Compiler log for org.eclipse.compare_3.5.400.v20130102-134006 : @dot.xml


errors others warnings forbidden warnings discouraged warnings


top others warnings forbidden warnings discouraged warnings


top errors forbidden warnings discouraged warnings


top errors others warnings discouraged warnings


top errors others warnings forbidden warnings

/compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/ : 4 warnings :

1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/
 (at line 55)
Discouraged access: The type ComparePlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/
 (at line 196)
Discouraged access: The type ComparePlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/
 (at line 196)
Discouraged access: The method getDefault() from the type ComparePlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/
 (at line 196)
ComparePlugin.getDefault().setCappingDisabled( getPreferenceStore().getBoolean( ComparePreferencePage.CAPPING_DISABLED));
Discouraged access: The method setCappingDisabled(boolean) from the type ComparePlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/

/compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/ : 4 warnings :

1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/
 (at line 35)
Discouraged access: The type ComparePlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/
 (at line 261)
Discouraged access: The type ComparePlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/
 (at line 261)
Discouraged access: The method getDefault() from the type ComparePlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/
 (at line 261)
ComparePlugin.getDefault().setCappingDisabled( getPreferenceStore().getBoolean( ComparePreferencePage.CAPPING_DISABLED));
Discouraged access: The method setCappingDisabled(boolean) from the type ComparePlugin is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/

/compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/ : 9 warnings :

1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/
 (at line 40)
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/
 (at line 810)
Object element = Utilities.getAdapter(right, HunkResult.class);
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/
 (at line 811)
if (element instanceof HunkResult) {
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/
 (at line 812)
return ((HunkResult)element).isOK();
Discouraged access: The method isOK() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/
 (at line 812)
return ((HunkResult)element).isOK();
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/
 (at line 817)
Object element = Utilities.getAdapter(left, HunkResult.class);
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/
 (at line 818)
if (element instanceof HunkResult)
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/
 (at line 819)
return ((HunkResult)element).isOK();
Discouraged access: The method isOK() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/
 (at line 819)
return ((HunkResult)element).isOK();
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/

/compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/merge/ : 7 warnings :

1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/merge/
 (at line 48)
Discouraged access: The type LCS is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/merge/
 (at line 572)
if ((double) aLength * (double) lLength > LCS.TOO_LONG
Discouraged access: The type LCS is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/merge/
 (at line 572)
if ((double) aLength * (double) lLength > LCS.TOO_LONG
Discouraged access: The field TOO_LONG from the type LCS is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/merge/
 (at line 573)
|| (double) aLength * (double) rLength > LCS.TOO_LONG
Discouraged access: The type LCS is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/merge/
 (at line 573)
|| (double) aLength * (double) rLength > LCS.TOO_LONG
Discouraged access: The field TOO_LONG from the type LCS is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/merge/
 (at line 574)
|| (double) lLength * (double) rLength > LCS.TOO_LONG)
Discouraged access: The type LCS is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/merge/
 (at line 574)
|| (double) lLength * (double) rLength > LCS.TOO_LONG)
Discouraged access: The field TOO_LONG from the type LCS is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/

/compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ : 5 warnings :

1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 13)
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 21)
public class FilePatch extends FilePatch2 implements IFilePatch {
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 25)
super(oldPath, oldDate, newPath, newDate);
Discouraged access: The constructor FilePatch2(IPath, long, IPath, long) is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 38)
return apply(content != null ? Utilities.getReaderCreator(content) : null, configuration, monitor);
Discouraged access: The method apply(ReaderCreator, PatchConfiguration, IProgressMonitor) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 42)
protected FilePatch2 create(IPath oldPath, long oldDate, IPath newPath,
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/

/compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ : 19 warnings :

