jdt core - build notes 3.8 stream
Java development tools core
Here are the build notes for the Eclipse JDT/Core plug-in project org.eclipse.jdt.core, describing bug resolution and substantial changes in the HEAD branch. For more information on 3.8 planning, please refer to JDT/Core release plan, the next milestone plan, the overall official plan, or the build schedule. This present document covers all changes since Release 3.7 (also see a summary of API changes).
Maintenance of previous releases of JDT/Core is performed in parallel branches: R3.7.x, R3.6.x, R3.5.x, R3.4.x, R3.3.x, R3.2.x, R3.1.x, R3.0.x, R2.1.x, R2.0.x, R1.0.x.

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - May 31, 2012
Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_C58 (cvs).

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

380927 VerifyError issue with inconsistent stack map frames with do..while and nested switch statements.

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - May 29, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

380750 [compiler] local incorrectly flagged as uninitialized due to fix for bug 359495
380313 Inconsistent stack error when using Java 1.7

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - May 23, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

380112 [1.7][compiler] Incorrect unreachable catch block detection in try-with-resources
379726 Include Eclipse-BundleShape in test plugin MANIFEST.MF

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - May 21, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

379793 formatter hangs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - May 16, 2012 - 3.8.0 RC1

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

379630 Regression: NPE during reconcile/build

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - May 14, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

375971 [search] Not finding method references with generics
376550 "Method can be static" warning on method that accesses instance field in inner class

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - May 11, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

373409 [code assist] Bad relevance for constructor proposals (new Thread())

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - May 8, 2012 - 3.8.0 RC1

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

378390 [search] regression caused by the fix for bug 357547

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - April 30, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

376930 FUP of bug 24804: Organize imports does not work when folding imports into on-demand import

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - April 30, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

374176 Sticky default nullness diagnostics.
371832 The preference "Suppress optional errors with '@SuppressWarnings'" ends up silencing warnings it shouldn't

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - April 27, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

377806 ExternalFoldersManager standalone regression
322977 Documentation about use of "SearchPattern.R_REGEXP_MATCH" is wrong

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - April 26, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

376724 ExternalFoldersManager still has synchronization gaps
374129 more tests for bug 372011
365710 FUP of bug 363293: Fix the incorrect added resource close

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - April 24, 2012 - April 10, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

377401 FuP of bug 372418: "The type ... cannot be resolved" error when there is a $ in the class name.
376429 AIOOBE when trying to create AST for invalid annotation declaration
376673 DBCS4.2 Can not rename the class names when DBCS (Surrogate e.g. U+20B9F) is in it
374605 Unreasonable warning for enum-based switch statements
372694 Adjust parser generator tools

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - April 17, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

326610 [content assist] code assist for package-info.java
376465 Mixed line delimiters in org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser.consumeRule(int)
376837 [warning] Resource leak warning in FileManagerTest
375394 Incorrect type checking for parameterized types

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

351697 ClassCastException while copying a .class file to wrong source package
375326 try-with-resources assignment in statement produces stack map exception

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - April 3, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

375568 @PolymorphicSignature methods in MethodHandle have wrong annotation on parameter
372687 org.eclipse.jdt.core.LRUCache.get(Object key) returns an empty list from a class that has methods

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - March 27, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

374538 [local] localFile service tries to set modified time on virtual files
375248 AIOOBE inside twr with finally block

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - March 20, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

372319 Unexpected 'The local variable i may not have been initialized' compile error

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - March 13, 2012 - 3.8.0 M6

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

374063 [builder][regression] bug 372012 causes regular problems to be reported against the package

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - March 13, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

373953 FUP of bug 127575: java.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert is being recognized as org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - March 12, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

365859 [compiler][null] distinguish warnings based on flow analysis vs. null annotations
373571 [null][regression] Incorrect application of null annotations to primitive types
367836 Inconsistent source range for error from build and reconciler (declared package does not match expected)
368646 [rename] rejects LocalVariable with initializer
372012 [compiler][null] Warn when defaults not specified

