Uses of Class

Packages that use WorkingTreeIterator
org.eclipse.jgit.api High-level API commands (the porcelain of JGit). 
org.eclipse.jgit.diff Comparing file contents by computing diffs. 
org.eclipse.jgit.dircache Reading and editing the directory cache (index). 
org.eclipse.jgit.lib Core API for repository, config, refs, object database. 
org.eclipse.jgit.merge Content and commit history merge algorithms. 
org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk Walking and comparing directory/file trees (of commits, file system). 

Uses of WorkingTreeIterator in org.eclipse.jgit.api

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.api with parameters of type WorkingTreeIterator
 StatusCommand StatusCommand.setWorkingTreeIt(WorkingTreeIterator workingTreeIt)
          To set the WorkingTreeIterator which should be used.
 AddCommand AddCommand.setWorkingTreeIterator(WorkingTreeIterator f)
          Allow clients to provide their own implementation of a FileTreeIterator

Uses of WorkingTreeIterator in org.eclipse.jgit.diff

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.diff with parameters of type WorkingTreeIterator
static ContentSource ContentSource.create(WorkingTreeIterator iterator)
          Construct a content source for a working directory.

Uses of WorkingTreeIterator in org.eclipse.jgit.dircache

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.dircache with parameters of type WorkingTreeIterator
DirCacheCheckout(Repository repo, DirCache dc, ObjectId mergeCommitTree, WorkingTreeIterator workingTree)
          Constructs a DirCacheCeckout for checking out one tree, merging with the index.
DirCacheCheckout(Repository repo, ObjectId headCommitTree, DirCache dc, ObjectId mergeCommitTree, WorkingTreeIterator workingTree)
          Constructs a DirCacheCeckout for merging and checking out two trees (HEAD and mergeCommitTree) and the index.

Uses of WorkingTreeIterator in org.eclipse.jgit.lib

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.lib with parameters of type WorkingTreeIterator
IndexDiff(Repository repository, ObjectId objectId, WorkingTreeIterator workingTreeIterator)
          Construct an Indexdiff
IndexDiff(Repository repository, String revstr, WorkingTreeIterator workingTreeIterator)
          Construct an IndexDiff

Uses of WorkingTreeIterator in org.eclipse.jgit.merge

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.merge with parameters of type WorkingTreeIterator
 void ResolveMerger.setWorkingTreeIterator(WorkingTreeIterator workingTreeIterator)
          Sets the WorkingTreeIterator to be used by this merger.

Uses of WorkingTreeIterator in org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk

Subclasses of WorkingTreeIterator in org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk
 class FileTreeIterator
          Working directory iterator for standard Java IO.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk with parameters of type WorkingTreeIterator
FileTreeIterator(WorkingTreeIterator p, File root, FS fs)
          Create a new iterator to traverse a subdirectory.
WorkingTreeIterator(WorkingTreeIterator p)
          Create an iterator for a subtree of an existing iterator.

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