
- 1.1% [±0.9]
- 3.4% [±2.9]
ResizeTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory editor setSize()
+0.0% [±0.6]
- 5.4% [±0.7]
- 1.6% [±2.8]
ResizeTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory standalone with title setSize()
+0.0% [±0.6]
+0.0% [±0.6]
+0.0% [±3.3]
ResizeTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory standalone without title setSize()
+8.5% [±0.4]
+8.6% [±0.4]
- 2.2% [±2.2]
ResizeTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory view setSize()
+0.8% [±0.5]
- 1.0% [±0.6]
- 2.7% [±3.1]
ResizeTest#View ProjectExplorer setSize()
- 2.0% [±1.6]
+0.0% [±0.3]
- 2.0% [±2.9]
ResizeTest#View AllMarkersView setSize()
+2.4% [±7.3]
+1.0% [±7.5]
- 3.4% [±4.7]
ResizeTest#View BookmarkView setSize()
+2.4% [±5.4]
- 1.2% [±7.8]
- 3.4% [±4.3]
ResizeTest#View ContentOutline setSize()
+0.0% [±9.5]
- 1.4% [±11.6]
+0.0% [±2.1]
ResizeTest#View ProblemView setSize()
+5.0% [±6.9]
+2.1% [±4.9]
+3.3% [±4.2]
ResizeTest#View ProgressView setSize()
+3.1% [±9.9]
+0.0% [±10.8]
- 5.0% [±7.6]
ResizeTest#View PropertySheet setSize()
+0.0% [±4.3]
+0.0% [±1.2]
- 3.7% [±4.9]
ResizeTest#View ResourceNavigator setSize()
+2.1% [±2.6]
+0.0% [±0.2]
- 6.7% [±3.0]
ResizeTest#View TaskList setSize()
+0.0% [±6.1]
+1.0% [±5.4]
- 3.1% [±3.0]
PresentationActivateTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory editor activation()
+0.6% [±1.6]
- 1.1% [±3.9]
+1.1% [±5.0]
PresentationActivateTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory standalone with title activation()
- 0.1% [±1.2]
- 0.5% [±2.5]
+0.3% [±0.9]
PresentationActivateTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory standalone without title activation()
- 0.7% [±1.1]
- 2.0% [±2.3]
- 0.3% [±2.2]
PresentationActivateTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory view activation()
+0.0% [±1.3]
- 1.8% [±2.5]
+1.5% [±3.1]
PresentationActivateTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic editor activation()
+0.0% [±0.5]
- 2.4% [±1.6]
- 0.8% [±2.2]
PresentationActivateTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic standalone with title activation()
+0.8% [±2.7]
- 1.1% [±2.7]
+0.7% [±2.4]
PresentationActivateTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic standalone without title activation()
+0.0% [±7.1]
+0.0% [±16.0]
PresentationActivateTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic view activation()
- 1.2% [±3.4]
- 4.5% [±2.3]
- 0.4% [±1.6]
PresentationActivateTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory editor activation()
+0.8% [±0.6]
- 0.4% [±1.6]
+0.3% [±3.0]
PresentationActivateTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory standalone with title activation()
- 0.3% [±2.7]
- 0.5% [±2.6]
+0.7% [±2.3]
PresentationActivateTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory standalone without title activation()
+0.0% [±9.8]
+0.0% [±21.2]
PresentationActivateTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory view activation()
- 0.4% [±0.2]
- 0.3% [±1.6]
+1.8% [±3.0]
PresentationActivePartPropertyTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory editor active part properties()
+0.2% [±0.5]
+0.0% [±0.3]
- 0.4% [±0.7]
PresentationActivePartPropertyTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory standalone with title active part properties()
- 0.6% [±0.4]
+0.6% [±0.8]
- 4.4% [±1.1]
PresentationActivePartPropertyTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory standalone without title active part properties()
+0.6% [±0.5]
+0.3% [±0.8]
- 3.6% [±1.1]
PresentationActivePartPropertyTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory view active part properties()
- 0.3% [±0.6]
- 1.4% [±0.8]
- 4.6% [±1.0]
PresentationActivePartPropertyTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic editor active part properties()
- 0.7% [±0.7]
- 2.0% [±1.0]
- 2.7% [±1.0]
PresentationActivePartPropertyTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic standalone with title active part properties()
+0.0% [±0.7]
- 1.0% [±1.1]
- 2.6% [±0.7]
PresentationActivePartPropertyTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic standalone without title active part properties()
+0.0% [±9.2]
+0.0% [±30.6]
+0.0% [±38.8]
PresentationActivePartPropertyTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic view active part properties()
- 0.3% [±0.7]
- 1.8% [±1.0]
- 1.8% [±1.1]
PresentationActivePartPropertyTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory editor active part properties()
+0.0% [±0.9]
- 2.0% [±0.9]
- 2.1% [±1.1]
PresentationActivePartPropertyTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory standalone with title active part properties()
+0.8% [±0.7]
- 1.0% [±1.2]
- 2.6% [±0.8]
PresentationActivePartPropertyTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory standalone without title active part properties()
- 1.6% [±1.2]
+0.4% [±1.7]
