Name | Status | Type | Time(s) |
testInvalidClassFieldTag2I | Success | | 0.011 |
testAddPublicAPIMethodI | Success | | 0.027 |
testClassExtendsLeak28I | Success | | 0.008 |
testPublicToPackageI | Success | | 0.067 |
testLocalClassIllegalImplements1F | Success | | 0.106 |
testClassExtendsLeak2I | Success | | 0.014 |
testMethodParameterLeak6I | Success | | 0.009 |
testAddFirstTypeParameterI | Success | | 0.032 |
testClassImplementsLeak6F | Success | | 0.096 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag4I | Success | | 0.015 |
testGetCharEnd | Success | | 0.000 |
testOtherBundleDefaultMethodCall2F | Success | | 0.150 |
testRemoveMethodI | Success | | 0.038 |
testRemoveMemberTypeI | Success | | 0.070 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag2F | Success | | 0.096 |
testValidEnumFieldTag5I | Success | | 0.021 |
testOtherBundleDefaultMethodCall4I | Success | | 0.008 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation7F | Success | | 0.162 |
test7 | Success | | 0.289 |
testWPUpdateSourceTypeRemoveTag | Success | | 3.350 |
testClassImplementsLeak6I | Success | | 0.008 |
testInvalidEnumTag3I | Success | | 0.014 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation7I | Success | | 0.017 |
testMethodParameterLeak6F | Success | | 0.098 |
testAddFieldI | Success | | 0.023 |
testAddStaticI | Success | | 0.027 |
testAddMemberTypeF | Success | | 0.419 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag16I | Success | | 0.029 |
testInvalidNoImplementAnnotation1I | Success | | 0.011 |
testIllegalReferenceClass3I | Success | | 0.898 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag10I | Success | | 0.012 |
testInvalidEnumTag10F | Success | | 0.123 |
testProtectedToPackageF | Success | | 0.257 |
testInvalidTagOnNonDefaultInterfaceMethodF | Success | | 0.106 |
testAddFinalF | Success | | 0.499 |
testAddMethodNoImplement2I | Success | | 0.050 |
testAddAbstractNoExtendI | Success | | 0.029 |
testInvalidEnumMethodTag5F | Success | | 0.966 |
testLocalClassIllegaImplements2I | Success | | 0.015 |
testNoInstantiateF | Success | | 0.123 |
testRemoveExtendInterfaceRestriction | Success | | 0.103 |
testValidEnumMethodTag4F | Success | | 0.680 |
testNoInstantiateF | Success | | 0.119 |
testValidEnumMethodTag5F | Success | | 0.083 |
testInvalidEnumMethodTag1I | Success | | 0.016 |
testValidClassFieldTag1F | Success | | 0.941 |
testProtectedToPackageI | Success | | 0.023 |
testInvalidFieldI | Success | | 0.020 |
testWPUpdateSourceFieldChanged | Success | | 2.067 |
testAnnotationUsage1F | Success | | 0.084 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag11F | Success | | 0.151 |
testEnumFieldWithDuplicateAnnotationsI | Success | | 0.013 |
testLocalTypeGeneircMethod2I | Success | | 0.015 |
testAddClassBoundI | Success | | 0.033 |
testAnnotationUsage3F | Success | | 0.092 |
testImportJavadocTestSource | Success | | 1.662 |
testMethodParameterLeak14I | Success | | 0.009 |
testClassExtendsLeak30I | Success | | 0.019 |
testNoReferenceF | Success | | 0.351 |
testLocalTypeGeneircMethod1I | Success | | 0.012 |
testAddFinalOnStaticNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.039 |
testAddSingletonPrivateAPIConstructorI | Success | | 0.021 |
testPublicToProtectedInnerClassI | Success | | 0.032 |
testPublicToPackageI | Success | | 0.025 |
testConstructorParameterLeak13I | Success | | 0.025 |
testUnusedFilter2I | Success | | 0.013 |
testInterfaceUsageTests2I | Success | | 0.515 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag11F | Success | | 0.100 |
testAddPrivateAPIConstructorF | Success | | 0.298 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag1I | Success | | 0.013 |
testNonExistantProblem | Success | | 1.016 |
testChangeInterfaceBoundF | Success | | 0.247 |
testNoReference1F | Success | | 0.635 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag3I | Success | | 0.008 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag8F | Success | | 0.128 |
testAddSuperInterfaceANoImplementF | Success | | 2.113 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag2I | Success | | 0.031 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak4F | Success | | 0.110 |
testRemoveTypeArgumentsI | Success | | 0.032 |
testNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.008 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag11F | Success | | 0.142 |
testPublicToPrivateI | Success | | 0.025 |
testAddFilterFromFilter | Success | | 0.937 |
testReduceSuperInterfaceABtoAF | Success | | 0.856 |
testAddExternalPackageWithFriends | Success | | 4.697 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation3F | Success | | 0.971 |
testAddNonVisibleMethod2F | Success | | 5.082 |
testValidClassMethodTag6F | Success | | 0.100 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation4F | Success | | 0.903 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag1F | Success | | 0.932 |
testClassExtendsAndOverridesLeak31I | Success | | 0.015 |
testRemoveTwoPublicFieldsI | Success | | 0.021 |
testClassExtendsLeak29F | Success | | 0.047 |
testRemovePackageFieldI | Success | | 0.021 |
testAnnotationUsage2F | Success | | 0.140 |
testAnnotationUsage7F | Success | | 0.442 |
testClassExtendsLeak11F | Success | | 0.115 |
testNoOverrideI | Success | | 0.010 |
testAddMethodI | Success | | 0.030 |
testAddFinalNoExtendF | Success | | 0.375 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag1I | Success | | 0.016 |
testWPUpdateSourceInnerTypeChanged | Success | | 2.053 |
testConstructorParameterLeak13F | Success | | 0.203 |
testNoReference3I | Success | | 0.015 |
testValidClassMethodTag6I | Success | | 0.020 |
testAnnotationUsage9F | Success | | 0.048 |
testIllegalReferenceClass3F | Success | | 0.180 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIMethodI | Success | | 0.037 |
test4I | Success | | 0.013 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag2F | Success | | 0.165 |
testInvalidEnumConstantTag7F | Success | | 0.221 |
testOverrideDefaultMethodF | Success | | 2.598 |
testRemoveReferenceConstructorRestriction | Success | | 0.105 |
testNoRefJavadocOnInterfaceWithDefaultMethod2I | Success | | 0.009 |
testInterfaceExtendsLeak4I | Success | | 0.009 |
testConstructorParameterLeak6F | Success | | 0.142 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag4F | Success | | 0.269 |
testAddInheritedMethodF2 | Success | | 0.325 |
testFalseMajorIncI | Success | | 0.677 |
testRemoveStaticF | Success | | 3.312 |
testAddMemberTypeI | Success | | 0.021 |
testGetTagsProblemKindName | Success | | 0.000 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation11I | Success | | 0.015 |
testInterfaceExtendsNoExtendInterface13I | Success | | 0.010 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag2F | Success | | 0.701 |
testRemoveNoExtendI | Success | | 0.022 |
testPublicToPrivateNoReferenceF | Success | | 0.229 |
testAnnotationUsage6F | Success | | 0.931 |
testAddInterfaceBoundF | Success | | 0.269 |
testPublicToPrivateNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.020 |
testConstructorParameterLeak14F | Success | | 0.085 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation8F | Success | | 0.164 |
testRemoveProtectedMemberTypeF | Success | | 4.346 |
testAddFinalNoReferenceF | Success | | 4.918 |
test002 | Success | | 3.787 |
testClassExtendsLeak3F | Success | | 0.158 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag6I | Success | | 0.012 |
testPublicToPrivate2F | Success | | 2.761 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag11I | Success | | 0.019 |
testLambdaStatementI | Success | | 0.025 |
testInvalidMemberTypeI | Success | | 0.040 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag5F | Success | | 0.140 |
testIExtendsI | Success | | 0.012 |
testRemoveInternalSuperClassWithConstructorF | Success | | 0.262 |
testNoOverrideAnnotOnDefaultI | Success | | 0.013 |
testInvalidEnumConstantTag10I | Success | | 0.015 |
testAddNewInterfaceMethodF | Success | | 0.240 |
testInterfaceExtendsNoImplementInterface11I | Success | | 0.009 |
testRemovePublicFieldF | Success | | 0.287 |
testNoRefAnnotationDefaultMethod2F | Success | | 1.307 |
testAddFieldI | Success | | 0.034 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag9I | Success | | 0.016 |
testAddStaticNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.018 |
testAddPrivateAPIMethodF | Success | | 0.297 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation10F | Success | | 0.137 |
testNoRefAnnotationOnInterfaceWithDefaultMethodF | Success | | 1.688 |
testOverrideF | Success | | 0.908 |
testChangeClassBoundF | Success | | 0.251 |
testWPUPdateExportPackageDirectiveChangedToInternal | Success | | 5.102 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag4I | Success | | 0.015 |
test4 | Success | | 0.184 |
testValidEnumMethodTag3F | Success | | 0.924 |
test1I | Success | | 0.016 |
testInterfaceExtendsLeak2I | Success | | 0.008 |
testRemovePrivateFieldF | Success | | 0.311 |
testValidClassFieldTag7I | Success | | 0.010 |
testConvertToAnnotationF | Success | | 0.286 |
testAddTypeParameterF | Success | | 0.271 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag3I | Success | | 0.020 |
testAnnotationUsage4F | Success | | 1.013 |
testInvalidEnumTag4I | Success | | 0.015 |
testClassExtendsLeak11I | Success | | 0.010 |
testAddProtectedFieldF | Success | | 0.344 |
testConstructorParameterLeak7F | Success | | 0.139 |
testClassMethodWithDuplicateTagsI | Success | | 0.011 |
testRemovePrivateMemberTypeI | Success | | 0.045 |
testMethodParameterLeak14F | Success | | 0.112 |
test001 | Success | | 3.917 |
testAddAbstractNoExtendNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.020 |
testInvalidEnumConstantTag6F | Success | | 0.121 |
testClassExtendsLeak30F | Success | | 0.138 |
testClassExtendsAndOverridesLeak31F | Success | | 0.118 |
testProtectedToPackageNoExtendI | Success | | 0.020 |
testValidEnumMethodTag1F | Success | | 0.423 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak7I | Success | | 0.011 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak6F | Success | | 0.120 |
testAddFieldNoImplementI | Success | | 0.050 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak10I | Success | | 0.009 |
testLocalTypeGeneicMethod2F | Success | | 0.490 |
testReduceInterfaceABtoAI | Success | | 0.040 |
test5 | Success | | 0.289 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag5I | Success | | 0.013 |
testProtectedToPackageNoReferenceF | Success | | 0.333 |
testLocalClassIllegalImplements1F | Success | | 0.909 |
testRemoveProtectedMemberTypeNoExtendI | Success | | 0.031 |
testInvalidEnumTag3F | Success | | 1.140 |
testValidClassFieldTag7F | Success | | 0.083 |
testFieldUsage6I | Success | | 0.015 |
testAddSuperInterfaceAF | Success | | 0.695 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag9I | Success | | 0.023 |
testAddFinalRemoveNoOverrideF | Success | | 0.263 |
testWPUpdateSourceTypeChanged | Success | | 2.204 |
testAddPublicAPIConstructorI | Success | | 0.022 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag12I | Success | | 0.094 |
testProtectedToPrivateNoExtendF | Success | | 0.443 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation11F | Success | | 0.117 |
testPublicToPrivate2I | Success | | 0.020 |
testRemovePrivateAPIMethodI | Success | | 0.040 |
testClassIndirectImplements5I | Success | | 0.012 |
testAddPrivateFieldI | Success | | 0.049 |
testAddMemberTypeNoImplementF | Success | | 0.805 |
testRemoveTypeParameterI | Success | | 0.024 |
testProblemsNotEqualDifferentPaths | Success | | 0.000 |
testInvalidClassTag1I | Success | | 2.555 |
testRemoveMethodF | Success | | 1.491 |
testRemovePackageMethodI | Success | | 0.025 |
testMethodParameterLeak5F | Success | | 0.102 |
testValidClassMethodTag8F | Success | | 0.239 |
testValidClassFieldTag6F | Success | | 0.102 |
testPublicToPackageVisibilityF | Success | | 3.867 |
testRemoveFinalAddNoExtendI | Success | | 0.035 |
testRemovePublicMemberTypeF | Success | | 0.311 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag10I | Success | | 0.014 |
testAddNoReferenceF | Success | | 0.592 |
