PMD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD 6.29.0.

Violations By Priority

Priority 3


Rule Violation Line
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 111113
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 614616


Rule Violation Line
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 204206


Rule Violation Line
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 130132
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 164166


Rule Violation Line
AvoidUsingHardCodedIP Do not hard code the IP address 51
AvoidUsingHardCodedIP Do not hard code the IP address 53

Priority 4


Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'Files.exists' due to existing static import 'java.nio.file.Files.exists' 472


Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 570
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 570
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 571
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 579
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 579
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 580
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 584



Rule Violation Priority Line
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 3 111113
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'Files.exists' due to existing static import 'java.nio.file.Files.exists' 4 472
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 3 614616


Rule Violation Priority Line
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 3 204206


Rule Violation Priority Line
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 3 130132
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 3 164166


Rule Violation Priority Line
AvoidUsingHardCodedIP Do not hard code the IP address 3 51
AvoidUsingHardCodedIP Do not hard code the IP address 3 53


Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 570
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 570
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 571
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 579
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 579
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 580
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 584