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - March 6, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

371732 Deprecate AST.JLS3
372909 message verbiage for instanceof erasure
347386 Cannot delete package from java project (two source and output folders)
372011 [compiler][null] Restore behaviour of null defaults for binary types
127575 Null reference checks don't handle Assert
265744 Enum switch should warn about missing default

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - February 28, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

372377 ASTParser#createASTs(..) should not ignore optional compile problems
372351 Illegal implementation of 'org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit' in Tomcat Jasper
220928 [buildpath] Should be able to ignore warnings from certain source folders

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - February 21, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

365499 Add a system property to control for JavaModelManager's jar type cache size
368152 ConcurrentModificationException on startup in ExternalFoldersManager.createPendingFolders
244544 codeSelect fails on constant declaration in anonymous and local classes
291040 codeSelect(..) does not work for a deeply nested method invocation in nested and anonymous class
370930 NonNull annotation not considered for enhanced for loops
366063 Compiler should not add synthetic @NonNull annotations
365531 [compiler][null] investigate alternative strategy for internally encoding nullness defaults
370639 [compiler][resource] restore the default for resource leak warnings

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - February 14, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

123836 [1.5][search] for references to overriding method with bound type variable is not polymorphic
368546 [compiler][resource] Avoid remaining false positives found when compiling the Eclipse SDK
364254 Reduce console output during JDT/Core junits execution.
362633 NPE while trying to rename a class

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - January 25, 2012 - 3.8.0 M5

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

369595 Javadoc fixes for IClasspathAttribute.SOURCE_ATTACHMENT_ENCODING

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - January 24, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

366829 Batch compiler option and SuppressWarnings token for Overriding a Synchronized Method with a Non-synchronized Method

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - January 22, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

369251 Starved worker threads
365208 [compiler][batch] command line options for annotation based null analysis

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - January 20, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

361356 Allow to specify encoding for source attachments
365582 FUP of bug 361938: Other error code pattern
365662 [compiler][null] warn on contradictory and redundant null annotations

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - January 17, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

368842 test failure because test case refers to java.util.Objects
368709 Endless loop in FakedTrackingVariable.markPassedToOutside
361407 Resource leak warning when resource is assigned to a field outside of constructor
362331 Resource leak not detected when closeable not assigned to variable
362332 Only report potential leak when closeable not created in the local scope
360908 Avoid resource leak warning when the underlying/chained resource is closed explicitly
361073 Avoid resource leak warning when the top level resource is closed explicitly
358903 Filter practically unimportant resource leak warnings
365387 [compiler][null] bug 186342: Issues to follow up post review and verification.
365519 editorial cleanup after bug 186342 and bug 365387
368435 [compiler] NPE while compile a method with unused local
361963 Stack overflow when trying to code complete a generic list
365437 Private methods tagged with @Inject should not be flagged with unused warning
366131 [1.5][compiler] New generics compile error in Indigo SR1 for code that compiles in earlier Eclipse and javac

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - January 10, 2012

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

367023 Error in JDT Core during AST creation
354229 [compiler][1.7] Name clash error not being reported by ecj.
367879 Incorrect "Potential null pointer access" warning on statement after try-with-resources within try-finally
366999 VerifyError: Inconsistent stackmap frames
346175 @SuppressWarnings should clear all errors including fatal optional errors
366544 [index] Test testUseIndexInternalJarAfterRestart failed on Mac and Linux
302850 13 failures in JavaModel tests for the N20100214-2000 Mac OS X - Cocoa test machine

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - January 3, 2012 - 3.8.0 M5

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

367566 In try-with-resources statement close() method of resource is not called
364890 BinaryTypeBinding should use char constants from Util
365992 [builder] [null] Change of nullness for a parameter doesn't trigger a build for the files that call the method
367203 [compiler][null] detect assigning null to nonnull argument
367154 [compiler][null] Problem in propagating null defaults.

