 * Copyright (C) 2008-2010, Google Inc.
 * Copyright (C) 2008, Marek Zawirski <> and others
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause


import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import static;
import static;
import static org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants.OBJECT_ID_LENGTH;
import static org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants.OBJ_BLOB;
import static org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants.OBJ_COMMIT;
import static org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants.OBJ_TAG;
import static org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants.OBJ_TREE;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.eclipse.jgit.annotations.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.jgit.annotations.Nullable;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.CorruptObjectException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.IncorrectObjectTypeException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.LargeObjectException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.StoredObjectRepresentationNotAvailableException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AsyncObjectSizeQueue;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.BatchingProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.BitmapIndex;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.BitmapIndex.BitmapBuilder;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.BitmapObject;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectIdOwnerMap;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectIdSet;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectLoader;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectReader;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ThreadSafeProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.AsyncRevObjectQueue;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.BitmapWalker;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.DepthWalk;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.ObjectWalk;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevFlag;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevObject;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevSort;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTag;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTree;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.FilterSpec;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.ObjectCountCallback;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.PacketLineOut;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.WriteAbortedException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.util.BlockList;
import org.eclipse.jgit.util.TemporaryBuffer;

 * <p>
 * PackWriter class is responsible for generating pack files from specified set
 * of objects from repository. This implementation produce pack files in format
 * version 2.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Source of objects may be specified in two ways:
 * <ul>
 * <li>(usually) by providing sets of interesting and uninteresting objects in
 * repository - all interesting objects and their ancestors except uninteresting
 * objects and their ancestors will be included in pack, or</li>
 * <li>by providing iterator of {@link org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevObject}
 * specifying exact list and order of objects in pack</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * Typical usage consists of creating an instance, configuring options,
 * preparing the list of objects by calling {@link #preparePack(Iterator)} or
 * {@link #preparePack(ProgressMonitor, Set, Set)}, and streaming with
 * {@link #writePack(ProgressMonitor, ProgressMonitor, OutputStream)}. If the
 * pack is being stored as a file the matching index can be written out after
 * writing the pack by {@link #writeIndex(OutputStream)}. An optional bitmap
 * index can be made by calling {@link #prepareBitmapIndex(ProgressMonitor)}
 * followed by {@link #writeBitmapIndex(OutputStream)}.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Class provide set of configurable options and
 * {@link org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ProgressMonitor} support, as operations may take
 * a long time for big repositories. Deltas searching algorithm is <b>NOT
 * IMPLEMENTED</b> yet - this implementation relies only on deltas and objects
 * reuse.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * This class is not thread safe. It is intended to be used in one thread as a
 * single pass to produce one pack. Invoking methods multiple times or out of
 * order is not supported as internal data structures are destroyed during
 * certain phases to save memory when packing large repositories.
 * </p>
public class PackWriter implements AutoCloseable {
	private static final int PACK_VERSION_GENERATED = 2;

	/** Empty set of objects for {@code preparePack()}. */
	public static final Set<ObjectId> NONE = Collections.emptySet();

	private static final Map<WeakReference<PackWriter>, Boolean> instances =
			new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

	private static final Iterable<PackWriter> instancesIterable = () -> new Iterator<PackWriter>() {

		private final Iterator<WeakReference<PackWriter>> it = instances

		private PackWriter next;

		public boolean hasNext() {
			if (next != null) {
				return true;
			while (it.hasNext()) {
				WeakReference<PackWriter> ref =;
				next = ref.get();
				if (next != null) {
					return true;
			return false;

		public PackWriter next() {
			if (hasNext()) {
				PackWriter result = next;
				next = null;
				return result;
			throw new NoSuchElementException();

		public void remove() {
			throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

	 * Get all allocated, non-released PackWriters instances.
	 * @return all allocated, non-released PackWriters instances.
	public static Iterable<PackWriter> getInstances() {
		return instancesIterable;

	BlockList<ObjectToPack>[] objectsLists = new BlockList[OBJ_TAG + 1];
		objectsLists[OBJ_COMMIT] = new BlockList<>();
		objectsLists[OBJ_TREE] = new BlockList<>();
		objectsLists[OBJ_BLOB] = new BlockList<>();
		objectsLists[OBJ_TAG] = new BlockList<>();

	private ObjectIdOwnerMap<ObjectToPack> objectsMap = new ObjectIdOwnerMap<>();

	// edge objects for thin packs
	private List<ObjectToPack> edgeObjects = new BlockList<>();

	// Objects the client is known to have already.
	private BitmapBuilder haveObjects;

	private List<CachedPack> cachedPacks = new ArrayList<>(2);

	private Set<ObjectId> tagTargets = NONE;

	private Set<? extends ObjectId> excludeFromBitmapSelection = NONE;

	private ObjectIdSet[] excludeInPacks;

	private ObjectIdSet excludeInPackLast;

	private Deflater myDeflater;

	private final ObjectReader reader;