testValidTagsOnFunctionalInterfaceI | Success | | 0.012 |
testRemoveEnumConstantF | Success | | 0.560 |
testClassExtendsLeak27I | Success | | 0.008 |
test3 | Success | | 0.286 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag29I | Success | | 0.027 |
testConvertToClassI | Success | | 0.035 |
testMethodReturnType19F | Success | | 0.273 |
testIllegalUse | Success | | 1.545 |
testClassExtendsLeak3I | Success | | 0.010 |
testAddStaticNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.025 |
testConstNoRefI | Success | | 0.018 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag9I | Success | | 0.014 |
testInvalidClassAnnotation12F | Success | | 0.429 |
testClassIndirectImplements4I | Success | | 0.011 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation3I | Success | | 0.020 |
testAddTypeArgumentsF | Success | | 0.250 |
testRemoveProtectedFieldF | Success | | 0.440 |
testPrivateParentAnnotations1F | Success | | 1.070 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak5I | Success | | 0.014 |
testAbstractAddNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.050 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak11F | Success | | 0.070 |
testConstructorParameterLeak5I | Success | | 0.013 |
testInvalidEnumMethodTag3F | Success | | 0.204 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation2I | Success | | 0.013 |
testAddInterfaceAF | Success | | 0.318 |
testProtectedToPackageNoReferenceF | Success | | 0.242 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag1I | Success | | 0.021 |
testValidClassFieldTag1I | Success | | 0.012 |
testValidClassFieldTag5I | Success | | 0.020 |
testClassImplementsLeak7F | Success | | 0.086 |
testValidInterfaceTag5I | Success | | 0.011 |
testRemoveNoImplementF | Success | | 2.870 |
testPublicToPackageF | Success | | 2.799 |
testInvalidTypeI | Success | | 0.125 |
test2F | Success | | 0.374 |
testConstructorParameterLeak12I | Success | | 0.014 |
testPublicToPrivateInnerClassI | Success | | 0.039 |
testInterfaceUsageTests1F | Success | | 0.126 |
testAddAbstractMethodF | Success | | 0.285 |
testValidClassFieldTag2I | Success | | 0.011 |
testMalformedMemberTypeI | Success | | 0.020 |
testProtectedToPrivateNoExtendI | Success | | 0.020 |
testRemoveFinalAddNoExtendF | Success | | 0.483 |
testAddInterfaceBoundI | Success | | 0.031 |
testInvalidClassTag10I | Success | | 0.013 |
testConstructorParameterLeak12F | Success | | 0.122 |
testAddSuperInterfaceANoExtendF | Success | | 1.306 |
testAddInstantiateRestriction | Success | | 0.444 |
testConstructorParameterLeak5F | Success | | 0.690 |
testValidClassMethodTag5I | Success | | 0.010 |
testRemoveTypeParameterI | Success | | 0.021 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag6I | Success | | 0.011 |
testPublicToPackageVisibilityI | Success | | 0.021 |
testInvalidClassTag7F | Success | | 0.121 |
testInvalidEnumTag11F | Success | | 0.172 |
testValidClassFieldTag5I | Success | | 0.010 |
testLocalTypeGeneicMethod1F | Success | | 0.059 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag14I | Success | | 0.021 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag7I | Success | | 0.013 |
testProtectedToPrivateF | Success | | 0.237 |
testChangeTypeNoReferenceF | Success | | 0.550 |
testConsRefInstantiateAnnoI | Success | | 0.021 |
testRemoveFieldF | Success | | 2.571 |
testMethodParameterLeak13F | Success | | 0.077 |
testAddProtectedAPIMethodF | Success | | 0.260 |
testNoExtendClassExtendsNoExtendClass14F | Success | | 0.110 |
testAnonymousTypeGenericMethod1F | Success | | 0.139 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag9F | Success | | 0.162 |
testInvalidMethodF | Success | | 0.386 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag5F | Success | | 0.125 |
testInvalidTagsOnFunctionalInterfaceF | Success | | 0.234 |
testRemoveFinalF | Success | | 4.402 |
testFinalClassExtendsNoExtendClass14F | Success | | 0.077 |
testValidClassTag5I | Success | | 0.010 |
testRemoveMemberTypeI | Success | | 0.062 |
testAnnotateStoreFromLocalFile | Success | | 1.024 |
testInvalidJava8InterfaceMethodTag2F | Success | | 0.101 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag14F | Success | | 0.590 |
testMethodParameterLeak16I | Success | | 0.011 |
testInvalidEnumTag4F | Success | | 0.929 |
testPublicToPackage2F | Success | | 0.201 |
testProtectedToPackageI | Success | | 0.021 |
test006 | Success | | 4.009 |
testClassExtendsLeak10F | Success | | 0.074 |
testRemoveSecondaryInterfaceBoundI | Success | | 0.143 |
testConstructorParameterLeak8F | Success | | 1.046 |
testRemoveInstantiateRestrictionMultiPartPackageName | Success | | 0.158 |
testRemovePublicAPIMethodI | Success | | 0.054 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation7I | Success | | 0.015 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak8F | Success | | 0.731 |
testInvalidEnumTag11I | Success | | 0.021 |
testRemoveInstantiateRestriction | Success | | 0.063 |
testWPUpdateSourceMethodChanged | Success | | 2.191 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag3I | Success | | 0.023 |
testLocalClassIllegalImplements1I | Success | | 0.073 |
testValidClassTag1F | Success | | 0.612 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation6I | Success | | 0.012 |
testNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.008 |
testAddFinalNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.016 |
testInvalidEnumTag4I | Success | | 0.014 |
testMultiCatchI | Success | | 0.011 |
testInvalidInterfaceTag6F | Success | | 0.135 |
testEnumFieldWithDuplicateTagsF | Success | | 0.122 |
testFieldUsage2I | Success | | 0.022 |
testRemoveDefValueF | Success | | 1.342 |
testAnonymousTypeGenericMethod2F | Success | | 0.100 |
testAddAbstractNoInstantiateF | Success | | 0.355 |
testFinalRemoveNoExtendI | Success | | 0.018 |
testProtectedToPrivateF | Success | | 0.332 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIMethodNoExtendNoInstantiateF | Success | | 5.838 |
testAddSingletonPrivateAPIConstructorF | Success | | 0.396 |
test1 | Success | | 0.715 |
testRemovePublicAPIConstructorNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.061 |
testAddPrivateAPIConstructorI | Success | | 0.026 |
testInvalidClassAnnotation7F | Success | | 0.137 |
testRemoveNoOverrideF | Success | | 0.259 |
testRemoveFieldF | Success | | 0.294 |
testUnusedFilter3F | Success | | 0.938 |
testMalformedTypeI | Success | | 0.025 |
testGenericInstantiate1F | Success | | 0.107 |
testMethodReturnType17I | Success | | 0.022 |
testFieldUsage6F | Success | | 0.122 |
testValidEnumFieldTag4F | Success | | 0.623 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag11F | Success | | 0.144 |
testClassImplementsLeak10F | Success | | 0.112 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag1F | Success | | 0.091 |
testPublicToPrivateNoReferenceF | Success | | 0.384 |
testPublicToPackage2I | Success | | 0.023 |
testValidClassFieldTag2F | Success | | 0.099 |
testConstructorParameterLeak14I | Success | | 0.010 |
testClassExtendsLeak4F | Success | | 0.127 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak1I | Success | | 0.012 |
testRemoveClassBoundI | Success | | 0.023 |
testConstructorUsageTests1F | Success | | 0.541 |
testClassExtendsLeak28F | Success | | 0.135 |
testAddFirstTypeParameterF | Success | | 0.266 |
testClassIndirectImplements5F | Success | | 0.101 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIMethodNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.049 |
testNoRefInterface1F | Success | | 0.088 |
testUnusedFilter4I | Success | | 0.026 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag11F | Success | | 1.109 |
testAnonymousClassExtends7F | Success | | 0.887 |
testInvalidEnumConstantTag1I | Success | | 0.014 |
testMethodParameterLeak12F | Success | | 0.121 |
testConvertToInterfaceI | Success | | 0.062 |
testRemovePublicClassF | Success | | 1.030 |
testAddPublicFieldF | Success | | 0.238 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag28I | Success | | 0.013 |
testMultiCatchF | Success | | 1.175 |
testAddSuperInterfaceANoExtendNoImplementI | Success | | 0.037 |
testValidSinceTagsI | Success | | 0.032 |
testLocalClassIllegalImplements2F | Success | | 0.159 |
testPublicToPrivate2I | Success | | 0.160 |
testInterfaceWithDuplicateAnnotationsI | Success | | 0.020 |
testPublicToProtected2I | Success | | 0.021 |
testAddAbstractMethodNoExtendF | Success | | 0.272 |
testRemoveInternalSuperClassI | Success | | 0.031 |
testInvalidEnumTag5F | Success | | 0.994 |
testClassMethodWithDuplicateTagsF | Success | | 0.110 |
testInvalidEnumTag5F | Success | | 0.113 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIMethodNoExtendF | Success | | 3.893 |
testClassExtendsLeak10I | Success | | 0.012 |
testRemovePublicAPIConstructorNoOverrideF | Success | | 0.901 |
testProtectedToPrivateNoOverrideF | Success | | 0.235 |
testValidClassFieldTag6I | Success | | 0.024 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation3I | Success | | 0.010 |
testNoOverrideAnnotOnDefaultF | Success | | 0.995 |
testAnonymousClassIllegaImplements1I | Success | | 0.015 |
testPublicToPrivateF | Success | | 0.326 |
testProtectedToPackageI | Success | | 0.036 |
testPublicToPrivateNoReferenceF | Success | | 0.877 |
testAddSingletonPublicAPIConstructorI | Success | | 0.022 |
testInterfaceExtendsLeak6I | Success | | 0.009 |
testConstructorParameterLeak7I | Success | | 0.013 |
testRemoveSecondaryInterfaceBoundI | Success | | 0.023 |
testInvalidEnumTag10I | Success | | 0.012 |
testRemoveInternalClassI | Success | | 0.270 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag3I | Success | | 0.027 |
testMultiCatchF | Success | | 1.576 |
testRemovePublicFieldNoExtendI | Success | | 0.054 |
testFinalClassExtendsNoExtendClass14I | Success | | 0.008 |
test8F | Success | | 0.137 |
testPublicToProtected2F | Success | | 0.254 |
testRemoveReferenceMethodRestriction | Success | | 0.130 |
testAnonymousClassExtends7I | Success | | 0.021 |
testOverrideDefaultMethodMultipleInheritedI | Success | | 0.017 |
testIExtendsF | Success | | 0.201 |
testAnnotationUsage5F | Success | | 0.540 |
testRemovePublicAPIConstructorNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.032 |
testRemoveStaticNoReferenceF | Success | | 0.461 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag7F | Success | | 0.358 |
testLocalClassExtends2I | Success | | 0.010 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak2F | Success | | 0.135 |
testNoExtendClassExtendsNoExtendClass14I | Success | | 0.008 |
testGetSeverity | Success | | 0.000 |
testAddMethod2I | Success | | 0.059 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag6F | Success | | 0.918 |
testAnonymousClassExtends2F | Success | | 0.092 |
testMethodParameterLeak4F | Success | | 0.125 |
testAddAbstractNoExtendNoInstantiateF | Success | | 0.590 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIConstructorNoInstantiateF | Success | | 0.742 |
test3F | Success | | 0.166 |
testRemoveExtendRestriction | Success | | 0.105 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag12F | Success | | 0.115 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag11F | Success | | 0.430 |
testRemoveSuperInterfaceF | Success | | 0.376 |
testRemoveTypeParameterF | Success | | 6.314 |
testRemovePublicAPIMethodNoOverrideF | Success | | 0.477 |
testValidEnumFieldTag5F | Success | | 0.174 |
testClassImplementsLeak5F | Success | | 0.352 |
testAddImplementsRestriction | Success | | 0.963 |
test1 | Success | | 0.273 |
testInvalidClassTag5I | Success | | 0.013 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag12I | Success | | 0.016 |
testPublicToPrivateI | Success | | 0.036 |
testVarArgsToArrayF | Success | | 0.225 |
testNoReference2I | Success | | 0.020 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation3F | Success | | 0.176 |
testAddFinalNoOverrideF | Success | | 0.499 |
testBreakApiF | Success | | 0.254 |
testRemovePublicAPIMethodNoExtendI | Success | | 0.046 |
testPublicToProtectedF | Success | | 0.793 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation10I | Success | | 0.013 |
testAddFieldNoExtendNoImplementF | Success | | 5.802 |
