Uses of Class

Packages that use MergeResult

Uses of MergeResult in org.eclipse.jgit.api

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.api with parameters of type MergeResult
 void MergeResult.addConflict(String path, MergeResult<?> lowLevelResult)

Constructor parameters in org.eclipse.jgit.api with type arguments of type MergeResult
MergeResult(ObjectId newHead, ObjectId base, ObjectId[] mergedCommits, MergeResult.MergeStatus mergeStatus, MergeStrategy mergeStrategy, Map<String,MergeResult<?>> lowLevelResults)
MergeResult(ObjectId newHead, ObjectId base, ObjectId[] mergedCommits, MergeResult.MergeStatus mergeStatus, MergeStrategy mergeStrategy, Map<String,MergeResult<?>> lowLevelResults, Map<String,ResolveMerger.MergeFailureReason> failingPaths, String description)
MergeResult(ObjectId newHead, ObjectId base, ObjectId[] mergedCommits, MergeResult.MergeStatus mergeStatus, MergeStrategy mergeStrategy, Map<String,MergeResult<?>> lowLevelResults, String description)

Uses of MergeResult in org.eclipse.jgit.merge

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.merge that return MergeResult
<S extends Sequence>
MergeAlgorithm.merge(SequenceComparator<S> cmp, S base, S ours, S theirs)
          Does the three way merge between a common base and two sequences.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.merge that return types with arguments of type MergeResult
 Map<String,MergeResult<? extends Sequence>> ResolveMerger.getMergeResults()

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.merge with parameters of type MergeResult
 void MergeFormatter.formatMerge(OutputStream out, MergeResult<RawText> res, List<String> seqName, String charsetName)
          Formats the results of a merge of RawText objects in a Git conformant way.
 void MergeFormatter.formatMerge(OutputStream out, MergeResult res, String baseName, String oursName, String theirsName, String charsetName)
          Formats the results of a merge of exactly two RawText objects in a Git conformant way.

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