	/** {@link #reader} recast to the reuse interface, if it supports it. */
	private final ObjectReuseAsIs reuseSupport;

	final PackConfig config;

	private final PackStatistics.Accumulator stats;

	private final MutableState state;

	private final WeakReference<PackWriter> selfRef;

	private PackStatistics.ObjectType.Accumulator typeStats;

	private List<ObjectToPack> sortedByName;

	private byte[] packcsum;

	private boolean deltaBaseAsOffset;

	private boolean reuseDeltas;

	private boolean reuseDeltaCommits;

	private boolean reuseValidate;

	private boolean thin;

	private boolean useCachedPacks;

	private boolean useBitmaps;

	private boolean ignoreMissingUninteresting = true;

	private boolean pruneCurrentObjectList;

	private boolean shallowPack;

	private boolean canBuildBitmaps;

	private boolean indexDisabled;

	private int depth;

	private Collection<? extends ObjectId> unshallowObjects;

	private PackBitmapIndexBuilder writeBitmaps;

	private CRC32 crc32;

	private ObjectCountCallback callback;

	private FilterSpec filterSpec = FilterSpec.NO_FILTER;

	private PackfileUriConfig packfileUriConfig;

	 * Create writer for specified repository.
	 * <p>
	 * Objects for packing are specified in {@link #preparePack(Iterator)} or
	 * {@link #preparePack(ProgressMonitor, Set, Set)}.
	 * @param repo
	 *            repository where objects are stored.
	public PackWriter(Repository repo) {
		this(repo, repo.newObjectReader());

	 * Create a writer to load objects from the specified reader.
	 * <p>
	 * Objects for packing are specified in {@link #preparePack(Iterator)} or
	 * {@link #preparePack(ProgressMonitor, Set, Set)}.
	 * @param reader
	 *            reader to read from the repository with.
	public PackWriter(ObjectReader reader) {
		this(new PackConfig(), reader);

	 * Create writer for specified repository.
	 * <p>
	 * Objects for packing are specified in {@link #preparePack(Iterator)} or
	 * {@link #preparePack(ProgressMonitor, Set, Set)}.
	 * @param repo
	 *            repository where objects are stored.
	 * @param reader
	 *            reader to read from the repository with.
	public PackWriter(Repository repo, ObjectReader reader) {
		this(new PackConfig(repo), reader);

	 * Create writer with a specified configuration.
	 * <p>
	 * Objects for packing are specified in {@link #preparePack(Iterator)} or
	 * {@link #preparePack(ProgressMonitor, Set, Set)}.
	 * @param config
	 *            configuration for the pack writer.
	 * @param reader
	 *            reader to read from the repository with.
	public PackWriter(PackConfig config, ObjectReader reader) {
		this(config, reader, null);

	 * Create writer with a specified configuration.
	 * <p>
	 * Objects for packing are specified in {@link #preparePack(Iterator)} or
	 * {@link #preparePack(ProgressMonitor, Set, Set)}.
	 * @param config
	 *            configuration for the pack writer.
	 * @param reader
	 *            reader to read from the repository with.
	 * @param statsAccumulator
	 *            accumulator for statics
	public PackWriter(PackConfig config, final ObjectReader reader,
			@Nullable PackStatistics.Accumulator statsAccumulator) {
		this.config = config;
		this.reader = reader;
		if (reader instanceof ObjectReuseAsIs)
			reuseSupport = ((ObjectReuseAsIs) reader);
			reuseSupport = null;

		deltaBaseAsOffset = config.isDeltaBaseAsOffset();
		reuseDeltas = config.isReuseDeltas();
		reuseValidate = true; // be paranoid by default
		stats = statsAccumulator != null ? statsAccumulator
				: new PackStatistics.Accumulator();
		state = new MutableState();
		selfRef = new WeakReference<>(this);
		instances.put(selfRef, Boolean.TRUE);

	 * Set the {@code ObjectCountCallback}.
	 * <p>
	 * It should be set before calling
	 * {@link #writePack(ProgressMonitor, ProgressMonitor, OutputStream)}.
	 * @param callback
	 *            the callback to set
	 * @return this object for chaining.
	public PackWriter setObjectCountCallback(ObjectCountCallback callback) {
		this.callback = callback;
		return this;

	 * Records the set of shallow commits in the client.
	 * @param clientShallowCommits
	 *            the shallow commits in the client
	public void setClientShallowCommits(Set<ObjectId> clientShallowCommits) {
		stats.clientShallowCommits = Collections
				.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(clientShallowCommits));