testRemovePackageMemberTypeF | Success | | 1.348 |
testInvalidClassAnnotation7I | Success | | 0.013 |
testMethodReturnType21F | Success | | 0.675 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIConstructorNoOverrideI | Success | | 0.040 |
testMethodConstructorRefAnnoI | Success | | 0.015 |
testChangeInterfaceBoundI | Success | | 0.023 |
testMethodUsageTests3F | Success | | 0.940 |
testMethodParameterLeak16I | Success | | 0.012 |
testAddReferenceFieldRestriction | Success | | 0.119 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag26I | Success | | 0.014 |
testAddExtendRestriction | Success | | 0.117 |
testAddInheritedMethodF | Success | | 0.235 |
test6I | Success | | 0.014 |
testRemovePublicFieldNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.029 |
testInterfaceFieldWithDuplicateTagsF | Success | | 0.134 |
testInvalidNoImplementAnnotation1F | Success | | 0.254 |
testOverrideDefaultMethodInheritedF | Success | | 1.984 |
testPublicToPackageF | Success | | 0.746 |
testReduceInterfaceABtoEmptyI | Success | | 0.024 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag12F | Success | | 1.048 |
testAddReferenceConstructorRestriction | Success | | 0.131 |
testAddBaseline | Success | | 3.199 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag8I | Success | | 0.012 |
testAbstractRemoveNoInstantiateF | Success | | 3.363 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag4I | Success | | 0.017 |
testProtectedToPackageRemoveNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.028 |
testFieldUsage1I | Success | | 0.509 |
testClassIndirectImplements7I | Success | | 0.011 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag4I | Success | | 0.011 |
testAddNoOverrideToFinalF | Success | | 0.468 |
testRemovePublicAPIMethodNoExtendF | Success | | 0.883 |
test005 | Success | | 4.444 |
testProtectedToPrivateI | Success | | 0.035 |
testAddNonVisibleMethodF | Success | | 0.222 |
testAddExtendImplementRestriction | Success | | 0.312 |
testGetResourcePath | Success | | 0.000 |
testConvertToInterfaceF | Success | | 0.707 |
testRemovePackageMemberTypeI | Success | | 0.025 |
testInvalidClassTag11F | Success | | 0.933 |
testNoReference2F | Success | | 0.104 |
testPublicToPrivateF | Success | | 0.288 |
testInvalidEnumConstantTag5F | Success | | 0.144 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation6I | Success | | 0.012 |
testVarArgsToArrayI | Success | | 0.021 |
testLocalClassExtends1I | Success | | 0.013 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag3F | Success | | 0.150 |
testWPUpdateSourceAdded | Success | | 3.225 |
testInvalidClassTag1F | Success | | 1.009 |
testGetExtraArgumentNamesNull | Success | | 0.000 |
testClassImplementsLeak8F | Success | | 0.454 |
testReduceHierarchyCtoAI | Success | | 0.031 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag6I | Success | | 0.012 |
testInvalidInterfaceMethodTag8I | Success | | 0.010 |
testAddNoImplementF | Success | | 0.807 |
testPublicToProtectedInnerClassF | Success | | 0.700 |
testConstructorParameterLeak4I | Success | | 0.010 |
testClassExtendsLeak23F | Success | | 0.941 |
testValidInterfaceMethodTag1I | Success | | 0.009 |
testMethodParameterLeak8F | Success | | 0.106 |
testProtectedToPackageF | Success | | 1.179 |
testConvertToClassF | Success | | 0.301 |
testRemovePublicClassI | Success | | 0.036 |
testProblemsEqual | Success | | 0.000 |
testInvalidEnumMethodTag9F | Success | | 0.132 |
test3I | Success | | 0.014 |
testInterfaceExtendsLeak8F | Success | | 0.073 |
testInvalidEnumConstantTag2I | Success | | 0.013 |
testAddNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.021 |
testClassExtendsNoExtendClass13I | Success | | 0.008 |
testMethodParameterLeak15F | Success | | 0.111 |
testGeneralizeTypeI | Success | | 0.019 |
testRemoveProtectedFieldNoInstantiateF | Success | | 0.352 |
testFalseMajorIncF | Success | | 0.633 |
testGetProblemFlagsName | Success | | 0.000 |
testGetExtraArgumentIdsNotNullNotEqualLength | Success | | 0.000 |
testChangeTypeF | Success | | 0.343 |
testAnonymousClassIllegalImplements1F | Success | | 0.094 |
testValidInterfaceMethodTag4F | Success | | 0.141 |
testInvalidEnumMethodTag6I | Success | | 0.012 |
testRemoveProtectedFieldNoExtendNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.019 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag1F | Success | | 0.098 |
testRemovePublicAPIMethodNoOverrideI | Success | | 0.023 |
testClassExtendsLeak1F | Success | | 3.338 |
testPublicToPackageF | Success | | 0.332 |
testAddMethodwoDefI | Success | | 0.035 |
testInvalidInterfaceMethodTag8F | Success | | 0.089 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag8F | Success | | 0.106 |
testInvalidInterfaceMethodTag7F | Success | | 0.881 |
testMethodReturnType18I | Success | | 0.008 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation4F | Success | | 0.081 |
testInterfaceExtendsLeak3F | Success | | 0.116 |
testInterfaceExtendsLeak7F | Success | | 0.107 |
testMalformedTypeF | Success | | 0.386 |
testNoImplementF | Success | | 0.907 |
test003 | Success | | 3.485 |
testMethodParameterLeak12I | Success | | 0.020 |
testClassExtendsLeak8F | Success | | 0.105 |
testValidInterfaceTag1I | Success | | 0.058 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag7I | Success | | 0.014 |
testPublicToProtectedF | Success | | 0.562 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag9F | Success | | 0.128 |
testValidClassAnnotations1F | Success | | 0.081 |
testInvalidClassTag10F | Success | | 0.147 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag7I | Success | | 0.039 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation2F | Success | | 0.128 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation2I | Success | | 0.010 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag10F | Success | | 0.277 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag13I | Success | | 0.013 |
testProblemsNotEqualMissingResourcePath | Success | | 0.000 |
testLocalClassExtends1F | Success | | 0.044 |
testInvalidClassTag2F | Success | | 0.113 |
testConstructorParameterLeak9I | Success | | 0.017 |
testValidEnumTag1I | Success | | 0.017 |
test3 | Success | | 0.376 |
testInvalidClassTag7I | Success | | 0.013 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag4F | Success | | 1.010 |
testGetLineNumber | Success | | 0.000 |
testLocalClassExtends4I | Success | | 0.013 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag5I | Success | | 0.013 |
testRemovePublicAPIMethodNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.022 |
testInvalidEnumMethodTag2F | Success | | 0.119 |
testInvalidClassAnnotation12I | Success | | 0.019 |
testMethodParameterLeak11I | Success | | 0.016 |
testOtherBundleDefaultMethodCall3I | Success | | 0.009 |
testClassIndirectImplements7F | Success | | 0.242 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag5F | Success | | 0.469 |
testValidInterfaceMethodTag5F | Success | | 0.113 |
testAnonymousClassExtends2F | Success | | 0.099 |
testInvalidInterfaceTag6F | Success | | 0.975 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag1I | Success | | 0.015 |
testValidInterfaceTag1F | Success | | 1.093 |
testAnonymousClassExtends3F | Success | | 0.062 |
tesGetExtraArgumentIdsNotNullValuesNull | Success | | 0.001 |
testAddFinalNoExtendNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.018 |
testInvalidEnumTag9I | Success | | 0.017 |
testMethodUsageTests6I | Success | | 0.012 |
testGetUsageProblemKindName | Success | | 0.000 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag1F | Success | | 0.632 |
testAddProtectedAPIMethodI | Success | | 0.042 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag11F | Success | | 0.127 |
testMalformedFieldI | Success | | 0.022 |
testRemoveNoOverrideToFinalF | Success | | 0.314 |
testValidClassFieldTag5F | Success | | 0.903 |
testAddFieldF | Success | | 0.403 |
testRemoveOverrideRestriction | Success | | 0.899 |
testConstructorParameterLeak3I | Success | | 0.019 |
testAddNoExtendNoImplementF | Success | | 0.287 |
testRemovePublicAPIMethodNoInstantiateF | Success | | 0.263 |
testAddFinalF | Success | | 4.704 |
testAnonymousTypeGenericMethod3F | Success | | 0.112 |
testAddNoOverrideF | Success | | 6.257 |
testClassExtendsNoExtendClass33F | Success | | 0.466 |
testNoRefJavadocDefaultMethod2F | Success | | 1.092 |
testAnonymousClassExtends3F | Success | | 0.213 |
testRemoveNoExtendNoImplementF | Success | | 0.284 |
testReduceHierarchyCtoObjectI | Success | | 0.034 |
testAddMethodNoImplementI | Success | | 0.024 |
test2 | Success | | 0.373 |
testAddExtendInterfaceRestriction | Success | | 0.424 |
testRemoveReferenceFieldRestriction | Success | | 0.175 |
testValidEnumTag1I | Success | | 0.011 |
testOverrideJavadocDefaultMethodInheritedF | Success | | 1.023 |
testPublicToProtected2F | Success | | 0.230 |
testValidClassFieldTag8F | Success | | 0.129 |
testNoRefjavadocDefaultMethod2I | Success | | 0.011 |
testRemoveTypeParameterF | Success | | 0.581 |
test005 | Success | | 3.127 |
testValidClassTag5F | Success | | 1.003 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag3F | Success | | 0.111 |
testMethodReturnLeak17F | Success | | 0.121 |
testFieldTypeLeak8I | Success | | 0.029 |
testRemoveSecondaryInterfaceBoundF | Success | | 0.285 |
testAnonymousClassExtends6I | Success | | 0.012 |
testAddSecondaryTypeParameterI | Success | | 0.022 |
testValidClassTag1I | Success | | 0.028 |
testAddInternalExportedPackage | Success | | 2.015 |
testNoReferenceF | Success | | 0.220 |
testNoExtendI | Success | | 0.009 |
testAnnotateStoreFromBundle | Success | | 2.291 |
testPublicToProtected2I | Success | | 0.020 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation11F | Success | | 1.613 |
testValidClassMethodTag4F | Success | | 0.669 |
testAddMethodNoExtendF | Success | | 0.807 |
testGetId | Success | | 0.001 |
testOtherBundleDefaultMethodCall3F | Success | | 1.026 |
testInvalidEnumConstantTag9I | Success | | 0.019 |
testWPUpdatePackageRemoved | Success | | 3.286 |
testMalformedTagI | Success | | 0.022 |
testInvalidEnumTag5I | Success | | 0.022 |
testValidClassAnnotations2F | Success | | 0.619 |
testFinalAddNoExtendI | Success | | 0.033 |
test008 | Success | | 3.114 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag9I | Success | | 0.012 |
testClassExtendsLeak8I | Success | | 0.010 |
testGeneralizeTypeNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.019 |
testInvalidEnumTag4F | Success | | 0.923 |
testAddSecondaryTypeParameterI | Success | | 0.041 |
testAddRemoveFromProblem | Success | | 2.151 |
testValidClassMethodTag10I | Success | | 0.009 |
testLocalClassExtends3F | Success | | 0.131 |
testInvalidJava8InterfaceMethodTag2I | Success | | 0.012 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation9F | Success | | 0.161 |
testInvalidClassTag9I | Success | | 0.011 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag3F | Success | | 0.605 |
testAddAbstractF | Success | | 0.257 |
testClassExtendsLeak1I | Success | | 0.008 |
testValidClassMethodTag5F | Success | | 0.110 |
testValidClassFieldTag1F | Success | | 0.185 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag11I | Success | | 0.013 |
testPrivateParentAnnotations1I | Success | | 0.018 |
testProtectedToPrivateI | Success | | 0.019 |
testInvalidTagOnNonDefaultInterfaceMethodI | Success | | 0.010 |
testMalformedMemberTypeF | Success | | 3.288 |
testInterfaceExtendsLeak8I | Success | | 0.013 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag8F | Success | | 0.283 |
testAddFinalF | Success | | 0.524 |
testGetDescriptorKind | Success | | 0.000 |
testInvalidEnumTag2F | Success | | 0.918 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag6I | Success | | 0.015 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation1I | Success | | 0.027 |
testProcessFieldAdditionNoDocElement | Success | | 0.963 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag10F | Success | | 0.196 |
testClassExtendsLeak29I | Success | | 0.007 |
testAddNoExtendF | Success | | 0.248 |
testWPUpdatePackageAdded | Success | | 2.210 |
test002 | Success | | 4.029 |
testPublicToPrivateF | Success | | 0.304 |