1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 14)
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 21)
private final HunkResult result;
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 23)
public static HunkDiffNode createDiffNode(PatchFileDiffNode parent, HunkResult result, boolean fullContext) {
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 27)
public static HunkDiffNode createDiffNode(PatchFileDiffNode parent, HunkResult result, boolean ancestorFullContext, boolean leftFullContext, boolean rightFullContext) {
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 31)
public static ITypedElement getRightElement(HunkResult result, boolean fullContext) {
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 35)
private static ITypedElement getLeftElement(HunkResult result,
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 37)
if (fullContext && !result.isOK())
Discouraged access: The method isOK() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 42)
public static ITypedElement getAncestorElement(HunkResult result, boolean fullContext) {
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 43)
if (!fullContext && result.isOK()) {
Discouraged access: The method isOK() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
10. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 51)
return new HunkTypedElement(result, false /* before state */, result.isOK());
Discouraged access: The method isOK() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
11. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 54)
public HunkDiffNode(HunkResult result, PatchFileDiffNode parent, int kind, ITypedElement ancestor, ITypedElement left, ITypedElement right) {
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
12. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 55)
super(result.getHunk(), parent, kind, ancestor, left, right);
Discouraged access: The method getHunk() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
13. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 59)
public HunkResult getHunkResult() {
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
14. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 64)
return result.getDiffResult().getConfiguration();
Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
15. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 64)
return result.getDiffResult().getConfiguration();
Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
16. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 77)
return result.getFuzz() > 0;
Discouraged access: The method getFuzz() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
17. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 81)
int fuzz = result.getFuzz();
Discouraged access: The method getFuzz() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
18. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 83)
String[] lines = result.getHunk().getLines();
Discouraged access: The method getHunk() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
19. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 83)
String[] lines = result.getHunk().getLines();
Discouraged access: The method getLines() from the type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/

/compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ : 25 warnings :

1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 20)
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 21)
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 32)
private final HunkResult fHunkResult;
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 36)
public HunkTypedElement(HunkResult result, boolean isAfterState, boolean fullContext) {
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 46)
LocalResourceManager imageCache = PatchCompareEditorInput.getImageCache(fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getConfiguration());
Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 46)
LocalResourceManager imageCache = PatchCompareEditorInput.getImageCache(fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getConfiguration());
Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 49)
if (!fHunkResult.isOK()) {
Discouraged access: The method isOK() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 51)
} else if (fHunkResult.getFuzz() > 0) {
Discouraged access: The method getFuzz() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 68)
return getPatcher().isManuallyMerged(getHunkResult().getHunk());
Discouraged access: The method getHunk() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
10. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 72)
return Patcher.getPatcher(fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getConfiguration());
Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
11. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 72)
return Patcher.getPatcher(fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getConfiguration());
Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
12. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 79)
return fHunkResult.getHunk().getLabel();
Discouraged access: The method getHunk() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
13. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 79)
return fHunkResult.getHunk().getLabel();
Discouraged access: The method getLabel() from the type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
14. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 86)
return fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getDiff().getTargetPath(fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getConfiguration()).getFileExtension();
Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
15. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 86)
return fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getDiff().getTargetPath(fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getConfiguration()).getFileExtension();
Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
16. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 86)
return fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getDiff().getTargetPath(fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getConfiguration()).getFileExtension();
Discouraged access: The method getTargetPath(PatchConfiguration) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
17. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 86)
return fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getDiff().getTargetPath(fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getConfiguration()).getFileExtension();
Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
18. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 86)
return fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getDiff().getTargetPath(fHunkResult.getDiffResult().getConfiguration()).getFileExtension();
Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
19. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 93)
String contents = fHunkResult.getContents(fIsAfterState, fFullContext);
Discouraged access: The method getContents(boolean, boolean) from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
20. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 94)
return FileDiffResult.asInputStream(contents, fHunkResult.getCharset());
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
21. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 94)
return FileDiffResult.asInputStream(contents, fHunkResult.getCharset());
Discouraged access: The method asInputStream(String, String) from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
22. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 94)
return FileDiffResult.asInputStream(contents, fHunkResult.getCharset());
Discouraged access: The method getCharset() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
23. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 98)
return fHunkResult.getCharset();
Discouraged access: The method getCharset() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
24. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 101)
public HunkResult getHunkResult() {
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
25. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 108)
if (adapter == HunkResult.class)
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/

/compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ : 18 warnings :

1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 23)
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 24)
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 25)
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 26)
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 95)
if (getPatcher().hasCachedContents(fileNode.getDiffResult().getDiff())) {
Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 111)
new String[] { hunkNode.getHunkResult().getFuzz() + ""}) }); //$NON-NLS-1$
Discouraged access: The method getFuzz() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 240)
private void processDiffs(FilePatch2[] diffs) {
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 246)
private void processProjects(DiffProject[] diffProjects) {
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 250)
FilePatch2[] diffs = diffProjects[i].getFileDiffs();
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
10. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 250)
FilePatch2[] diffs = diffProjects[i].getFileDiffs();
Discouraged access: The method getFileDiffs() from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
11. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 252)
FilePatch2 fileDiff = diffs[j];
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
12. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 258)
private void processDiff(FilePatch2 diff, DiffNode parent) {
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
13. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 259)
FileDiffResult diffResult = getPatcher().getDiffResult(diff);
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
14. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 261)
HunkResult[] hunkResults = diffResult.getHunkResults();
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
15. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 261)
HunkResult[] hunkResults = diffResult.getHunkResults();
Discouraged access: The method getHunkResults() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
16. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 263)
HunkResult hunkResult = hunkResults[i];
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
17. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 264)
if (!hunkResult.isOK()) {
Discouraged access: The method isOK() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
18. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 300)
if (((HunkDiffNode) obj).getHunkResult().isOK()) {
Discouraged access: The method isOK() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/

/compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ : 23 warnings :

1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 16)
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 17)
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 27)
private final FileDiffResult result;
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 29)
public static PatchFileDiffNode createDiffNode(DiffNode parent, FileDiffResult result) {
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 33)
public static int getKind(FileDiffResult result) {
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 34)
if (!result.hasMatches())
Discouraged access: The method hasMatches() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 36)
int fileDiffKind = result.getDiff().getDiffType(result.getConfiguration().isReversed());
Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 36)
int fileDiffKind = result.getDiff().getDiffType(result.getConfiguration().isReversed());
Discouraged access: The method getDiffType(boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 36)
int fileDiffKind = result.getDiff().getDiffType(result.getConfiguration().isReversed());
Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
10. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 44)
case FilePatch2.ADDITION:
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
11. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 44)
case FilePatch2.ADDITION:
Discouraged access: The field ADDITION from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
12. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 47)
case FilePatch2.DELETION:
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
13. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 47)
case FilePatch2.DELETION:
Discouraged access: The field DELETION from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
14. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 50)
case FilePatch2.CHANGE:
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
15. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 50)
case FilePatch2.CHANGE:
Discouraged access: The field CHANGE from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
16. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 60)
public static ITypedElement getRightElement(FileDiffResult result) {
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
17. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 64)
private static ITypedElement getLeftElement(FileDiffResult result) {
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
18. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 68)
public static ITypedElement getAncestorElement(FileDiffResult result) {
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
19. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 72)
public PatchFileDiffNode(FileDiffResult result, IDiffContainer parent, int kind,
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
20. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 74)
super(result.getDiff(), parent, kind, ancestor, left, right);
Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
21. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 78)
public FileDiffResult getDiffResult() {
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
22. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 83)
return result.getConfiguration();
Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
23. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 111)
if (kind == Differencer.NO_CHANGE && getPatcher().hasCachedContents(getDiffResult().getDiff())) {
Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/

/compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ : 22 warnings :

1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 22)
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 23)
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 34)
private final FileDiffResult result;
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 37)
public PatchFileTypedElement(FileDiffResult result, boolean isAfterState) {
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 43)
IFile file = getPatcher().getTargetFile(result.getDiff());
Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 46)
DiffProject project = result.getDiff().getProject();
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 46)
DiffProject project = result.getDiff().getProject();
Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 46)
DiffProject project = result.getDiff().getProject();
Discouraged access: The method getProject() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 49)
Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
10. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 49)
result.getDiff().getPath( result.getConfiguration().isReversed()));
Discouraged access: The method getPath(boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
11. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 50)
Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
12. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 57)
file = container.getFile(result.getTargetPath());
Discouraged access: The method getTargetPath() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
13. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 65)
if (result.containsProblems()) {
Discouraged access: The method containsProblems() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
14. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 67)
Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
15. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 79)
return result.getTargetPath().toString();
Discouraged access: The method getTargetPath() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
16. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 88)
return result.getTargetPath().getFileExtension();
Discouraged access: The method getTargetPath() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
17. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 92)
return result.getCharset();
Discouraged access: The method getCharset() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
18. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 97)
if (isAfterState && getPatcher().hasCachedContents(result.getDiff()))
Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
19. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 99)
Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
20. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 103)
lines = result.getAfterLines();
Discouraged access: The method getAfterLines() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
21. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 105)
lines = result.getBeforeLines();
Discouraged access: The method getBeforeLines() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
22. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 125)
return Patcher.getPatcher(result.getConfiguration());
Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/

/compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ : 7 warnings :

1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 15)
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 27)
private final DiffProject project;
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 30)
public PatchProjectDiffNode(IDiffContainer parent, DiffProject project, PatchConfiguration configuration) {
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 40)
return project.getName();
Discouraged access: The method getName() from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 61)
if (node.getDiffResult().containsProblems())
Discouraged access: The method containsProblems() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 79)
public DiffProject getDiffProject() {
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 84)
return ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(getDiffProject().getName());
Discouraged access: The method getName() from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/

/compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ : 100 warnings :

1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 29)
Discouraged access: The type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 30)
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 31)
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 32)
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 33)
Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 34)
Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 87)
private FilePatch2[] fDiffs;
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 108)
public FilePatch2[] getDiffs() {
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 110)
return new FilePatch2[0];
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
10. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 114)
public IPath getPath(FilePatch2 diff) {
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
11. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 115)
return diff.getStrippedPath(getStripPrefixSegments(), isReversed());
Discouraged access: The method getStrippedPath(int, boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
12. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 186)
PatchReader patchReader = new PatchReader() {
Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
13. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 186)
PatchReader patchReader = new PatchReader() {
Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
14. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 187)
protected FilePatch2 createFileDiff(IPath oldPath, long oldDate,
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
15. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 192)
Discouraged access: The method parse(BufferedReader) from the type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
16. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 196)
protected void patchParsed(PatchReader patchReader) {
Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
17. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 197)
fDiffs = patchReader.getDiffs();
Discouraged access: The method getDiffs() from the type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
18. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 201)
FilePatch2[] fileDiffs = getDiffs();
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
19. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 205)
FilePatch2 fileDiff = fileDiffs[i];
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
20. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 206)
for (int j = 0; j < fileDiff.getHunkCount(); j++) {
Discouraged access: The method getHunkCount() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
21. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 207)
IHunk hunk = fileDiff.getHunks()[j];
Discouraged access: The method getHunks() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
22. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 208)
String[] lines = ((Hunk) hunk).getLines();
Discouraged access: The method getLines() from the type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
23. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 208)
String[] lines = ((Hunk) hunk).getLines();
Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
24. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 221)
Discouraged access: The method setAddedLines(int) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
25. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 222)
Discouraged access: The method setRemovedLines(int) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
26. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 249)
FilePatch2 diff= fDiffs[i];
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
27. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 251)
switch (diff.getDiffType(isReversed())) {
Discouraged access: The method getDiffType(boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
28. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 252)
case FilePatch2.CHANGE:
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
29. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 252)
case FilePatch2.CHANGE:
Discouraged access: The field CHANGE from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
30. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 265)
String message= Messages.Patcher_0;
Discouraged access: The type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
31. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 265)
String message= Messages.Patcher_0;
Discouraged access: The field Patcher_0 from the type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
32. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 273)
FilePatch2 diff= fDiffs[i];
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
33. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 286)
int type= diff.getDiffType(isReversed());
Discouraged access: The method getDiffType(boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
34. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 288)
case FilePatch2.ADDITION:
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
35. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 288)
case FilePatch2.ADDITION:
Discouraged access: The field ADDITION from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
36. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 295)
case FilePatch2.DELETION:
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
37. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 295)
case FilePatch2.DELETION:
Discouraged access: The field DELETION from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
38. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 299)
case FilePatch2.CHANGE:
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
39. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 299)
case FilePatch2.CHANGE:
Discouraged access: The field CHANGE from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
40. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 315)
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, Messages.Patcher_1);
Discouraged access: The type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
41. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 315)
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, Messages.Patcher_1);
Discouraged access: The field Patcher_1 from the type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
42. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 343)
List apply(FilePatch2 diff, IFile file, boolean create, List failedHunks) {
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
43. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 344)
FileDiffResult result = getDiffResult(diff);
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
44. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 346)
result.patch(lines, null);
Discouraged access: The method patch(List, IProgressMonitor) from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
45. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 347)
Discouraged access: The method getFailedHunks() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
46. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 351)
} else if (!result.hasMatches()) {
Discouraged access: The method hasMatches() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
47. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 355)
return result.getLines();
Discouraged access: The method getLines() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
48. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 430)
Hunk hunk= (Hunk);
Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
49. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 430)
Hunk hunk= (Hunk);
Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
50. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 431)
Discouraged access: The method getRejectedDescription() from the type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
51. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 433)
Discouraged access: The method getContent() from the type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
52. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 473)
public IFile getTargetFile(FilePatch2 diff) {
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
53. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 474)