	 * Check whether writer can store delta base as an offset (new style
	 * reducing pack size) or should store it as an object id (legacy style,
	 * compatible with old readers).
	 * Default setting: {@value PackConfig#DEFAULT_DELTA_BASE_AS_OFFSET}
	 * @return true if delta base is stored as an offset; false if it is stored
	 *         as an object id.
	public boolean isDeltaBaseAsOffset() {
		return deltaBaseAsOffset;

	 * Set writer delta base format. Delta base can be written as an offset in a
	 * pack file (new approach reducing file size) or as an object id (legacy
	 * approach, compatible with old readers).
	 * Default setting: {@value PackConfig#DEFAULT_DELTA_BASE_AS_OFFSET}
	 * @param deltaBaseAsOffset
	 *            boolean indicating whether delta base can be stored as an
	 *            offset.
	public void setDeltaBaseAsOffset(boolean deltaBaseAsOffset) {
		this.deltaBaseAsOffset = deltaBaseAsOffset;

	 * Check if the writer will reuse commits that are already stored as deltas.
	 * @return true if the writer would reuse commits stored as deltas, assuming
	 *         delta reuse is already enabled.
	public boolean isReuseDeltaCommits() {
		return reuseDeltaCommits;

	 * Set the writer to reuse existing delta versions of commits.
	 * @param reuse
	 *            if true, the writer will reuse any commits stored as deltas.
	 *            By default the writer does not reuse delta commits.
	public void setReuseDeltaCommits(boolean reuse) {
		reuseDeltaCommits = reuse;

	 * Check if the writer validates objects before copying them.
	 * @return true if validation is enabled; false if the reader will handle
	 *         object validation as a side-effect of it consuming the output.
	public boolean isReuseValidatingObjects() {
		return reuseValidate;

	 * Enable (or disable) object validation during packing.
	 * @param validate
	 *            if true the pack writer will validate an object before it is
	 *            put into the output. This additional validation work may be
	 *            necessary to avoid propagating corruption from one local pack
	 *            file to another local pack file.
	public void setReuseValidatingObjects(boolean validate) {
		reuseValidate = validate;

	 * Whether this writer is producing a thin pack.
	 * @return true if this writer is producing a thin pack.
	public boolean isThin() {
		return thin;

	 * Whether writer may pack objects with delta base object not within set of
	 * objects to pack
	 * @param packthin
	 *            a boolean indicating whether writer may pack objects with
	 *            delta base object not within set of objects to pack, but
	 *            belonging to party repository (uninteresting/boundary) as
	 *            determined by set; this kind of pack is used only for
	 *            transport; true - to produce thin pack, false - otherwise.
	public void setThin(boolean packthin) {
		thin = packthin;

	 * Whether to reuse cached packs.
	 * @return {@code true} to reuse cached packs. If true index creation isn't
	 *         available.
	public boolean isUseCachedPacks() {
		return useCachedPacks;

	 * Whether to use cached packs
	 * @param useCached
	 *            if set to {@code true} and a cached pack is present, it will
	 *            be appended onto the end of a thin-pack, reducing the amount
	 *            of working set space and CPU used by PackWriter. Enabling this
	 *            feature prevents PackWriter from creating an index for the
	 *            newly created pack, so its only suitable for writing to a
	 *            network client, where the client will make the index.
	public void setUseCachedPacks(boolean useCached) {
		useCachedPacks = useCached;

	 * Whether to use bitmaps
	 * @return {@code true} to use bitmaps for ObjectWalks, if available.
	public boolean isUseBitmaps() {
		return useBitmaps;

	 * Whether to use bitmaps
	 * @param useBitmaps
	 *            if set to true, bitmaps will be used when preparing a pack.
	public void setUseBitmaps(boolean useBitmaps) {
		this.useBitmaps = useBitmaps;

	 * Whether the index file cannot be created by this PackWriter.
	 * @return {@code true} if the index file cannot be created by this
	 *         PackWriter.
	public boolean isIndexDisabled() {
		return indexDisabled || !cachedPacks.isEmpty();

	 * Whether to disable creation of the index file.
	 * @param noIndex
	 *            {@code true} to disable creation of the index file.
	public void setIndexDisabled(boolean noIndex) {
		this.indexDisabled = noIndex;

	 * Whether to ignore missing uninteresting objects
	 * @return {@code true} to ignore objects that are uninteresting and also
	 *         not found on local disk; false to throw a
	 *         {@link org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException} out of
	 *         {@link #preparePack(ProgressMonitor, Set, Set)} if an
	 *         uninteresting object is not in the source repository. By default,
	 *         true, permitting gracefully ignoring of uninteresting objects.
	public boolean isIgnoreMissingUninteresting() {
		return ignoreMissingUninteresting;