testGetApiBaselineProblemKindName | Success | | 0.000 |
testInvalidClassTag2I | Success | | 0.077 |
testProcessClassAdditionNoDocElement | Success | | 1.206 |
testConstructorParameterLeak8I | Success | | 0.011 |
testClassIndirectImplements6I | Success | | 0.012 |
testArrayToVarArgsF | Success | | 0.265 |
testAddMethodNoExtendNoImplementF | Success | | 2.273 |
testConstNoRefF | Success | | 0.902 |
testGeneralizeTypeNoExtendI | Success | | 0.019 |
testRemoveMethodI | Success | | 0.057 |
testAnonymousClassIllegaImplements1I | Success | | 0.017 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag4I | Success | | 0.013 |
testRemoveSuperInterfaceI | Success | | 0.124 |
testAddMethodNoExtendI | Success | | 0.024 |
testMethodParameterLeak7F | Success | | 0.093 |
testReduceHierarchyCtoBI | Success | | 0.065 |
testClassExtendsLeak9I | Success | | 0.012 |
testInvalidEnumTag6I | Success | | 0.021 |
testMethodParameterLeak15I | Success | | 0.009 |
testAddRemoveFromFilter | Success | | 0.891 |
testFieldTypeLeak3F | Success | | 0.900 |
testInvalidClassTag9F | Success | | 0.120 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag9I | Success | | 0.018 |
testRemoveFinalOnConstantI | Success | | 0.024 |
testRemoveExtendInstantiateRestriction | Success | | 0.104 |
testAddFieldNoImplementF | Success | | 1.014 |
testInvalidEnumTag1I | Success | | 0.014 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag1I | Success | | 0.014 |
testGetVersionProblemKindName | Success | | 0.000 |
testGetAllBaselines | Success | | 2.065 |
testInvalidEnumConstantTag5I | Success | | 0.015 |
testConvertToEnumF | Success | | 1.752 |
testIllegalExtendInterfaceI | Success | | 0.526 |
testFieldUsage1F | Failure | Should not be a JDT error: Access restriction: The type 'FieldUsageClass' is not API (restriction on required project 'refproject')
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Should not be a JDT error: Access restriction: The type 'FieldUsageClass' is not API (restriction on required project 'refproject')
at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue(
at junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse(
at junit.framework.TestCase.assertFalse(
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(
at org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.junit.extension.TestCase.runTest(
at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(
at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(
at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(
at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(
at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(
at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(
at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$100(
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.evaluate(
at org.junit.vintage.engine.execution.RunnerExecutor.execute(
at java.base/$ForEachOp$OfRef.accept(
at java.base/$3$1.accept(
at java.base/java.util.Iterator.forEachRemaining(
at java.base/java.util.Spliterators$IteratorSpliterator.forEachRemaining(
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/$ForEachOp.evaluateSequential(
at java.base/$ForEachOp$OfRef.evaluateSequential(
at java.base/
at java.base/
at org.junit.vintage.engine.VintageTestEngine.executeAllChildren(
at org.junit.vintage.engine.VintageTestEngine.execute(
at org.junit.platform.launcher.core.DefaultLauncher.execute(
at org.junit.platform.launcher.core.DefaultLauncher.lambda$execute$5(
at org.junit.platform.launcher.core.DefaultLauncher.withInterceptedStreams(
at org.junit.platform.launcher.core.DefaultLauncher.execute(
at org.junit.platform.launcher.core.DefaultLauncher.execute(
at org.eclipse.test.EclipseTestRunner.runTests(
at org.eclipse.test.CoreTestApplication.runTests(
at org.eclipse.test.CoreTestApplication.start(
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.main(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(
| 5.165 |
testWPUpdateExportPackageRemoved | Success | | 4.215 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag9F | Success | | 0.168 |
testNoOverrideOnDefaultI | Success | | 0.011 |
testValidInterfaceMethodTag4I | Success | | 0.011 |
testInvalidEnumMethodTag7I | Success | | 0.014 |
testMethodUsageTests3F | Success | | 0.525 |
testInterfaceExtendsNoExtendInterface14F | Success | | 0.455 |
testConvertToAnnotationI | Success | | 0.075 |
testPublicToPrivate2I | Success | | 0.020 |
testClassImplementsLeak9F | Success | | 0.188 |
testRemoveProtectedFieldNoReferencF | Success | | 6.141 |
testAddSuperInterfaceANoExtendNoImplementF | Success | | 4.036 |
testWPUpdateSourceRemoved | Success | | 3.562 |
testMethodUsageTests7F | Success | | 0.578 |
testAddMethodNoImplementF | Success | | 0.716 |
testRemoveExtendImplementRestriction | Success | | 0.888 |
testMethodReturnType21I | Success | | 0.010 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag8F | Success | | 0.612 |
testGetSeverityReturnsDefault | Success | | 0.890 |
testCheckStale | Success | | 0.018 |
testInvalidEnumConstantTag8I | Success | | 0.028 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak8I | Success | | 0.017 |
testInvalidEnumTag6I | Success | | 0.014 |
testInterfaceExtendsNoImplementInterface11F | Success | | 0.063 |
testAddNooverrideRemoveNoextendI | Success | | 0.058 |
testClassExtendsLeak2F | Success | | 1.215 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation8I | Success | | 0.013 |
testAddRawExportedPackage | Success | | 1.959 |
testWPUpdateProjectClosed | Success | | 1.965 |
testGetElementKind | Success | | 0.000 |
testUnusedFilter1F | Success | | 0.235 |
testGetMessage | Success | | 0.000 |
testAddPrivateAPIMethodI | Success | | 0.031 |
testGetProblemElementKind | Success | | 0.000 |
testAddTypeArgumentsI | Success | | 0.040 |
testMethodReturnLeak12F | Success | | 0.135 |
testAddNoReferenceF | Success | | 0.238 |
test3 | Success | | 0.613 |
testClassFieldWithDuplicateAnnotationsI | Success | | 0.021 |
test5F | Success | | 0.377 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag27F | Success | | 0.164 |
testOverrideDefaultMethodInheritedI | Success | | 0.009 |
testAnonymousClassExtends3I | Success | | 0.011 |
testInvalidClassTag11I | Success | | 0.014 |
testPackageToPrivateI | Success | | 0.040 |
testRemoveProtectedFieldNoExtendI | Success | | 0.022 |
testInvalidNoExtendAnnotation1F | Success | | 0.137 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation9I | Success | | 0.014 |
testAddReferenceMethodRestriction | Success | | 0.071 |
testAnonymousTypeGenericMethod1I | Success | | 0.029 |
testNoOverrideI | Success | | 0.017 |
test2 | Success | | 0.566 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag2I | Success | | 0.011 |
testLocalClassExtends4F | Success | | 0.920 |
testLocalClassExtendsGenericReturnF | Success | | 1.120 |
testBreakApiI | Success | | 0.020 |
testRemovePrivateMemberTypeF | Success | | 0.339 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation10I | Success | | 0.013 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIConstructorNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.065 |
testClassIndirectImplements6F | Success | | 0.110 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag1F | Success | | 0.094 |
testChangeHierarchyAtoDF | Success | | 0.294 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag10F | Success | | 0.121 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag10I | Success | | 0.014 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIMethodNoOverrideI | Success | | 0.051 |
test8I | Success | | 0.013 |
testTryWithI | Success | | 0.013 |
testMethodUsageTests2I | Success | | 0.534 |
testRemovePublicAPIConstructorNoOverrideI | Success | | 0.037 |
testAddNoExtendF | Success | | 2.695 |
testClassExtendsLeak9F | Success | | 0.149 |
testAddFirstTypeParameterI | Success | | 0.019 |
testNoRefInterface2I | Success | | 0.019 |
testMethodUsageTests4I | Success | | 0.539 |
testMalformedMethodI | Success | | 0.039 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIMethodNoOverrideF | Success | | 0.293 |
testProtectedToPackageF | Success | | 1.471 |
test003 | Success | | 5.544 |
testInvalidEnumConstantTag8F | Success | | 1.342 |
testProtectedToPrivateNoExtendF | Success | | 0.373 |
testRemoveClassBoundI | Success | | 0.021 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag12I | Success | | 0.011 |
test4 | Success | | 0.216 |
testChangeInterfaceBoundF | Success | | 0.270 |
testInvalidEnumTag7I | Success | | 0.014 |
testPushMethodUpI | Success | | 0.025 |
testGetProblemKind | Success | | 0.001 |
testInterfaceExtendsLeak3I | Success | | 0.011 |
testEnumFieldWithDuplicateTagsI | Success | | 0.014 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag10I | Success | | 0.021 |
testAddFinalNoExtendF | Success | | 1.372 |
testLocalClassIllegaImplements2I | Success | | 0.023 |
testInvalidEnumTag8I | Success | | 0.012 |
testGetDefaultProjectSpecificValue | Success | | 2.065 |
testAnonymousClassIllegalImplements1F | Success | | 0.053 |
testMultiCatchI | Success | | 0.022 |
testConstructorUsageTests1I | Success | | 0.535 |
testMethodConstructorRefAnno2F | Success | | 2.416 |
testFieldUsage2F | Success | | 0.623 |
tesGetExtraArgumentsSameSize | Success | | 0.000 |
testAnonymousClassExtends5F | Success | | 0.233 |
testInvalidEnumConstantTag7I | Success | | 0.015 |
testValidClassMethodTag9F | Success | | 0.092 |
testBogus | Success | | 1.004 |
testAddProtectedAPIConstructorF | Success | | 0.268 |
testAnnotationUsage8F | Success | | 0.216 |
testChangeTypeNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.024 |
testGetExtraArgumentValuesNull | Success | | 0.000 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak5F | Success | | 0.083 |
testClassFieldWithDuplicateAnnotationsF | Success | | 0.907 |
test004 | Success | | 3.743 |
testAddNooverrideRemoveNoextendF | Success | | 0.395 |
test10F | Success | | 0.138 |
testIgnoreFalseMinorIncI | Success | | 0.539 |
testInvalidEnumConstantTag9F | Success | | 0.352 |
testInvalidTagOnNonDefaultInterfaceMethodI | Success | | 0.012 |
testInvalidEnumMethodTag8I | Success | | 0.011 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag28F | Success | | 0.254 |
testValidTagsOnFunctionalInterfaceI | Success | | 0.012 |
testRemovePublicFieldNoExtendNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.023 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIConstructorNoReferencF | Success | | 2.088 |
testInvalidInterfaceMethodTag3F | Success | | 0.155 |
testOverrideI | Success | | 0.013 |
testAddNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.027 |
testModifyValueF | Success | | 2.180 |
testRemovePublicFieldNoReferencF | Success | | 1.060 |
testMethodUsageTests5F | Success | | 0.101 |
testMethodParameterLeak13I | Success | | 0.011 |
testWPUpdateOutputFolderSrcFolderChanged | Success | | 4.347 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak3I | Success | | 0.012 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag7F | Success | | 0.171 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag3F | Success | | 0.191 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag7F | Success | | 0.151 |
testAddMethodF | Success | | 1.798 |
testGetDefaultSeverity | Success | | 0.982 |
testMethodParameterLeak9F | Success | | 0.084 |
testImplementsF | Success | | 0.149 |
testRemoveMethodI | Success | | 0.080 |
testInvalidEnumTag1F | Success | | 0.326 |
testConvertToEnumF | Success | | 0.236 |
testMethodUsageTests3I | Success | | 0.523 |
testPublicToProtectedI | Success | | 0.029 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag29F | Success | | 0.846 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag5I | Success | | 0.016 |
testInvalidEnumConstantTag6I | Success | | 0.018 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag7I | Success | | 0.015 |
testValidEnumFieldTag4I | Success | | 0.012 |
testValidSinceTagsF | Success | | 0.781 |
testValidEnumMethodTag3I | Success | | 0.052 |
testAnonymousClassExtends2I | Success | | 0.014 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag11I | Success | | 0.013 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIConstructorNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.031 |
