Name | Status | Type | Time(s) |
testGenericsAliases | Success | | 0.001 |
testSubstitutableExports016 | Success | | 0.002 |
testUpdate03 | Success | | 0.014 |
testBug258659_04 | Success | | 0.016 |
test489686 | Success | | 0.151 |
testFragments02 | Success | | 0.000 |
testMultiReleasePreventMetaInfServiceVersions | Success | | 0.755 |
testSubstitutableExports03 | Success | | 0.001 |
testMultiRelease11GetResources | Success | | 0.158 |
testMultiRelease10GetResources | Success | | 0.294 |
testBug414070 | Success | | 0.104 |
testStaticSubstituted | Success | | 0.001 |
testPersistentSchedule01 | Success | | 0.000 |
testNullLogContext | Success | | 0.001 |
testAccessControlContext04 | Success | | 0.009 |
testUTF8LineContinuation | Success | | 0.039 |
testMultipleExportFragments01 | Success | | 0.005 |
testLowerThan | Success | | 0.000 |
testTest_001 | Success | | 0.000 |
testDisabledInfo01 | Success | | 0.001 |
testExecutionEnvironment | Success | | 0.002 |
testDynamicImport03 | Success | | 0.002 |
testBootGetResources01 | Success | | 0.010 |
testBug351519RefreshDisabled | Success | | 0.108 |
testUpdateWithStream02 | Success | | 0.004 |
testGetEntryDir01 | Success | | 0.007 |
testNativeCodeResolution03 | Success | | 0.000 |
testURLsBug164077 | Success | | 0.008 |
testLogNull3 | Success | | 0.002 |
testTest_008 | Success | | 0.001 |
testLocationPermission03 | Success | | 0.013 |
testListenerHook02 | Success | | 0.002 |
testBug412228 | Success | | 0.510 |
testLockJavaNIO | Success | | 0.001 |
testBug328795 | Success | | 0.009 |
testRelativeFilePermission | Success | | 0.016 |
testaddNullListener | Success | | 0.000 |
testResolutionReportEntryUnresolvedProvider02 | Success | | 0.001 |
testSubstitutableExports006 | Success | | 0.002 |
removeTrustAnchor negative test: by alias not found | Success | | 0.001 |
testBug434711 | Success | | 0.000 |
testMultiReleaseBundleManifest9 | Success | | 0.469 |
testPersistentSchedule06 | Success | | 0.000 |
testNoPersistence | Success | | 4.362 |
testAIX | Success | | 0.000 |
testNativeCode02 | Success | | 0.021 |
testEECapabilityRequirement1 | Success | | 0.003 |
testMultipleLocationConditions02 | Success | | 0.020 |
testPostponedConditions05 | Success | | 0.015 |
testManifestWithCRLF | Success | | 0.000 |
testCompatProvidePackage | Success | | 0.001 |
testTest_001 | Success | | 0.001 |
testObjectPool01 | Success | | 0.827 |
findTrustAnchor negative test: untrusted chain | Success | | 0.001 |
testSignedContent03 | Success | | 0.045 |
testRequireBundleUses | Success | | 0.001 |
testBug251427 | Success | | 0.000 |
testValidCountry | Success | | 0.000 |
testFilter | Success | | 0.007 |
testBug241128_04 | Success | | 0.001 |
testDyanmicEnablement04 | Success | | 0.000 |
testBug266935_03 | Success | | 0.000 |
testSingletonsSelection2 | Success | | 0.001 |
testBundleClassLoaderEmptyGetResources | Success | | 0.002 |
testBug395274 | Success | | 0.004 |
testTest_001 | Success | | 0.001 |
testCommonKeys | Success | | 0.000 |
testHandleEvents01 | Success | | 0.000 |
testSubstitutableExports002 | Success | | 0.004 |
testUses1 | Success | | 0.002 |
testFrameworkListenersOrder | Success | | 0.359 |
testExistingVersion | Success | | 0.181 |
testModuleContainerCreate | Success | | 0.000 |
testMultipleLocationConditions01 | Success | | 0.056 |
testSignedContent03 | Success | | 0.142 |
testMultipleFileManagers | Success | | 2.384 |
getTrustAnchor negative test: get by null alias | Success | | 0.000 |
testSingleton03 | Success | | 0.000 |
testComparable | Success | | 0.002 |
testRecursiveWeavingHookFactory | Success | | 0.006 |
testOtherStringsWithNullDelimiter | Success | | 0.000 |
testLocationPermission02 | Success | | 0.012 |
testNativeCode07 | Success | | 0.009 |
testNullStorageArea | Success | | 0.025 |
testDynamicImport08 | Success | | 0.001 |
testEventAdminAdapter2 | Success | | 5.005 |
testInvalidAttributes | Success | | 0.000 |
testLoggerIsLoggableTrue | Success | | 0.000 |
testDyanmicEnablement01 | Success | | 0.001 |
testBug238675_01 | Success | | 0.000 |
testGetResourceURL | Success | | 0.391 |
testSubstitutableExports012 | Success | | 0.010 |
testClone | Success | | 0.002 |
testSelectionPolicy | Success | | 0.003 |
testExtraSystemBundleHeaders | Success | | 0.181 |
testURLExternalFormat04 | Success | | 0.012 |
testDynamicWithOptionalImport | Success | | 0.000 |
testNullParams | Success | | 0.000 |
testResolveFragmentEE01 | Success | | 0.001 |
testBundleDiscardedWhenClasspathStorageHookInvalidates | Success | | 0.572 |
testEnableSecurityManager02 | Success | | 0.117 |
testOSGiLazyStartDelay | Success | | 4.008 |
testSpacesInValues | Success | | 0.000 |
testBug375784 | Success | | 0.094 |
testBug413879 | Success | | 1.612 |
testLoaderUninstalledBundle | Success | | 0.006 |
testBug287750 | Success | | 1.096 |
testSignedContent07a | Success | | 0.004 |
testWrongStorageHookFactoryClassOnBundleInstall | Success | | 0.304 |
testMigration | Success | | 0.700 |
testInvalidBundleActivator01 | Success | | 0.008 |
testSolaris | Success | | 0.000 |
testInvalidThreeLetterCountry | Success | | 0.000 |
testGenericsOSGiOSGi | Success | | 0.054 |
testLogFrameworkEvent | Success | | 0.008 |
testSubstitutionWithMoreThan2Providers | Success | | 0.075 |
testPlatformProperties03 | Success | | 0.002 |
testModuleWiringToString | Success | | 0.000 |
testNullStorageHook | Success | | 0.566 |
testSystemBundle14 | Success | | 0.084 |
testLogWarning | Success | | 0.001 |
testResolveDeadlock | Success | | 6.011 |
testResolutionReportEntrySingletonSelectionNoneResolved | Success | | 0.000 |
testServiceReferenceCompare01 | Success | | 0.003 |
testBug304213 | Success | | 0.102 |
testPlatformPropertiesBug246640a | Success | | 0.002 |
testMultipleGetResources02 | Success | | 0.032 |
testLogFrameworkEventType | Success | | 0.010 |
testMultiRelease8ListResources | Success | | 0.455 |
testSignedContent12 | Success | | 0.003 |
testInstallInvalidManifest05 | Success | | 0.002 |