	 * Whether writer should ignore non existing uninteresting objects
	 * @param ignore
	 *            {@code true} if writer should ignore non existing
	 *            uninteresting objects during construction set of objects to
	 *            pack; false otherwise - non existing uninteresting objects may
	 *            cause {@link org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException}
	public void setIgnoreMissingUninteresting(boolean ignore) {
		ignoreMissingUninteresting = ignore;

	 * Set the tag targets that should be hoisted earlier during packing.
	 * <p>
	 * Callers may put objects into this set before invoking any of the
	 * preparePack methods to influence where an annotated tag's target is
	 * stored within the resulting pack. Typically these will be clustered
	 * together, and hoisted earlier in the file even if they are ancient
	 * revisions, allowing readers to find tag targets with better locality.
	 * @param objects
	 *            objects that annotated tags point at.
	public void setTagTargets(Set<ObjectId> objects) {
		tagTargets = objects;

	 * Configure this pack for a shallow clone.
	 * @param depth
	 *            maximum depth of history to return. 1 means return only the
	 *            "wants".
	 * @param unshallow
	 *            objects which used to be shallow on the client, but are being
	 *            extended as part of this fetch
	public void setShallowPack(int depth,
			Collection<? extends ObjectId> unshallow) {
		this.shallowPack = true;
		this.depth = depth;
		this.unshallowObjects = unshallow;

	 * @param filter the filter which indicates what and what not this writer
	 *            should include
	public void setFilterSpec(@NonNull FilterSpec filter) {
		filterSpec = requireNonNull(filter);

	 * @param config configuration related to packfile URIs
	 * @since 5.5
	public void setPackfileUriConfig(PackfileUriConfig config) {
		packfileUriConfig = config;

	 * Returns objects number in a pack file that was created by this writer.
	 * @return number of objects in pack.
	 * @throws
	 *             a cached pack cannot supply its object count.
	public long getObjectCount() throws IOException {
		if (stats.totalObjects == 0) {
			long objCnt = 0;

			objCnt += objectsLists[OBJ_COMMIT].size();
			objCnt += objectsLists[OBJ_TREE].size();
			objCnt += objectsLists[OBJ_BLOB].size();
			objCnt += objectsLists[OBJ_TAG].size();

			for (CachedPack pack : cachedPacks)
				objCnt += pack.getObjectCount();
			return objCnt;
		return stats.totalObjects;

	private long getUnoffloadedObjectCount() throws IOException {
		long objCnt = 0;

		objCnt += objectsLists[OBJ_COMMIT].size();
		objCnt += objectsLists[OBJ_TREE].size();
		objCnt += objectsLists[OBJ_BLOB].size();
		objCnt += objectsLists[OBJ_TAG].size();

		for (CachedPack pack : cachedPacks) {
			CachedPackUriProvider.PackInfo packInfo =
					pack, packfileUriConfig.protocolsSupported);
			if (packInfo == null) {
				objCnt += pack.getObjectCount();

		return objCnt;

	 * Returns the object ids in the pack file that was created by this writer.
	 * <p>
	 * This method can only be invoked after
	 * {@link #writePack(ProgressMonitor, ProgressMonitor, OutputStream)} has
	 * been invoked and completed successfully.
	 * @return set of objects in pack.
	 * @throws
	 *             a cached pack cannot supply its object ids.
	public ObjectIdOwnerMap<ObjectIdOwnerMap.Entry> getObjectSet()
			throws IOException {
		if (!cachedPacks.isEmpty())
			throw new IOException(

		if (writeBitmaps != null) {
			return writeBitmaps.getObjectSet();

		ObjectIdOwnerMap<ObjectIdOwnerMap.Entry> r = new ObjectIdOwnerMap<>();
		for (BlockList<ObjectToPack> objList : objectsLists) {
			if (objList != null) {
				for (ObjectToPack otp : objList)
					r.add(new ObjectIdOwnerMap.Entry(otp) {
						// A new entry that copies the ObjectId
		return r;

	 * Add a pack index whose contents should be excluded from the result.
	 * @param idx
	 *            objects in this index will not be in the output pack.
	public void excludeObjects(ObjectIdSet idx) {
		if (excludeInPacks == null) {
			excludeInPacks = new ObjectIdSet[] { idx };
			excludeInPackLast = idx;
		} else {
			int cnt = excludeInPacks.length;
			ObjectIdSet[] newList = new ObjectIdSet[cnt + 1];
			System.arraycopy(excludeInPacks, 0, newList, 0, cnt);
			newList[cnt] = idx;
			excludeInPacks = newList;