testInterfaceExtendsLeak5F | Success | | 0.921 |
testFieldTypeLeak1F | Success | | 0.113 |
testInvalidInterfaceMethodTag4I | Success | | 0.010 |
testConstructorParameterLeak11F | Success | | 0.376 |
testInvalidInterfaceTag2F | Success | | 0.135 |
testConstructorParameterLeak2F | Success | | 0.234 |
testInvalidEnumMethodTag1F | Success | | 0.132 |
testRemovePublicAPIConstructorNoReferenceF | Success | | 1.983 |
testChangeInterfaceAtoBF | Success | | 0.242 |
testProtectedToPrivateF | Success | | 4.739 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation12F | Success | | 0.093 |
testInvalidClassTag4F | Success | | 0.134 |
testLocalClassExtends3I | Success | | 0.015 |
testAddFinalOnStaticF | Success | | 0.845 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak3F | Success | | 0.068 |
testAddSingletonProtectedAPIConstructorF | Success | | 0.244 |
testRemovePublicFieldNoInstantiateF | Success | | 0.362 |
testInvalidEnumTag5I | Success | | 0.014 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak13I | Success | | 0.010 |
testNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.037 |
testValidClassAnnotations2I | Success | | 0.034 |
testAnnotationUsage6I | Success | | 0.016 |
testProtectedToPackageNoReferenceF | Success | | 0.414 |
testInvalidInterfaceTag8F | Success | | 0.976 |
testAddSecondaryTypeParameterF | Success | | 0.481 |
testIllegalExtendInterfaceF | Success | | 0.534 |
testFieldNoRefI | Success | | 0.010 |
testProtectedToPackageRemoveNoReferenceF | Success | | 0.323 |
testAnnotationUsage5I | Success | | 0.526 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag1F | Success | | 1.007 |
testLambdaExpressionI | Success | | 0.171 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation9F | Success | | 0.724 |
testProcessMethodAddition | Success | | 1.154 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation11I | Success | | 0.013 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag3F | Success | | 0.273 |
testClassIndirectImplements1I | Success | | 0.022 |
testSetDefaultBaseline | Success | | 3.084 |
testRemovePublicAPIMethodNoReferencF | Success | | 0.898 |
testFieldNoRefF | Success | | 0.570 |
testAnnotationUsage4I | Success | | 0.011 |
testClassExtendsLeak24I | Success | | 0.041 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag2F | Success | | 0.884 |
testValidEnumMethodTag1I | Success | | 0.017 |
testAnnotationUsage9I | Success | | 0.193 |
testLocalClassExtends3F | Success | | 0.222 |
testReduceInterfaceABtoAF | Success | | 0.933 |
testClassExtendsLeak6I | Success | | 0.010 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag7I | Success | | 0.023 |
testInvalidInterfaceTag8I | Success | | 0.019 |
testInterfaceExtendsLeak1I | Success | | 0.010 |
testAddTypeParameterI | Success | | 0.044 |
testChangeTypeI | Success | | 0.022 |
testPublicToPackageF | Success | | 6.129 |
testAddClassBoundI | Success | | 0.140 |
testInterfaceFieldWithDuplicateTagsI | Success | | 0.011 |
testNoOverrideF | Success | | 0.875 |
testEnumMethodWithDuplicateTagsI | Success | | 0.017 |
testAddPublicAPIMethodF | Success | | 0.271 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation2F | Success | | 0.105 |
testLambdaExpressionF | Success | | 4.773 |
testPrivateAddFieldI | Success | | 0.034 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag9F | Success | | 0.977 |
testRemoveNoImplementI | Success | | 0.043 |
testAnnotationUsage7I | Success | | 0.019 |
testAnnotationUsage2I | Success | | 0.016 |
testPublicToPackageInnerClassI | Success | | 0.032 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation9I | Success | | 0.030 |
testInvalidTypeF | Success | | 2.349 |
testMethodParameterLeak18F | Success | | 0.177 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag14I | Success | | 0.014 |
testProtectedToPrivateF | Success | | 3.246 |
testChangeClassBoundF | Success | | 0.316 |
testAddFieldF | Success | | 0.988 |
testInvalidEnumConstantTag4I | Success | | 0.105 |
testNoReference1I | Success | | 0.013 |
testFieldTypeLeak2I | Success | | 0.013 |
testAddExtendRestrictionMultiPartPackageName | Success | | 0.130 |
testAddMethodNoImplement2F | Success | | 0.298 |
testInvalidInterfaceTag4I | Success | | 0.025 |
testInvalidEnumTag6F | Success | | 0.128 |
testFieldTypeLeak5F | Success | | 0.924 |
testNotEqualDifferingMessageArguments | Success | | 0.001 |
testRemoveProtectedMemberTypeNoExtendF | Success | | 1.155 |
testAddPrivateFieldF | Success | | 1.183 |
testProtectedToPackageI | Success | | 0.040 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag2I | Success | | 0.011 |
testRemovePublicAPIConstructorNoExtendNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.024 |
testGeneralizeTypeF | Success | | 0.295 |
testPublicToPackageI | Success | | 0.021 |
testRemovePackageConstructorF | Success | | 0.204 |
testUnusedFilter4F | Success | | 0.998 |
testRemoveMemberTypeF | Success | | 0.421 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag3I | Success | | 0.015 |
testClassExtendsI | Success | | 0.022 |
testValidInterfaceTag3I | Success | | 0.011 |
testGetHashCodeResourcePathNull | Success | | 0.000 |
testRemoveOnlyInterfaceBoundI | Success | | 0.022 |
testAnonymousClassExtends4I | Success | | 0.018 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation5F | Success | | 0.151 |
testValidClassMethodTag1F | Success | | 0.107 |
testMethodParameterLeak2I | Success | | 0.016 |
testOverrideJavadocDefaultMethodF | Success | | 0.215 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation5I | Success | | 0.012 |
testImportClassesTestSource | Success | | 5.494 |
testConvertToInterfaceF | Success | | 0.380 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag2F | Success | | 0.128 |
testRemoveFieldI | Success | | 0.096 |
testEnumFieldWithDuplicateAnnotationsF | Success | | 0.860 |
testValidClassFieldTag7I | Success | | 0.010 |
testFieldTypeLeak3I | Success | | 0.009 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag9F | Success | | 0.129 |
testInterfaceUsageTests1I | Success | | 0.022 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag9I | Success | | 0.015 |
testInterfaceWithDuplicateAnnotationsF | Success | | 0.970 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation1F | Success | | 0.156 |
testChangeTypeNoExtendF | Success | | 0.484 |
testStringSwitchI | Success | | 0.010 |
test1F | Success | | 0.207 |
testFieldTypeLeak4I | Success | | 0.011 |
testGetProjectSpecificValue | Success | | 0.995 |
testFieldTypeLeak6F | Success | | 0.509 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag15I | Success | | 0.023 |
testgetProblemCategory | Success | | 0.000 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag12F | Success | | 0.935 |
testFieldUsage3I | Success | | 0.088 |
testPublicToPackage2I | Success | | 0.020 |
testAnnotationUsage1I | Success | | 0.010 |
testInterfaceExtendsNoImplementInterface12I | Success | | 0.010 |
testRemoveMethodF | Success | | 0.737 |
testProtectedToPrivateNoExtendF | Success | | 6.356 |
testInvalidEnumTag1F | Success | | 0.535 |
testProtectedToPackageNoExtendF | Success | | 5.629 |
testInvalidInterfaceTag4F | Success | | 0.884 |
testInstantiateF | Success | | 0.185 |
testRemoveNoExtendF | Success | | 0.281 |
testAddTypeI | Success | | 0.042 |
testRemoveInternalSuperClassF | Success | | 0.389 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag8I | Success | | 0.014 |
testProtectedToPrivateNoExtendI | Success | | 0.068 |
testMethodParameterLeak15I | Success | | 0.009 |
testConvertToClassF | Success | | 0.559 |
testReduceSuperInterfaceABtoEmptyI | Success | | 0.022 |
testClassExtendsLeak7F | Success | | 0.977 |
testPublicToPrivate2F | Success | | 0.268 |
testImplementsI | Success | | 0.011 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIMethodNoExtendNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.031 |
testNoRefAnnotationDefaultMethod2I | Success | | 0.072 |
testInstantiateI | Success | | 0.011 |
testPublicToPrivate2F | Success | | 0.289 |
testRemoveInternalClassF | Success | | 0.246 |
testInvalidEnumTag7F | Success | | 0.149 |
testRemovePackageConstructorI | Success | | 0.020 |
testLocalClassExtends2I | Success | | 0.018 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag1I | Success | | 0.023 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIMethodF | Success | | 4.147 |
testMethodUsageTests1I | Success | | 0.534 |
testValidClassMethodTag1I | Success | | 0.011 |
testNoOverrideOnDefaultF | Success | | 0.087 |
testNoRefJavadocOnInterfaceWithDefaultMethod2F | Success | | 0.729 |
testFieldTypeLeak7F | Success | | 1.057 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag17I | Success | | 0.019 |
testInvalidAnnotations1F | Success | | 0.182 |
testProcessInnerMethodAddition | Success | | 1.031 |
testGetCharStart | Success | | 0.003 |
testMethodParameterLeak1F | Success | | 0.295 |
testInvalidNoInstantiateAnnotation1I | Success | | 0.014 |
testRemoveFieldI | Success | | 0.035 |
testMethodParameterLeak10I | Success | | 0.011 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation1I | Success | | 0.011 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag3I | Success | | 0.032 |
testInterfaceExtendsLeak5I | Success | | 0.011 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag10F | Success | | 0.876 |
testRemoveStaticNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.034 |
testRemoveStaticNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.038 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag5F | Success | | 0.103 |
test4F | Success | | 0.965 |
testChangeClassBoundI | Success | | 0.024 |
testMethodUsageTests1F | Success | | 0.512 |
testInvalidInterfaceTag3I | Success | | 0.020 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag26F | Success | | 0.451 |
testClassImplementsLeak2F | Success | | 0.067 |
testRemoveProtectedFieldI | Success | | 0.036 |
testIgnoreFalseMinorIncF | Success | | 0.921 |
testMethodParameterLeak2F | Success | | 0.720 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag11I | Success | | 0.013 |
testAddMemberTypeF | Success | | 0.748 |
testAddOverrideRestriction | Success | | 0.177 |
testInvalidEnumMethodTag9I | Success | | 0.012 |
testValidTagsOnFunctionalInterfaceF | Success | | 0.113 |
testConstructorParameterLeak1I | Success | | 0.124 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak9F | Success | | 0.604 |
testProcessSubclassAttribute | Success | | 1.039 |
testReduceSuperInterfaceABtoAI | Success | | 0.076 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak1F | Success | | 0.086 |
testPublicToProtected2I | Success | | 0.028 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag2I | Success | | 0.020 |
testRemoveProtectedMemberTypeI | Success | | 0.043 |
testGetCategory | Success | | 0.000 |
testRemoveFilter | Success | | 1.178 |
testClassExtendsF | Success | | 0.050 |
testAddClassBoundF | Success | | 0.523 |
testValidTagsOnFunctionalInterfaceF | Success | | 0.127 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIConstructorI | Success | | 0.024 |
testMethodUsageTests1F | Success | | 0.262 |
testPublicToProtectedI | Success | | 0.052 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag7F | Success | | 0.171 |
testRemoveTwoPublicFieldsF | Success | | 0.281 |
testClassExtendsLeak25F | Success | | 1.053 |
testMethodReturnType22I | Success | | 0.009 |
testAddStaticNoReferenceF | Success | | 0.252 |
testRemoveNoExtendI | Success | | 0.036 |
testAddSingletonProtectedAPIConstructorI | Success | | 0.030 |
testMethodUsageTests2F | Success | | 0.926 |
testFieldUsage3F | Success | | 0.611 |
testAddFinalNoExtendI | Success | | 0.034 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIConstructorF | Success | | 0.740 |
testNoRefInterface2F | Success | | 0.902 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag7F | Success | | 0.183 |
testArrayToVarArgsI | Success | | 0.019 |
testAddFinalNoExtendI | Success | | 0.020 |
testRemovePrivateClassF | Success | | 3.587 |
testRemoveStaticI | Success | | 0.028 |
testAddAbstractF | Success | | 0.227 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag4I | Success | | 0.047 |