IPath path = diff.getStrippedPath(getStripPrefixSegments(), isReversed());
Discouraged access: The method getStrippedPath(int, boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
54. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 517)
FilePatch2 diff= fDiffs[i];
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
55. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 518)
length= Math.min(length, diff.segmentCount());
Discouraged access: The method segmentCount() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
56. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 526)
public void addDiff(FilePatch2 newDiff){
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
57. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 527)
FilePatch2[] temp = new FilePatch2[fDiffs.length + 1];
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
58. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 527)
FilePatch2[] temp = new FilePatch2[fDiffs.length + 1];
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
59. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 533)
public void removeDiff(FilePatch2 diffToRemove){
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
60. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 534)
FilePatch2[] temp = new FilePatch2[fDiffs.length - 1];
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
61. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 534)
FilePatch2[] temp = new FilePatch2[fDiffs.length - 1];
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
62. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 545)
if (element instanceof DiffProject)
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
63. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 546)
setEnabledProject((DiffProject) element, enabled);
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
64. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 547)
if (element instanceof FilePatch2)
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
65. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 548)
setEnabledFile((FilePatch2)element, enabled);
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
66. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 549)
if (element instanceof Hunk)
Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
67. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 550)
setEnabledHunk((Hunk) element, enabled);
Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
68. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 553)
private void setEnabledProject(DiffProject projectDiff, boolean enabled) {
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
69. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 554)
FilePatch2[] diffFiles = projectDiff.getFileDiffs();
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
70. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 554)
FilePatch2[] diffFiles = projectDiff.getFileDiffs();
Discouraged access: The method getFileDiffs() from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
71. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 560)
private void setEnabledFile(FilePatch2 fileDiff, boolean enabled) {
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
72. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 561)
IHunk[] hunks = fileDiff.getHunks();
Discouraged access: The method getHunks() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
73. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 563)
setEnabledHunk((Hunk) hunks[i], enabled);
Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
74. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 567)
private void setEnabledHunk(Hunk hunk, boolean enabled) {
Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
75. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 570)
FilePatch2 file = hunk.getParent();
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
76. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 570)
FilePatch2 file = hunk.getParent();
Discouraged access: The method getParent() from the type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
77. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 572)
DiffProject project = file.getProject();
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
78. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 572)
DiffProject project = file.getProject();
Discouraged access: The method getProject() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
79. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 577)
FilePatch2 file = hunk.getParent();
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
80. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 577)
FilePatch2 file = hunk.getParent();
Discouraged access: The method getParent() from the type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
81. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 578)
if (disabledElements.containsAll(Arrays.asList(file.getHunks()))) {
Discouraged access: The method getHunks() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
82. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 580)
DiffProject project = file.getProject();
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
83. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 580)
DiffProject project = file.getProject();
Discouraged access: The method getProject() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
84. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 582)
&& disabledElements.containsAll(Arrays.asList(project .getFileDiffs())))
Discouraged access: The method getFileDiffs() from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
85. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 599)
if (element instanceof Hunk) {
Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
86. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 600)
Hunk hunk = (Hunk) element;
Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
87. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 600)
Hunk hunk = (Hunk) element;
Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
88. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 601)
return hunk.getParent();
Discouraged access: The method getParent() from the type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
89. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 613)
monitor.beginTask(Messages.Patcher_2, IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN);
Discouraged access: The type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
90. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 613)
monitor.beginTask(Messages.Patcher_2, IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN);
Discouraged access: The field Patcher_2 from the type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
91. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 614)
FilePatch2[] diffs= getDiffs();
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
92. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 619)
FilePatch2 d= diffs[i];
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
93. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 623)
FileDiffResult result = getDiffResult(d);
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
94. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 624)
int f = result.calculateFuzz(lines, monitor);
Discouraged access: The method calculateFuzz(List, IProgressMonitor) from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
95. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 640)
public void refresh(FilePatch2[] diffs) {
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
96. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 642)
FilePatch2 diff = diffs[i];
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
97. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 643)
FileDiffResult result = getDiffResult(diff);
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
98. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 648)
public FileDiffResult getDiffResult(FilePatch2 diff) {
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
99. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 648)
public FileDiffResult getDiffResult(FilePatch2 diff) {
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
100. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 649)
FileDiffResult result = (FileDiffResult)diffResults.get(diff);
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/

/compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ : 10 warnings :

1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 22)
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 23)
Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 239)
enable = node.getDiffResult().getDiffProblem();
Discouraged access: The method getDiffProblem() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 723)
FilePatch2[] fileDiffs = fPatcher.getDiffs();
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 725)
added += fileDiffs[i].getAddedLines();
Discouraged access: The method getAddedLines() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 726)
removed += fileDiffs[i].getRemovedLines();
Discouraged access: The method getRemovedLines() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 734)
FilePatch2[] fileDiffs = fPatcher.getDiffs();
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 736)
IHunk[] hunks = fileDiffs[i].getHunks();
Discouraged access: The method getHunks() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 738)
String[] lines = ((Hunk) hunks[j]).getLines();
Discouraged access: The method getLines() from the type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
10. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 738)
String[] lines = ((Hunk) hunks[j]).getLines();
Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/

/compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ : 18 warnings :

1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 15)
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 16)
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 17)
Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 131)
return fPatcher.getTargetFile(node.getDiffResult().getDiff());
Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 134)
return fPatcher.getTargetFile(node.getHunkResult().getDiffResult().getDiff());
Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 134)
return fPatcher.getTargetFile(node.getHunkResult().getDiffResult().getDiff());
Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 137)
DiffProject diffProject = node.getDiffProject();
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 146)
DiffProject project = node.getDiffProject();
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 147)
return NLS.bind(PatchMessages.PreviewPatchPage_SelectProject, project.getName());
Discouraged access: The method getName() from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
10. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 151)
FilePatch2 diff = node.getDiffResult().getDiff();
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
11. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 151)
FilePatch2 diff = node.getDiffResult().getDiff();
Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
12. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 155)
Hunk hunk = node.getHunkResult().getHunk();
Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
13. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 155)
Hunk hunk = node.getHunkResult().getHunk();
Discouraged access: The method getHunk() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
14. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 156)
return NLS.bind(PatchMessages.RetargetPatchElementDialog_1, fPatcher.getPath(hunk.getParent()));
Discouraged access: The method getParent() from the type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
15. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 165)
DiffProject project = node.getDiffProject();
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
16. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 170)
FilePatch2 diff = node.getDiffResult().getDiff();
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
17. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 170)
FilePatch2 diff = node.getDiffResult().getDiff();
Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
18. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 174)
fPatcher.retargetHunk(node.getHunkResult().getHunk(), (IFile)fSelectedResource);
Discouraged access: The method getHunk() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/

/compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ : 14 warnings :

1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 24)
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 25)
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 34)
public UnmatchedHunkTypedElement(HunkResult result) {
Discouraged access: The type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 60)
IFile file = ((WorkspaceFileDiffResult)getHunkResult().getDiffResult()).getTargetFile();
Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 76)
getPatcher().setManuallyMerged(getHunkResult().getHunk(), true);
Discouraged access: The method getHunk() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 82)
private FilePatch2 getDiff() {
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 83)
return getHunkResult().getDiffResult().getDiff();
Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 83)
return getHunkResult().getDiffResult().getDiff();
Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 98)
List lines = getHunkResult().getDiffResult().getAfterLines();
Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
10. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 98)
List lines = getHunkResult().getDiffResult().getAfterLines();
Discouraged access: The method getAfterLines() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
11. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 99)
String content = LineReader.createString(getHunkResult().getDiffResult().isPreserveLineDelimeters(), lines);
Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
12. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 99)
String content = LineReader.createString(getHunkResult().getDiffResult().isPreserveLineDelimeters(), lines);
Discouraged access: The method isPreserveLineDelimeters() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
13. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 113)
return getHunkResult().getDiffResult().getConfiguration();
Discouraged access: The method getDiffResult() from the type HunkResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
14. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 113)
return getHunkResult().getDiffResult().getConfiguration();
Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/

/compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ : 3 warnings :

1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 22)
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 46)
public static IProject getProject(DiffProject diffProject) {
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 48)
Discouraged access: The method getName() from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/

/compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ : 9 warnings :

1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 15)
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 16)
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 24)
public class WorkspaceFileDiffResult extends FileDiffResult {
Discouraged access: The type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 26)
public WorkspaceFileDiffResult(FilePatch2 diff,
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 28)
super(diff, configuration);
Discouraged access: The constructor FileDiffResult(FilePatch2, PatchConfiguration) is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 32)
IProject project = getPatcher().getTargetProject(getDiff());
Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 48)
return Patcher.getPatcher(getConfiguration());
Discouraged access: The method getConfiguration() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 52)
return getPatcher().getTargetFile(getDiff());
Discouraged access: The method getDiff() from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 56)
refresh(Utilities.getReaderCreator(getTargetFile()), null);
Discouraged access: The method refresh(ReaderCreator, IProgressMonitor) from the type FileDiffResult is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/

/compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/ : 88 warnings :