	 * Prepare the list of objects to be written to the pack stream.
	 * <p>
	 * Iterator <b>exactly</b> determines which objects are included in a pack
	 * and order they appear in pack (except that objects order by type is not
	 * needed at input). This order should conform general rules of ordering
	 * objects in git - by recency and path (type and delta-base first is
	 * internally secured) and responsibility for guaranteeing this order is on
	 * a caller side. Iterator must return each id of object to write exactly
	 * once.
	 * </p>
	 * @param objectsSource
	 *            iterator of object to store in a pack; order of objects within
	 *            each type is important, ordering by type is not needed;
	 *            allowed types for objects are
	 *            {@link org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants#OBJ_COMMIT},
	 *            {@link org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants#OBJ_TREE},
	 *            {@link org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants#OBJ_BLOB} and
	 *            {@link org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants#OBJ_TAG}; objects
	 *            returned by iterator may be later reused by caller as object
	 *            id and type are internally copied in each iteration.
	 * @throws
	 *             when some I/O problem occur during reading objects.
	public void preparePack(@NonNull Iterator<RevObject> objectsSource)
			throws IOException {
		while (objectsSource.hasNext()) {

	 * Prepare the list of objects to be written to the pack stream.
	 * <p>
	 * Basing on these 2 sets, another set of objects to put in a pack file is
	 * created: this set consists of all objects reachable (ancestors) from
	 * interesting objects, except uninteresting objects and their ancestors.
	 * This method uses class {@link org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.ObjectWalk}
	 * extensively to find out that appropriate set of output objects and their
	 * optimal order in output pack. Order is consistent with general git
	 * in-pack rules: sort by object type, recency, path and delta-base first.
	 * </p>
	 * @param countingMonitor
	 *            progress during object enumeration.
	 * @param want
	 *            collection of objects to be marked as interesting (start
	 *            points of graph traversal). Must not be {@code null}.
	 * @param have
	 *            collection of objects to be marked as uninteresting (end
	 *            points of graph traversal). Pass {@link #NONE} if all objects
	 *            reachable from {@code want} are desired, such as when serving
	 *            a clone.
	 * @throws
	 *             when some I/O problem occur during reading objects.
	public void preparePack(ProgressMonitor countingMonitor,
			@NonNull Set<? extends ObjectId> want,
			@NonNull Set<? extends ObjectId> have) throws IOException {
		preparePack(countingMonitor, want, have, NONE, NONE);

	 * Prepare the list of objects to be written to the pack stream.
	 * <p>
	 * Like {@link #preparePack(ProgressMonitor, Set, Set)} but also allows
	 * specifying commits that should not be walked past ("shallow" commits).
	 * The caller is responsible for filtering out commits that should not be
	 * shallow any more ("unshallow" commits as in {@link #setShallowPack}) from
	 * the shallow set.
	 * @param countingMonitor
	 *            progress during object enumeration.
	 * @param want
	 *            objects of interest, ancestors of which will be included in
	 *            the pack. Must not be {@code null}.
	 * @param have
	 *            objects whose ancestors (up to and including {@code shallow}
	 *            commits) do not need to be included in the pack because they
	 *            are already available from elsewhere. Must not be
	 *            {@code null}.
	 * @param shallow
	 *            commits indicating the boundary of the history marked with
	 *            {@code have}. Shallow commits have parents but those parents
	 *            are considered not to be already available. Parents of
	 *            {@code shallow} commits and earlier generations will be
	 *            included in the pack if requested by {@code want}. Must not be
	 *            {@code null}.
	 * @throws
	 *             an I/O problem occurred while reading objects.
	public void preparePack(ProgressMonitor countingMonitor,
			@NonNull Set<? extends ObjectId> want,
			@NonNull Set<? extends ObjectId> have,
			@NonNull Set<? extends ObjectId> shallow) throws IOException {
		preparePack(countingMonitor, want, have, shallow, NONE);

	 * Prepare the list of objects to be written to the pack stream.
	 * <p>
	 * Like {@link #preparePack(ProgressMonitor, Set, Set)} but also allows
	 * specifying commits that should not be walked past ("shallow" commits).
	 * The caller is responsible for filtering out commits that should not be
	 * shallow any more ("unshallow" commits as in {@link #setShallowPack}) from
	 * the shallow set.
	 * @param countingMonitor
	 *            progress during object enumeration.
	 * @param want
	 *            objects of interest, ancestors of which will be included in
	 *            the pack. Must not be {@code null}.
	 * @param have
	 *            objects whose ancestors (up to and including {@code shallow}
	 *            commits) do not need to be included in the pack because they
	 *            are already available from elsewhere. Must not be
	 *            {@code null}.
	 * @param shallow
	 *            commits indicating the boundary of the history marked with
	 *            {@code have}. Shallow commits have parents but those parents
	 *            are considered not to be already available. Parents of
	 *            {@code shallow} commits and earlier generations will be
	 *            included in the pack if requested by {@code want}. Must not be
	 *            {@code null}.
	 * @param noBitmaps
	 *            collection of objects to be excluded from bitmap commit
	 *            selection.
	 * @throws
	 *             an I/O problem occurred while reading objects.
	public void preparePack(ProgressMonitor countingMonitor,
			@NonNull Set<? extends ObjectId> want,
			@NonNull Set<? extends ObjectId> have,
			@NonNull Set<? extends ObjectId> shallow,
			@NonNull Set<? extends ObjectId> noBitmaps) throws IOException {
		try (ObjectWalk ow = getObjectWalk()) {
			preparePack(countingMonitor, ow, want, have, noBitmaps);

	private ObjectWalk getObjectWalk() {
		return shallowPack ? new DepthWalk.ObjectWalk(reader, depth - 1)
				: new ObjectWalk(reader);