testRemoveTwoPublicAPIMethodsF | Success | | 0.401 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag10F | Success | | 0.124 |
testValidClassFieldTag8F | Success | | 0.929 |
testRemoveTwoPublicAPIConstructorsI | Success | | 0.048 |
testPublicToPackageF | Success | | 0.776 |
testValidClassFieldTag6F | Success | | 0.132 |
testModifyValueI | Success | | 0.035 |
testRemoveEnumConstantI | Success | | 0.104 |
testClassIndirectImplements2F | Success | | 0.628 |
testAnonymousTypeGenericMethod3I | Success | | 0.013 |
testValidEnumMethodTag4I | Success | | 0.014 |
testPublicToProtectedI | Success | | 0.023 |
testClassImplementsNoImplementInterface12I | Success | | 0.009 |
testUnusedFilter3I | Success | | 0.024 |
testProcessMethodAdditionNoDocElement | Success | | 1.154 |
testOverrideJavadocDefaultMethodInheritedI | Success | | 0.007 |
testRemovePublicAPIMethodNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.063 |
testValidInterfaceFieldTag4I | Success | | 0.010 |
testInvalidEnumTag8F | Success | | 0.153 |
testProcessClassAddition | Success | | 1.156 |
testConstructorParameterLeak2I | Success | | 0.014 |
testProtectedToPackageF | Success | | 0.259 |
testInterfaceMethodWithDuplicateTagsI | Success | | 0.012 |
testAddMemberTypeI | Success | | 0.026 |
testRemovePublicFieldI | Success | | 0.034 |
testProtectedToPrivateNoOverrideI | Success | | 0.033 |
testInterfaceWithDuplicateTagsF | Success | | 0.983 |
testAddFieldNoExtendF | Success | | 4.613 |
testToString | Success | | 0.000 |
testValidInterfaceMethodTag5I | Success | | 0.019 |
testAddInterfaceBoundI | Success | | 0.043 |
testProtectedToPackageNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.020 |
testMethodParameterLeak17I | Success | | 0.018 |
testAddMethodNoExtendNoImplementI | Success | | 0.030 |
testLambdaRestrictedFunctionalInterfaceF | Success | | 1.576 |
testInterfaceUsageTests2F | Success | | 0.865 |
testValidClassFieldTag2F | Success | | 0.952 |
testInvalidEnumConstantTag4F | Success | | 0.118 |
testRemovePackageFieldF | Success | | 0.290 |
testAddSuperInterfaceANoExtendI | Success | | 0.034 |
testMethodConstructorRefI | Success | | 0.041 |
testAddFinalI | Success | | 0.021 |
testFieldUsage2I | Success | | 0.741 |
testRemoveExistingExportedPackage | Success | | 3.201 |
testTryWithF | Success | | 0.545 |
testInvalidEnumConstantTag3I | Success | | 0.017 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag5F | Success | | 0.358 |
testPackageToPrivateF | Success | | 0.258 |
testWPUpdateSourceFieldRemoveTag | Success | | 2.176 |
test001 | Success | | 5.468 |
test7F | Success | | 0.947 |
testRemovePublicAPIMethodF | Success | | 0.265 |
testNoExtendF | Success | | 0.107 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak10F | Success | | 0.094 |
testClassUsageTests1I | Success | | 0.527 |
testGetApiComponentResolutionProblemKindName | Success | | 0.001 |
testAddMemberTypeNoImplementI | Success | | 0.079 |
testGeneralizeTypeNoExtendF | Success | | 0.283 |
testAnonymousTypeGenericField1F | Success | | 0.095 |
testAddAbstractMethodI | Success | | 0.029 |
testCleanUpMmanager | Success | | 1.989 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak6I | Success | | 0.010 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag6F | Success | | 0.091 |
testFieldTypeLeak6I | Success | | 0.010 |
testInvalidFieldF | Success | | 0.280 |
testInvalidInterfaceTag5I | Success | | 0.012 |
testAddNonVisibleMethodI | Success | | 0.034 |
testAddInheritedMethodI | Success | | 0.021 |
testClassExtendsLeak23I | Success | | 0.007 |
testRemovePackageMethodF | Success | | 0.440 |
testInterfaceExtendsLeak7I | Success | | 0.009 |
testPublicToProtected2F | Success | | 0.295 |
testMethodReturnType18F | Success | | 0.073 |
testMissingType | Success | | 0.003 |
testRemoveTwoPublicAPIConstructorsF | Success | | 3.872 |
testNoImplementF | Success | | 0.915 |
test2 | Success | | 0.411 |
testFinalAddNoExtendF | Success | | 0.348 |
testAnonymousClassExtends3I | Success | | 0.013 |
testLocalClassExtends2F | Success | | 0.325 |
testInvalidInterfaceTag5F | Success | | 0.956 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag8I | Success | | 0.017 |
testOtherBundleDefaultMethodCall4F | Success | | 0.205 |
testInvalidInterfaceTag7I | Success | | 0.013 |
testPublicToPrivateInnerClassF | Success | | 0.252 |
testInvalidClassTag4I | Success | | 0.014 |
testLocalClassIllegalImplements1I | Success | | 0.019 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag10F | Success | | 0.099 |
testRemovePublicAPIConstructorNoExtendF | Success | | 3.185 |
testRemoveOnlyInterfaceBoundF | Success | | 0.258 |
testRemovePrivateAPIMethodF | Success | | 0.229 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag8I | Success | | 0.018 |
testValidInterfaceMethodTag1F | Success | | 0.108 |
testConvertToAnnotationI | Success | | 0.032 |
testValidClassFieldTag8I | Success | | 0.013 |
testMethodParameterLeak9I | Success | | 0.016 |
testValidEnumFieldTag1I | Success | | 0.015 |
testFalseMinorIncI | Success | | 0.334 |
testRemoveTypeParameterF | Success | | 0.279 |
testMethodParameterLeak3F | Success | | 0.157 |
testClassImplementsLeak3I | Success | | 0.010 |
testValidInterfaceFieldTag5I | Success | | 0.011 |
testRemoveInternalSuperClassWithConstructorI | Success | | 0.042 |
testDeleteAndReplaceI | Success | | 0.061 |
testMalformedMethodF | Success | | 0.241 |
testWPUpdateProjectOpen | Success | | 2.134 |
testFieldTypeLeak5I | Success | | 0.022 |
testMethodConstructorRefAnno2I | Success | | 0.013 |
testRemoveProtectedFieldNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.020 |
testMethodParameterLeak19I | Success | | 0.016 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag6F | Success | | 0.131 |
testAddNoInstantiateF | Success | | 6.296 |
testPublicToPrivateI | Success | | 0.023 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag9F | Success | | 0.111 |
testProtectedToPrivateNoExtendI | Success | | 0.019 |
testAddProtectedAPIConstructorI | Success | | 0.028 |
testAddProtectedFieldI | Success | | 0.033 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIMethodNoExtendI | Success | | 0.046 |
testRemoveSecondaryInterfaceBoundF | Success | | 0.223 |
testInvalidEnumTag1F | Success | | 0.339 |
testReduceInterfaceABtoEmptyF | Success | | 0.745 |
testRemoveMemberTypeF | Success | | 0.263 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag17F | Success | | 0.139 |
tesGetExtraArgumentsNotSameSize | Success | | 0.000 |
testRemoveNoOverrideI | Success | | 0.018 |
testStringSwitchF | Success | | 5.531 |
testRemovePublicFieldNoExtendF | Success | | 0.513 |
testRemoveImplementRestriction | Success | | 0.874 |
testMethodConstructorRef2F | Success | | 2.461 |
testInvalidEnumMethodTag8F | Success | | 0.152 |
testAddInterfaceBoundF | Success | | 6.298 |
test3 | Success | | 0.319 |
testMethodParameterLeak10F | Success | | 1.099 |
testInvalidClassTag6F | Success | | 0.168 |
testAddFinalNoInstantiateF | Success | | 0.193 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIMethodNoReferencF | Success | | 0.405 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak7F | Success | | 0.957 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag6F | Success | | 0.127 |
testValidClassFieldTag6I | Success | | 0.011 |
testClassImplementsLeak1I | Success | | 0.009 |
testInvalidInterfaceTag3F | Success | | 0.230 |
testConstructorParameterLeak3F | Success | | 0.404 |
testNoRefJavadocTagOnInterfaceWithDefaultMethodF | Success | | 1.749 |
testInvalidInterfaceMethodTag1I | Success | | 0.020 |
testInterfaceExtendsLeak2F | Success | | 0.911 |
testValidInterfaceTag4F | Success | | 0.181 |
testMethodParameterLeak11F | Success | | 0.118 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag8F | Success | | 0.643 |
testAddFinalRemoveNoOverrideI | Success | | 0.022 |
test6 | Success | | 0.280 |
testClassFieldWithDuplicateTagsF | Success | | 0.112 |
testConvertToAnnotationF | Success | | 0.375 |
testNoImplementI | Success | | 0.019 |
testInvalidInterfaceTag9I | Success | | 0.011 |
testInvalidEnumMethodTag4F | Success | | 0.144 |
testInvalidNoInstantiateAnnotation1F | Success | | 0.212 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag3I | Success | | 0.019 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag5I | Success | | 0.017 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation12I | Success | | 0.016 |
testRemoveStaticF | Success | | 0.313 |
testAddStaticF | Success | | 0.220 |
testNoRefJavadocDefaultMethodI | Success | | 0.008 |
testRemovePrivateClassI | Success | | 0.031 |
testUnusedFilter1I | Success | | 0.100 |
testWPUpdateSourceMethodRemoveTag | Success | | 3.151 |
testNoRefJavadocTagOnInterfaceWithDefaultMethodI | Success | | 0.008 |
testInterfaceExtendsNoExtendInterface14I | Success | | 0.010 |
testInvalidInterfaceMethodTag5I | Success | | 0.013 |
test007 | Success | | 3.240 |
testFieldTypeLeak1I | Success | | 0.011 |
testClassWithDuplicateTagsF | Success | | 0.162 |
testInvalidEnumTag3I | Success | | 0.021 |
testRemoveDefValueI | Success | | 0.036 |
testClassIndirectImplements1F | Success | | 0.128 |
testLambdaBlockStatementI | Success | | 0.022 |
testClassImplementsLeak11F | Success | | 0.102 |
testNoRefAnnotationOnInterfaceWithDefaultMethod2I | Success | | 0.015 |
testAddInterfaceAI | Success | | 0.022 |
testInvalidEnumTag6F | Success | | 0.264 |
test10I | Success | | 0.011 |
testInvalidTagsOnFunctionalInterfaceF | Success | | 0.895 |
testLocalClassExtends1I | Success | | 0.016 |
testInvalidAnnotations1I | Success | | 0.015 |
testInterfaceExtendsLeak10F | Success | | 0.106 |
testFieldUsage2F | Success | | 0.946 |
testClassUsageTests1F | Success | | 0.548 |
testPrivateToPublicI | Success | | 0.021 |
testLocalClassExtendsGenericReturnI | Success | | 0.015 |
testNoExtendI | Success | | 0.009 |
testRemoveStaticNoReferenceF | Success | | 0.282 |
testClassExtendsLeak24F | Success | | 0.928 |
testAnonymousClassExtends4F | Success | | 1.660 |
testClassImplementsNoImplementInterface12F | Success | | 0.064 |
testInvalidEnumConstantTag2F | Success | | 0.105 |
testInvalidEnumTag1F | Success | | 0.554 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag5I | Success | | 0.012 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag12I | Success | | 0.014 |
test5I | Success | | 0.013 |
testRemovePrivateAPIConstructorF | Success | | 4.396 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag13I | Success | | 0.034 |
testValidClassMethodTag3I | Success | | 0.011 |
testSpecializeTypeF | Success | | 0.824 |
testInvalidInterfaceMethodTag4F | Success | | 0.093 |
testProtectedToPrivateNoExtendF | Success | | 0.260 |
testReduceHierarchyCtoObjectF | Success | | 0.273 |
testAddNoExtendI | Success | | 0.031 |
test1 | Success | | 0.810 |
testInvalidTagOnNonDefaultInterfaceMethodF | Success | | 0.114 |
testAddApiI | Success | | 0.038 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag27I | Success | | 0.011 |
testNoRefJavadocDefaultMethodF | Success | | 0.751 |
testGetNonDefaultValue | Success | | 2.168 |
testAddNoOverrideI | Success | | 0.021 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag13F | Success | | 0.989 |
testInvalidInterfaceTag1F | Success | | 0.891 |
testAddMethod2F | Success | | 0.290 |
testConstructorParameterLeak1F | Success | | 0.586 |
testValidClassFieldTag1I | Success | | 0.011 |
testConstructorParameterLeak10F | Success | | 0.862 |
testDiamondI | Success | | 0.010 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIConstructorNoExtendI | Success | | 0.020 |
testNoRefAnnotationOnInterfaceWithDefaultMethod2F | Success | | 0.278 |
testAddFinalNoOverrideI | Success | | 0.022 |
testWPUpdateDefaultOutputFolderChanged | Success | | 3.131 |
testInvalidEnumConstantTag3F | Success | | 0.172 |
testRemoveOnlyInterfaceBoundF | Success | | 6.259 |
testMethodParameterLeak18I | Success | | 0.014 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag10I | Success | | 0.012 |
testValidClassFieldTag7F | Success | | 0.121 |
testClassExtendsLeak7I | Success | | 0.021 |
testAnonymousClassExtends5I | Success | | 0.019 |
testPackageNames | Success | | 4.092 |
