errors | others warnings | forbidden warnings | discouraged warnings |
top | others warnings | forbidden warnings | discouraged warnings |
top | errors | forbidden warnings | discouraged warnings |
top | errors | others warnings | discouraged warnings |
top | errors | others warnings | forbidden warnings |
1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/ (at line 55) import; Discouraged access: The type ComparePlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/ (at line 196) ComparePlugin.getDefault().setCappingDisabled( Discouraged access: The type ComparePlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/ (at line 196) ComparePlugin.getDefault().setCappingDisabled( Discouraged access: The method getDefault() from the type ComparePlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/ (at line 196) ComparePlugin.getDefault().setCappingDisabled( getPreferenceStore().getBoolean( ComparePreferencePage.CAPPING_DISABLED)); Discouraged access: The method setCappingDisabled(boolean) from the type ComparePlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/ (at line 35) import; Discouraged access: The type ComparePlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/ (at line 261) ComparePlugin.getDefault().setCappingDisabled( Discouraged access: The type ComparePlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/ (at line 261) ComparePlugin.getDefault().setCappingDisabled( Discouraged access: The method getDefault() from the type ComparePlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/ (at line 261) ComparePlugin.getDefault().setCappingDisabled( getPreferenceStore().getBoolean( ComparePreferencePage.CAPPING_DISABLED)); Discouraged access: The method setCappingDisabled(boolean) from the type ComparePlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/ (at line 40) import; Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/ (at line 810) Object element = Utilities.getAdapter(right, HunkResult.class); Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/ (at line 811) if (element instanceof HunkResult) { Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/ (at line 812) return ((HunkResult)element).isOK(); Discouraged access: The method isOK() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/ (at line 812) return ((HunkResult)element).isOK(); Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/ (at line 817) Object element = Utilities.getAdapter(left, HunkResult.class); Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/ (at line 818) if (element instanceof HunkResult) Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/ (at line 819) return ((HunkResult)element).isOK(); Discouraged access: The method isOK() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/ (at line 819) return ((HunkResult)element).isOK(); Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/merge/ (at line 48) import; Discouraged access: The type LCS is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/merge/ (at line 572) if ((double) aLength * (double) lLength > LCS.TOO_LONG Discouraged access: The type LCS is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/merge/ (at line 572) if ((double) aLength * (double) lLength > LCS.TOO_LONG Discouraged access: The field TOO_LONG from the type LCS is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/merge/ (at line 573) || (double) aLength * (double) rLength > LCS.TOO_LONG Discouraged access: The type LCS is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/merge/ (at line 573) || (double) aLength * (double) rLength > LCS.TOO_LONG Discouraged access: The field TOO_LONG from the type LCS is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/merge/ (at line 574) || (double) lLength * (double) rLength > LCS.TOO_LONG) Discouraged access: The type LCS is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/merge/ (at line 574) || (double) lLength * (double) rLength > LCS.TOO_LONG) Discouraged access: The field TOO_LONG from the type LCS is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 13) import; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 21) public class FilePatch extends FilePatch2 implements IFilePatch { Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 25) super(oldPath, oldDate, newPath, newDate); Discouraged access: The constructor FilePatch2(IPath, long, IPath, long) is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 38) return apply(content != null ? Utilities.getReaderCreator(content) : null, configuration, monitor); Discouraged access: The method apply(ReaderCreator, PatchConfiguration, IProgressMonitor) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 42) protected FilePatch2 create(IPath oldPath, long oldDate, IPath newPath, Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 14) import; Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 21) private final HunkResult result; Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 23) public static HunkDiffNode createDiffNode(PatchFileDiffNode parent, HunkResult result, boolean fullContext) { Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 27) public static HunkDiffNode createDiffNode(PatchFileDiffNode parent, HunkResult result, boolean ancestorFullContext, boolean leftFullContext, boolean rightFullContext) { Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 31) public static ITypedElement getRightElement(HunkResult result, boolean fullContext) { Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 35) private static ITypedElement getLeftElement(HunkResult result, Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 37) if (fullContext && !result.isOK()) Discouraged access: The method isOK() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 42) public static ITypedElement getAncestorElement(HunkResult result, boolean fullContext) { Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 43) if (!fullContext && result.isOK()) { Discouraged access: The method isOK() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
10. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 51) return new HunkTypedElement(result, false /* before state */, result.isOK()); Discouraged access: The method isOK() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
11. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 54) public HunkDiffNode(HunkResult result, PatchFileDiffNode parent, int kind, ITypedElement ancestor, ITypedElement left, ITypedElement right) { Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
12. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 55) super(result.getHunk(), parent, kind, ancestor, left, right); Discouraged access: The method getHunk() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
13. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 59) public HunkResult getHunkResult() { Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
14. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 64) return result.getDiffResult().getConfiguration(); Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
15. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 64) return result.getDiffResult().getConfiguration(); Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
16. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 77) return result.getFuzz() > 0; Discouraged access: The method getFuzz() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
17. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 81) int fuzz = result.getFuzz(); Discouraged access: The method getFuzz() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
18. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 83) String[] lines = result.getHunk().getLines(); Discouraged access: The method getHunk() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
19. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 83) String[] lines = result.getHunk().getLines(); Discouraged access: The method getLines() from the type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 20) import; Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 21) import; Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 32) private final HunkResult fHunkResult; Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 36) public HunkTypedElement(HunkResult result, boolean isAfterState, boolean fullContext) { Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 46) LocalResourceManager imageCache = PatchCompareEditorInput.getImageCache(fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getConfiguration()); Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 46) LocalResourceManager imageCache = PatchCompareEditorInput.getImageCache(fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getConfiguration()); Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 49) if (!fHunkResult.isOK()) { Discouraged access: The method isOK() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 51) } else if (fHunkResult.getFuzz() > 0) { Discouraged access: The method getFuzz() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 68) return getPatcher().isManuallyMerged(getHunkResult().getHunk()); Discouraged access: The method getHunk() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
10. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 72) return Patcher.getPatcher(fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getConfiguration()); Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
11. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 72) return Patcher.getPatcher(fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getConfiguration()); Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
12. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 79) return fHunkResult.getHunk().getLabel(); Discouraged access: The method getHunk() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
13. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 79) return fHunkResult.getHunk().getLabel(); Discouraged access: The method getLabel() from the type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
14. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 86) return fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getDiff().getTargetPath(fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getConfiguration()).getFileExtension(); Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
15. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 86) return fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getDiff().getTargetPath(fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getConfiguration()).getFileExtension(); Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
16. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 86) return fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getDiff().getTargetPath(fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getConfiguration()).getFileExtension(); Discouraged access: The method getTargetPath(PatchConfiguration) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
17. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 86) return fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getDiff().getTargetPath(fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getConfiguration()).getFileExtension(); Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
18. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 86) return fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getDiff().getTargetPath(fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getConfiguration()).getFileExtension(); Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
19. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 93) String contents = fHunkResult.getContents(fIsAfterState, fFullContext); Discouraged access: The method getContents(boolean, boolean) from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
20. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 94) return FileDiffResult.asInputStream(contents, fHunkResult.getCharset()); Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
21. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 94) return FileDiffResult.asInputStream(contents, fHunkResult.getCharset()); Discouraged access: The method asInputStream(String, String) from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
22. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 94) return FileDiffResult.asInputStream(contents, fHunkResult.getCharset()); Discouraged access: The method getCharset() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
23. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 98) return fHunkResult.getCharset(); Discouraged access: The method getCharset() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
24. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 101) public HunkResult getHunkResult() { Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
25. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 108) if (adapter == HunkResult.class) Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 23) import; Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 24) import; Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 25) import; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 26) import; Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 95) if (getPatcher().hasCachedContents(fileNode.getDiffResult().getDiff())) { Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 111) new String[] { hunkNode.getHunkResult().getFuzz() + ""}) }); //$NON-NLS-1$ Discouraged access: The method getFuzz() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 240) private void processDiffs(FilePatch2[] diffs) { Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 246) private void processProjects(DiffProject[] diffProjects) { Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 250) FilePatch2[] diffs = diffProjects[i].getFileDiffs(); Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
10. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 250) FilePatch2[] diffs = diffProjects[i].getFileDiffs(); Discouraged access: The method getFileDiffs() from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
11. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 252) FilePatch2 fileDiff = diffs[j]; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
12. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 258) private void processDiff(FilePatch2 diff, DiffNode parent) { Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
13. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 259) FileDiffResult diffResult = getPatcher().getDiffResult(diff); Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
14. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 261) HunkResult[] hunkResults = diffResult.getHunkResults(); Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
15. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 261) HunkResult[] hunkResults = diffResult.getHunkResults(); Discouraged access: The method getHunkResults() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
16. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 263) HunkResult hunkResult = hunkResults[i]; Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
17. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 264) if (!hunkResult.isOK()) { Discouraged access: The method isOK() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
18. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 300) if (((HunkDiffNode) obj).getHunkResult().isOK()) { Discouraged access: The method isOK() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 16) import; Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 17) import; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 27) private final FileDiffResult result; Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 29) public static PatchFileDiffNode createDiffNode(DiffNode parent, FileDiffResult result) { Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 33) public static int getKind(FileDiffResult result) { Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 34) if (!result.hasMatches()) Discouraged access: The method hasMatches() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 36) int fileDiffKind = result.getDiff().getDiffType(result.getConfiguration().isReversed()); Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 36) int fileDiffKind = result.getDiff().getDiffType(result.getConfiguration().isReversed()); Discouraged access: The method getDiffType(boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 36) int fileDiffKind = result.getDiff().getDiffType(result.getConfiguration().isReversed()); Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
10. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 44) case FilePatch2.ADDITION: Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
11. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 44) case FilePatch2.ADDITION: Discouraged access: The field ADDITION from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
12. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 47) case FilePatch2.DELETION: Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
13. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 47) case FilePatch2.DELETION: Discouraged access: The field DELETION from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
14. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 50) case FilePatch2.CHANGE: Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
15. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 50) case FilePatch2.CHANGE: Discouraged access: The field CHANGE from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
16. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 60) public static ITypedElement getRightElement(FileDiffResult result) { Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
17. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 64) private static ITypedElement getLeftElement(FileDiffResult result) { Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
18. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 68) public static ITypedElement getAncestorElement(FileDiffResult result) { Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
19. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 72) public PatchFileDiffNode(FileDiffResult result, IDiffContainer parent, int kind, Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
20. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 74) super(result.getDiff(), parent, kind, ancestor, left, right); Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
21. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 78) public FileDiffResult getDiffResult() { Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
22. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 83) return result.getConfiguration(); Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
23. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 111) if (kind == Differencer.NO_CHANGE && getPatcher().hasCachedContents(getDiffResult().getDiff())) { Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 22) import; Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 23) import; Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 34) private final FileDiffResult result; Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 37) public PatchFileTypedElement(FileDiffResult result, boolean isAfterState) { Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 43) IFile file = getPatcher().getTargetFile(result.getDiff()); Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 46) DiffProject project = result.getDiff().getProject(); Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 46) DiffProject project = result.getDiff().getProject(); Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 46) DiffProject project = result.getDiff().getProject(); Discouraged access: The method getProject() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 49) result.getDiff().getPath( Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
10. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 49) result.getDiff().getPath( result.getConfiguration().isReversed())); Discouraged access: The method getPath(boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
11. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 50) result.getConfiguration().isReversed())); Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
12. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 57) file = container.getFile(result.getTargetPath()); Discouraged access: The method getTargetPath() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
13. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 65) if (result.containsProblems()) { Discouraged access: The method containsProblems() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
14. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 67) .getImageCache(result.getConfiguration()); Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
15. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 79) return result.getTargetPath().toString(); Discouraged access: The method getTargetPath() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
16. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 88) return result.getTargetPath().getFileExtension(); Discouraged access: The method getTargetPath() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
17. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 92) return result.getCharset(); Discouraged access: The method getCharset() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
18. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 97) if (isAfterState && getPatcher().hasCachedContents(result.getDiff())) Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
19. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 99) result.getDiff())); Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
20. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 103) lines = result.getAfterLines(); Discouraged access: The method getAfterLines() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
21. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 105) lines = result.getBeforeLines(); Discouraged access: The method getBeforeLines() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
22. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 125) return Patcher.getPatcher(result.getConfiguration()); Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 15) import; Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 27) private final DiffProject project; Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 30) public PatchProjectDiffNode(IDiffContainer parent, DiffProject project, PatchConfiguration configuration) { Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 40) return project.getName(); Discouraged access: The method getName() from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 61) if (node.getDiffResult().containsProblems()) Discouraged access: The method containsProblems() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 79) public DiffProject getDiffProject() { Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 84) return ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(getDiffProject().getName()); Discouraged access: The method getName() from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 29) import; Discouraged access: The type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 30) import; Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 31) import; Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 32) import; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 33) import; Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 34) import; Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 87) private FilePatch2[] fDiffs; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 108) public FilePatch2[] getDiffs() { Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 110) return new FilePatch2[0]; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
10. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 114) public IPath getPath(FilePatch2 diff) { Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
11. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 115) return diff.getStrippedPath(getStripPrefixSegments(), isReversed()); Discouraged access: The method getStrippedPath(int, boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
12. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 186) PatchReader patchReader = new PatchReader() { Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
13. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 186) PatchReader patchReader = new PatchReader() { Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
14. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 187) protected FilePatch2 createFileDiff(IPath oldPath, long oldDate, Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
15. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 192) patchReader.parse(reader); Discouraged access: The method parse(BufferedReader) from the type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
16. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 196) protected void patchParsed(PatchReader patchReader) { Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
17. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 197) fDiffs = patchReader.getDiffs(); Discouraged access: The method getDiffs() from the type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
18. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 201) FilePatch2[] fileDiffs = getDiffs(); Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
19. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 205) FilePatch2 fileDiff = fileDiffs[i]; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
20. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 206) for (int j = 0; j < fileDiff.getHunkCount(); j++) { Discouraged access: The method getHunkCount() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
21. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 207) IHunk hunk = fileDiff.getHunks()[j]; Discouraged access: The method getHunks() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
22. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 208) String[] lines = ((Hunk) hunk).getLines(); Discouraged access: The method getLines() from the type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
23. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 208) String[] lines = ((Hunk) hunk).getLines(); Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
24. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 221) fileDiff.setAddedLines(addedLines); Discouraged access: The method setAddedLines(int) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
25. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 222) fileDiff.setRemovedLines(removedLines); Discouraged access: The method setRemovedLines(int) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
26. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 249) FilePatch2 diff= fDiffs[i]; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
27. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 251) switch (diff.getDiffType(isReversed())) { Discouraged access: The method getDiffType(boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
28. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 252) case FilePatch2.CHANGE: Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
29. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 252) case FilePatch2.CHANGE: Discouraged access: The field CHANGE from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
30. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 265) String message= Messages.Patcher_0; Discouraged access: The type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
31. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 265) String message= Messages.Patcher_0; Discouraged access: The field Patcher_0 from the type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
32. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 273) FilePatch2 diff= fDiffs[i]; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
33. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 286) int type= diff.getDiffType(isReversed()); Discouraged access: The method getDiffType(boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
34. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 288) case FilePatch2.ADDITION: Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
35. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 288) case FilePatch2.ADDITION: Discouraged access: The field ADDITION from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
36. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 295) case FilePatch2.DELETION: Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
37. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 295) case FilePatch2.DELETION: Discouraged access: The field DELETION from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
38. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 299) case FilePatch2.CHANGE: Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
39. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 299) case FilePatch2.CHANGE: Discouraged access: The field CHANGE from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
40. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 315) marker.setAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, Messages.Patcher_1); Discouraged access: The type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
41. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 315) marker.setAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, Messages.Patcher_1); Discouraged access: The field Patcher_1 from the type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
42. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 343) List apply(FilePatch2 diff, IFile file, boolean create, List failedHunks) { Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
43. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 344) FileDiffResult result = getDiffResult(diff); Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
44. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 346) result.patch(lines, null); Discouraged access: The method patch(List, IProgressMonitor) from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
45. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 347) failedHunks.addAll(result.getFailedHunks()); Discouraged access: The method getFailedHunks() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
46. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 351) } else if (!result.hasMatches()) { Discouraged access: The method hasMatches() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
47. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 355) return result.getLines(); Discouraged access: The method getLines() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
48. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 430) Hunk hunk= (Hunk); Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
49. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 430) Hunk hunk= (Hunk); Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
50. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 431) sb.append(hunk.getRejectedDescription()); Discouraged access: The method getRejectedDescription() from the type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
51. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 433) sb.append(hunk.getContent()); Discouraged access: The method getContent() from the type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
52. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 473) public IFile getTargetFile(FilePatch2 diff) { Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
53. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 474) IPath path = diff.getStrippedPath(getStripPrefixSegments(), isReversed()); Discouraged access: The method getStrippedPath(int, boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
54. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 517) FilePatch2 diff= fDiffs[i]; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
55. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 518) length= Math.min(length, diff.segmentCount()); Discouraged access: The method segmentCount() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
56. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 526) public void addDiff(FilePatch2 newDiff){ Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
57. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 527) FilePatch2[] temp = new FilePatch2[fDiffs.length + 1]; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
58. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 527) FilePatch2[] temp = new FilePatch2[fDiffs.length + 1]; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
59. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 533) public void removeDiff(FilePatch2 diffToRemove){ Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
60. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 534) FilePatch2[] temp = new FilePatch2[fDiffs.length - 1]; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
61. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 534) FilePatch2[] temp = new FilePatch2[fDiffs.length - 1]; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
62. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 545) if (element instanceof DiffProject) Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
63. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 546) setEnabledProject((DiffProject) element, enabled); Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
64. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 547) if (element instanceof FilePatch2) Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
65. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 548) setEnabledFile((FilePatch2)element, enabled); Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
66. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 549) if (element instanceof Hunk) Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
67. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 550) setEnabledHunk((Hunk) element, enabled); Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
68. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 553) private void setEnabledProject(DiffProject projectDiff, boolean enabled) { Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
69. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 554) FilePatch2[] diffFiles = projectDiff.getFileDiffs(); Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
70. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 554) FilePatch2[] diffFiles = projectDiff.getFileDiffs(); Discouraged access: The method getFileDiffs() from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
71. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 560) private void setEnabledFile(FilePatch2 fileDiff, boolean enabled) { Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
72. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 561) IHunk[] hunks = fileDiff.getHunks(); Discouraged access: The method getHunks() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
73. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 563) setEnabledHunk((Hunk) hunks[i], enabled); Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
74. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 567) private void setEnabledHunk(Hunk hunk, boolean enabled) { Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
75. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 570) FilePatch2 file = hunk.getParent(); Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
76. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 570) FilePatch2 file = hunk.getParent(); Discouraged access: The method getParent() from the type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
77. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 572) DiffProject project = file.getProject(); Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
78. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 572) DiffProject project = file.getProject(); Discouraged access: The method getProject() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
79. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 577) FilePatch2 file = hunk.getParent(); Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
80. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 577) FilePatch2 file = hunk.getParent(); Discouraged access: The method getParent() from the type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
81. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 578) if (disabledElements.containsAll(Arrays.asList(file.getHunks()))) { Discouraged access: The method getHunks() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
82. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 580) DiffProject project = file.getProject(); Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
83. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 580) DiffProject project = file.getProject(); Discouraged access: The method getProject() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
84. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 582) && disabledElements.containsAll(Arrays.asList(project .getFileDiffs()))) Discouraged access: The method getFileDiffs() from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
85. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 599) if (element instanceof Hunk) { Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
86. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 600) Hunk hunk = (Hunk) element; Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
87. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 600) Hunk hunk = (Hunk) element; Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
88. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 601) return hunk.getParent(); Discouraged access: The method getParent() from the type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
89. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 613) monitor.beginTask(Messages.Patcher_2, IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN); Discouraged access: The type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
90. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 613) monitor.beginTask(Messages.Patcher_2, IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN); Discouraged access: The field Patcher_2 from the type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
91. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 614) FilePatch2[] diffs= getDiffs(); Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
92. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 619) FilePatch2 d= diffs[i]; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
93. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 623) FileDiffResult result = getDiffResult(d); Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
94. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 624) int f = result.calculateFuzz(lines, monitor); Discouraged access: The method calculateFuzz(List, IProgressMonitor) from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
95. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 640) public void refresh(FilePatch2[] diffs) { Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
96. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 642) FilePatch2 diff = diffs[i]; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
97. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 643) FileDiffResult result = getDiffResult(diff); Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
98. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 648) public FileDiffResult getDiffResult(FilePatch2 diff) { Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
99. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 648) public FileDiffResult getDiffResult(FilePatch2 diff) { Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
100. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 649) FileDiffResult result = (FileDiffResult)diffResults.get(diff); Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 22) import; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 23) import; Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 239) enable = node.getDiffResult().getDiffProblem(); Discouraged access: The method getDiffProblem() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 723) FilePatch2[] fileDiffs = fPatcher.getDiffs(); Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 725) added += fileDiffs[i].getAddedLines(); Discouraged access: The method getAddedLines() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 726) removed += fileDiffs[i].getRemovedLines(); Discouraged access: The method getRemovedLines() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 734) FilePatch2[] fileDiffs = fPatcher.getDiffs(); Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 736) IHunk[] hunks = fileDiffs[i].getHunks(); Discouraged access: The method getHunks() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 738) String[] lines = ((Hunk) hunks[j]).getLines(); Discouraged access: The method getLines() from the type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
10. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 738) String[] lines = ((Hunk) hunks[j]).getLines(); Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 15) import; Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 16) import; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 17) import; Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 131) return fPatcher.getTargetFile(node.getDiffResult().getDiff()); Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 134) return fPatcher.getTargetFile(node.getHunkResult().getDiffResult().getDiff()); Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 134) return fPatcher.getTargetFile(node.getHunkResult().getDiffResult().getDiff()); Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 137) DiffProject diffProject = node.getDiffProject(); Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 146) DiffProject project = node.getDiffProject(); Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 147) return NLS.bind(PatchMessages.PreviewPatchPage_SelectProject, project.getName()); Discouraged access: The method getName() from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
10. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 151) FilePatch2 diff = node.getDiffResult().getDiff(); Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
11. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 151) FilePatch2 diff = node.getDiffResult().getDiff(); Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
12. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 155) Hunk hunk = node.getHunkResult().getHunk(); Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
13. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 155) Hunk hunk = node.getHunkResult().getHunk(); Discouraged access: The method getHunk() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
14. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 156) return NLS.bind(PatchMessages.RetargetPatchElementDialog_1, fPatcher.getPath(hunk.getParent())); Discouraged access: The method getParent() from the type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
15. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 165) DiffProject project = node.getDiffProject(); Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
16. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 170) FilePatch2 diff = node.getDiffResult().getDiff(); Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
17. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 170) FilePatch2 diff = node.getDiffResult().getDiff(); Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
18. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 174) fPatcher.retargetHunk(node.getHunkResult().getHunk(), (IFile)fSelectedResource); Discouraged access: The method getHunk() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 24) import; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 25) import; Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 34) public UnmatchedHunkTypedElement(HunkResult result) { Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 60) IFile file = ((WorkspaceFileDiffResult)getHunkResult().getDiffResult()).getTargetFile(); Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 76) getPatcher().setManuallyMerged(getHunkResult().getHunk(), true); Discouraged access: The method getHunk() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 82) private FilePatch2 getDiff() { Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 83) return getHunkResult().getDiffResult().getDiff(); Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 83) return getHunkResult().getDiffResult().getDiff(); Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 98) List lines = getHunkResult().getDiffResult().getAfterLines(); Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
10. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 98) List lines = getHunkResult().getDiffResult().getAfterLines(); Discouraged access: The method getAfterLines() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
11. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 99) String content = LineReader.createString(getHunkResult().getDiffResult().isPreserveLineDelimeters(), lines); Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
12. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 99) String content = LineReader.createString(getHunkResult().getDiffResult().isPreserveLineDelimeters(), lines); Discouraged access: The method isPreserveLineDelimeters() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
13. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 113) return getHunkResult().getDiffResult().getConfiguration(); Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
14. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 113) return getHunkResult().getDiffResult().getConfiguration(); Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 22) import; Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 46) public static IProject getProject(DiffProject diffProject) { Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 48) diffProject.getName()); Discouraged access: The method getName() from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 15) import; Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 16) import; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 24) public class WorkspaceFileDiffResult extends FileDiffResult { Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 26) public WorkspaceFileDiffResult(FilePatch2 diff, Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 28) super(diff, configuration); Discouraged access: The constructor FileDiffResult(FilePatch2, PatchConfiguration) is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 32) IProject project = getPatcher().getTargetProject(getDiff()); Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 48) return Patcher.getPatcher(getConfiguration()); Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 52) return getPatcher().getTargetFile(getDiff()); Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 56) refresh(Utilities.getReaderCreator(getTargetFile()), null); Discouraged access: The method refresh(ReaderCreator, IProgressMonitor) from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 19) import; Discouraged access: The type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 20) import; Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 21) import; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 22) import; Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 23) import; Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 49) private DiffProject[] fDiffProjects; Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 62) protected void patchParsed(PatchReader patchReader) { Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 64) fDiffProjects = patchReader.getDiffProjects(); Discouraged access: The method getDiffProjects() from the type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 65) fIsWorkspacePatch = patchReader.isWorkspacePatch(); Discouraged access: The method isWorkspacePatch() from the type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
10. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 66) fIsGitPatch = patchReader.isGitPatch() && calculateStripGitPrefixSegments() > -1; Discouraged access: The method isGitPatch() from the type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
11. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 69) public DiffProject[] getDiffProjects() { Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
12. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 94) DiffProject diffProject= fDiffProjects[j]; Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
13. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 103) FilePatch2[] diffs = getDiffs(); Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
14. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 105) String message= Messages.WorkspacePatcher_0; Discouraged access: The type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
15. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 105) String message= Messages.WorkspacePatcher_0; Discouraged access: The field WorkspacePatcher_0 from the type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
16. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 113) FilePatch2 diff= diffs[i]; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
17. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 123) int type= diff.getDiffType(isReversed()); Discouraged access: The method getDiffType(boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
18. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 125) case FilePatch2.ADDITION : Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
19. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 125) case FilePatch2.ADDITION : Discouraged access: The field ADDITION from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
20. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 132) case FilePatch2.DELETION : Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
21. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 132) case FilePatch2.DELETION : Discouraged access: The field DELETION from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
22. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 136) case FilePatch2.CHANGE : Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
23. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 136) case FilePatch2.CHANGE : Discouraged access: The field CHANGE from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
24. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 157) marker.setAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, Messages.WorkspacePatcher_1); Discouraged access: The type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
25. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 157) marker.setAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, Messages.WorkspacePatcher_1); Discouraged access: The field WorkspacePatcher_1 from the type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
26. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 176) private boolean isAccessible(FilePatch2 diff) { Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
27. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 177) return isEnabled(diff) && Utilities.getProject(diff.getProject()).isAccessible(); Discouraged access: The method getProject() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
28. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 186) public IFile[] getTargetFiles(DiffProject project) { Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
29. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 188) FilePatch2[] diffs = project.getFileDiffs(); Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
30. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 188) FilePatch2[] diffs = project.getFileDiffs(); Discouraged access: The method getFileDiffs() from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
31. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 190) FilePatch2 diff = diffs[i]; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
32. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 198) public IFile getTargetFile(FilePatch2 diff) { Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
33. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 199) IPath path = diff.getStrippedPath(getStripPrefixSegments(), isReversed()); Discouraged access: The method getStrippedPath(int, boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
34. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 200) DiffProject project = getProject(diff); Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
35. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 206) private IPath getFullPath(FilePatch2 diff) { Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
36. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 207) IPath path = diff.getStrippedPath(getStripPrefixSegments(), isReversed()); Discouraged access: The method getStrippedPath(int, boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
37. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 208) DiffProject project = getProject(diff); Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
38. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 233) public void setDiffProjects(DiffProject[] newProjectArray) { Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
39. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 234) fDiffProjects = new DiffProject[newProjectArray.length]; Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
40. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 238) public void removeProject(DiffProject project) { Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
41. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 239) DiffProject[] temp = new DiffProject[fDiffProjects.length - 1]; Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
42. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 239) DiffProject[] temp = new DiffProject[fDiffProjects.length - 1]; Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
43. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 250) if (element instanceof FilePatch2 && fDiffProjects != null) { Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
44. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 251) FilePatch2 diff = (FilePatch2) element; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
45. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 251) FilePatch2 diff = (FilePatch2) element; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
46. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 253) DiffProject project = fDiffProjects[i]; Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
47. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 254) if (project.contains(diff)) Discouraged access: The method contains(FilePatch2) from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
48. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 269) public void retargetDiff(FilePatch2 diff, IFile file) { Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
49. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 270) retargetedDiffs.put(diff, diff.getPath(false)); Discouraged access: The method getPath(boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
50. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 271) IHunk[] hunks = diff.getHunks(); Discouraged access: The method getHunks() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
51. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 275) diff.getProject().remove(diff); Discouraged access: The method getProject() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
52. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 275) diff.getProject().remove(diff); Discouraged access: The method remove(FilePatch2) from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
53. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 278) FilePatch2 newDiff = getDiffForFile(file); Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
54. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 280) Hunk hunk = (Hunk) hunks[i]; Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
55. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 280) Hunk hunk = (Hunk) hunks[i]; Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
56. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 281) newDiff.add(hunk); Discouraged access: The method add(Hunk) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
57. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 285) private FilePatch2 getDiffForFile(IFile file) { Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
58. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 286) DiffProject diffProject = null; Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
59. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 287) FilePatch2[] diffsToCheck; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
60. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 291) DiffProject[] diffProjects = getDiffProjects(); Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
61. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 302) diffsToCheck = diffProject.getFileDiffs(); Discouraged access: The method getFileDiffs() from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
62. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 308) FilePatch2 fileDiff = diffsToCheck[i]; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
63. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 316) FilePatch2 newDiff = new FilePatch2(path, 0, path, 0); Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
64. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 316) FilePatch2 newDiff = new FilePatch2(path, 0, path, 0); Discouraged access: The constructor FilePatch2(IPath, long, IPath, long) is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
65. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 316) FilePatch2 newDiff = new FilePatch2(path, 0, path, 0); Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
66. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 318) diffProject.add(newDiff); Discouraged access: The method add(FilePatch2) from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
67. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 325) DiffProject project = getDiffProject(file.getProject()); Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
68. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 332) private boolean isDiffForFile(FilePatch2 fileDiff, IFile file) { Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
69. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 336) private DiffProject addDiffProjectForProject(IProject project) { Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
70. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 337) DiffProject[] diffProjects = getDiffProjects(); Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
71. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 338) DiffProject diffProject = new DiffProject(project.getName()); Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
72. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 338) DiffProject diffProject = new DiffProject(project.getName()); Discouraged access: The constructor DiffProject(String) is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
73. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 338) DiffProject diffProject = new DiffProject(project.getName()); Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
74. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 339) DiffProject[] newProjectArray = new DiffProject[diffProjects.length + 1]; Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
75. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 339) DiffProject[] newProjectArray = new DiffProject[diffProjects.length + 1]; Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
76. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 346) public void retargetHunk(Hunk hunk, IFile file) { Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
77. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 347) FilePatch2 newDiff = getDiffForFile(file); Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
78. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 348) newDiff.add(hunk); Discouraged access: The method add(Hunk) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
79. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 351) public void retargetProject(DiffProject project, IProject targetProject) { Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
80. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 353) FilePatch2[] diffs = project.getFileDiffs(); Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
81. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 353) FilePatch2[] diffs = project.getFileDiffs(); Discouraged access: The method getFileDiffs() from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
82. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 354) DiffProject selectedProject = getDiffProject(targetProject); Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
83. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 359) selectedProject.add(diffs[i]); Discouraged access: The method add(FilePatch2) from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
84. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 373) private DiffProject getDiffProject(IProject project) { Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
85. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 376) DiffProject[] projects = getDiffProjects(); Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
86. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 392) FilePatch2[] diffs = getDiffs(); Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
87. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 397) IPath oldPath = diffs[i].getPath(false); Discouraged access: The method getPath(boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
88. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ (at line 398) IPath newPath = diffs[i].getPath(true); Discouraged access: The method getPath(boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/ (at line 19) import; Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/ (at line 20) import; Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/ (at line 206) PatchReader patchReader = new PatchReader() { Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/ (at line 206) PatchReader patchReader = new PatchReader() { Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/ (at line 207) protected FilePatch2 createFileDiff(IPath oldPath, long oldDate, Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/ (at line 213) patchReader.parse(reader); Discouraged access: The method parse(BufferedReader) from the type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/ (at line 214) FilePatch2[] fileDiffs = patchReader.getAdjustedDiffs(); Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/ (at line 214) FilePatch2[] fileDiffs = patchReader.getAdjustedDiffs(); Discouraged access: The method getAdjustedDiffs() from the type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/ (at line 13) import; Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/ (at line 42) return PatchReader.MULTIPROJECTPATCH_HEADER+" "+PatchReader.MULTIPROJECTPATCH_VERSION; //$NON-NLS-1$ Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/ (at line 42) return PatchReader.MULTIPROJECTPATCH_HEADER+" "+PatchReader.MULTIPROJECTPATCH_VERSION; //$NON-NLS-1$ Discouraged access: The field MULTIPROJECTPATCH_HEADER from the type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/ (at line 42) return PatchReader.MULTIPROJECTPATCH_HEADER+" "+PatchReader.MULTIPROJECTPATCH_VERSION; //$NON-NLS-1$ Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/ (at line 42) return PatchReader.MULTIPROJECTPATCH_HEADER+" "+PatchReader.MULTIPROJECTPATCH_VERSION; //$NON-NLS-1$ Discouraged access: The field MULTIPROJECTPATCH_VERSION from the type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/ (at line 55) return PatchReader.MULTIPROJECTPATCH_PROJECT+" "+ project.getName(); //$NON-NLS-1$ Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/ (at line 55) return PatchReader.MULTIPROJECTPATCH_PROJECT+" "+ project.getName(); //$NON-NLS-1$ Discouraged access: The field MULTIPROJECTPATCH_PROJECT from the type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/ |