testMultiRelease10ListResources | Success | | 0.257 |
testStartLevelSorting | Success | | 0.436 |
testNullParamsDeprocess | Success | | 0.000 |
testTest_001 | Success | | 0.000 |
testSubstitutableExports022 | Success | | 0.001 |
testServicePermission | Success | | 0.005 |
testBundleSignerCondition02 | Success | | 0.008 |
testUserHome | Success | | 0.070 |
testInstallNoVersionManifest01 | Success | | 0.002 |
testTest_005 | Success | | 0.000 |
testBuddyClassLoadingRegistered2 | Success | | 0.013 |
testSystemCapabilitiesBug522125 | Success | | 0.294 |
testBuddyClassLoadingRegistered1 | Success | | 0.014 |
testInstallBundleWithExtensionPointOnly | Success | | 0.001 |
testModifiedRanking | Success | | 0.003 |
testFrameworkUtilCreateFilter | Success | | 0.000 |
testServiceException01 | Success | | 0.006 |
testEventsRefresh | Success | | 0.002 |
testBug228427_01 | Success | | 0.000 |
testNullMax | Success | | 0.000 |
testUses2 | Success | | 0.004 |
testPlatformFilter01 | Success | | 0.000 |
testPercentLocation | Success | | 0.022 |
testSingletonsSelection4 | Success | | 0.001 |
testNativeCode06 | Success | | 0.014 |
testLatinOtherStringsDeprocess | Success | | 0.000 |
testGetResourceDir01 | Success | | 0.007 |
testAdminPermission11 | Success | | 0.013 |
testMainThreaded01 | Success | | 0.000 |
testTraceFile06 | Success | | 0.003 |
testAsyncValue03 | Success | | 4.956 |
testSetNullOptions | Success | | 0.001 |
testPlatformFilter02 | Success | | 0.000 |
testReresolveBundle | Success | | 0.001 |
testNativeCode01 | Success | | 0.018 |
testStartLevelMultiThreadAvailableProcessors | Success | | 1.747 |
testSubstituteExports12 | Success | | 0.013 |
testNotLocationCondition01 | Success | | 0.012 |
testRejectTransformationFromWeavingHook | Success | | 0.383 |
testRemovalResolve | Success | | 0.001 |
testNativeCodeResolution01 | Success | | 0.000 |
testNamedLoggerLogNull | Success | | 0.001 |
testLoadTriggerClass | Success | | 0.016 |
testSignedContent10 | Success | | 0.003 |
testGenericsOSGiNameOSGi | Success | | 0.060 |
testConfigSpaceChar | Success | | 0.142 |
testServiceException04 | Success | | 0.005 |
testPostponedConditions04 | Success | | 0.014 |
testLogNull4 | Success | | 0.001 |
testStartTransientByLoadClass | Success | | 0.035 |
testSubstitutableExports001 | Success | | 0.046 |
testMainThreaded02 | Success | | 0.000 |
testSystemBundleFragmentRequiresOtherFragmentFailResolution | Success | | 0.006 |
testBug213791 | Success | | 0.023 |
testSubstitutableExports021 | Success | | 0.001 |
testSingletonIdentity | Success | | 0.053 |
testTest_002 | Success | | 0.000 |
testAsyncValue02 | Success | | 0.000 |
testLazy01 | Success | | 0.002 |
testListResources | Success | | 0.008 |
testChainDepedencies | Success | | 0.027 |
testTraceFile09 | Success | | 0.002 |
testSystemBundle12 | Success | | 1.160 |
testInvertedRange | Success | | 0.000 |
testTest_002 | Success | | 0.000 |
testBug320124 | Success | | 0.001 |
testGenericsOSGiNameEquinox | Success | | 0.057 |
testBidiPaths | Success | | 0.001 |
testInvalidBundleActivator03 | Success | | 0.008 |
testGenericsEquinoxEquinox | Success | | 0.071 |
testGenericsBasics | Success | | 0.001 |
testTest_002 | Success | | 0.000 |
testSignedContent08 | Success | | 0.016 |
testLogServiceReference | Success | | 0.001 |
testEventHook01 | Success | | 0.003 |
testPlusLocation | Success | | 0.034 |
testSystemBundle05_1 | Success | | 0.159 |
testBundleSignerCondition09 | Success | | 0.005 |
testSignedContent05 | Success | | 0.151 |
testServiceTracker03 | Success | | 0.002 |
testDestroyBeforeStart02 | Success | | 2.003 |
testSubstituteExports13 | Success | | 0.008 |
testTest_003 | Success | | 0.001 |
testImplies | Success | | 0.001 |
testScalarSubstring | Success | | 0.000 |
test489686 | Success | | 0.145 |
testBug338081 | Success | | 0.004 |
testTraceFile03 | Success | | 0.005 |
testBug369880 | Success | | 0.000 |
testLogNull1 | Success | | 0.001 |
testCleanupOnOpen | Success | | 0.931 |
testInitializeExtension | Success | | 0.000 |
testCascadeConfigBundleInstall | Success | | 0.347 |
testFailedApplication01 | Success | | 0.000 |
testPostponedConditions03 | Success | | 0.016 |
testTest_001 | Success | | 0.000 |
testNullKeyMatch | Success | | 0.000 |
testFragmentTransitiveUses | Success | | 0.001 |
testLogService | Success | | 5.026 |
testUpdate | Success | | 0.000 |
testBug228427_02 | Success | | 0.003 |
test2ndSession | Success | | 0.000 |
testEmptyStringParamsDeprocess | Success | | 0.000 |
testParallelActivationPersistence | Success | | 0.084 |
testDestroyBeforeStart01 | Success | | 1.992 |
findTrustAnchor positive test: chain with intermediate trusted | Success | | 0.001 |
testExtendedLogEntry | Success | | 0.001 |
testServiceOrdering01 | Success | | 0.003 |
testTest_003 | Success | | 0.000 |
testURI | Success | | 0.002 |
testLegacyLoadActivation | Success | | 0.010 |
testUpdate | Success | | 0.001 |
testSingletonsSelection7 | Success | | 0.001 |
testOverrideEquinoxConfigAreaProp | Success | | 0.133 |
testOSGiLazyStart | Success | | 0.018 |
testBundleSignerCondition03 | Success | | 0.004 |
testMultiChainDepedencies01 | Success | | 0.023 |
testSplitPackageUses01 | Success | | 0.002 |
testBug236329_01 | Success | | 0.013 |
testComparable | Success | | 0.001 |
testCache | Success | | 0.005 |
testEmptyMessageBug200296 | Success | | 0.000 |
testMultiChainDepedencies02 | Success | | 0.017 |
testSimpleUnResolveable | Success | | 0.001 |
testResolveRefresh | Success | | 0.015 |
testNativeCodeResolution05 | Success | | 0.001 |
testNonFatalException | Success | | 0.013 |
testPercentCharBundleEntry | Success | | 0.003 |
testLogError | Success | | 0.002 |
testSignedContent07 | Success | | 0.000 |
testSubstituteExports14 | Success | | 0.011 |
testMultiRelease11ListResources | Success | | 2.091 |
testDeletingGenerationCalledUpdate | Success | | 0.356 |
testBug258659_01 | Success | | 0.009 |
testBundleNotDiscardedWhenClasspathStorageHookValidates | Success | | 0.636 |