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - December 20, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

362711 possibly incorrect JDT POST_CHANGE event fired when a file is replaced
365835 [compiler][null] inconsistent error reporting.
365836 [compiler][null] Incomplete propagation of null defaults.
365983 [compiler][null] AIOOB with null annotation analysis and varargs
366003 CCE in ASTNode.resolveAnnotations(ASTNode.java:639)
366829 Batch compiler option and SuppressWarnings token for Overriding a Synchronized Method with a Non-synchronized Method
364450 Dubious class path error triggers a full rebuild

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - December 13, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

356620 Make it possible to provide indexes for defined libraries

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - December 5, 2011 - 3.8.1 M4

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

365566 set resource leak diagnostic to "ignore" until bug 358903 is fixed

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

363858 [dom] early throwing of AbortCompilation causes NPE in CompilationUnitResolver
331647 [compiler][null] support flexible default mechanism for null-annotations
334457 [compiler][null] check compatibility of inherited null contracts
186342 [compiler][null] Using annotations for null checking

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - November 29, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

340945 Extension Request of JavaContentAssistInvocationContext
364672 [compiler] ecj fails to compile valid calls to varargs method

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - November 22, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

350738 "The method is never used locally" is not shown for parameterized recursive methods
361053 java.lang.VerifyError on try-with-resources
346038 [1.5][compiler] ecj vs. javac differ for methods using vararg parameters of different primitive types
346039 [1.5][compiler] ecj vs. javac differ for varargs overloading
362279 ecj vs. javac differ for automatic boxing of implicitly converted types
362591 VerifyError: Inconsistent stackmap frames

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - November 15, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

361327 Static import resolution does not record all static elements being imported
346042 [1.5][compiler] ecj compiles code rejected by javac for varargs parameters of inaccessible type
361938 Formerly working JLS3 parser not working -- Scanner reports com.sun.jdi.InvocationException occurred invoking method.
359284 Unnecessary checkast from null
361441 Error in JDT Core during AST creation
363293 resource leaks in org.eclipse.jdt.compiler.tool.tests

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - November 8, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

361922 Fup of 357425: ensure all reported regressions are witnessed by tests
354766 Javadoc content does not appear in content assist info window for non-static inner class constructors

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - October 25, 2011 - 3.8.0 M3

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - October 20, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

287164 Report build path error if source folder has other source folder as output folder
359721 [options] add command line option for new warning token "resource"
343480 [compiler] Incorrect/confusing error message on inner class static field declaration
318401 FUP of 317858: Clarify eclipse compiler behavior on imports & shadowing
360317 [compiler] report switch over enum in 1.4- mode
360164 Compile error in XSDImpl
359727 [1.7][doc] Update doc for new resource leak warnings

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - October 18, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

359943 invokedynamic in generated class file is not correctly recognized by the eclipse compiler
360644 Scope.isDefinedInSameUnit(ReferenceBinding) fails for a ParameterizedTypeBinding
358762 NPE in JDT compiler
360328 [compiler][null] detect null problems in nested code (local class inside a loop)

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - October 11, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

350285 ASTRewrite destroys formatting on CatchClause#setBody(copyTarget)
353474 type converters should include more annotations

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - October 5, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

354181 migrate jdt.core to git
359831 Fix messages for "new warning for missing try-with-resources"

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - October 3, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

359495 [1.7][compiler] VerifyError in try-finally block with lock encompassing for-each block and unlock in finally clause
161129 [batch][compiler] Add -warn:all to report all warnings
359646 Formatter fails silently if Java source contains 0x8000000000000000L
256796 [compiler] dead code detection: "if (DEBUG) return;" should also be trivial IF stmt
359334 Analysis for resource leak warnings does not consider exceptions as method exit points
359362 FUP of bug 349326: Resource leak on non-Closeable resource.
348186 [compiler] Improve wording for the warning for masked/hidden catch block
355838 [compiler] ecj compiles the code that javac6 rejects
349326 [1.7] new warning for missing try-with-resources
354502 Incorrect Compiler Warning: "Method can be declared as static"
241834 [search] ClassCastException during move class refactoring
358827 [1.7] exception analysis for t-w-r spoils null analysis