testAddFinalRemoveNoExtendF | Success | | 0.480 |
testAnnotationUsage3I | Success | | 0.016 |
testMethodReturnType12I | Success | | 0.014 |
testAddPublicFieldI | Success | | 0.035 |
testAddAbstractMethodNoExtendI | Success | | 0.029 |
testAddMethodwDefI | Success | | 0.035 |
testPublicToPackage2I | Success | | 0.018 |
testNotEqualDifferingTypeNames | Success | | 0.001 |
testInvalidInterfaceMethodTag3I | Success | | 0.012 |
testGetWorkspaceComponent | Success | | 3.192 |
testMethodParameterLeak1I | Success | | 0.028 |
testOverrideDefaultMethodMultipleInheritedF | Success | | 5.529 |
testValidEnumMethodTag5I | Success | | 0.011 |
testClassImplementsLeak2I | Success | | 0.011 |
testProcessInnerClassAddition | Success | | 1.063 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag4F | Success | | 0.946 |
testValidInterfaceTag3F | Success | | 0.988 |
testRemoveFieldF | Success | | 0.240 |
testValidClassFieldTag2I | Success | | 0.009 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag12F | Success | | 0.967 |
testAnnotationUsage8I | Success | | 0.520 |
testInvalidInterfaceMethodTag2F | Success | | 0.120 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation10F | Success | | 0.141 |
testRemovePublicAPIConstructorF | Success | | 0.338 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag8F | Success | | 0.951 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag2F | Success | | 0.117 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag4F | Success | | 1.125 |
testAddNoExtendI | Success | | 0.041 |
testClassIndirectImplements3I | Success | | 0.019 |
testFieldUsage5I | Success | | 0.015 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag4I | Success | | 0.012 |
testClassExtendsLeak26I | Success | | 0.009 |
testInterfaceExtendsLeak6F | Success | | 0.156 |
testGetHashCode | Success | | 0.000 |
testMethodParameterLeak16F | Success | | 0.802 |
tesGetExtraArgumentNamesNotNullIdsNull | Success | | 0.001 |
testRemoveFieldI | Success | | 0.049 |
testMethodParameterLeak16F | Success | | 1.170 |
testPublicToPrivateNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.020 |
testProtectedToPrivateI | Success | | 0.021 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation8F | Success | | 0.184 |
testEnumMethodWithDuplicateTagsF | Success | | 0.122 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag12F | Success | | 0.218 |
testInvalidEnumMethodTag5I | Success | | 0.017 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag16F | Success | | 0.140 |
testAddFieldNoExtendNoImplementI | Success | | 0.032 |
test6F | Success | | 0.953 |
testAddMultipleExportedPackages | Success | | 5.377 |
testGetExtraArgumentValuesNotNullNotEqualLength | Success | | 0.000 |
testStringSwitchI | Success | | 0.009 |
testLocalClassExtends3I | Success | | 0.011 |
testClassExtendsLeak12I | Success | | 0.010 |
testMethodParameterLeak4I | Success | | 0.010 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag4F | Success | | 0.180 |
testPublicToPackageInnerClassF | Success | | 0.379 |
testConstructorParameterLeak10I | Success | | 0.013 |
testInvalidInterfaceTag1I | Success | | 0.013 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation5F | Success | | 0.449 |
testRemoveClassBoundF | Success | | 0.290 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag8I | Success | | 0.018 |
testOverrideJavadocDefaultMethodMultipleInheritedI | Success | | 0.009 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag10F | Success | | 0.878 |
testValidInterfaceFieldTag5F | Success | | 0.188 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIConstructorNoExtendNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.024 |
testInterfaceMethodWithDuplicateTagsF | Success | | 0.138 |
testInvalidInterfaceMethodTag7I | Success | | 0.014 |
testInterfaceExtendsLeak4F | Success | | 0.119 |
testChangeTypeNoExtendI | Success | | 0.023 |
testAnonymousClassExtends6I | Success | | 0.013 |
testInvalidEnumTag1I | Success | | 0.015 |
testAddInstantiateRestrictionMultiPartPackageName | Success | | 0.158 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag11I | Success | | 0.022 |
testDeleteAndReplaceF | Success | | 2.709 |
testInvalidInterfaceMethodTag6F | Success | | 0.665 |
testAddAbstractNoExtendF | Success | | 0.285 |
testSerializeComponentXml | Success | | 3.768 |
testConvertToInterfaceI | Success | | 0.019 |
testPublicToProtectedI | Success | | 0.019 |
testMethodConstructorRef2I | Success | | 0.046 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation7F | Success | | 0.119 |
testNoRefInterface1I | Success | | 0.028 |
test1 | Success | | 0.266 |
testAddMethodwDefF | Success | | 1.313 |
testAddFinalNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.034 |
testPrivateToPublicF | Success | | 0.244 |
testClassWithDuplicateAnnotationsF | Success | | 0.704 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIConstructorNoOverrideF | Success | | 0.413 |
testAddAbstractI | Success | | 0.193 |
testPushMethodUpF | Success | | 0.615 |
testClassImplementsLeak4F | Success | | 0.107 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation6F | Success | | 0.897 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation1F | Success | | 0.128 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag6F | Success | | 0.141 |
testConvertToClassI | Success | | 0.041 |
testInvalidMethodI | Success | | 0.041 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation8I | Success | | 0.013 |
testClassImplementsLeak8I | Success | | 0.011 |
testProtectedToPrivateNoExtendI | Success | | 0.022 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag7I | Success | | 0.035 |
testClassImplementsLeak11I | Success | | 0.014 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag4F | Success | | 0.154 |
testRemoveTypeArgumentsF | Success | | 0.353 |
testInvalidEnumTag2I | Success | | 0.015 |
testPublicToPackage2F | Success | | 0.223 |
testIllegalReferenceClass1I | Success | | 0.036 |
testClassExtendsLeak4I | Success | | 0.011 |
testNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.010 |
testConsRefInstantiateI | Success | | 0.012 |
testInvalidTagsOnFunctionalInterfaceI | Success | | 0.010 |
testClassUsageTests2I | Success | | 0.534 |
testConstructorParameterLeak4F | Success | | 0.086 |
test010 | Success | | 3.338 |
testMalformedTagF | Success | | 0.373 |
testMalformedFieldF | Success | | 0.779 |
testBreakApiRegardlessOfMajorVersionI | Success | | 0.379 |
testLoadTarget | Success | | 0.008 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag3F | Success | | 0.219 |
testFieldTypeLeak7I | Success | | 0.009 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag5F | Success | | 1.016 |
testLambdaBlockStatementF | Success | | 0.866 |
testGetMessageArgumentsNull | Success | | 0.000 |
testClassImplementsLeak10I | Success | | 0.010 |
testConvertToInterfaceI | Success | | 0.044 |
testValidInterfaceFieldTag3I | Success | | 0.010 |
testProcessInnerFieldAddition | Success | | 1.035 |
testRemoveProtectedFieldNoExtendF | Success | | 0.273 |
testNoInstantiateAddAbstractI | Success | | 0.018 |
testAddTypeF | Success | | 0.235 |
testInterfaceExtendsLeak9F | Success | | 0.127 |
testAddMethodF | Success | | 0.360 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIConstructorNoExtendNoInstantiateF | Success | | 1.094 |
test9F | Success | | 0.880 |
testAnonymousClassExtendsGenericReturnF | Success | | 0.050 |
testInvalidInterfaceTag6I | Success | | 0.016 |
testIllegalReferenceClass1F | Success | | 0.897 |
testInvalidEnumConstantTag1F | Success | | 0.143 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak2I | Success | | 0.009 |
testOverrideDefaultMethodI | Success | | 0.037 |
testMethodUsageTests5I | Success | | 0.037 |
testClassUsageTests2F | Success | | 0.525 |
testMethodUsageTests7I | Success | | 0.012 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag7F | Success | | 0.158 |
testClassExtendsLeak27F | Success | | 0.909 |
testAddStaticI | Success | | 0.218 |
testInvalidMemberTypeF | Success | | 6.455 |
testAddNewInterfaceMethodI | Success | | 0.023 |
testRemoveClassBoundF | Success | | 6.402 |
testFieldUsage5F | Success | | 0.105 |
testAddFinalOnStaticNoReferenceF | Success | | 2.911 |
testValidInterfaceTag4I | Success | | 0.032 |
testMethodConstructorRefF | Success | | 1.852 |
testClassIndirectImplements4F | Success | | 0.105 |
testPublicToPackage2F | Success | | 0.217 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag6F | Success | | 0.120 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag3I | Success | | 0.011 |
testInvalidClassTag3F | Success | | 0.174 |
testInvalidClassTag5F | Success | | 0.258 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIMethodNoExtend2I | Success | | 0.069 |
testInvalidClassTag6I | Success | | 0.011 |
testGetKind | Success | | 0.000 |
testIgnoreFalseMajorIncI | Success | | 0.444 |
testNonExistantProblem | Success | | 2.380 |
testRemoveNoOverrideToFinalI | Success | | 0.027 |
testValidEnumFieldTag3F | Success | | 0.123 |
testInvalidInterfaceTag7F | Success | | 0.965 |
testFilterStoreValidity | Success | | 1.067 |
testPublicToProtectedF | Success | | 0.444 |
testPublicToPrivateF | Success | | 1.777 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag2I | Success | | 0.011 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag9I | Success | | 0.013 |
testAnonymousClassExtends7F | Success | | 0.203 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag8F | Success | | 0.899 |
testNotEqualDifferentObjects | Success | | 0.000 |
testClassImplementsLeak3F | Success | | 0.843 |
testLocalClassExtends1F | Success | | 0.066 |
testMethodReturnType19I | Success | | 0.010 |
testClassImplementsLeak4I | Success | | 0.010 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag7F | Success | | 0.112 |
testStringSwitchF | Success | | 1.968 |
testRemoveMemberTypeF | Success | | 0.244 |
testStableApiI | Success | | 0.022 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag12I | Success | | 0.011 |
testMethodParameterLeak8I | Success | | 0.011 |
testValidClassMethodTag3F | Success | | 0.469 |
test2 | Success | | 0.216 |
testPublicToPrivateI | Success | | 0.023 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag15F | Success | | 0.140 |
testMethodParameterLeak14F | Success | | 0.267 |
testNoRefAnnotationOnInterfaceWithDefaultMethodI | Success | | 0.016 |
testRemoveOnlyInterfaceBoundI | Success | | 0.064 |
testValidClassMethodTag9I | Success | | 0.014 |
testNotVisibleAnnotations1F | Success | | 0.158 |
testVisitor | Success | | 0.129 |
testValidInterfaceTag5F | Success | | 0.450 |
testMethodParameterLeak3I | Success | | 0.013 |
testWPUpdateLibraryAddedToClasspath | Success | | 4.255 |
testReduceHierarchyCtoBF | Success | | 0.304 |
testClassImplementsLeak9I | Success | | 0.011 |
test9I | Success | | 0.010 |
testChangeInterfaceBoundI | Success | | 0.022 |
testInvalidClassAnnotation3I | Success | | 0.016 |
testInvalidInterfaceTag2I | Success | | 0.016 |
testAddMethodwoDefF | Success | | 6.383 |
testNoInstantiateAddAbstractF | Success | | 0.269 |
testGetFlags | Success | | 0.000 |
testAddFinalOnStaticI | Success | | 0.030 |
testInterfaceExtendsLeak1F | Success | | 0.165 |
testInterfaceExtendsLeak10I | Success | | 0.008 |
testAddInheritedMethodI2 | Success | | 0.026 |
testClassWithDuplicateAnnotationsI | Success | | 0.023 |
testAddFirstTypeParameterF | Success | | 1.226 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag2F | Success | | 0.143 |
testAnonymousClassExtends6F | Success | | 0.432 |
testInvalidEnumMethodTag4I | Success | | 0.013 |
testConvertToEnumI | Success | | 0.034 |
testAbstractRemoveNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.025 |
testConstructorParameterLeak11I | Success | | 0.019 |
testClassFieldWithDuplicateTagsI | Success | | 0.014 |
testInvalidClassTag12F | Success | | 1.041 |
testNoOverrideOnDefaultI | Success | | 0.017 |
testFieldUsage1F | Success | | 0.305 |
testClassExtendsLeak5F | Success | | 0.124 |
testInvalidClassTag8F | Success | | 0.343 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag3F | Success | | 0.220 |
testAddMethodI | Success | | 0.032 |