testBug225090_01 | Success | | 0.017 |
testArrayTypeLoad | Success | | 0.003 |
testLogNull2 | Success | | 0.000 |
testXFriends | Success | | 0.001 |
testBundleSignerCondition06 | Success | | 0.003 |
testUpdateNoStream01 | Success | | 0.002 |
testInstall2SingletonBundles | Success | | 0.073 |
testSignedContent07 | Success | | 0.022 |
testNotLocationCondition02 | Success | | 0.011 |
testSessionSuccessLockJavaNIO | Success | | 0.000 |
testJavaIOLocking | Success | | 0.000 |
testSystemBundleGetResources01 | Success | | 0.002 |
testSystemBundle18 | Success | | 0.110 |
testSubstituteExports11 | Success | | 0.019 |
testAccessControlContext07 | Success | | 0.011 |
testTest_002 | Success | | 0.000 |
addTrustAnchor negative test: existing cert specified | Success | | 0.001 |
testImageProducer | Success | | 0.004 |
testObject | Success | | 0.000 |
testDisableStartOnResolve | Success | | 0.004 |
testLogFull3 | Success | | 0.001 |
testSubstitutableExports005 | Success | | 0.006 |
testSetOptionsWhenDisabled | Success | | 0.001 |
testBootGetResources02 | Success | | 0.008 |
testResolveURLRelativeBundleResourceWithPort | Success | | 0.001 |
testFilter | Success | | 0.003 |
testCleanupOnSave | Success | | 0.455 |
testExitValue07 | Success | | 4.936 |
testFragmentConstraints05 | Success | | 0.001 |
testSignedContent10 | Success | | 0.000 |
testSessionFailLockJavaIO | Success | | 0.000 |
testOptionalSubstituted | Success | | 0.009 |
testSystemBundle09 | Success | | 0.087 |
testLogMessage | Success | | 0.013 |
testAccessControlContext01 | Success | | 0.011 |
testServiceListener03 | Success | | 0.004 |
testInstall2NonSingletonBundles | Success | | 0.006 |
testNullValue | Success | | 0.003 |
testInstallWithLocation02 | Success | | 0.002 |
testLogContext | Success | | 0.000 |
testSubstitutableExports04 | Success | | 0.000 |
testLogNegativeLevel | Success | | 0.001 |
removeTrustAnchor negative test: remove by null certificate | Success | | 0.000 |
findTrustAnchor positive test: chain with root trusted | Success | | 0.001 |
testInvalidValues | Success | | 0.001 |
testSystemBundle01 | Success | | 0.076 |
testInvalidRanking | Success | | 0.003 |
testResolutionReportEntryFilteredByResolverHook | Success | | 0.000 |
testFrameworkClassLoaderWithNewURI | Success | | 0.315 |
testLoggerContextSetLogLevelsWithBundleInstalledAndLogger | Success | | 0.011 |
testPlatformPropertiesBug207500a | Success | | 0.155 |
testGenericsOptionalMultiple | Success | | 0.001 |
testAddRemove | Success | | 2.594 |
testNativeCode03 | Success | | 0.015 |
testSystemNLFragment | Success | | 0.189 |
testServiceListener02 | Success | | 0.003 |
testSubstitutableExports019 | Success | | 0.001 |
testManifestWithCR | Success | | 0.001 |
testVerifySnapshot | Success | | 0.000 |
testTraceFile08 | Success | | 0.002 |
testStoreInvalidAttributes | Success | | 0.001 |
testCascadeConfigIni | Success | | 0.167 |
testBug207847 | Success | | 0.022 |
testLogServiceEventDebug | Success | | 0.003 |
testEventsResolved | Success | | 0.001 |
testCleanOnFailLoad | Success | | 0.535 |
testDeclaringIdentityCapability | Success | | 0.001 |
testUses5ReqCap | Success | | 0.001 |
testThreeLetterValidLanguage | Success | | 0.001 |
testAsyncValue01 | Success | | 4.961 |
testTimestamp | Success | | 0.005 |
testSignedContent06 | Success | | 0.026 |
testServiceTracker01 | Success | | 0.002 |
testSubstitutableExports020 | Success | | 0.002 |
testNullConfigurationValue | Success | | 0.079 |
test1stSession | Success | | 0.000 |
testBasicResolution | Success | | 0.001 |
testRanges | Success | | 0.001 |
testBatchSetOptionsWhenDisabled | Success | | 0.000 |
testInvalidLanguage | Success | | 0.000 |
testDefaultLocalUninstall | Success | | 0.004 |
testTraceFile02 | Success | | 0.009 |
testSubstitutableExports02 | Success | | 0.001 |
testPersistentSchedule02 | Success | | 31.645 |
testLogHistory1 | Success | | 0.021 |
testSignedContent01 | Success | | 0.000 |
testInstallInvalidManifest02 | Success | | 0.002 |
testSubstituteExports10 | Success | | 0.010 |
testNormalization | Success | | 0.000 |
testSystemBundle07 | Success | | 0.110 |
testInstallInvalidManifest04 | Success | | 0.001 |
testSystemBundle08 | Success | | 0.150 |
testInstallWithLocation01 | Success | | 0.005 |
testMultiReleasePreventMetaInfResourceURLs | Success | | 0.308 |
testEventAdminAdapter1 | Success | | 0.012 |
testaddListener | Success | | 0.005 |
testStaleLoaderNPE | Success | | 1.029 |
testBundleListenersOrder | Success | | 1.123 |
testSchemes | Success | | 0.030 |
testCreateLocation05 | Success | | 0.001 |
testDynamicImport07 | Success | | 0.001 |
testNonSingletonsSameVersion | Success | | 0.001 |
getTrustAnchor positive test: get by alias | Success | | 0.001 |
testCycle1 | Success | | 0.000 |
testBug259903 | Success | | 0.012 |
testWrongStorageHookFactoryClassOnBundleUpdate | Success | | 0.341 |
testInstallLocationWithUnderscores | Success | | 0.003 |
testCreateLocation01 | Success | | 0.001 |
testNoDefault | Success | | 0.082 |
testLogContextWithNullThrowable | Success | | 0.001 |
testRecursionFromClassLoadingHookIsSupported | Success | | 0.402 |
testSignedContent02 | Success | | 0.000 |
testBug352275 | Success | | 0.085 |
testContextClassLoaderNullLocal | Success | | 0.460 |
testTimestampSeeding | Success | | 0.202 |
testTest_003 | Success | | 0.001 |
testGenericUses | Success | | 0.006 |
testBug378155 | Success | | 0.030 |
testTest_005 | Success | | 0.001 |
testBug241128_03 | Success | | 0.002 |
testSignedContent05 | Success | | 0.011 |
testMRUBundleFileListOverflow | Success | | 7.953 |
testBug376322 | Success | | 0.075 |
testExtensionBundleWithRequireCapabilityOsgiEeInstalls | Success | | 0.004 |
testPersistentSchedule04 | Success | | 2.672 |
testSystemBundle16 | Success | | 0.084 |
testReadOnly | Success | | 0.150 |
testEnableSecurityManager03 | Success | | 0.103 |
testMutableConditions | Success | | 0.047 |
testBundleSignerCondition11 | Success | | 0.003 |
testBug299921 | Success | | 0.001 |
