About JGit - Parent

Pure Java implementation of Git

Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
JGit - Core Repository access and algorithms
JGit - Ant Tasks Ant based user interface for Git
JGit - Archive Formats Support for archiving a Git tree in formats such as zip and tar. This is a separate bundle from org.eclipse.jgit to avoid a dependency by the latter on commons-compress.
JGit - AWT User Interface AWT/Swing based UI
JGit - Apache httpclient based HTTP support Apache httpclient based HTTP support
JGit - HTTP Server Git aware HTTP server implementation.
JGit - Apache sshd-based SSH support SSH support for JGit based on Apache MINA sshd
JGit - Command Line Interface Command line client tools built on top of JGit.
JGit - Large File Storage JGit Large File Storage (LFS) implementation.
JGit - Large File Storage Server JGit Large File Storage Server implementation.
JGit - JUnit Utility Classes Utility classes to support JUnit testing of JGit applications.
JGit - JUnit Http Utility Classes Utility classes to support Http based JUnit testing of JGit applications.
JGit - JUnit Ssh Utility Classes Utility classes to support Ssh based JUnit testing of JGit applications.
JGit - Core Tests JUnit tests for the core library.
JGit - Ant Tasks Tests JUnit tests for the various ant tasks.
JGit - HTTP Tests Tests for the HTTP transport.
JGit - Command Line Interface Tests Tests for command line client tools built on top of JGit.
JGit - Large File Storage Tests Tests for the Large File Extension (LFS).
JGit - LFS Server Tests Tests for the LFS server.
JGit - Apache sshd SSH Tests JUnit tests for the JGit SSH support based on Apache MINA sshd.