Surefire Report


[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
167 0 0 0 100% 40.453

Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.

Package List

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Package Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
org.eclipse.jgit.ant.tasks 6 0 0 0 100% 1.735
org.eclipse.jgit.http.test 83 0 0 0 100% 36.884
org.eclipse.jgit.http.server 4 0 0 0 100% 0.798
org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.lib 74 0 0 0 100% 1.036

Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.


Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
GitCloneTaskTest 6 0 0 0 100% 1.735


Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
AdvertiseErrorTest 1 0 0 0 100% 2.614
AsIsServiceTest 4 0 0 0 100% 2.584
DefaultReceivePackFactoryTest 6 0 0 0 100% 2.571
DefaultUploadPackFactoryTest 4 0 0 0 100% 2.546
DumbClientDumbServerTest 8 0 0 0 100% 4.353
DumbClientSmartServerTest 8 0 0 0 100% 4.185
ErrorServletTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.902
FileResolverTest 3 0 0 0 100% 2.393
GitServletInitTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.036
GitServletResponseTests 3 0 0 0 100% 1.499
HookMessageTest 2 0 0 0 100% 1.527
HttpClientTests 11 0 0 0 100% 2.464
MeasurePackSizeTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.277
ProtocolErrorTest 1 0 0 0 100% 1.494
RegexPipelineTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.084
SetAdditionalHeadersTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.155
SmartClientSmartServerTest 22 0 0 0 100% 7.2


Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
ClientVersionUtilTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.255
RootLocaleTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.319
ServletUtilsTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.224


Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
AbbreviatedLongObjectIdTest 36 0 0 0 100% 0.307
LFSPointerTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.144
LongObjectIdTest 32 0 0 0 100% 0.381
MutableLongObjectIdTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.204

Test Cases

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]


shouldRaiseErrorOnBadSourceURL 1.022
shouldRaiseErrorOnBadUrl 0.517
shouldCloneAValidGitRepository 0.001
shouldRaiseErrorOnNoUrl 0
shouldCreateABareCloneOfAValidGitRepository 0
shouldRaiseErrorOnEmptyUrl 0.001


testParse 0.002
testPushStatusBug 0


testHttpServerText 0.138


testAcceptGzip 0.004


testPush_CreateBranch 2.291


testCreate_Default 2.309
testCreate_Disabled 0
testDisabledSingleton 0
testCreate_Enabled 0


testCreate_AuthUser 2.315
testCreate_NullUser 0
testCreate_EmptyStringUser 0
testCreate_Disabled 0
testDisabledSingleton 0
testCreate_Enabled 0


testCreate_Default 2.335
testCreate_Disabled 0
testDisabledSingleton 0
testCreate_Enabled 0


testInitialClone_Loose[0] 1.506
testListRemote[0] 0.234
testPushNotSupported[0] 0.181
testInitialClone_Packed[0] 0.283
testInitialClone_Loose[1] 1.513
testListRemote[1] 0.129
testPushNotSupported[1] 0.112
testInitialClone_Packed[1] 0.208


testInitialClone_Small[0] 0.975
testListRemote[0] 0.253
testPushNotSupported[0] 0.278
testInitialClone_Packed[0] 0.241
testInitialClone_Small[1] 1.079
testListRemote[1] 0.11
testPushNotSupported[1] 0.091
testInitialClone_Packed[1] 0.255


testHandler 0


testNotAGitRepository 2.375
testUnreasonableNames 0
testExportOk 0


testDefaultConstructor_NoBasePath 0.003
testInitUnderContainer_WithBasePath 0.016
testDefaultConstructor_WithBasePath 0.001
testInitUnderContainer_NoBasePath 0.014


testRuntimeExceptionInPreReceiveHook 0.912
testUnpackErrorWithSubsequentExceptionInPostReceiveHook 0.344
testObjectCheckerException 0.227