testLatinPathsWithNullDelimiter | Success | | 0.000 |
testDyanmicEnablement02 | Success | | 0.000 |
testSubstitutableExports010 | Success | | 0.002 |
testServiceListenersOrder | Success | | 0.179 |
testTest_002 | Success | | 0.001 |
testUNC | Success | | 0.000 |
addTrustAnchor negative test: null cert specified | Success | | 0.001 |
testAllNullConfigurationValues | Success | | 0.014 |
testValidLanguageCountry | Success | | 0.000 |
testWrongStorageHookFactoryClassOnFrameworkRestart | Success | | 0.467 |
testOSGiCardinalityUses | Success | | 0.005 |
testMultiRelease8GetResource | Success | | 0.313 |
testISeries | Success | | 0.000 |
testDynamicImportPrivatePackage | Success | | 0.103 |
testZSeries | Success | | 0.000 |
testSignedContent12 | Success | | 0.000 |
testDiscardOsgiCheckConfigurationTrueOsgiDevUnspecified | Success | | 0.670 |
testSignedContent16 | Success | | 0.036 |
testSignedContent14 | Success | | 0.004 |
testUses6FragConflicts | Success | | 0.002 |
testNativeCodeFilterWithSpecialChars | Success | | 5.075 |
testReliableFile | Success | | 5.138 |
testSystemBundle06 | Success | | 0.332 |
testSystemBundleFragmentsPackageImport | Success | | 0.001 |
testDynamicImport01 | Success | | 0.001 |
testSignedContent15 | Success | | 0.000 |
testSignedContent15 | Success | | 0.002 |
testRemoval | Success | | 0.000 |
testExitValue05 | Success | | 0.000 |
testDoubleProcessOtherStrings | Success | | 0.000 |
testCreateLocation04 | Success | | 0.000 |
testCreateLocation02 | Success | | 0.000 |
testReleaseJavaNIO | Success | | 0.000 |
testStartResolve | Success | | 0.005 |
testStringValues | Success | | 0.000 |
testSignedContent11 | Success | | 0.000 |
testCollisionHook | Success | | 0.005 |
testCapabilities | Success | | 0.058 |
testExitValue03 | Success | | 4.965 |
testAccessControlContext06 | Success | | 0.010 |
testFragmentConstraints07 | Success | | 0.001 |
testSynchronousLogListener | Success | | 0.000 |
testAccessControlContext02 | Success | | 0.011 |
testRemoveAndAdd | Success | | 0.000 |
testSystemBundle17 | Success | | 0.124 |
testStartDeadLock | Success | | 2.152 |
testBug290193 | Success | | 0.003 |
testIllegal | Success | | 0.002 |
testBug258209_1 | Success | | 1.149 |
testStartLevelMultiThreadExplicit4 | Success | | 2.009 |
testMultiRelease11ClassLoad | Success | | 0.943 |
testStartError02 | Success | | 0.006 |
testBug300692_02 | Success | | 0.021 |
testBadFilter | Success | | 0.002 |
testFragmentsBug188199 | Success | | 0.002 |
testImmediatePersistence | Success | | 0.163 |
testGreaterThan | Success | | 0.000 |
testRemovalPending | Success | | 0.001 |
testUpdateCollision03 | Success | | 0.001 |
testLogFull1 | Success | | 0.001 |
testSystemBundle02 | Success | | 0.092 |
testBug252098 | Success | | 0.150 |
testBundleReference02 | Success | | 0.007 |
findTrustAnchor negative test: incomplete-able chain | Success | | 0.001 |
testCopyOnWriteIdentityMap | Success | | 0.002 |
testNullParamsDeprocess | Success | | 0.000 |
testAccessControlContext05 | Success | | 0.008 |
testFragmentConstraints01 | Success | | 0.001 |
testBug187616 | Success | | 0.000 |
testVisiblePackages001 | Success | | 0.000 |
testPersistentSchedule08 | Success | | 0.236 |
testUserDir | Success | | 0.094 |
testSystemBundle04 | Success | | 0.088 |
testAdminPermission06 | Success | | 0.014 |
test0thSession | Success | | 0.000 |
testLatinPathsDeprocess | Success | | 0.000 |
testBackedBySystemReplaceSystemProperties | Success | | 0.016 |
testMultiStateAdd02 | Success | | 0.001 |
testSignedContent02 | Success | | 0.029 |
testFragmentUses02 | Success | | 0.000 |
testPersistentLock03 | Success | | 0.000 |
testSignedContent16 | Success | | 0.013 |
testExitValue09 | Success | | 4.959 |
testSignedContent13 | Success | | 0.072 |
testResolutionReportListenerModule | Success | | 0.000 |
testInstallCollision01 | Success | | 0.001 |
testOtherStringsDeprocess | Success | | 0.000 |
testGetOutputStreamSet | Success | | 0.889 |
testRecursionFromClassLoadingHookNotSupported | Success | | 0.609 |
testRequirements | Success | | 0.046 |
testAccessControlContext03 | Success | | 0.010 |
testUpdateCollision01 | Success | | 0.001 |
testResolutionReportEntryMissingCapability | Success | | 0.001 |
testBug324618 | Success | | 0.001 |
testTakeSnapshot | Success | | 0.002 |
testMultiRelease11GetResource | Success | | 0.337 |
testTest_001 | Success | | 0.001 |
removeTrustAnchor negative test: remove by null alias | Success | | 0.000 |
testDynamicSecurityManager | Success | | 0.172 |
testSignedContent14 | Success | | 0.000 |
testAdminPermission04 | Success | | 0.013 |
testSubstitutableExports003 | Success | | 0.002 |
testNullLogServiceReference | Success | | 0.004 |
testDuplicateObjectClass | Success | | 0.003 |
testContextFinderGetResource | Success | | 0.260 |
addTrustAnchor negative test: existing alias specified | Success | | 0.001 |
testMultipleExportFragments02 | Success | | 0.010 |
testDiscardOsgiCheckConfigurationUnspecifiedOsgiDevSpecified | Success | | 0.462 |
testTest_005 | Success | | 0.001 |
testCreateLocation03 | Success | | 0.001 |
testSignedContent01 | Success | | 0.007 |
testFragmentConstraints03 | Success | | 0.007 |
testMultiReleaseBundleDeletedRestart | Success | | 0.331 |
testUUID | Success | | 0.524 |
testR3Bundle | Success | | 0.006 |
testCardinality02 | Success | | 0.109 |
testAdminPermission02 | Success | | 0.014 |
testPersistentLock01 | Success | | 0.000 |
testBug241128_01 | Success | | 0.002 |
testUninstallWhileResolving | Success | | 0.006 |
testSubstitutableExports011 | Success | | 0.002 |
testTest_001 | Success | | 0.001 |
testSystemBundle19 | Success | | 0.103 |
testSystemBundle03 | Success | | 0.079 |
testNullLoggerLogNull | Success | | 0.000 |
testSingletons | Success | | 0.000 |
testBug434711 | Success | | 0.011 |
testRequireBundleUses | Success | | 0.002 |
testSignedContent04 | Success | | 0.150 |
testTest_001 | Success | | 0.001 |
testExitValue01 | Success | | 4.928 |
testDisabledInfo03 | Success | | 0.067 |