- 0.8% [±2.3]
PresentationActivePartPropertyTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory view active part properties()
+1.4% [±0.7]
- 2.0% [±1.1]
- 2.8% [±1.1]
PresentationCreateTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory editor creation()
+3.0% [±6.5]
+0.0% [±8.7]
+0.0% [±3.9]
PresentationCreateTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory editor large folder creation()
+0.0% [±6.2]
- 0.2% [±3.9]
- 1.7% [±4.2]
PresentationCreateTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory standalone with title creation()
+3.5% [±6.9]
+3.1% [±8.0]
+0.0% [±2.7]
PresentationCreateTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory standalone without title creation()
+3.5% [±7.0]
+3.1% [±8.1]
- 2.0% [±2.5]
PresentationCreateTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory view creation()
+3.8% [±6.0]
+2.3% [±6.8]
- 2.6% [±2.4]
PresentationCreateTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory view large folder creation()
- 0.8% [±9.0]
- 2.8% [±7.6]
- 2.5% [±5.1]
PresentationCreateTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic editor creation()
+0.0% [±7.3]
- 1.8% [±7.9]
- 4.0% [±3.1]
PresentationCreateTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic editor large folder creation()
+0.7% [±10.2]
- 1.8% [±9.2]
- 1.1% [±23.1]
PresentationCreateTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic standalone with title creation()
+0.0% [±8.0]
- 1.3% [±8.9]
- 3.8% [±4.4]
PresentationCreateTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic standalone without title creation()
+0.0% [±9.9]
+0.8% [±12.1]
+0.0% [±6.8]
PresentationCreateTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic view creation()
- 0.9% [±7.6]
- 1.8% [±8.0]
+0.0% [±2.5]
PresentationCreateTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic view large folder creation()
+1.6% [±9.4]
+1.3% [±6.5]
- 2.9% [±4.6]
PresentationCreateTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory editor creation()
- 0.9% [±7.5]
+0.6% [±7.8]
- 5.9% [±3.5]
PresentationCreateTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory editor large folder creation()
- 2.4% [±9.8]
- 2.3% [±8.5]
- 3.1% [±12.0]
PresentationCreateTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory standalone with title creation()
+1.0% [±8.0]
- 0.7% [±9.0]
- 3.8% [±3.9]
PresentationCreateTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory standalone without title creation()
+0.0% [±9.9]
- 0.8% [±12.1]
+0.0% [±5.6]
PresentationCreateTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory view creation()
+0.0% [±7.3]
+1.2% [±7.6]
+0.0% [±2.8]
PresentationCreateTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory view large folder creation()
+0.9% [±9.6]
- 1.0% [±7.0]
- 2.2% [±22.4]
PresentationInactivePartPropertyTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory editor inactive part properties()
- 0.7% [±1.8]
- 0.3% [±3.4]
- 0.9% [±3.3]
PresentationInactivePartPropertyTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory view inactive part properties()
- 4.1% [±2.8]
- 1.7% [±3.7]
- 3.8% [±2.3]
PresentationInactivePartPropertyTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic editor inactive part properties()
+1.4% [±1.5]
- 2.0% [±3.9]
- 0.7% [±2.0]
PresentationInactivePartPropertyTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic view inactive part properties()
- 0.8% [±1.3]
- 1.9% [±3.5]
- 1.7% [±2.5]
PresentationInactivePartPropertyTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory editor inactive part properties()
+3.0% [±4.7]
- 1.8% [±6.2]
- 1.2% [±2.5]
PresentationInactivePartPropertyTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory view inactive part properties()
- 0.7% [±1.9]
- 2.5% [±4.1]
- 0.7% [±1.9]
PresentationSelectTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory editor selection change()
+0.4% [±1.8]
- 0.6% [±1.2]
- 2.8% [±1.0]
PresentationSelectTest#Presentation R21PresentationFactory view selection change()
- 0.4% [±4.2]
- 0.7% [±3.3]
- 4.5% [±0.0]
PresentationSelectTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic editor selection change()
- 0.8% [±10.5]
- 0.7% [±0.4]
- 2.3% [±0.5]
PresentationSelectTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactoryClassic view selection change()
+0.2% [±8.9]
- 0.7% [±7.1]
- 2.7% [±0.8]
PresentationSelectTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory editor selection change()
- 1.0% [±10.1]
- 0.1% [±0.3]
- 2.0% [±0.4]
PresentationSelectTest#Presentation WorkbenchPresentationFactory view selection change()
- 0.3% [±7.3]
- 0.8% [±0.7]
- 1.5% [±0.4]
EmptyWorkbenchPerfTest#testOpen() [open]
- 1.9% [±3.4]
+7.2% [±2.4]
+2.5% [±2.3]
EmptyWorkbenchPerfTest#testRestore() [open]
- 7.7% [±7.5]
+0.8% [±3.1]
+8.6% [±5.8]
- 0.9% [±3.8]
+2.9% [±5.3]
+4.5% [±10.7]
- 4.4% [±39.9]
+4.8% [±27.3]
- 5.2% [±59.9]