Scenario: org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.performance.FullSourceWorkspaceModelTests#testInitJDTPlugin() (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64))
Bug 338649:Extra check for source attachment in missing drive causing regression
Raw data and Stats
Click measurement name to view line graph of measured values over builds.
Build Id | Elapsed Process | CPU Time |
I20150603-2000 | 689ms [39ms] | 357ms [229ms] |
R-4.4-201406061215 (reference) | 1.01s [9ms] | 662ms [22ms] |
*Delta | 320ms 31.7 % | 305ms 46.1 % |
*Delta values in red and green indicate degradation > 10% and improvement > 10%,respectively.
Black and yellow points plot values measured in integration and last seven nightly builds.
Magenta points plot the repeated baseline measurement over time.
Boxed points represent previous releases, milestone builds, current reference and current build.
Hover over any point for build id and value.
Elapsed Process
Elapsed Process
CPU Time
CPU Time