testMove | Success | | 0.001 |
testFragmentConstraints02 | Success | | 0.001 |
getAliases positive test: get the alias list | Success | | 0.000 |
testTraceFile04 | Success | | 0.003 |
testLatinOtherStringsWithNoDelimiter | Success | | 0.000 |
testPlatformProperties04 | Success | | 0.001 |
testDevClassPathWithExtension | Success | | 0.327 |
testInstallInvalidManifest03 | Success | | 0.001 |
testTraceFile01 | Success | | 0.008 |
testSubstituteExports06 | Success | | 0.024 |
testTest_001 | Success | | 0.001 |
testTest_003 | Success | | 0.000 |
testTest_001 | Success | | 0.000 |
testUnsupportedOperation01 | Success | | 0.001 |
testSystemBundleFragmentRequiresOtherFragment | Success | | 0.001 |
testSignedContent13 | Success | | 0.004 |
testAdminPermission08 | Success | | 0.009 |
testBug251427 | Success | | 0.000 |
testServiceException03 | Success | | 0.004 |
testUpdateWithStream01 | Success | | 0.003 |
testMultiReleaseBundleManifestChangeRuntime | Success | | 1.705 |
testNamedLoggerLogFullWithNullBundle | Success | | 0.001 |
testAsyncValue05 | Success | | 0.000 |
testTraceFile07 | Success | | 0.002 |
testMultiHostFragmentWithOverlapImport | Success | | 0.006 |
testMissingHost | Success | | 0.001 |
test185285 | Success | | 0.001 |
testListenerHook01 | Success | | 0.003 |
testMultiRelease8GetResources | Success | | 0.100 |
testTracingEntry02 | Success | | 0.001 |
testDefaultPermissions02 | Success | | 0.011 |
testExitValue06 | Success | | 0.000 |
testSystemPackages | Success | | 0.661 |
testInstallWithStream03 | Success | | 0.003 |
testDevModeFragment01 | Success | | 0.002 |
testSimple | Success | | 0.007 |
testBug266935_04 | Success | | 0.001 |
testBug235958 | Success | | 0.009 |
testSystemBundleGetResources02 | Success | | 0.002 |
testFilterClassPaths | Success | | 0.318 |
testObjectPool02 | Success | | 0.661 |
testSingletonsSelection3 | Success | | 0.001 |
testBug238675_02 | Success | | 0.000 |
testSingletonsSameVersion | Success | | 0.001 |
testEventsStartLevelBeginningAt100 | Success | | 0.011 |
testBug351083DevClassPath | Success | | 0.096 |
testSingleton01 | Success | | 0.001 |
testFalseCompatBootDelegation | Success | | 0.000 |
testComplexResolution | Success | | 0.001 |
testNativeCode04 | Success | | 0.004 |
testPluginILog | Success | | 0.006 |
testSubstitutableExports014 | Success | | 0.005 |
testPlatformPropertiesBug188075 | Success | | 0.069 |
testBundleEvents01 | Success | | 0.009 |
testUpdateNoStream02 | Success | | 0.003 |
testBundleIDLock | Success | | 8.655 |
testValidLanguageVariant | Success | | 0.001 |
testDebugLogOnGetURL | Success | | 0.071 |
testDevModeDomino02 | Success | | 0.001 |
testSetLocationWithEmptyLockFile | Success | | 0.001 |
testTransitiveUses | Success | | 0.000 |
testIntegerValues | Success | | 0.000 |
testBundleEventsLogged | Success | | 0.044 |
testPackagePermission | Success | | 0.004 |
testDefaultPermissions01 | Success | | 0.010 |
testBug367614 | Success | | 0.242 |
testProvideOSGiEEandNative | Success | | 0.030 |
testUses4 | Success | | 0.005 |
testClassCircularityError | Success | | 0.012 |
testNativeWithFilterChars | Success | | 0.003 |
testHPUX | Success | | 0.000 |
testBug415447 | Success | | 0.002 |
testMultiRelease9ClassLoad | Success | | 0.234 |
testPlatformPropertiesBug246640b | Success | | 0.002 |
testMultiReleasePreventMetaInfVersionListing | Success | | 1.153 |
testSettings01 | Success | | 0.015 |
testAdditionalStrings | Success | | 0.000 |
testPeriodicPersistence | Success | | 6.223 |
testAbortStreamSet | Success | | 0.084 |
testFragmentPackageAccess | Success | | 0.006 |
testGenericsOSGiNameEquinoxName | Success | | 0.052 |
testCreateDomain | Success | | 0.014 |
testLoadClassUnresolved | Success | | 0.004 |
testSubstituteExports07 | Success | | 0.027 |
testUsesTimeout | Success | | 9.845 |
testSignedContent04 | Success | | 0.015 |
testBug348806 | Success | | 0.005 |
testSystemBundle13 | Success | | 0.215 |
removeTrustAnchor negative test: cert not found | Success | | 0.000 |
testSystemBundleFragmentsNonPayloadRequirements | Success | | 0.001 |
testLocationDataArea01 | Success | | 0.022 |
test1stSessionFollowUp | Success | | 0.001 |
testMultiRelease9GetResources | Success | | 0.109 |
testInstallBundleWithExtensionAndExtensionPoint | Success | | 0.002 |
testNullConfiguration | Success | | 0.007 |
testRemoveExtension | Success | | 0.000 |
testFragmentMultiHost | Success | | 0.012 |
testSubstitutableExport | Success | | 0.001 |
testLogBundleEventSynchronous | Success | | 0.010 |
test2ndSessionFollowUp | Success | | 0.000 |
testSubstitutableExports01 | Success | | 0.008 |
testIllegal | Success | | 0.000 |
testSingleVersionRange | Success | | 0.000 |
testEECapabilityRequirement | Success | | 0.002 |
testURLExternalFormat02 | Success | | 0.009 |
testEventsStartLevelBeginningAt1 | Success | | 0.016 |
testStartLevelMultiThreadExplicit1 | Success | | 6.339 |
testMultipleGetResources01 | Success | | 0.007 |
testFindHook01 | Success | | 0.010 |
findTrustAnchor negative test: invalid chain | Success | | 0.001 |
testGenericsUpdate | Success | | 0.000 |
testDynamicImport05 | Success | | 0.002 |
testSubstitutableExports004 | Success | | 0.002 |
testScalarSubstring | Success | | 0.001 |
testOSGiDevSetsCheckConfiguration | Success | | 0.109 |
testBuddyClassLoadingDependent2 | Success | | 0.010 |
testLogServiceReferenceWithNullThrowable | Success | | 0.001 |
testUnresolvedHostWithFragmentCycle | Success | | 0.005 |
testQNX | Success | | 0.000 |
testResolveFragmentEE02 | Success | | 0.046 |
testNone | Success | | 0.121 |
testNoDiscardOsgiCheckConfigurationFalseOsgiDevSpecified | Success | | 0.417 |
testServiceListener01 | Success | | 0.003 |
testSpaceCharBundleEntry | Success | | 0.004 |
testNotIsLoggableWithListener | Success | | 0.000 |
testObject | Success | | 0.000 |
testNativeCode09 | Success | | 0.007 |
testEmptyStringParams | Success | | 0.000 |
testLocalConfigReplaceSystemProperties | Success | | 0.030 |
testURLMultiplexing01 | Success | | 3.212 |