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - September 23, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - September 20, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

357110 Problem with inner classes referenced from jars or class folders: "The type ... cannot be resolved"
357471 ASTParser cannot resolve binding of PackageDeclaration if class name is equal to the first segment of the package name

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - September 13, 2011 - 3.8.0 M2

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

357259 [dom] AST#newArrayType(Type, int) should allow array type as argument

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - September 9, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

354332 DeltaProcessor exhibits O(N^2) behavior
355605 NPE in HierarchyResolver
347396 ASTParser returns empty or partial AST if we parse the the body contains empty for loop
356746 ECJ accepts illegal unicode escape sequences
337935 Test failures when run as an IDE (org.eclipse.sdk.ide)

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - September 6, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

356325 [select] Open declaration on a constructor of a local class with type parameters doesn't work
24804 Organize imports wipes comments between statements [code manipulation]
356363 Many links to java.sun.com are broken
346529 Don't show "The method * from the type * is never used locally" warning for private methods annotated with standard annotations like @PostConstruct

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - August 30, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

356002 VerifyError "Inconsistent stackmap frames" for switch-string statement with nested for-loop
350095 The 2000th (0-based) enum constant is null
234074 Compliance_1_5#test088 fails when launched with JRE 6 and -Dcompliance=1.5
350612 OutOfMemoryError while "Initializing Java Tooling"
348024 Empty AST for class with static inner class in a package with package-info.java
346010 [model] strange initialization dependency in OptionTests
353640 AIOOBE in ParameterizedTypeBinding.substitute

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - August 23, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

348507 [search] Hyperlinks from the Java Stack Trace console should search the workspace in CLASSPATH order
345949 [compiler] Inconsistent name clash behavior vis-a-vis javac7
354766 Javadoc content does not appear in content assist info window for non-static inner class constructors
353535 Eclipse compiler generates wrong bytecode for nested try-with-resources statements
354579 Fup of bug 289247: Investigate validity of the fix vis-a-vis JLS.
354078 [dom] ASTConverter.removeTrailingCommentFromExpressionEndingWithAParen() ??

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - August 16, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

354554 [null] conditional with redundant condition yields weak error message
354536 compiling package-info.java still depends on the order of compilation units
292087 anonymous class in array member initializer confuses content assist
352412 Switching on strings in 1.6- modes produces misleading message
317719 Method incorrectly flagged as having same erasure output when return type differs

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - August 9, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

354052 [1.7] NPE in org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ClassFile.traverse(ClassFile.java:4507)
346741 [1.7][doc] Update doc when java 1.7 support is done
353238 [1.7] update unusedTypeArgs option description for the batch compiler
353089 [1.7][compiler] Incorrect name clash error with ecj
351165 [1.7] API to get the type arguments of the declaring type for constructor invocations

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - August 3, 2011 - 3.8.0 M1

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

353553 Rename readableNames.properties to avoid translation
353085 [1.7] Cannot cast from Object to boolean

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - July 28, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