	 * A visitation policy which uses the depth at which the object is seen to
	 * decide if re-traversal is necessary. In particular, if the object has
	 * already been visited at this depth or shallower, it is not necessary to
	 * re-visit at this depth.
	private static class DepthAwareVisitationPolicy
			implements ObjectWalk.VisitationPolicy {
		private final Map<ObjectId, Integer> lowestDepthVisited = new HashMap<>();

		private final ObjectWalk walk;

		DepthAwareVisitationPolicy(ObjectWalk walk) {
			this.walk = requireNonNull(walk);

		public boolean shouldVisit(RevObject o) {
			Integer lastDepth = lowestDepthVisited.get(o);
			if (lastDepth == null) {
				return true;
			return walk.getTreeDepth() < lastDepth.intValue();

		public void visited(RevObject o) {
			lowestDepthVisited.put(o, Integer.valueOf(walk.getTreeDepth()));

	 * Prepare the list of objects to be written to the pack stream.
	 * <p>
	 * Basing on these 2 sets, another set of objects to put in a pack file is
	 * created: this set consists of all objects reachable (ancestors) from
	 * interesting objects, except uninteresting objects and their ancestors.
	 * This method uses class {@link org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.ObjectWalk}
	 * extensively to find out that appropriate set of output objects and their
	 * optimal order in output pack. Order is consistent with general git
	 * in-pack rules: sort by object type, recency, path and delta-base first.
	 * </p>
	 * @param countingMonitor
	 *            progress during object enumeration.
	 * @param walk
	 *            ObjectWalk to perform enumeration.
	 * @param interestingObjects
	 *            collection of objects to be marked as interesting (start
	 *            points of graph traversal). Must not be {@code null}.
	 * @param uninterestingObjects
	 *            collection of objects to be marked as uninteresting (end
	 *            points of graph traversal). Pass {@link #NONE} if all objects
	 *            reachable from {@code want} are desired, such as when serving
	 *            a clone.
	 * @param noBitmaps
	 *            collection of objects to be excluded from bitmap commit
	 *            selection.
	 * @throws
	 *             when some I/O problem occur during reading objects.
	public void preparePack(ProgressMonitor countingMonitor,
			@NonNull ObjectWalk walk,
			@NonNull Set<? extends ObjectId> interestingObjects,
			@NonNull Set<? extends ObjectId> uninterestingObjects,
			@NonNull Set<? extends ObjectId> noBitmaps)
			throws IOException {
		if (countingMonitor == null)
			countingMonitor = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE;
		if (shallowPack && !(walk instanceof DepthWalk.ObjectWalk))
			throw new IllegalArgumentException(
		if (filterSpec.getTreeDepthLimit() >= 0) {
			walk.setVisitationPolicy(new DepthAwareVisitationPolicy(walk));
		findObjectsToPack(countingMonitor, walk, interestingObjects,
				uninterestingObjects, noBitmaps);

	 * Determine if the pack file will contain the requested object.
	 * @param id
	 *            the object to test the existence of.
	 * @return true if the object will appear in the output pack file.
	 * @throws
	 *             a cached pack cannot be examined.
	public boolean willInclude(AnyObjectId id) throws IOException {
		ObjectToPack obj = objectsMap.get(id);
		return obj != null && !obj.isEdge();

	 * Lookup the ObjectToPack object for a given ObjectId.
	 * @param id
	 *            the object to find in the pack.
	 * @return the object we are packing, or null.
	public ObjectToPack get(AnyObjectId id) {
		ObjectToPack obj = objectsMap.get(id);
		return obj != null && !obj.isEdge() ? obj : null;

	 * Computes SHA-1 of lexicographically sorted objects ids written in this
	 * pack, as used to name a pack file in repository.
	 * @return ObjectId representing SHA-1 name of a pack that was created.
	public ObjectId computeName() {
		final byte[] buf = new byte[OBJECT_ID_LENGTH];
		final MessageDigest md = Constants.newMessageDigest();
		for (ObjectToPack otp : sortByName()) {
			otp.copyRawTo(buf, 0);
			md.update(buf, 0, OBJECT_ID_LENGTH);
		return ObjectId.fromRaw(md.digest());

