errors | others warnings | infos | forbidden warnings | discouraged warnings |
top | others warnings | infos | forbidden warnings | discouraged warnings |
top | errors | infos | forbidden warnings | discouraged warnings |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/ (at line 141) PackageAdmin admin = getPackageAdmin(); The type PackageAdmin is deprecated |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/ (at line 146) ExportedPackage[] packages = admin.getExportedPackages(packageName); The type ExportedPackage is deprecated |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/ (at line 146) ExportedPackage[] packages = admin.getExportedPackages(packageName); The method getExportedPackages(String) from the type PackageAdmin is deprecated |
4. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/ (at line 151) if (packages[0].getExportingBundle().getState() == Bundle.ACTIVE) { The method getExportingBundle() from the type ExportedPackage is deprecated |
5. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/ (at line 157) .getAdapter(packages[0].getExportingBundle().loadClass(type.className)); The method getExportingBundle() from the type ExportedPackage is deprecated |
6. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/ (at line 224) private PackageAdmin getPackageAdmin() { The type PackageAdmin is deprecated |
7. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/ (at line 227) PackageAdmin.class.getName(), null); The type PackageAdmin is deprecated |
8. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/ (at line 231) return (PackageAdmin) packageTracker.getService(); The type PackageAdmin is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/activities/ (at line 118) WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault().savePluginPreferences(); The method savePluginPreferences() from the type Plugin is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/dialogs/ (at line 259) editorTable = new FilteredTree(contents, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.BORDER, new PatternFilter(), true); The constructor FilteredTree(Composite, int, PatternFilter, boolean) is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 254) WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault().savePluginPreferences(); The method savePluginPreferences() from the type Plugin is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 47) public final class KeyBindingService implements INestableKeyBindingService { The type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 54) private final Map<IWorkbenchSite, IKeyBindingService> nestedServices = new HashMap<>(); The type IKeyBindingService is deprecated |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 71) private IKeyBindingService activeService; The type IKeyBindingService is deprecated |
4. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 119) final IKeyBindingService service = nestedServices.get(nestedSite); The type IKeyBindingService is deprecated |
5. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 133) private void activateNestedService(IKeyBindingService service) { The type IKeyBindingService is deprecated |
6. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 255) public IKeyBindingService getKeyBindingService(IWorkbenchSite nestedSite) { The type IKeyBindingService is deprecated |
7. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 264) IKeyBindingService service = nestedServices.get(nestedSite); The type IKeyBindingService is deprecated |
8. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 339) final IKeyBindingService service = nestedServices.remove(nestedSite); The type IKeyBindingService is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 240) e4Context.set(IKeyBindingService.class.getName(), new ContextFunction() { The type IKeyBindingService is deprecated |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 547) public IKeyBindingService getKeyBindingService() { The type IKeyBindingService is deprecated |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 548) return e4Context.get(IKeyBindingService.class); The type IKeyBindingService is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 233) if (delegate instanceof IActionDelegateWithEvent) { The type IActionDelegateWithEvent is deprecated |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 234) ((IActionDelegateWithEvent) delegate).runWithEvent(this, event); The type IActionDelegateWithEvent is deprecated |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 234) ((IActionDelegateWithEvent) delegate).runWithEvent(this, event); The method runWithEvent(IAction, Event) from the type IActionDelegateWithEvent is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 307) property = product.getProperty(WINDOW_IMAGE); The field IProductConstants.WINDOW_IMAGE is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 59) public IKeyBindingService getKeyBindingService() { The type IKeyBindingService is deprecated |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 60) return viewSite.getKeyBindingService(); The method getKeyBindingService() from the type IWorkbenchPartSite is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 3222) public IWorkbenchContextSupport getContextSupport() { The type IWorkbenchContextSupport is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 113) @SuppressWarnings("removal") Unnecessary @SuppressWarnings("removal") |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 535) ListSelectionDialog dialog = new ListSelectionDialog(getShell(), parts, ArrayContentProvider.getInstance(), labelProvider, WorkbenchMessages.EditorManager_saveResourcesMessage); The constructor ListSelectionDialog(Shell, Object, IStructuredContentProvider, ILabelProvider, String) is deprecated |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 646) ListSelectionDialog dialog = new ListSelectionDialog(getShell(), listParts, ArrayContentProvider.getInstance(), labelProvider, WorkbenchMessages.EditorManager_saveResourcesMessage); The constructor ListSelectionDialog(Shell, Object, IStructuredContentProvider, ILabelProvider, String) is deprecated |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 907) boolean enableAnimations = preferenceStore.getBoolean(IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants.ENABLE_ANIMATIONS); The field IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants.ENABLE_ANIMATIONS is deprecated |
4. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 908) preferenceStore.setValue(IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants.ENABLE_ANIMATIONS, false); The field IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants.ENABLE_ANIMATIONS is deprecated |
5. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/ (at line 933) preferenceStore.setValue(IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants.ENABLE_ANIMATIONS, enableAnimations); The field IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants.ENABLE_ANIMATIONS is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/actions/ (at line 166) contextMenuCreator.dispose(); The method dispose() from the type QuickMenuCreator is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/application/ (at line 44) wbAdvisor.fillActionBars(abc.getWindowConfigurer().getWindow(), abc, flags); The method fillActionBars(IWorkbenchWindow, IActionBarConfigurer, int) from the type WorkbenchAdvisor is deprecated |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/application/ (at line 50) return wbAdvisor.isApplicationMenu(abc.getWindowConfigurer(), menuId); The method isApplicationMenu(IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer, String) from the type WorkbenchAdvisor is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/application/ (at line 50) wbAdvisor.preWindowOpen(getWindowConfigurer()); The method preWindowOpen(IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer) from the type WorkbenchAdvisor is deprecated |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/application/ (at line 60) wbAdvisor.postWindowRestore(getWindowConfigurer()); The method postWindowRestore(IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer) from the type WorkbenchAdvisor is deprecated |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/application/ (at line 65) wbAdvisor.openIntro(getWindowConfigurer()); The method openIntro(IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer) from the type WorkbenchAdvisor is deprecated |
4. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/application/ (at line 70) wbAdvisor.postWindowCreate(getWindowConfigurer()); The method postWindowCreate(IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer) from the type WorkbenchAdvisor is deprecated |
5. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/application/ (at line 75) wbAdvisor.postWindowOpen(getWindowConfigurer()); The method postWindowOpen(IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer) from the type WorkbenchAdvisor is deprecated |
6. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/application/ (at line 80) return wbAdvisor.preWindowShellClose(getWindowConfigurer()); The method preWindowShellClose(IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer) from the type WorkbenchAdvisor is deprecated |
7. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/application/ (at line 85) wbAdvisor.postWindowClose(getWindowConfigurer()); The method postWindowClose(IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer) from the type WorkbenchAdvisor is deprecated |
8. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/application/ (at line 89) return wbAdvisor.isApplicationMenu(getWindowConfigurer(), menuId); The method isApplicationMenu(IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer, String) from the type WorkbenchAdvisor is deprecated |
9. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/application/ (at line 98) wbAdvisor.createWindowContents(getWindowConfigurer(), shell); The method createWindowContents(IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer, Shell) from the type WorkbenchAdvisor is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 30) public class ContextLegacyWrapper implements IContext { The type IContext is deprecated |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 64) public void addContextListener(IContextListener contextListener) { The type IContextListener is deprecated |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 87) public String getName() throws NotDefinedException { The type NotDefinedException is deprecated |
4. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 91) throw new NotDefinedException(e); The type NotDefinedException is deprecated |
5. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 91) throw new NotDefinedException(e); The constructor NotDefinedException(NotDefinedException) is deprecated |
6. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 96) public String getParentId() throws NotDefinedException { The type NotDefinedException is deprecated |
7. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 100) throw new NotDefinedException(e); The type NotDefinedException is deprecated |
8. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 100) throw new NotDefinedException(e); The constructor NotDefinedException(NotDefinedException) is deprecated |
9. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 115) public void removeContextListener(IContextListener contextListener) { The type IContextListener is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 39) implements org.eclipse.core.commands.contexts.IContextManagerListener, IContextManager { The type IContextManager is deprecated |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 131) private List<IContextManagerListener> contextManagerListeners; The type IContextManagerListener is deprecated |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 151) public void addContextManagerListener(IContextManagerListener contextManagerListener) { The type IContextManagerListener is deprecated |
4. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 185) new ContextManagerEvent(this, definedContextsChanged, contextManagerEvent.isActiveContextsChanged(), The type ContextManagerEvent is deprecated |
5. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 185) new ContextManagerEvent(this, definedContextsChanged, contextManagerEvent.isActiveContextsChanged(), previouslyDefinedContextIds, contextManagerEvent.getPreviouslyActiveContextIds())); The constructor ContextManagerEvent(IContextManager, boolean, boolean, Set, Set) is deprecated |
6. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 190) protected void fireContextManagerChanged(ContextManagerEvent contextManagerEvent) { The type ContextManagerEvent is deprecated |
7. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 196) for (IContextManagerListener contextManagerListener : contextManagerListeners) { The type IContextManagerListener is deprecated |
8. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 197) contextManagerListener.contextManagerChanged(contextManagerEvent); The method contextManagerChanged(ContextManagerEvent) from the type IContextManagerListener is deprecated |
9. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 203) public IContext getContext(String contextId) { The type IContext is deprecated |
10. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 218) public void removeContextManagerListener(IContextManagerListener contextManagerListener) { The type IContextManagerListener is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 39) private final IContext context; The type IContext is deprecated |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 50) private final org.eclipse.ui.contexts.IContextListener wrappedListener; The type IContextListener is deprecated |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 63) public LegacyContextListenerWrapper(final org.eclipse.ui.contexts.IContextListener listener, The type IContextListener is deprecated |
4. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 64) final ContextManager contextManager, final IContext context) { The type IContext is deprecated |
5. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 84) wrappedListener.contextChanged(new org.eclipse.ui.contexts.ContextEvent( new ContextLegacyWrapper(contextEvent.getContext(), contextManager), contextEvent.isDefinedChanged(), false, contextEvent.isNameChanged(), contextEvent.isParentIdChanged())); The method contextChanged(ContextEvent) from the type IContextListener is deprecated |
6. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 84) wrappedListener.contextChanged(new org.eclipse.ui.contexts.ContextEvent( new ContextLegacyWrapper(contextEvent.getContext(), contextManager), contextEvent.isDefinedChanged(), false, contextEvent.isNameChanged(), contextEvent.isParentIdChanged())); The constructor ContextEvent(IContext, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) is deprecated |
7. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 84) wrappedListener.contextChanged(new org.eclipse.ui.contexts.ContextEvent( The type ContextEvent is deprecated |
8. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 91) final String contextId = context.getId(); The method getId() from the type IContext is deprecated |
9. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 110) .contextChanged(new org.eclipse.ui.contexts.ContextEvent(context, false, enabledChanged, false, false)); The method contextChanged(ContextEvent) from the type IContextListener is deprecated |
10. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 110) .contextChanged(new org.eclipse.ui.contexts.ContextEvent(context, false, enabledChanged, false, false)); The constructor ContextEvent(IContext, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) is deprecated |
11. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 110) .contextChanged(new org.eclipse.ui.contexts.ContextEvent(context, false, enabledChanged, false, false)); The type ContextEvent is deprecated |
12. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 120) if (object instanceof org.eclipse.ui.contexts.IContextListener) { The type IContextListener is deprecated |
13. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 121) final org.eclipse.ui.contexts.IContextListener other = (org.eclipse.ui.contexts.IContextListener) object; The type IContextListener is deprecated |
14. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 121) final org.eclipse.ui.contexts.IContextListener other = (org.eclipse.ui.contexts.IContextListener) object; The type IContextListener is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 37) public class WorkbenchContextSupport implements IWorkbenchContextSupport { The type IWorkbenchContextSupport is deprecated |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 45) private Map<EnabledSubmission, IContextActivation> activationsBySubmission = null; The type EnabledSubmission is deprecated |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 85) public final void addEnabledSubmission(final EnabledSubmission enabledSubmission) { The type EnabledSubmission is deprecated |
4. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 86) final IContextActivation activation = contextService.activateContext(enabledSubmission.getContextId(), The method getContextId() from the type EnabledSubmission is deprecated |
5. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 87) new LegacyHandlerSubmissionExpression(enabledSubmission.getActivePartId(), The method getActivePartId() from the type EnabledSubmission is deprecated |
6. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 88) enabledSubmission.getActiveShell(), enabledSubmission.getActiveWorkbenchPartSite())); The method getActiveShell() from the type EnabledSubmission is deprecated |
7. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 88) enabledSubmission.getActiveShell(), enabledSubmission.getActiveWorkbenchPartSite())); The method getActiveWorkbenchPartSite() from the type EnabledSubmission is deprecated |
8. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 97) final Iterator<EnabledSubmission> submissionItr = enabledSubmissions.iterator(); The type EnabledSubmission is deprecated |
9. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 104) public final IContextManager getContextManager() { The type IContextManager is deprecated |
10. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 129) public final void removeEnabledSubmission(final EnabledSubmission enabledSubmission) { The type EnabledSubmission is deprecated |
11. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/contexts/ (at line 143) final Iterator<EnabledSubmission> submissionItr = enabledSubmissions.iterator(); The type EnabledSubmission is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/decorators/ (at line 59) new SafeRunnable(NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.DecoratorManager_ErrorActivatingDecorator, getName())) { @Override public void run() { try { decorator = (ILabelDecorator) WorkbenchPlugin.createExtension(definingElement, DecoratorDefinition.ATT_CLASS); decorator.addListener(WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault().getDecoratorManager()); } catch (CoreException exception) { exceptions[0] = exception; } } }); The method run(ISafeRunnable) from the type Platform is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/dialogs/ (at line 114) FilteredTree filteredTree = new FilteredTree(parent, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.BORDER, new WizardPatternFilter(), true); The constructor FilteredTree(Composite, int, PatternFilter, boolean) is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/handlers/ (at line 279) } else if ((delegate instanceof IActionDelegateWithEvent) && (trigger instanceof Event)) { The type IActionDelegateWithEvent is deprecated |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/handlers/ (at line 281) final IActionDelegateWithEvent delegateWithEvent = (IActionDelegateWithEvent) delegate; The type IActionDelegateWithEvent is deprecated |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/handlers/ (at line 281) final IActionDelegateWithEvent delegateWithEvent = (IActionDelegateWithEvent) delegate; The type IActionDelegateWithEvent is deprecated |
4. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/handlers/ (at line 283) delegateWithEvent.runWithEvent(action, triggeringEvent); The method runWithEvent(IAction, Event) from the type IActionDelegateWithEvent is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/handlers/ (at line 327) baseCommand.execute(executionEvent); The method execute(ExecutionEvent) from the type Command is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/handlers/ (at line 68) creator.dispose(); The method dispose() from the type QuickMenuCreator is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 38) public abstract class AbstractKeyFormatter implements IKeyFormatter { The type IKeyFormatter has been deprecated since version 2024-03 and marked for removal |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 63) String name = key.toString(); The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 71) Iterator<KeyStroke> keyStrokeItr = keySequence.getKeyStrokes().iterator(); The method getKeyStrokes() from the type KeySequence has been deprecated and marked for removal |
4. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 89) modifierKeys.addAll(keyStroke.getModifierKeys()); The method getModifierKeys() from the type KeyStroke has been deprecated and marked for removal |
5. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 98) NaturalKey naturalKey = keyStroke.getNaturalKey(); The method getNaturalKey() from the type KeyStroke has been deprecated and marked for removal |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 19) abstract class AbstractModifierKeyComparator implements Comparator<ModifierKey> { The type ModifierKey has been deprecated since version 2024-03 and marked for removal |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 29) return modifierKeyLeft.compareTo(modifierKeyRight); The method compareTo(Object) from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 25) public class AlphabeticModifierKeyComparator implements Comparator<ModifierKey> { The type ModifierKey has been deprecated since version 2024-03 and marked for removal |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 29) return modifierKeyLeft.toString().compareTo(modifierKeyRight.toString()); The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 29) return modifierKeyLeft.toString().compareTo(modifierKeyRight.toString()); The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 610) } else if (Util.WS_CARBON.equals(platform)) { The field Util.WS_CARBON is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 41) List<KeyStroke> keyStrokes = keySequence.getKeyStrokes(); The method getKeyStrokes() from the type KeySequence has been deprecated and marked for removal |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 47) Set<ModifierKey> currentModifierKeys = keyStroke.getModifierKeys(); The method getModifierKeys() from the type KeyStroke has been deprecated and marked for removal |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 62) naturalKeys.add(keyStroke.getNaturalKey()); The method getNaturalKey() from the type KeyStroke has been deprecated and marked for removal |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 56) String formattedName = Util.translateString(RESOURCE_BUNDLE, key.toString(), null, false, false); The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 67) return Util.translateString(RESOURCE_BUNDLE, KEY_DELIMITER_KEY, KeyStroke.KEY_DELIMITER, false, false); The field KeyStroke.KEY_DELIMITER has been deprecated and marked for removal |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 72) return Util.translateString(RESOURCE_BUNDLE, KEY_STROKE_DELIMITER_KEY, KeySequence.KEY_STROKE_DELIMITER, false, The field KeySequence.KEY_STROKE_DELIMITER has been deprecated and marked for removal |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 39) return key.toString(); The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 44) return KeyStroke.KEY_DELIMITER; The field KeyStroke.KEY_DELIMITER has been deprecated and marked for removal |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 49) return KeySequence.KEY_STROKE_DELIMITER; The field KeySequence.KEY_STROKE_DELIMITER has been deprecated and marked for removal |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 34) if (ModifierKey.SHIFT.equals(modifierKey)) { The field ModifierKey.SHIFT has been deprecated and marked for removal |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 34) if (ModifierKey.SHIFT.equals(modifierKey)) { The method equals(Object) from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 38) if (ModifierKey.CTRL.equals(modifierKey)) { The field ModifierKey.CTRL has been deprecated and marked for removal |
4. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 38) if (ModifierKey.CTRL.equals(modifierKey)) { The method equals(Object) from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
5. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 42) if (ModifierKey.ALT.equals(modifierKey)) { The field ModifierKey.ALT has been deprecated and marked for removal |
6. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 42) if (ModifierKey.ALT.equals(modifierKey)) { The method equals(Object) from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
7. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 46) if (ModifierKey.COMMAND.equals(modifierKey)) { The field ModifierKey.COMMAND has been deprecated and marked for removal |
8. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 46) if (ModifierKey.COMMAND.equals(modifierKey)) { The method equals(Object) from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
9. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 61) KEY_LOOKUP.put(CharacterKey.BS.toString(), "\u232B"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field CharacterKey.BS has been deprecated and marked for removal |
10. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 61) KEY_LOOKUP.put(CharacterKey.BS.toString(), "\u232B"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
11. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 62) KEY_LOOKUP.put(CharacterKey.CR.toString(), "\u21A9"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field CharacterKey.CR has been deprecated and marked for removal |
12. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 62) KEY_LOOKUP.put(CharacterKey.CR.toString(), "\u21A9"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
13. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 63) KEY_LOOKUP.put(CharacterKey.DEL.toString(), "\u2326"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field CharacterKey.DEL has been deprecated and marked for removal |
14. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 63) KEY_LOOKUP.put(CharacterKey.DEL.toString(), "\u2326"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
15. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 64) KEY_LOOKUP.put(CharacterKey.SPACE.toString(), "\u2423"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field CharacterKey.SPACE has been deprecated and marked for removal |
16. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 64) KEY_LOOKUP.put(CharacterKey.SPACE.toString(), "\u2423"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
17. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 65) KEY_LOOKUP.put(ModifierKey.ALT.toString(), "\u2325"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field ModifierKey.ALT has been deprecated and marked for removal |
18. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 65) KEY_LOOKUP.put(ModifierKey.ALT.toString(), "\u2325"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
19. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 66) KEY_LOOKUP.put(ModifierKey.COMMAND.toString(), "\u2318"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field ModifierKey.COMMAND has been deprecated and marked for removal |
20. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 66) KEY_LOOKUP.put(ModifierKey.COMMAND.toString(), "\u2318"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
21. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 67) KEY_LOOKUP.put(ModifierKey.CTRL.toString(), "\u2303"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field ModifierKey.CTRL has been deprecated and marked for removal |
22. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 67) KEY_LOOKUP.put(ModifierKey.CTRL.toString(), "\u2303"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
23. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 68) KEY_LOOKUP.put(ModifierKey.SHIFT.toString(), "\u21E7"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field ModifierKey.SHIFT has been deprecated and marked for removal |
24. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 68) KEY_LOOKUP.put(ModifierKey.SHIFT.toString(), "\u21E7"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
25. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 69) KEY_LOOKUP.put(SpecialKey.ARROW_DOWN.toString(), "\u2193"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field SpecialKey.ARROW_DOWN has been deprecated and marked for removal |
26. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 69) KEY_LOOKUP.put(SpecialKey.ARROW_DOWN.toString(), "\u2193"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
27. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 70) KEY_LOOKUP.put(SpecialKey.ARROW_LEFT.toString(), "\u2190"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field SpecialKey.ARROW_LEFT has been deprecated and marked for removal |
28. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 70) KEY_LOOKUP.put(SpecialKey.ARROW_LEFT.toString(), "\u2190"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
29. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 71) KEY_LOOKUP.put(SpecialKey.ARROW_RIGHT.toString(), "\u2192"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field SpecialKey.ARROW_RIGHT has been deprecated and marked for removal |
30. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 71) KEY_LOOKUP.put(SpecialKey.ARROW_RIGHT.toString(), "\u2192"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
31. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 72) KEY_LOOKUP.put(SpecialKey.ARROW_UP.toString(), "\u2191"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field SpecialKey.ARROW_UP has been deprecated and marked for removal |
32. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 72) KEY_LOOKUP.put(SpecialKey.ARROW_UP.toString(), "\u2191"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
33. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 73) KEY_LOOKUP.put(SpecialKey.END.toString(), "\u2198"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field SpecialKey.END has been deprecated and marked for removal |
34. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 73) KEY_LOOKUP.put(SpecialKey.END.toString(), "\u2198"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
35. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 74) KEY_LOOKUP.put(SpecialKey.NUMPAD_ENTER.toString(), "\u2324"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field SpecialKey.NUMPAD_ENTER has been deprecated and marked for removal |
36. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 74) KEY_LOOKUP.put(SpecialKey.NUMPAD_ENTER.toString(), "\u2324"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
37. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 75) KEY_LOOKUP.put(SpecialKey.HOME.toString(), "\u2196"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field SpecialKey.HOME has been deprecated and marked for removal |
38. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 75) KEY_LOOKUP.put(SpecialKey.HOME.toString(), "\u2196"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
39. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 76) KEY_LOOKUP.put(SpecialKey.PAGE_DOWN.toString(), "\u21DF"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field SpecialKey.PAGE_DOWN has been deprecated and marked for removal |
40. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 76) KEY_LOOKUP.put(SpecialKey.PAGE_DOWN.toString(), "\u21DF"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
41. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 77) KEY_LOOKUP.put(SpecialKey.PAGE_UP.toString(), "\u21DE"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field SpecialKey.PAGE_UP has been deprecated and marked for removal |
42. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 77) KEY_LOOKUP.put(SpecialKey.PAGE_UP.toString(), "\u21DE"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
43. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 82) String string = (String) KEY_LOOKUP.get(key.toString()); The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
44. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 93) return Util.translateString(RESOURCE_BUNDLE, KEY_STROKE_DELIMITER_KEY, KeySequence.KEY_STROKE_DELIMITER, false, The field KeySequence.KEY_STROKE_DELIMITER has been deprecated and marked for removal |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 69) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(CharacterKey.BS.toString(), "\u232B"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field CharacterKey.BS has been deprecated and marked for removal |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 69) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(CharacterKey.BS.toString(), "\u232B"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 70) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(CharacterKey.CR.toString(), "\u21A9"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field CharacterKey.CR has been deprecated and marked for removal |
4. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 70) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(CharacterKey.CR.toString(), "\u21A9"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
5. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 71) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(CharacterKey.DEL.toString(), "\u2326"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field CharacterKey.DEL has been deprecated and marked for removal |
6. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 71) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(CharacterKey.DEL.toString(), "\u2326"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
7. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 72) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(CharacterKey.SPACE.toString(), "\u2423"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field CharacterKey.SPACE has been deprecated and marked for removal |
8. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 72) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(CharacterKey.SPACE.toString(), "\u2423"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
9. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 73) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(ModifierKey.ALT.toString(), "\u2325"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field ModifierKey.ALT has been deprecated and marked for removal |
10. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 73) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(ModifierKey.ALT.toString(), "\u2325"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
11. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 74) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(ModifierKey.COMMAND.toString(), "\u2318"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field ModifierKey.COMMAND has been deprecated and marked for removal |
12. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 74) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(ModifierKey.COMMAND.toString(), "\u2318"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
13. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 75) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(ModifierKey.CTRL.toString(), "\u2303"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field ModifierKey.CTRL has been deprecated and marked for removal |
14. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 75) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(ModifierKey.CTRL.toString(), "\u2303"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
15. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 76) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(ModifierKey.SHIFT.toString(), "\u21E7"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field ModifierKey.SHIFT has been deprecated and marked for removal |
16. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 76) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(ModifierKey.SHIFT.toString(), "\u21E7"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
17. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 77) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(SpecialKey.ARROW_DOWN.toString(), "\u2193"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field SpecialKey.ARROW_DOWN has been deprecated and marked for removal |
18. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 77) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(SpecialKey.ARROW_DOWN.toString(), "\u2193"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
19. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 78) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(SpecialKey.ARROW_LEFT.toString(), "\u2190"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field SpecialKey.ARROW_LEFT has been deprecated and marked for removal |
20. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 78) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(SpecialKey.ARROW_LEFT.toString(), "\u2190"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
21. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 79) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(SpecialKey.ARROW_RIGHT.toString(), "\u2192"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field SpecialKey.ARROW_RIGHT has been deprecated and marked for removal |
22. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 79) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(SpecialKey.ARROW_RIGHT.toString(), "\u2192"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
23. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 80) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(SpecialKey.ARROW_UP.toString(), "\u2191"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field SpecialKey.ARROW_UP has been deprecated and marked for removal |
24. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 80) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(SpecialKey.ARROW_UP.toString(), "\u2191"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
25. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 81) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(SpecialKey.END.toString(), "\u2198"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field SpecialKey.END has been deprecated and marked for removal |
26. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 81) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(SpecialKey.END.toString(), "\u2198"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
27. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 82) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(SpecialKey.NUMPAD_ENTER.toString(), "\u2324"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field SpecialKey.NUMPAD_ENTER has been deprecated and marked for removal |
28. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 82) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(SpecialKey.NUMPAD_ENTER.toString(), "\u2324"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
29. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 83) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(SpecialKey.HOME.toString(), "\u2196"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field SpecialKey.HOME has been deprecated and marked for removal |
30. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 83) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(SpecialKey.HOME.toString(), "\u2196"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
31. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 84) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(SpecialKey.PAGE_DOWN.toString(), "\u21DF"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field SpecialKey.PAGE_DOWN has been deprecated and marked for removal |
32. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 84) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(SpecialKey.PAGE_DOWN.toString(), "\u21DF"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
33. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 85) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(SpecialKey.PAGE_UP.toString(), "\u21DE"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The field SpecialKey.PAGE_UP has been deprecated and marked for removal |
34. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 85) CARBON_KEY_LOOK_UP.put(SpecialKey.PAGE_UP.toString(), "\u21DE"); //$NON-NLS-1$ The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
35. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 98) String name = key.toString(); The method toString() from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
36. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 118) return Util.translateString(RESOURCE_BUNDLE, KEY_DELIMITER_KEY, KeyStroke.KEY_DELIMITER, false, false); The field KeyStroke.KEY_DELIMITER has been deprecated and marked for removal |
37. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 126) KeySequence.KEY_STROKE_DELIMITER, false, false); The field KeySequence.KEY_STROKE_DELIMITER has been deprecated and marked for removal |
38. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 128) return Util.translateString(RESOURCE_BUNDLE, KEY_STROKE_DELIMITER_KEY, KeySequence.KEY_STROKE_DELIMITER, false, The field KeySequence.KEY_STROKE_DELIMITER has been deprecated and marked for removal |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 28) class NativeModifierKeyComparator implements Comparator<ModifierKey> { The type ModifierKey has been deprecated since version 2024-03 and marked for removal |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 45) return modifierKeyLeft.compareTo(modifierKeyRight); The method compareTo(Object) from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 82) if (ModifierKey.SHIFT.equals(modifierKey)) { The field ModifierKey.SHIFT has been deprecated and marked for removal |
4. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 82) if (ModifierKey.SHIFT.equals(modifierKey)) { The method equals(Object) from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
5. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 86) if (ModifierKey.CTRL.equals(modifierKey)) { The field ModifierKey.CTRL has been deprecated and marked for removal |
6. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 86) if (ModifierKey.CTRL.equals(modifierKey)) { The method equals(Object) from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
7. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 90) if (ModifierKey.ALT.equals(modifierKey)) { The field ModifierKey.ALT has been deprecated and marked for removal |
8. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 90) if (ModifierKey.ALT.equals(modifierKey)) { The method equals(Object) from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
9. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 131) if (ModifierKey.SHIFT.equals(modifierKey)) { The field ModifierKey.SHIFT has been deprecated and marked for removal |
10. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 131) if (ModifierKey.SHIFT.equals(modifierKey)) { The method equals(Object) from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
11. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 135) if (ModifierKey.CTRL.equals(modifierKey)) { The field ModifierKey.CTRL has been deprecated and marked for removal |
12. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 135) if (ModifierKey.CTRL.equals(modifierKey)) { The method equals(Object) from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
13. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 139) if (ModifierKey.ALT.equals(modifierKey)) { The field ModifierKey.ALT has been deprecated and marked for removal |
14. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 139) if (ModifierKey.ALT.equals(modifierKey)) { The method equals(Object) from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
15. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 143) if (ModifierKey.COMMAND.equals(modifierKey)) { The field ModifierKey.COMMAND has been deprecated and marked for removal |
16. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 143) if (ModifierKey.COMMAND.equals(modifierKey)) { The method equals(Object) from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
17. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 159) if (ModifierKey.CTRL.equals(modifierKey)) { The field ModifierKey.CTRL has been deprecated and marked for removal |
18. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 159) if (ModifierKey.CTRL.equals(modifierKey)) { The method equals(Object) from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
19. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 163) if (ModifierKey.ALT.equals(modifierKey)) { The field ModifierKey.ALT has been deprecated and marked for removal |
20. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 163) if (ModifierKey.ALT.equals(modifierKey)) { The method equals(Object) from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
21. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 167) if (ModifierKey.SHIFT.equals(modifierKey)) { The field ModifierKey.SHIFT has been deprecated and marked for removal |
22. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 167) if (ModifierKey.SHIFT.equals(modifierKey)) { The method equals(Object) from the type Key has been deprecated and marked for removal |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/keys/ (at line 218) super(parent, treeStyle, filter, true); The constructor FilteredTree(Composite, int, PatternFilter, boolean) is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/misc/ (at line 93) URL localName = Platform.asLocalURL(entry); The method asLocalURL(URL) from the type Platform is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/registry/ (at line 58) pluginId = configElement.getNamespace(); The method getNamespace() from the type IConfigurationElement is deprecated |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/registry/ (at line 162) Preferences prefs = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences(); The type Preferences is deprecated |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/registry/ (at line 162) Preferences prefs = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences(); The method getPluginPreferences() from the type Plugin is deprecated |
4. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/registry/ (at line 164) if (prefs.getBoolean(prefId)) { The method getBoolean(String) from the type Preferences is deprecated |
5. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/registry/ (at line 181) Preferences prefs = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences(); The type Preferences is deprecated |
6. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/registry/ (at line 181) Preferences prefs = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences(); The method getPluginPreferences() from the type Plugin is deprecated |
7. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/registry/ (at line 183) prefs.setValue(prefId, !newValue); The method setValue(String, boolean) from the type Preferences is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/themes/ (at line 969) tree = new FilteredTree(parent, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.BORDER, filter, true); The constructor FilteredTree(Composite, int, PatternFilter, boolean) is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/themes/ (at line 121) defaultFont = registry.bestDataArray(fontData, display); The method bestDataArray(FontData[], Display) from the type FontRegistry is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/wizards/preferences/ (at line 275) viewer.setAllChecked(false); The method setAllChecked(boolean) from the type CheckboxTreeViewer is deprecated |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/wizards/preferences/ (at line 341) viewer.setAllChecked(true); The method setAllChecked(boolean) from the type CheckboxTreeViewer is deprecated |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/internal/wizards/preferences/ (at line 353) viewer.setAllChecked(false); The method setAllChecked(boolean) from the type CheckboxTreeViewer is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 278) setTitle(getPartName()); The method setTitle(String) from the type WorkbenchPart is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 915) final IKeyBindingService service = getSite().getKeyBindingService(); The type IKeyBindingService is deprecated |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 915) final IKeyBindingService service = getSite().getKeyBindingService(); The method getKeyBindingService() from the type IWorkbenchPartSite is deprecated |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 918) if (service instanceof INestableKeyBindingService) { The type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
4. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 919) final INestableKeyBindingService nestableService = (INestableKeyBindingService) service; The type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
5. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 919) final INestableKeyBindingService nestableService = (INestableKeyBindingService) service; The type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
6. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 920) nestableService.activateKeyBindingService(null); The method activateKeyBindingService(IWorkbenchSite) from the type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
7. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 961) final IKeyBindingService service = getSite().getKeyBindingService(); The type IKeyBindingService is deprecated |
8. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 961) final IKeyBindingService service = getSite().getKeyBindingService(); The method getKeyBindingService() from the type IWorkbenchPartSite is deprecated |
9. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 967) if (service instanceof INestableKeyBindingService) { The type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
10. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 968) final INestableKeyBindingService nestableService = (INestableKeyBindingService) service; The type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
11. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 968) final INestableKeyBindingService nestableService = (INestableKeyBindingService) service; The type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
12. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 969) nestableService.activateKeyBindingService(editor.getEditorSite()); The method activateKeyBindingService(IWorkbenchSite) from the type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
13. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 987) if (service instanceof INestableKeyBindingService) { The type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
14. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 988) final INestableKeyBindingService nestableService = (INestableKeyBindingService) service; The type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
15. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 988) final INestableKeyBindingService nestableService = (INestableKeyBindingService) service; The type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
16. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 989) nestableService.activateKeyBindingService(null); The method activateKeyBindingService(IWorkbenchSite) from the type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
1. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 104) private IKeyBindingService service; The type IKeyBindingService is deprecated |
2. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 226) IKeyBindingService parentService = getMultiPageEditor().getEditorSite().getKeyBindingService(); The type IKeyBindingService is deprecated |
3. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 226) IKeyBindingService parentService = getMultiPageEditor().getEditorSite().getKeyBindingService(); The method getKeyBindingService() from the type IWorkbenchPartSite is deprecated |
4. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 227) if (parentService instanceof INestableKeyBindingService) { The type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
5. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 228) INestableKeyBindingService nestableParent = (INestableKeyBindingService) parentService; The type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
6. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 228) INestableKeyBindingService nestableParent = (INestableKeyBindingService) parentService; The type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
7. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 229) nestableParent.removeKeyBindingService(this); The method removeKeyBindingService(IWorkbenchSite) from the type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
8. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 311) public IKeyBindingService getKeyBindingService() { The type IKeyBindingService is deprecated |
9. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 313) service = getMultiPageEditor().getEditorSite().getKeyBindingService(); The method getKeyBindingService() from the type IWorkbenchPartSite is deprecated |
10. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 314) if (service instanceof INestableKeyBindingService) { The type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
11. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 315) INestableKeyBindingService nestableService = (INestableKeyBindingService) service; The type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
12. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 315) INestableKeyBindingService nestableService = (INestableKeyBindingService) service; The type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
13. WARNING in /eclipseui/org/eclipse/ui/part/ (at line 316) service = nestableService.getKeyBindingService(this); The method getKeyBindingService(IWorkbenchSite) from the type INestableKeyBindingService is deprecated |
errors | others warnings | forbidden warnings | discouraged warnings |
top | errors | infos | others warnings | discouraged warnings |
top | errors | infos | others warnings | forbidden warnings |