353250 [1.7] merging Java 7 work to HEAD

Eclipse Platform Build Notes
Java development tools core

Eclipse SDK 3.8.0 - July 27, 2011

What's new in this drop

Problem Reports Fixed

342936 NPEs and inconsistencies when running jdt.compiler.tool.tests against Java 7
351426 [1.7][code assist] CompletionContext.getExpectedTypesKeys() returns wrong type
353137 [1.7] Make sure TagBits.AnnotationSafeVarargs and AnnotationPolymorphicSignature are handled everywhere
353093 IMethod#getAnnotations() doesn't return @SafeVarargs of java.util.Arrays#asList(T...)
352464 [1.7] Incorrect Javadoc shown for reference of invokeExact
351498 [model]java.util.ConcurrentModificationException upon startup
352699 [1.7][compiler] Improve error range for redundant type parameter warning
352665 [1.6][compiler] Internal compiler Error: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when compiling certain classes with outer access error
352553 [1.7] 'char a\u200b' is being accepted in 1.6 mode
352496 tests using wrong version of JCL
300576 NPE Computing type hierarchy when compliance doesn't match libraries
352145 [1.7][compiler] VerifyError with aload0 being involved into ConditionalExpression
351965 [1.7] CCE when using diamond in 1.4
351444 [1.7][content assist] Need to know whether I can use diamond
352014 \u1369 no longer accepted as a valid java identifier part
351653 [1.7][compiler]: VerifyError in try statement with finally and return statements
340747 [1.7][compiler] compiler option to warn when diamond can be used, but type args are used instead.
350895 [1.7][formatter] New option to wrap before/after '|' in multi-catch
350652 [1.7][assist] Completion issues with multicatch (FUP of 343637)
347503 [DOM] ASTParser.setEnvironment() ignores includeRunningVMBootclasspath parameter
350897 [1.7][api] ClassInstanceCreation#isResolvedTypeInferredFromExpectedType()
351170 [1.7] ASTRewrite issues in Try with resources
348493 [1.7] Improve error msg for Diamond operator in 1.5 mode
350885 [Search] The pull up refactoring throws an NPE when pulling up a member that already exists in the superclass
350611 [1.7] Inconsistent error msg and error location for illegal diamond
350579 [1.7][compiler] VerifyError running example from bug 338402 comment 5
350767 [1.7][assist] CCE while invoking assist on a multi-catch block
349312 [1.7][compiler] improved problem messages
350003 [1.7] [compiler] AnnotationPolymorphicSignature tag is not being set to invokeExact while compiling MethodHandle source file
350496 [1.7] @PolymorphicSignature IMethods are missing the annotation
349314 [1.7][formatter] Line wrapping for multi-catch arguments
350039 [1.7] ASTParser#createASTs(..) doesn't resolve IMethodBinding for @PolymorphicSignature method reference
349396 [1.7][formatter] Line wrapping and indentation options for try with resources
350361 [1.7] Unhandled exception type Exception
349488 [1.7] IMethodBinding#getMethodDeclaration() should return the declaration of @PolymorphicSignature methods
349487 [1.7] IMethodBinding#getJavaElement() returns inexistent element for @PolymorphicSignature methods
349862 [1.7] NPE when trying to use UnionType as TryStatement resource
349864 [1.7][compiler] Error message considers AutoCloseable as class
348956 [1.7] ITypeBinding#isAssignmentCompatible(ITypeBinding) returns different result
349312 [1.7][compiler] improved problem messages
349008 [1.7] Ugly formatting for try with resources
349072 [1.7] "Cannot infer elided type(s)" sounds too elite
348705 [1.7][compiler] Improve error message for unhandled IOException generated due to compiler-generated close()
348050 [1.7] Error in JDT Core during AST creation
348406 [1.7] Incorrect error msg on try with resources in 1.5 mode
348492 [1.7] Improve error msg on strings in switch in 1.5 mode
348491 [1.7] Rename IProblem.IllegalBinaryLiteral to BinaryLiteralNotBelow17 and IProblem.IllegalUsageOfUnderscore to UnderscoreInLiteralsNotBelow17
348369 [1.7] Missing error "No exception of type Exception[] can be thrown"
348379 [1.7][compiler] Null pointer access warning for strings in switch
346415 [1.7][assist] No proposal inside catch statement from 3rd catch block onwards