	 * Returns the index format version that will be written.
	 * <p>
	 * This method can only be invoked after
	 * {@link #writePack(ProgressMonitor, ProgressMonitor, OutputStream)} has
	 * been invoked and completed successfully.
	 * @return the index format version.
	public int getIndexVersion() {
		int indexVersion = config.getIndexVersion();
		if (indexVersion <= 0) {
			for (BlockList<ObjectToPack> objs : objectsLists)
				indexVersion = Math.max(indexVersion,
		return indexVersion;

	 * Create an index file to match the pack file just written.
	 * <p>
	 * Called after
	 * {@link #writePack(ProgressMonitor, ProgressMonitor, OutputStream)}.
	 * <p>
	 * Writing an index is only required for local pack storage. Packs sent on
	 * the network do not need to create an index.
	 * @param indexStream
	 *            output for the index data. Caller is responsible for closing
	 *            this stream.
	 * @throws
	 *             the index data could not be written to the supplied stream.
	public void writeIndex(OutputStream indexStream) throws IOException {
		if (isIndexDisabled())
			throw new IOException(JGitText.get().cachedPacksPreventsIndexCreation);

		long writeStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
		final PackIndexWriter iw = PackIndexWriter.createVersion(
				indexStream, getIndexVersion());
		iw.write(sortByName(), packcsum);
		stats.timeWriting += System.currentTimeMillis() - writeStart;

	 * Create a bitmap index file to match the pack file just written.
	 * <p>
	 * Called after {@link #prepareBitmapIndex(ProgressMonitor)}.
	 * @param bitmapIndexStream
	 *            output for the bitmap index data. Caller is responsible for
	 *            closing this stream.
	 * @throws
	 *             the index data could not be written to the supplied stream.
	public void writeBitmapIndex(OutputStream bitmapIndexStream)
			throws IOException {
		if (writeBitmaps == null)
			throw new IOException(JGitText.get().bitmapsMustBePrepared);

		long writeStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
		final PackBitmapIndexWriterV1 iw = new PackBitmapIndexWriterV1(bitmapIndexStream);
		iw.write(writeBitmaps, packcsum);
		stats.timeWriting += System.currentTimeMillis() - writeStart;

	private List<ObjectToPack> sortByName() {
		if (sortedByName == null) {
			int cnt = 0;
			cnt += objectsLists[OBJ_COMMIT].size();
			cnt += objectsLists[OBJ_TREE].size();
			cnt += objectsLists[OBJ_BLOB].size();
			cnt += objectsLists[OBJ_TAG].size();

			sortedByName = new BlockList<>(cnt);
		return sortedByName;

	private void beginPhase(PackingPhase phase, ProgressMonitor monitor,
			long cnt) {
		state.phase = phase;
		String task;
		switch (phase) {
		case COUNTING:
			task = JGitText.get().countingObjects;
			task = JGitText.get().searchForSizes;
			task = JGitText.get().searchForReuse;
			task = JGitText.get().compressingObjects;
		case WRITING:
			task = JGitText.get().writingObjects;
			task = JGitText.get().buildingBitmaps;
			throw new IllegalArgumentException(
					MessageFormat.format(JGitText.get().illegalPackingPhase, phase));
		monitor.beginTask(task, (int) cnt);

	private void endPhase(ProgressMonitor monitor) {

	 * Write the prepared pack to the supplied stream.
	 * <p>
	 * Called after
	 * {@link #preparePack(ProgressMonitor, ObjectWalk, Set, Set, Set)} or
	 * {@link #preparePack(ProgressMonitor, Set, Set)}.
	 * <p>
	 * Performs delta search if enabled and writes the pack stream.
	 * <p>
	 * All reused objects data checksum (Adler32/CRC32) is computed and
	 * validated against existing checksum.
	 * @param compressMonitor
	 *            progress monitor to report object compression work.
	 * @param writeMonitor
	 *            progress monitor to report the number of objects written.
	 * @param packStream
	 *            output stream of pack data. The stream should be buffered by
	 *            the caller. The caller is responsible for closing the stream.
	 * @throws
	 *             an error occurred reading a local object's data to include in
	 *             the pack, or writing compressed object data to the output
	 *             stream.
	 * @throws WriteAbortedException
	 *             the write operation is aborted by
	 *             {@link org.eclipse.jgit.transport.ObjectCountCallback} .
	public void writePack(ProgressMonitor compressMonitor,
			ProgressMonitor writeMonitor, OutputStream packStream)
			throws IOException {
		if (compressMonitor == null)
			compressMonitor = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE;
		if (writeMonitor == null)
			writeMonitor = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE;

		excludeInPacks = null;
		excludeInPackLast = null;

