Directory checked: /shared/eclipse/builds/4M/siteDir/updates/4.5-M-builds/M20160212-1500/plugins Check of packed and not packed bundles. Number of jar files 751 Number of pack.gz files 458 Difference, number of jar files to check: 293 Checked 281 of 281. Errors found: 11 javax.inject_1.0.0.v20091030.jar contains java but is not packed javax.xml_1.3.4.v201005080400.jar contains java but is not packed org.apache.batik.css_1.7.0.v201011041433.jar contains java but is not packed org.apache.batik.util.gui_1.7.0.v200903091627.jar contains java but is not packed org.apache.batik.util_1.7.0.v201011041433.jar contains java but is not packed org.eclipse.equinox.bidi.tests_1.0.0.v20130327-1442.jar contains java but is not packed contains java but is not packed org.eclipse.jsch.tests_1.0.0.v20120516-1431.jar contains java but is not packed org.w3c.css.sac_1.3.1.v200903091627.jar contains java but is not packed org.w3c.dom.events_3.0.0.draft20060413_v201105210656.jar contains java but is not packed org.w3c.dom.svg_1.1.0.v201011041433.jar contains java but is not packed