346454 [1.7][content assist]Getting NegativeArraySizeException while trying content assist after diamond
347600 [1.7][compiler] Suspect bounds check failure after inference.
347746 [1.7][compiler] Bounds check failure during method inference
283353 [1.5][compiler] Eclipse compiler shows error on javac-valid construct: Bound mismatch
347145 [1.7][compiler] Bounds check issue with raw types in method inference
347426 [1.7][compiler] ecj behavior differs from javac
344522 [1.7] Incorrect source range for ParameterizedType in case of Diamond
341795 [1.7][compiler] Cannot assign a generic method with multiple bounds return value to any variable
242159 [1.7][compiler] type inference with unbounded wildcard in result type
343693 [1.7] Adjust subclasses of AllocationExpression for <> support
343637 [1.7] Already used exception offered again in a Mulicatch block
345968 [1.7][compiler] NPE while using diamond for inner class allocation
334313 [1.5][compiler] Bug in the way eclipse handles overriding of generic abstract method by a non-abstract method
346029 [1.7][compiler] Eclipse compiles code rejected by JDK7
345628 [1.7] Rename disjunctive type to union type
345559 [1.7][compiler] Type inference for generic allocation can be avoided for invalid constructor
342819 Code rejected by javac with name clash error compiles under eclipse.
334306 [1.7][compiler] name clash reported in javac 1.7 and not in javac 1.6
345579 [1.7][compiler] Weird error message in rethrow site
345522 [1.7][compiler] Compilers fails to compute precisely rethrown types
344824 [1.7][compiler] Incorrect error range for unreachable catch block error in multi-catch
340486 [1.7][compiler] Missing error in multi catch scenario
345359 [1.7][compiler] AIOOB on diamond construct with argument error
345239 [1.7][compiler] Compiler should issue better diagnostics for use of <> with anonymous classes
344655 [1.7][compiler] Prohibit use of <> with explicit type arguments to generic constructor
328575 Inheritance of annotation fails with generic classes
343785 [1.7] Incorrect line numbers in stack trace with try with resources
343687 [1.7] IAE in NumberLiteral#setToken(String) for binary tokens and tokens with underscore
339478 [1.7][compiler] support for diamond case
343476 [1.7][assist] propose String variables and fields inside catch expression
292087 anonymous class in array member initializer confuses content assist
343475 [1.7] Compiler warning for invalid type inside switch needs to be improved
342416 [1.7] Signature#createIntersectionTypeSignature(..) should take array of signatures
340059 [1.7] IAE when dealing with Signature of disjunctive type
338789 [1.7][assist] No proposal inside a multi catch statement after '|'
341333 [1.7][compiler] DisjunctiveTypeReference#resolveType(..) does not set the value for DisjunctiveTypeReference$resolvedType
340634 [1.7][compiler][multicatch] Compiler accepts type variables as catch parameter type
340626 [1.7][compiler] Inconsistent source pinpointing in multi-catch blocks
340513 [1.7][compiler] Unicode 6.0 characters work at compiler compliance level 1.5 and 1.6
340445 [1.7] ASTRewriteAnalyzer and ASTRewriteFlattener need updates
340372 [1.7] NaiveASTFlattener needs to support the new AST nodes
340365 [1.7] Problems in new APIs (TryStatementWithResources, DisjunctiveType)
340375 [1.7] Merge TryStatementWithResources into TryStatement
340022 [1.7][compiler] Support for precise rethrow
339837 [1.7][compiler] Multicatch syntax not rejected at 1.6-
339864 [1.7] Add recovery in ASTConverter for all new constructs in JLS3 mode
338402 [1.7][compiler][enh] Open issues in try with resources implementation
337795 [1.7][compiler] Missing unchecked warning at varargs method/ctor declaration site
337802 [1.7][compiler] Usage of 0x0ffffffff is being reported as out of range. 337799 [1.7][compiler][varargs] Eclipse fails to report error on incorrect SafeVarargs usage
337738 [1.7][content assist]Test CompletionParserTest#testEA_1 fails
336782 [1.7][recovery]Extra error tokens with invalid unary operator
336322 [1.7][search]CCE while searching for a type reference in multiple catch parameters

For earlier build notes, also see build notes up to Release 3.7.

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