Package org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter

Filters for use in tree walking.


Class Summary
AndTreeFilter Includes a tree entry only if all subfilters include the same tree entry.
IndexDiffFilter A performance optimized variant of TreeFilter.ANY_DIFF which should be used when among the walked trees there is a DirCacheIterator and a WorkingTreeIterator.
InterIndexDiffFilter A filter for extracting changes between two versions of the dircache.
NotIgnoredFilter Skip WorkingTreeIterator entries that appear in gitignore files.
NotTreeFilter Includes an entry only if the subfilter does not include the entry.
OrTreeFilter Includes a tree entry if any subfilters include the same tree entry.
PathFilter Includes tree entries only if they match the configured path.
PathFilterGroup Includes tree entries only if they match one or more configured paths.
PathSuffixFilter Includes tree entries only if they match the configured path.
SkipWorkTreeFilter To be used in combination with a DirCacheIterator: includes only tree entries for which 'skipWorkTree' flag is not set.
TreeFilter Selects interesting tree entries during walking.
TreeFilterMarker For testing an array of TreeFilter during a TreeWalk for each entry and returning the result as a bitmask.

Package org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter Description

Filters for use in tree walking.

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