testAdd3Resolve1 | Success | | 0.000 |
testSignedContent06 | Success | | 0.150 |
testEnableSecurityManager05 | Success | | 0.233 |
testGenericsIntraFrags | Success | | 0.000 |
testAccessControlContext01a | Success | | 0.009 |
testStartTransient | Success | | 0.025 |
testPlusCharBundleEntry | Success | | 0.007 |
testBug266935_02 | Success | | 0.001 |
testSystemBundleFragmentsWithPayloadRequirements | Success | | 0.001 |
testSingletonsSelection1 | Success | | 0.002 |
testNullConfigurationValueRequiredProperty | Success | | 0.011 |
testPostponedConditions01 | Success | | 0.021 |
testDynamicImportWithSecurity | Success | | 0.130 |
testInstallLocationWithSpaces | Success | | 0.002 |
testBug252098 | Success | | 0.034 |
testSystemBundle05_2 | Success | | 0.095 |
testGenericFragments01 | Success | | 0.069 |
testCycle2 | Success | | 0.001 |
testSignedContent11 | Success | | 0.014 |
testSignedContent07a | Success | | 0.150 |
testLogThrowable | Success | | 0.005 |
testUses3 | Success | | 0.003 |
testPlatformProperties02 | Success | | 0.002 |
testPrerequisiteBundle | Success | | 0.001 |
testDynamicImportMiss01 | Success | | 0.010 |
testGenericsEquinoxOSGi | Success | | 0.066 |
testSignedContent09 | Success | | 0.001 |
testAdditionalStringsDeprocess | Success | | 0.000 |
testBug225090_01 | Success | | 0.000 |
testCaptureLogEntryLocation | Success | | 0.182 |
testBundleSignerCondition01 | Success | | 0.004 |
testCycle4 | Success | | 0.001 |
testBug236329_01 | Success | | 0.000 |
testEEBug377510 | Success | | 0.000 |
testBuddyClassLoadingRegistered3 | Success | | 0.015 |
testCascadeConfigDataArea | Success | | 0.398 |
testValidCountryVariant | Success | | 0.000 |
testNativeCodeResolution02 | Success | | 0.001 |
testValidVariant | Success | | 0.000 |
testDevModeDomino01 | Success | | 0.001 |
testNativeCode05 | Success | | 0.014 |
testGenericsRefresh | Success | | 0.001 |
testBug306181 | Success | | 0.012 |
testNamedLoggerLogFullWithBundle | Success | | 0.000 |
testZipBundleFileOpenLock | Success | | 0.230 |
testBug228427_04 | Success | | 0.013 |
testMultiRelease10GetResource | Success | | 0.335 |
testImporterExporter01 | Success | | 0.008 |
testGenericsBasics | Success | | 0.004 |
testReleaseJavaIO | Success | | 0.000 |
findTrustAnchor positive test: self signed trusted | Success | | 0.002 |
getTrustAnchor negative test: does not exist | Success | | 0.001 |
testLockJavaIO | Success | | 0.000 |
testSignedContent09 | Success | | 0.000 |
testInvalidArgs | Success | | 0.396 |
testNullMin | Success | | 0.001 |
testTest_006 | Success | | 0.001 |
testMultiRelease9GetResource | Success | | 0.347 |
testUnitTestForcompoundEnumerations | Success | | 0.001 |
testLogHistory2 | Success | | 0.082 |
testInitialBundleUpdate | Success | | 0.260 |
testGenericsFrags | Success | | 0.001 |
testDependentBundles | Success | | 0.007 |
testInitialization | Success | | 0.000 |
testLegacyLazyStart | Success | | 0.016 |
testHandleContent | Success | | 0.505 |
testLazyTriggerOnLoadError | Success | | 0.247 |
testNativeCodeResolution04 | Success | | 0.001 |
testNotIsLoggableWithNoListener | Success | | 0.000 |
testBug408629 | Success | | 0.036 |
testBundleSignerCondition04 | Success | | 0.006 |
testCompatSingleton | Success | | 0.001 |
testSetLocationWithRelLockFile | Success | | 0.001 |
testSingletonsSelection5 | Success | | 0.001 |
testSubstitutableExports013 | Success | | 0.003 |
testAsyncValue04 | Success | | 0.958 |
testSystemBundle11 | Success | | 0.096 |
testAdminPermission | Success | | 0.008 |
testBug225090_02 | Success | | 0.009 |
testVisiblePackages002 | Success | | 0.001 |
testRemoval | Success | | 0.001 |
testWeavingPersistence | Success | | 0.341 |
testExtClasspathExtension01 | Success | | 0.010 |
testTest_004 | Success | | 0.000 |
testLogNullThrowable | Success | | 0.006 |
testEntryURLEqualsHashCode | Success | | 0.006 |
testEventsInstall | Success | | 0.000 |
testaddFilteredListenerTwice | Success | | 0.001 |
testJavaProfile | Success | | 1.694 |
testNullValueMatch | Success | | 0.000 |
testaddFilteredListener | Success | | 0.000 |
testSubstitutableExports018 | Success | | 0.003 |
testUsesWithRequireReexport | Success | | 0.001 |
testTest_002 | Success | | 0.000 |
testBuddyClassloadingBug438904 | Success | | 0.012 |
testConfigPercentChar | Success | | 0.120 |
testLinkageChange | Success | | 0.001 |
testServiceEventLog | Success | | 0.006 |
testDyanmicEnablement03 | Success | | 0.001 |
testNativeCodeResolution06 | Success | | 0.000 |
testExitValue10 | Success | | 4.946 |
testTest_002 | Success | | 0.000 |
testDoubleProcessPaths | Success | | 0.000 |
testSystemBundleListener | Success | | 0.251 |
testDevModeSingleton02 | Success | | 0.000 |
testBug228427_01 | Success | | 0.056 |
testAfterMoving | Success | | 0.000 |
testPostponedConditions02 | Success | | 0.016 |
testAsyncValue06 | Success | | 4.954 |
testEnableSecurityManager01 | Success | | 0.376 |
testEscapeZipRoot | Success | | 0.016 |
testBug490902 | Success | | 15.041 |
testInvalidOneLetterCountry | Success | | 0.000 |
testResolutionReportEntryUnresolvedProvider01 | Success | | 0.001 |
testMultiReleaseBundleManifest8 | Success | | 0.376 |
testNamedLoggerLogFull | Success | | 0.001 |
testMultiReleaseBundleManifest11 | Success | | 0.114 |
testBundleSignerCondition08 | Success | | 0.004 |
testDynamicImportFromSystemBundle | Success | | 0.083 |
testCompatOptional | Success | | 0.003 |
testBug258659_03 | Success | | 0.005 |
testMRUBundleFileList | Success | | 2.828 |
testAbort | Success | | 1.090 |
testLogNullMessage | Success | | 0.008 |
testBatchSetOptionsWhenEnabled | Success | | 0.000 |
testBundleSignerCondition05 | Success | | 0.009 |
testBug351519RefreshDefault | Success | | 0.196 |
testDefaultCompatBootDelegation | Success | | 0.000 |
testSystemBundle10 | Success | | 1.685 |
testDevModeGenericCapability | Success | | 0.001 |
testBug258659_02 | Success | | 0.012 |
testTest_001 | Success | | 0.000 |
testRuntimeLog | Success | | 0.005 |