testPush_CreateBranch 1.139
testPush_HookMessagesToOutputStream 0.376


testListRemote_Dumb_NoHEAD 0.998
testListRemote_Smart_DetachedHEAD 0.472
testRepositoryNotFound_Dumb 0.091
testListRemote_Smart_WithQueryParameters 0.096
testListRemote_Dumb_Auth 0.11
testListRemote_Dumb_NeedsAuth 0.095
testListRemote_Smart_UploadPackNeedsAuth 0.106
testRepositoryNotFound_Smart 0.096
testListRemote_Dumb_DetachedHEAD 0.12
testListRemoteWithoutLocalRepository 0.105
testListRemote_Smart_UploadPackDisabled 0.158


testPush_packSize 0.275


testPush_UnpackError_TruncatedPack 1.23


testSimpleRegex 0.034
testRegexGroupFilter 0.027
testServeOrdering 0.008


testSetHeaders 0.154


testFetch_FewLocalCommits[0] 0.487
testInvalidWant[0] 0.124
testPush_NotAuthorized[0] 0.134
testPush_CreateBranch[0] 0.241
testInitialClone_Small[0] 0.174
testFetch_TooManyLocalCommits[0] 1.428
testListRemote[0] 0.131
testListRemote_BadName[0] 0.148
testPush_ChunkedEncoding[0] 0.225
testInitialClone_BrokenServer[0] 0.131
testFetch_RefsUnreadableOnUpload[0] 0.24
testFetch_FewLocalCommits[1] 0.949
testInvalidWant[1] 0.186
testPush_NotAuthorized[1] 0.142
testPush_CreateBranch[1] 0.176
testInitialClone_Small[1] 0.196
testFetch_TooManyLocalCommits[1] 1.234
testListRemote[1] 0.162
testListRemote_BadName[1] 0.149
testPush_ChunkedEncoding[1] 0.215
testInitialClone_BrokenServer[1] 0.147
testFetch_RefsUnreadableOnUpload[1] 0.154


test33_FromString 0.04
testFromLongObjectId 0.012
testEquals_Full 0.001
test15_FromString 0
testNotEquals_SameLength 0.001
testIsId 0
testPrefixCompare_1 0.001
test16_FromString 0
testEmpty_FromString 0
test17_FromString 0
testFromStringWrongLength 0.007
testPrefixCompare_15 0
testPrefixCompare_16 0
testPrefixCompare_17 0.001
testPrefixCompare_33 0
testPrefixCompare_Full 0
testFull_FromByteArray 0
test1_FromString 0.001
test2_FromString 0
testFromStringByteWrongLength 0.003
test3_FromString 0
test4_FromString 0.001
test5_FromString 0
test6_FromString 0
testEquals_Short 0
test7_FromString 0
testFull_FromString 0.001
test8_FromString 0
test9_FromString 0
testAbbreviate 0.001
testGetFirstByte 0
testNotEquals 0
testPrefixCompareByte 0
testPrefixCompareLong 0
testNotEquals_DiffLength 0
testEmpty_FromByteArray 0


testEncoding 0.027


test011_toString 0.027
testCopyFromStringInvalid 0.009
testCopyFromStringByte 0.001
test010_toString 0.001
test009_toString 0
testCopyToByte 0
test008_notIsId 0
testCopy 0.001
testCompareTo 0.017
testCopyRawToOutputStream 0.013
testCopyRawBytes 0.002
testCopyRawLongs 0
test002_toString 0.022
testGetByte 0
test004_isId 0
test005_notIsId 0
test001_toString 0
test007_isId 0
testCopyToStringBuilder 0
test003_equals 0
testCopyToByteBuffer 0
testCopyRawToByteBuffer 0
testCompareToByte 0
testCompareToLong 0
testHashFile 0
testCopyToOutputStream 0
testEquals 0
testCopyToWriter 0.001
testSetByte 0.001
testCopyToWriterWithBuf 0
testZeroId 0
test006_notIsId 0


testCopy 0.002
testFromStringByte 0.007
testToObjectId 0
testFromRawLong 0
testFromString 0.035