Uses of Class

Packages that use FS
org.eclipse.jgit.api High-level API commands (the porcelain of JGit). 
org.eclipse.jgit.dircache Reading and editing the directory cache (index). 
org.eclipse.jgit.lib Core API for repository, config, refs, object database. File based repository storage. 
org.eclipse.jgit.transport Transport (fetch/push) for different protocols. 
org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk Walking and comparing directory/file trees (of commits, file system). 
org.eclipse.jgit.util Utility classes. 

Uses of FS in org.eclipse.jgit.api

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.api with parameters of type FS
static Git dir, FS fs)

Uses of FS in org.eclipse.jgit.dircache

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.dircache with parameters of type FS
static DirCache DirCache.lock(File indexLocation, FS fs)
          Create a new in-core index representation, lock it, and read from disk.
static DirCache DirCache.lock(File indexLocation, FS fs, IndexChangedListener indexChangedListener)
          Create a new in-core index representation, lock it, and read from disk.
static DirCache indexLocation, FS fs)
          Create a new in-core index representation and read an index from disk.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.dircache with parameters of type FS
DirCache(File indexLocation, FS fs)
          Create a new in-core index representation.

Uses of FS in org.eclipse.jgit.lib

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.lib that return FS
 FS BaseRepositoryBuilder.getFS()
 FS Repository.getFS()
protected  FS BaseRepositoryBuilder.safeFS()

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.lib with parameters of type FS
static RepositoryCache.FileKey RepositoryCache.FileKey.exact(File directory, FS fs)
          Obtain a pointer to an exact location on disk.
static boolean RepositoryCache.FileKey.isGitRepository(File dir, FS fs)
          Guess if a directory contains a Git repository.
static RepositoryCache.FileKey RepositoryCache.FileKey.lenient(File directory, FS fs)
          Obtain a pointer to a location on disk.
static File RepositoryCache.FileKey.resolve(File directory, FS fs)
          Guess the proper path for a Git repository.
 B BaseRepositoryBuilder.setFS(FS fs)
          Set the file system abstraction needed by this repository.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.lib with parameters of type FS
RepositoryCache.FileKey(File directory, FS fs)

Uses of FS in

Constructors in with parameters of type FS
FileBasedConfig(Config base, File cfgLocation, FS fs)
          The constructor
FileBasedConfig(File cfgLocation, FS fs)
          Create a configuration with no default fallback.
LockFile(File f, FS fs)
          Create a new lock for any file.
ObjectDirectory(Config cfg, File dir, File[] alternatePaths, FS fs, File shallowFile)
          Initialize a reference to an on-disk object directory.
PackLock(File packFile, FS fs)
          Create a new lock for a pack file.

Uses of FS in org.eclipse.jgit.transport

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.transport with parameters of type FS
protected  com.jcraft.jsch.JSch JschConfigSessionFactory.createDefaultJSch(FS fs)
protected  com.jcraft.jsch.Session JschConfigSessionFactory.createSession(OpenSshConfig.Host hc, String user, String host, int port, FS fs)
          Create a new remote session for the requested address.
static OpenSshConfig OpenSshConfig.get(FS fs)
          Obtain the user's configuration data.
protected  com.jcraft.jsch.JSch JschConfigSessionFactory.getJSch(OpenSshConfig.Host hc, FS fs)
          Obtain the JSch used to create new sessions.
 RemoteSession JschConfigSessionFactory.getSession(URIish uri, CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider, FS fs, int tms)
abstract  RemoteSession SshSessionFactory.getSession(URIish uri, CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider, FS fs, int tms)
          Open (or reuse) a session to a host.

Uses of FS in org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk

Fields in org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk declared as FS
protected  FS FileTreeIterator.fs
          the file system abstraction which will be necessary to perform certain file system operations.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk with parameters of type FS
FileTreeIterator.FileEntry(File f, FS fs)
          Create a new file entry.
FileTreeIterator(File root, FS fs, WorkingTreeOptions options)
          Create a new iterator to traverse the given directory and its children.
FileTreeIterator(WorkingTreeIterator p, File root, FS fs)
          Create a new iterator to traverse a subdirectory.

Uses of FS in org.eclipse.jgit.util

Fields in org.eclipse.jgit.util declared as FS
          The auto-detected implementation selected for this operating system and JRE.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.util that return FS
static FS FS.detect()
          Auto-detect the appropriate file system abstraction.
static FS FS.detect(Boolean cygwinUsed)
          Auto-detect the appropriate file system abstraction, taking into account the presence of a Cygwin installation on the system.
abstract  FS FS.newInstance()
 FS FS.setGitPrefix(File path)
          Set the $prefix directory C Git uses.
 FS FS.setUserHome(File path)
          Set the user's home directory location.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.util with parameters of type FS
abstract  FileBasedConfig SystemReader.openSystemConfig(Config parent, FS fs)
abstract  FileBasedConfig SystemReader.openUserConfig(Config parent, FS fs)

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.util with parameters of type FS
FS(FS src)
          Initialize this FS using another's current settings.

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