1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 19)
Discouraged access: The type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 20)
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 21)
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 22)
Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 23)
Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 49)
private DiffProject[] fDiffProjects;
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 62)
protected void patchParsed(PatchReader patchReader) {
Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 64)
fDiffProjects = patchReader.getDiffProjects();
Discouraged access: The method getDiffProjects() from the type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
9. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 65)
fIsWorkspacePatch = patchReader.isWorkspacePatch();
Discouraged access: The method isWorkspacePatch() from the type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
10. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 66)
fIsGitPatch = patchReader.isGitPatch() && calculateStripGitPrefixSegments() > -1;
Discouraged access: The method isGitPatch() from the type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
11. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 69)
public DiffProject[] getDiffProjects() {
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
12. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 94)
DiffProject diffProject= fDiffProjects[j];
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
13. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 103)
FilePatch2[] diffs = getDiffs();
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
14. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 105)
String message= Messages.WorkspacePatcher_0;
Discouraged access: The type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
15. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 105)
String message= Messages.WorkspacePatcher_0;
Discouraged access: The field WorkspacePatcher_0 from the type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
16. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 113)
FilePatch2 diff= diffs[i];
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
17. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 123)
int type= diff.getDiffType(isReversed());
Discouraged access: The method getDiffType(boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
18. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 125)
case FilePatch2.ADDITION :
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
19. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 125)
case FilePatch2.ADDITION :
Discouraged access: The field ADDITION from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
20. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 132)
case FilePatch2.DELETION :
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
21. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 132)
case FilePatch2.DELETION :
Discouraged access: The field DELETION from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
22. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 136)
case FilePatch2.CHANGE :
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
23. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 136)
case FilePatch2.CHANGE :
Discouraged access: The field CHANGE from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
24. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 157)
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, Messages.WorkspacePatcher_1);
Discouraged access: The type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
25. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 157)
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, Messages.WorkspacePatcher_1);
Discouraged access: The field WorkspacePatcher_1 from the type Messages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
26. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 176)
private boolean isAccessible(FilePatch2 diff) {
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
27. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 177)
return isEnabled(diff) && Utilities.getProject(diff.getProject()).isAccessible();
Discouraged access: The method getProject() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
28. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 186)
public IFile[] getTargetFiles(DiffProject project) {
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
29. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 188)
FilePatch2[] diffs = project.getFileDiffs();
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
30. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 188)
FilePatch2[] diffs = project.getFileDiffs();
Discouraged access: The method getFileDiffs() from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
31. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 190)
FilePatch2 diff = diffs[i];
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
32. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 198)
public IFile getTargetFile(FilePatch2 diff) {
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
33. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 199)
IPath path = diff.getStrippedPath(getStripPrefixSegments(), isReversed());
Discouraged access: The method getStrippedPath(int, boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
34. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 200)
DiffProject project = getProject(diff);
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
35. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 206)
private IPath getFullPath(FilePatch2 diff) {
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
36. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 207)
IPath path = diff.getStrippedPath(getStripPrefixSegments(), isReversed());
Discouraged access: The method getStrippedPath(int, boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
37. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 208)
DiffProject project = getProject(diff);
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
38. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 233)
public void setDiffProjects(DiffProject[] newProjectArray) {
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
39. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 234)
fDiffProjects = new DiffProject[newProjectArray.length];
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
40. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 238)
public void removeProject(DiffProject project) {
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
41. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 239)
DiffProject[] temp = new DiffProject[fDiffProjects.length - 1];
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
42. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 239)
DiffProject[] temp = new DiffProject[fDiffProjects.length - 1];
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
43. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 250)
if (element instanceof FilePatch2 && fDiffProjects != null) {
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
44. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 251)
FilePatch2 diff = (FilePatch2) element;
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
45. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 251)
FilePatch2 diff = (FilePatch2) element;
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
46. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 253)
DiffProject project = fDiffProjects[i];
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
47. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 254)
if (project.contains(diff))
Discouraged access: The method contains(FilePatch2) from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
48. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 269)
public void retargetDiff(FilePatch2 diff, IFile file) {
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
49. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 270)
retargetedDiffs.put(diff, diff.getPath(false));
Discouraged access: The method getPath(boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
50. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 271)
IHunk[] hunks = diff.getHunks();
Discouraged access: The method getHunks() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
51. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 275)
Discouraged access: The method getProject() from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
52. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 275)
Discouraged access: The method remove(FilePatch2) from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
53. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 278)
FilePatch2 newDiff = getDiffForFile(file);
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
54. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 280)
Hunk hunk = (Hunk) hunks[i];
Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
55. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 280)
Hunk hunk = (Hunk) hunks[i];
Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
56. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 281)
Discouraged access: The method add(Hunk) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
57. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 285)
private FilePatch2 getDiffForFile(IFile file) {
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
58. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 286)
DiffProject diffProject = null;
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
59. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 287)
FilePatch2[] diffsToCheck;
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
60. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 291)
DiffProject[] diffProjects = getDiffProjects();
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
61. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 302)
diffsToCheck = diffProject.getFileDiffs();
Discouraged access: The method getFileDiffs() from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
62. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 308)
FilePatch2 fileDiff = diffsToCheck[i];
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
63. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 316)
FilePatch2 newDiff = new FilePatch2(path, 0, path, 0);
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
64. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 316)
FilePatch2 newDiff = new FilePatch2(path, 0, path, 0);
Discouraged access: The constructor FilePatch2(IPath, long, IPath, long) is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
65. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 316)
FilePatch2 newDiff = new FilePatch2(path, 0, path, 0);
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
66. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 318)
Discouraged access: The method add(FilePatch2) from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
67. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 325)
DiffProject project = getDiffProject(file.getProject());
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
68. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 332)
private boolean isDiffForFile(FilePatch2 fileDiff, IFile file) {
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
69. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 336)
private DiffProject addDiffProjectForProject(IProject project) {
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
70. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 337)
DiffProject[] diffProjects = getDiffProjects();
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
71. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 338)
DiffProject diffProject = new DiffProject(project.getName());
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
72. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 338)
DiffProject diffProject = new DiffProject(project.getName());
Discouraged access: The constructor DiffProject(String) is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
73. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 338)
DiffProject diffProject = new DiffProject(project.getName());
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
74. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 339)
DiffProject[] newProjectArray = new DiffProject[diffProjects.length + 1];
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
75. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 339)
DiffProject[] newProjectArray = new DiffProject[diffProjects.length + 1];
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
76. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 346)
public void retargetHunk(Hunk hunk, IFile file) {
Discouraged access: The type Hunk is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
77. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 347)
FilePatch2 newDiff = getDiffForFile(file);
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
78. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 348)
Discouraged access: The method add(Hunk) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
79. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 351)
public void retargetProject(DiffProject project, IProject targetProject) {
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
80. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 353)
FilePatch2[] diffs = project.getFileDiffs();
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
81. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 353)
FilePatch2[] diffs = project.getFileDiffs();
Discouraged access: The method getFileDiffs() from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
82. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 354)
DiffProject selectedProject = getDiffProject(targetProject);
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
83. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 359)
Discouraged access: The method add(FilePatch2) from the type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
84. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 373)
private DiffProject getDiffProject(IProject project) {
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
85. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 376)
DiffProject[] projects = getDiffProjects();
Discouraged access: The type DiffProject is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
86. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 392)
FilePatch2[] diffs = getDiffs();
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
87. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 397)
IPath oldPath = diffs[i].getPath(false);
Discouraged access: The method getPath(boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
88. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/internal/patch/
 (at line 398)
IPath newPath = diffs[i].getPath(true);
Discouraged access: The method getPath(boolean) from the type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/

/compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/ : 8 warnings :

1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/
 (at line 19)
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/
 (at line 20)
Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/
 (at line 206)
PatchReader patchReader = new PatchReader() {
Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/
 (at line 206)
PatchReader patchReader = new PatchReader() {
Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/
 (at line 207)
protected FilePatch2 createFileDiff(IPath oldPath, long oldDate,
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/
 (at line 213)
Discouraged access: The method parse(BufferedReader) from the type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/
 (at line 214)
FilePatch2[] fileDiffs = patchReader.getAdjustedDiffs();
Discouraged access: The type FilePatch2 is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
8. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/
 (at line 214)
FilePatch2[] fileDiffs = patchReader.getAdjustedDiffs();
Discouraged access: The method getAdjustedDiffs() from the type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/

/compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/ : 7 warnings :

1. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/
 (at line 13)
Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
2. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/
 (at line 42)
Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
3. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/
 (at line 42)
Discouraged access: The field MULTIPROJECTPATCH_HEADER from the type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
4. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/
 (at line 42)
Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
5. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/
 (at line 42)
Discouraged access: The field MULTIPROJECTPATCH_VERSION from the type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
6. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/
 (at line 55)
return PatchReader.MULTIPROJECTPATCH_PROJECT+" "+ project.getName(); //$NON-NLS-1$
Discouraged access: The type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/
7. WARNING in /compare/org/eclipse/compare/patch/
 (at line 55)
return PatchReader.MULTIPROJECTPATCH_PROJECT+" "+ project.getName(); //$NON-NLS-1$
Discouraged access: The field MULTIPROJECTPATCH_PROJECT from the type PatchReader is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /opt/public/eclipse/eclipse4I/build/supportDir/src/plugins/