testRemoveProtectedFieldNoExtendNoInstantiateF | Success | | 1.274 |
testAddFinalI | Success | | 0.034 |
testWPUpdateExportPackageAdded | Success | | 3.036 |
testFieldUsage4I | Success | | 0.017 |
testInvalidClassTag3I | Success | | 0.013 |
testReduceHierarchyCtoAF | Success | | 0.287 |
testClassIndirectImplements2I | Success | | 0.012 |
testInterfaceExtendsNoImplementInterface12F | Success | | 0.134 |
testProcessFieldAddition | Success | | 1.231 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldTag8I | Success | | 0.028 |
test2I | Success | | 0.028 |
testAnonymousClassExtends2I | Success | | 0.014 |
testMultiCatchF | Success | | 1.515 |
testLocalClassIllegalImplements2F | Success | | 0.114 |
testProblemsNotEqual | Success | | 0.000 |
testValidClassMethodTag8I | Success | | 0.010 |
testAddSuperInterfaceAI | Success | | 0.026 |
testNoExtendF | Success | | 1.069 |
testAnonymousClassExtendsGenericReturnI | Success | | 0.016 |
testRemovePublicAPIConstructorNoInstantiateF | Success | | 0.576 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag6I | Success | | 0.011 |
testAddApiF | Success | | 0.390 |
testRemoveNonExistingExportedPackage | Success | | 2.334 |
testProtectedToPackageNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.033 |
testInterfaceWithDuplicateTagsI | Success | | 0.012 |
testClassExtendsLeak5I | Success | | 0.009 |
testRemoveTwoPublicAPIMethodsI | Success | | 0.021 |
testProtectedToPrivateI | Success | | 0.060 |
testPrivateAddFieldF | Success | | 0.225 |
testValidInterfaceFieldTag1F | Success | | 0.132 |
testAddFinalRemoveNoExtendI | Success | | 0.030 |
testRemoveProtectedFieldNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.031 |
testAnonymousTypeGenericMethod2I | Success | | 0.013 |
testIllegalUseFiltered | Success | | 2.473 |
testMethodParameterLeak17F | Success | | 0.125 |
testRemovePublicMemberTypeI | Success | | 0.021 |
testClassImplementsLeak5I | Success | | 0.009 |
testNoOverrideF | Success | | 0.958 |
testMethodParameterLeak5I | Success | | 0.015 |
testValidClassAnnotations1I | Success | | 0.010 |
testFindType | Success | | 6.068 |
testStringSwitchF | Success | | 0.236 |
testRemovePublicAPIConstructorNoExtendI | Success | | 0.025 |
testRemoveFinalOnConstantF | Success | | 3.235 |
testInterfaceExtendsLeak9I | Success | | 0.012 |
testIllegalReferenceClass2I | Success | | 0.020 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag9F | Success | | 0.686 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag12I | Success | | 0.019 |
testSpecializeTypeI | Success | | 0.022 |
testWPUpdateLibraryRemovedFromClasspath | Success | | 7.663 |
testAddNoOverrideToFinalI | Success | | 0.034 |
testInvalidClassTag12I | Success | | 0.034 |
testInvalidEnumMethodTag3I | Success | | 0.021 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag7I | Success | | 0.012 |
testInvalidEnumMethodTag7F | Success | | 0.140 |
testUnusedFilter2F | Success | | 0.003 |
testOtherBundleDefaultMethodCall2I | Success | | 0.008 |
testFieldUsage1I | Success | | 0.528 |
testAddPublicAPIConstructorF | Success | | 0.283 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIMethodNoInstantiateF | Success | | 0.309 |
testConsRefInstantiateF | Success | | 1.221 |
testProtectedToPackageNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.021 |
testAddAbstractNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.019 |
testFieldTypeLeak8F | Success | | 1.012 |
testRemoveFinalI | Success | | 0.035 |
testMethodParameterLeak20I | Success | | 0.022 |
testAddStaticF | Success | | 1.189 |
testAnonymousClassExtends7I | Success | | 0.013 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag11I | Success | | 0.010 |
testConvertToInterfaceF | Success | | 0.261 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag5F | Success | | 0.147 |
testRemovePrivateFieldI | Success | | 0.033 |
testClassExtendsLeak12F | Success | | 0.068 |
testRemovePublicFieldNoExtendNoInstantiateF | Success | | 0.435 |
testOtherBundleDefaultMethodCallI | Success | | 0.009 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIMethodNoExtend2F | Success | | 0.308 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag13F | Success | | 0.172 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag6I | Success | | 0.013 |
testMethodConstructorRefAnnoF | Success | | 2.671 |
testAbstractAddNoInstantiateF | Success | | 0.350 |
testInterfaceExtendsNoExtendInterface13F | Success | | 0.190 |
testMethodUsageTests2F | Success | | 0.683 |
testOverrideJavadocDefaultMethodMultipleInheritedF | Success | | 0.215 |
testMethodUsageTests6F | Success | | 0.623 |
testInvalidTagsOnFunctionalInterfaceI | Success | | 0.013 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak4I | Success | | 0.010 |
testDiamondF | Success | | 0.282 |
testAddNoExtendNoImplementI | Success | | 0.031 |
test7I | Success | | 0.020 |
testNotEqualDifferingMessageArgumentsNumber | Success | | 0.000 |
testPublicToPackageI | Success | | 0.019 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag10I | Success | | 0.011 |
testValidEnumFieldTag3I | Success | | 0.012 |
testNotVisibleAnnotations1I | Success | | 0.013 |
testAddFieldNoExtendI | Success | | 0.026 |
testCreatePluginProject | Success | | 1.889 |
testInvalidEnumTag9F | Success | | 0.139 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation4I | Success | | 0.011 |
testInvalidNoExtendAnnotation1I | Success | | 0.034 |
testInvalidClassFieldAnnotation5I | Success | | 0.015 |
testRemoveMethodF | Success | | 0.252 |
testLambdaRestrictedFunctionalInterfaceI | Success | | 0.010 |
testPublicToPrivateNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.025 |
testInvalidClassAnnotation3F | Success | | 0.214 |
testOverrideJavadocDefaultMethodI | Success | | 0.008 |
testChangeInterfaceAtoBI | Success | | 0.041 |
testMultiCatchI | Success | | 0.009 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag4F | Success | | 0.144 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag10I | Success | | 0.011 |
testClassExtendsLeak25I | Success | | 0.044 |
testMethodParameterLeak15F | Success | | 0.402 |
testMethodParameterLeak7I | Success | | 0.014 |
testMethodUsageTests2I | Success | | 0.522 |
testRemovePublicFieldNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.026 |
testAddNonVisibleMethod2I | Success | | 0.033 |
testConsRefInstantiateAnnoF | Success | | 1.626 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag8I | Success | | 0.017 |
testAddNoReferenceI | Success | | 0.022 |
testInvalidEnumMethodTag2I | Success | | 0.012 |
testAnonymousTypeGenericField1I | Success | | 0.013 |
testAddFinalNoExtendNoInstantiateF | Success | | 0.825 |
testClassExtendsLeak6F | Success | | 0.069 |
testConstructorParameterLeak9F | Success | | 0.706 |
testInvalidEnumConstantTag10F | Success | | 0.687 |
testRemoveNoExtendF | Success | | 0.267 |
testIllegalReferenceClass2F | Success | | 0.117 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIConstructorNoExtendF | Success | | 0.426 |
testStableApiF | Success | | 0.245 |
testGetMessageArgumentsNotNull | Success | | 0.000 |
testRemoveMemberTypeI | Success | | 0.028 |
testConstructorParameterLeak6I | Success | | 0.009 |
testLambdaStatementF | Success | | 0.456 |
testValidInterfaceFieldTag3F | Success | | 0.123 |
testReduceSuperInterfaceABtoEmptyF | Success | | 0.336 |
testMethodUsageTests3I | Success | | 0.764 |
testFalseMinorIncF | Success | | 0.595 |
testMethodUsageTests1I | Success | | 0.538 |
testRemoveNoExtendNoImplementI | Success | | 0.019 |
testAddFinalI | Success | | 0.038 |
testRemoveTypeParameterI | Success | | 0.025 |
testInvalidInterfaceTag6I | Success | | 0.026 |
testClassImplementsLeak1F | Success | | 0.098 |
testRemovePublicAPIConstructorNoExtendNoInstantiateF | Success | | 3.559 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag1F | Success | | 0.002 |
testInvalidInterfaceMethodTag2I | Success | | 0.025 |
testRemovePrivateAPIConstructorI | Success | | 0.023 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak9I | Success | | 0.011 |
testPublicToPackageI | Success | | 0.021 |
testFieldTypeLeak4F | Success | | 0.823 |
testClassWithDuplicateTagsI | Success | | 0.019 |
testRemovePublicAPIConstructorI | Success | | 0.024 |
testMethodParameterLeak14I | Success | | 0.010 |
testNoImplementI | Success | | 0.009 |
testRemoveExtendRestrictionMultiPartPackageName | Success | | 0.215 |
testAddClassBoundF | Success | | 4.000 |
testValidEnumFieldTag1F | Success | | 0.132 |
testSystemComponentNoDefaultMethodsReportedF | Success | | 0.876 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag5I | Success | | 0.016 |
testFinalRemoveNoExtendF | Success | | 0.503 |
testInvalidInterfaceTag9F | Success | | 0.153 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag2I | Success | | 0.017 |
testNoRefAnnotationDefaultMethodF | Success | | 1.256 |
testRemovePublicAPIMethodNoExtendNoInstantiateF | Success | | 0.284 |
testAddSuperInterfaceANoImplementI | Success | | 0.033 |
testAddFilterFromProblem | Success | | 0.958 |
testOtherBundleDefaultMethodCallF | Success | | 0.280 |
testValidInterfaceFieldTag4F | Success | | 0.115 |
testLocalClassExtends2F | Success | | 0.107 |
testInvalidInterfaceMethodTag5F | Success | | 0.125 |
testInvalidInterfaceMethodTag6I | Success | | 0.016 |
testInterfaceFieldWithDuplicateAnnotationsF | Success | | 0.225 |
testInvalidClassTag8I | Success | | 0.010 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag3F | Success | | 0.990 |
test009 | Success | | 5.036 |
testNoRefAnnotationDefaultMethodI | Success | | 0.009 |
testChangeHierarchyAtoDI | Success | | 0.020 |
testAddAbstractI | Success | | 0.036 |
testNoOverrideOnDefaultF | Success | | 0.906 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak11I | Success | | 0.012 |
testConvertToEnumI | Success | | 0.134 |
testValidClassFieldTag8I | Success | | 0.018 |
test004 | Success | | 2.989 |
testAddSecondaryTypeParameterF | Success | | 0.356 |
testInvalidEnumFieldTag12F | Success | | 0.705 |
testAddNoImplementI | Success | | 0.090 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation6F | Success | | 0.091 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag6F | Success | | 0.146 |
testRemoveBaseline | Success | | 1.919 |
testAddStaticNoReferenceF | Success | | 1.719 |
testInvalidInterfaceFieldTag1I | Success | | 0.012 |
testInterfaceFieldWithDuplicateAnnotationsI | Success | | 0.017 |
testNoReference3F | Success | | 0.139 |
testInvalidAnnotationFieldAnnotation4I | Success | | 0.013 |
testMethodUsageTests4F | Success | | 0.587 |
testAddExtendInstantiateRestriction | Success | | 0.128 |
testFieldTypeLeak2F | Success | | 0.911 |
testStringSwitchI | Success | | 0.023 |
testInvalidAnnotationTag14F | Success | | 0.180 |
testMethodReturnTypeLeak13F | Success | | 0.851 |
testBreakApiRegardlessOfMajorVersionF | Success | | 0.622 |
testSystemComponentNoDefaultMethodsReportedI | Success | | 0.034 |
testInvalidEnumTag3F | Success | | 0.438 |
testInvalidEnumMethodTag6F | Success | | 0.786 |
testValidClassMethodTag10F | Success | | 0.117 |
testInvalidAnnotationMethodTag5I | Success | | 0.014 |
testRemovePublicAPIMethodNoExtendNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.038 |
testFieldUsage4F | Success | | 0.631 |
testInvalidInterfaceMethodTag1F | Success | | 0.141 |
testGenericInstantiate1I | Success | | 0.020 |
testInvalidClassFieldTag11I | Success | | 0.015 |
testPublicToProtectedF | Success | | 0.393 |
testMethodReturnType22F | Success | | 0.840 |
testClassIndirectImplements3F | Success | | 0.165 |
testAddSingletonPublicAPIConstructorF | Success | | 4.956 |
testClassExtendsLeak26F | Success | | 0.757 |
testRemoveProtectedAPIMethodNoInstantiateI | Success | | 0.031 |
testValidClassMethodTag4I | Success | | 0.013 |
testAnonymousClassExtends6F | Success | | 0.128 |
testClassImplementsLeak7I | Success | | 0.010 |
testInvalidClassMethodTag6I | Success | | 0.012 |
testIgnoreFalseMajorIncF | Success | | 0.740 |
testValidClassFieldTag5F | Success | | 0.142 |
testChangeClassBoundI | Success | | 0.024 |
testValidInterfaceFieldTag1I | Success | | 0.010 |
testRemoveStaticI | Success | | 0.049 |
testGeneralizeTypeNoReferenceF | Success | | 0.354 |