testNullConfigurationValueSystemProperties | Success | | 0.040 |
testNullKeyMatch | Success | | 0.000 |
testDevModeSingleton01 | Success | | 0.001 |
test3rdSession | Success | | 0.000 |
testSingletonsSelection6 | Success | | 0.001 |
testValidLanguage | Success | | 0.000 |
testModuleIDSetting | Success | | 0.001 |
testTest_001 | Success | | 0.001 |
testBundleSignerCondition07 | Success | | 0.004 |
testStartLevelSingleThread | Success | | 1.812 |
testSubstituteExports09 | Success | | 0.008 |
testSecurityManager01 | Success | | 0.010 |
testDisabledInfo04 | Success | | 0.002 |
testMultipleSystemBundleFragmentsWithSameName | Success | | 0.003 |
testManifestPackageSpec | Success | | 0.008 |
testVerboseDebugging | Success | | 0.005 |
testMultiRelease10ClassLoad | Success | | 0.397 |
testInstallCollision02 | Success | | 0.000 |
testStartLevelDeadlock | Success | | 6.002 |
testMultiStateAdd01 | Success | | 0.008 |
testRegistration01 | Success | | 0.002 |
testDuplicateError02 | Success | | 0.004 |
testaddNullFilterr | Success | | 0.001 |
testUpdateCollision02 | Success | | 0.001 |
testValidLanguageCountryVariant | Success | | 0.000 |
testSpaceLocation | Success | | 0.027 |
testDisabledInfo02 | Success | | 0.000 |
testNullKey | Success | | 0.003 |
testPersistentSchedule07 | Success | | 0.863 |
testaddNullListener | Success | | 0.008 |
testNormalization | Success | | 0.000 |
testOctothorpLocation | Success | | 0.028 |
testInvalidValues | Success | | 0.003 |
findTrustAnchor positive test: chain with leaf trusted | Success | | 0.000 |
testWindows | Success | | 0.000 |
testQuestionMarkLocation | Success | | 0.021 |
testAdminPermission07 | Success | | 0.004 |
testSignedContent08 | Success | | 0.150 |
testSubstitutableExports015 | Success | | 0.005 |
testDuplicateError01 | Success | | 0.005 |
testMultiReleaseBundleManifest10 | Success | | 0.104 |
testBigReliableFile | Success | | 0.093 |
testNotOpen | Success | | 0.539 |
testLocalization01 | Success | | 0.097 |
testBug320546_01 | Success | | 0.002 |
testSingleton02 | Success | | 0.001 |
testBug289719 | Success | | 1.038 |
testExportPackageCannotContainJavaPackages | Success | | 2.912 |
testBug320546_02 | Success | | 0.001 |
testTest_007 | Success | | 0.000 |
testChangeEE | Success | | 0.201 |
testPlatformProperties01 | Success | | 0.006 |
testFragmentExportPackage | Success | | 0.013 |
testGenericFragments02 | Success | | 0.090 |
testR3 | Success | | 0.002 |
testEmptyStringParamsDeprocess | Success | | 0.000 |
testAdminPermission09 | Success | | 0.004 |
testBug228427_03 | Success | | 0.003 |
testBug483849 | Success | | 0.002 |
testExitValue02 | Success | | 4.928 |
testFrameworkLog | Success | | 5.010 |
testBug405919 | Success | | 0.084 |
testBug217150 | Success | | 0.000 |
testBuddyClassLoadingInvalid | Success | | 0.008 |
testBundleEvents02 | Success | | 0.011 |
testResourceURLEqualsHashCode | Success | | 0.011 |
testServiceTracker02 | Success | | 0.002 |
testTraceSystemOut | Success | | 0.004 |
testLoggerContextSetLogLevelsWithBundleInstalledAndNoLogger | Success | | 0.013 |
testUses5Importer | Success | | 0.002 |
testImporterExporter02 | Success | | 0.009 |
testBug225090_02 | Success | | 0.000 |
testBug205270 | Success | | 0.004 |
testMultipleExportsUses01 | Success | | 0.001 |
testSubstitutableExports007 | Success | | 0.001 |
testAdminPermission10 | Success | | 0.016 |
testLogInfo | Success | | 0.011 |
testURLExternalFormat01 | Success | | 5.736 |
testURLExternalFormat03 | Success | | 0.003 |
testRecurseResolutionPermits | Success | | 0.002 |
testFrameworkExtension01 | Success | | 0.016 |
testBug457118 | Success | | 0.002 |
testLoggerContextSetLogLevelsWithoutBundleAndLogger | Success | | 0.046 |
testBooleanValues | Success | | 0.001 |
testBug287636 | Success | | 0.010 |
testImportJavaPackages | Success | | 0.000 |
testStartOnResolve | Success | | 0.001 |
testInstallWithInterruption | Success | | 0.002 |
testDynamicImport02 | Success | | 0.002 |
removeTrustAnchor positive test: remove by cert | Success | | 0.022 |
testSessionFailLockJavaNIO | Success | | 0.000 |
testEventsStart | Success | | 0.002 |
testBug432632 | Success | | 0.083 |
testUninstallSystemBundle | Success | | 0.003 |
testSubstitutableExportBatch | Success | | 0.002 |
testSubstitutableExports025 | Success | | 0.002 |
testBug266935_01 | Success | | 0.000 |
testDeletingGenerationCalledOnDiscard | Success | | 0.356 |
testInvalidOneLetterLanguage | Success | | 0.000 |
testNativeCode08 | Success | | 0.006 |
testSlashes | Success | | 0.015 |
testInstallUninstallBundle | Success | | 0.141 |
testSubstitutableExports009 | Success | | 0.002 |
findTrustAnchor negative test: untrusted self signed | Success | | 0.001 |
testLocationPermission01 | Success | | 0.016 |
testNullValueMatch | Success | | 0.000 |
testResolutionReportEntrySingletonSelectionLowestVersionResolved | Success | | 0.000 |
testDynamicWithExport | Success | | 0.001 |
testBundleSignerCondition10 | Success | | 0.004 |
testBug228427_02 | Success | | 0.046 |
testSubstitutableExports017 | Success | | 0.003 |
testMultiCardinalityUses | Success | | 0.006 |
testConfigPlusChar | Success | | 0.118 |
testBidiPathsWithNullDelimiter | Success | | 0.000 |
testTest_003 | Success | | 0.000 |
testDeletingGenerationCalledUninstall | Success | | 0.271 |
testaddListenerTwice | Success | | 0.003 |
testBug348805 | Success | | 0.004 |
testEncodingInfos02 | Success | | 0.016 |
testSubstitutableExports023 | Success | | 0.002 |
testDynamicImport04 | Success | | 0.002 |
testLatinOtherStrings | Success | | 0.000 |
testDiscardDeletedBundleFile | Success | | 0.440 |
testBug228427_03 | Success | | 0.000 |
testTraceFile05 | Success | | 0.010 |
testFatalException | Success | | 0.013 |
testSystemBundleOnDemandFragments | Success | | 0.001 |
testBug370258_beginException | Success | | 0.005 |
testURLExternalFormat01 | Success | | 0.005 |
testBuddyClassLoadingDependent1 | Success | | 0.013 |
testServiceException02 | Success | | 0.002 |
testRequirementMatches | Success | | 0.006 |
testBidiPathsDeprocess | Success | | 0.000 |
testFrameworkUtilHelper | Success | | 0.430 |
testAddition | Success | | 0.000 |
testUninstallInUse01 | Success | | 0.007 |
testRemoveThenAdd | Success | | 0.474 |
testDynamicImport06 | Success | | 0.001 |
testBug286307 | Success | | 0.024 |
testSubstituteExports08 | Success | | 0.012 |
testMultipleGetResources03 | Success | | 0.006 |
testBug347183 | Success | | 0.062 |
testLoggerNotIsLoggableWithListener | Success | | 0.001 |
testDescriptorEvents01 | Success | | 0.300 |
removeTrustAnchor positive test: remove by alias | Success | | 0.014 |
testCyclicUsesExportDrop | Success | | 0.000 |
testExitValue04 | Success | | 0.945 |
testEncodingInfos01 | Success | | 0.418 |
testLogOrderMultipleListeners | Success | | 2.091 |
testLogFull4 | Success | | 0.001 |
testBadListener | Success | | 0.003 |
testBuddyClassLoadingDependent3 | Success | | 0.013 |
testIsLoggableTrue | Success | | 0.000 |
testPreventResourceLoadFromClassLoadingHook | Success | | 0.329 |
testMultiRelease8ClassLoad | Success | | 0.380 |
testRejectTransformationFromClassLoadingHook | Success | | 0.320 |
testEnableSecurityManager04 | Success | | 2.267 |
testLogBundleEventInfo | Success | | 0.012 |
testDaemonActiveThread | Success | | 0.385 |
testMultipleGetResources01a | Success | | 0.007 |
testEventsStartRefresh | Success | | 0.008 |
testTracingEntry01 | Success | | 0.001 |
testTest_003 | Success | | 0.001 |
testEmptyStringParams | Success | | 0.000 |
testMultiRelease9ListResources | Success | | 0.192 |
testCycle3 | Success | | 0.000 |
testContextBootDelegation | Success | | 0.024 |
testBundleSignerCondition12 | Success | | 0.004 |
testGenericsOSGiEquinox | Success | | 0.039 |
testWindowsAlias | Success | | 0.104 |
testSingleton04 | Success | | 0.001 |
testBug378155 | Success | | 0.150 |
testFragmentsMultipleVersion | Success | | 0.002 |
testLogDebug | Success | | 0.000 |
testImportPackageCanContainJavaPackages | Success | | 1.528 |
testCyclicTransitiveUses | Success | | 0.001 |
testBug228427_04 | Success | | 0.000 |
testURLHandlerUnregister | Success | | 0.019 |
testNoDiscardOsgiCheckConfigurationFalseOsgiDevUnspecified | Success | | 0.678 |
testThreadLock | Success | | 30.077 |
testPersistentSchedule03 | Success | | 0.000 |
testSubstituteExports05 | Success | | 0.014 |
testBidiStringWithNoDelimiters | Success | | 0.000 |
testFrameworkExtension02 | Success | | 0.015 |
testStopTransient | Success | | 0.028 |
testPlatformPropertiesBug207500b | Success | | 0.001 |
testResolutionReportListenerService | Success | | 0.002 |
testSubstituteExports01x | Success | | 0.014 |
testOtherStrings | Success | | 0.000 |
testLogFull2 | Success | | 0.000 |
testPersistence | Success | | 0.006 |
testIdentity | Success | | 0.035 |
testGenericsCycles | Success | | 0.001 |
testNullParams | Success | | 0.000 |
testManifestWithLF | Success | | 0.000 |
testSubstituteExports01y | Success | | 0.009 |
testColonOnPath | Success | | 0.000 |
testUpdate04 | Success | | 0.017 |
testSystemBundleLoader | Success | | 0.002 |
testAdaptModuleRevisionBuilder | Success | | 0.478 |
testPersistentSchedule05 | Success | | 90.986 |
test3rdSessionFollowUp | Success | | 0.000 |
testUses1Dynamic | Success | | 0.002 |
testBootDelegationConfigIni | Success | | 0.090 |
addTrustAnchor positive test: add with alias | Success | | 0.017 |
testStartLevelRestrictMultiThreadExplicit4 | Success | | 4.166 |
testBug370258_endException | Success | | 0.004 |
testCompatReprovide | Success | | 0.000 |
testEmbeddedURLHandler | Success | | 0.370 |
testBug184127 | Success | | 0.160 |
testAdminPermission05 | Success | | 0.012 |
testInvalidBundleActivator02 | Success | | 0.009 |
testGlobalSingleton | Success | | 0.000 |
testLatinPaths | Success | | 0.000 |
testBug241128_02 | Success | | 0.001 |
testLogServiceEventInfo | Success | | 0.002 |
testPersistentLock02 | Success | | 0.000 |
testSimpleResolve | Success | | 0.000 |
testRemovalPending | Success | | 0.013 |
testFragmentConstraints06 | Success | | 0.001 |
testExitValue08 | Success | | 0.001 |
testValidNumericAreaCode | Success | | 0.000 |
testResolutionReportEntrySingletonSelectionHighestVersionResolved | Success | | 0.000 |
testDiscardOsgiCheckConfigurationTrueOsgiDevSpecified | Success | | 0.658 |
testBug300692_01 | Success | | 0.023 |
testVisiblePackages003 | Success | | 0.000 |
testMassiveParallelInstallStart | Success | | 9.640 |
testInstallBundleWithExtensionOnly | Success | | 0.004 |
testBundleReference01 | Success | | 0.007 |
testSessionSuccessLockJavaIO | Success | | 0.000 |
testAliasBundleNameReport | Success | | 0.000 |
testMacOSX | Success | | 0.000 |
testSubstitutableExports008 | Success | | 0.002 |
testOSGiCardinality | Success | | 0.002 |
testReinstall | Success | | 0.001 |
testSubstituteExports04 | Success | | 0.015 |
testSimpleApp | Success | | 0.000 |
testNoDiscardOsgiCheckConfigurationUnspecifiedOsgiDevUnspecified | Success | | 0.402 |
testMultiHost | Success | | 0.005 |
testTest_002 | Success | | 0.001 |
testSubstituteExports02 | Success | | 0.008 |
testFragments01 | Success | | 0.002 |
testLinux | Success | | 0.000 |
testLogEntry | Success | | 0.002 |
testFragmentConstraints04 | Success | | 0.001 |
testUpdate02 | Success | | 0.018 |
testFragmentUses01 | Success | | 0.001 |
testUses5Requirer | Success | | 0.001 |
testMultiStateAdd03 | Success | | 0.000 |
testAdminPermission03 | Success | | 0.013 |
testOtherKeys | Success | | 0.001 |
testBadNativeCode | Success | | 0.001 |
testTest_003 | Success | | 0.001 |
testBug254600 | Success | | 0.216 |
testUpdate01 | Success | | 0.166 |
testCardinality01 | Success | | 0.000 |
testStartError01 | Success | | 0.003 |
testSubstitutableExports024 | Success | | 0.001 |
testSubstituteExports03 | Success | | 0.010 |
testMultipleExportFragments03 | Success | | 0.010 |
testSetLocationWithAbsLockFile | Success | | 0.001 |
testAdminPermission01 | Success | | 0.010 |
findTrustAnchor negative test: null chain | Success | | 0.000 |