		boolean needSearchForReuse = reuseSupport != null && (
				|| config.isReuseObjects()
				|| !cachedPacks.isEmpty());

		if (compressMonitor instanceof BatchingProgressMonitor) {
			long delay = 1000;
			if (needSearchForReuse && config.isDeltaCompress())
				delay = 500;
			((BatchingProgressMonitor) compressMonitor).setDelayStart(

		if (needSearchForReuse)
		if (config.isDeltaCompress())

		crc32 = new CRC32();
		final PackOutputStream out = new PackOutputStream(
				? packStream
				: new CheckedOutputStream(packStream, crc32),

		long objCnt = packfileUriConfig == null ? getObjectCount() :
		stats.totalObjects = objCnt;
		if (callback != null)
		beginPhase(PackingPhase.WRITING, writeMonitor, objCnt);
		long writeStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
		try {
			List<CachedPack> unwrittenCachedPacks;

			if (packfileUriConfig != null) {
				unwrittenCachedPacks = new ArrayList<>();
				CachedPackUriProvider p = packfileUriConfig.cachedPackUriProvider;
				PacketLineOut o = packfileUriConfig.pckOut;

				o.writeString("packfile-uris\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
				for (CachedPack pack : cachedPacks) {
					CachedPackUriProvider.PackInfo packInfo = p.getInfo(
							pack, packfileUriConfig.protocolsSupported);
					if (packInfo != null) {
						o.writeString(packInfo.getHash() + ' ' +
								packInfo.getUri() + '\n');
						stats.offloadedPackfiles += 1;
						stats.offloadedPackfileSize += packInfo.getSize();
					} else {
				packfileUriConfig.pckOut.writeString("packfile\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
			} else {
				unwrittenCachedPacks = cachedPacks;

			out.writeFileHeader(PACK_VERSION_GENERATED, objCnt);

			if (!edgeObjects.isEmpty() || !cachedPacks.isEmpty()) {
				for (PackStatistics.ObjectType.Accumulator typeStat : stats.objectTypes) {
					if (typeStat == null)
					stats.thinPackBytes += typeStat.bytes;

			stats.reusedPacks = Collections.unmodifiableList(cachedPacks);
			for (CachedPack pack : unwrittenCachedPacks) {
				long deltaCnt = pack.getDeltaCount();
				stats.reusedObjects += pack.getObjectCount();
				stats.reusedDeltas += deltaCnt;
				stats.totalDeltas += deltaCnt;
				reuseSupport.copyPackAsIs(out, pack);
		} finally {
			stats.timeWriting = System.currentTimeMillis() - writeStart;
			stats.depth = depth;

			for (PackStatistics.ObjectType.Accumulator typeStat : stats.objectTypes) {
				if (typeStat == null)
				typeStat.cntDeltas += typeStat.reusedDeltas;
				stats.reusedObjects += typeStat.reusedObjects;
				stats.reusedDeltas += typeStat.reusedDeltas;
				stats.totalDeltas += typeStat.cntDeltas;

		stats.totalBytes = out.length();

	 * Get statistics of what this PackWriter did in order to create the final
	 * pack stream.
	 * @return description of what this PackWriter did in order to create the
	 *         final pack stream. This should only be invoked after the calls to
	 *         create the pack/index/bitmap have completed.
	public PackStatistics getStatistics() {
		return new PackStatistics(stats);

	 * Get snapshot of the current state of this PackWriter.
	 * @return snapshot of the current state of this PackWriter.
	public State getState() {
		return state.snapshot();

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	 * <p>
	 * Release all resources used by this writer.
	public void close() {
		if (myDeflater != null) {
			myDeflater = null;

	private void searchForReuse(ProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException {
		long cnt = 0;
		cnt += objectsLists[OBJ_COMMIT].size();
		cnt += objectsLists[OBJ_TREE].size();
		cnt += objectsLists[OBJ_BLOB].size();
		cnt += objectsLists[OBJ_TAG].size();

		long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
		beginPhase(PackingPhase.FINDING_SOURCES, monitor, cnt);
		if (cnt <= 4096) {
			// For small object counts, do everything as one list.
			BlockList<ObjectToPack> tmp = new BlockList<>((int) cnt);
			searchForReuse(monitor, tmp);
			if (pruneCurrentObjectList) {
				// If the list was pruned, we need to re-prune the main lists.
		} else {
			searchForReuse(monitor, objectsLists[OBJ_TAG]);
			searchForReuse(monitor, objectsLists[OBJ_COMMIT]);
			searchForReuse(monitor, objectsLists[OBJ_TREE]);
			searchForReuse(monitor, objectsLists[OBJ_BLOB]);
		stats.timeSearchingForReuse = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;

		if (config.isReuseDeltas() && config.getCutDeltaChains()) {

	private void searchForReuse(ProgressMonitor monitor, List<ObjectToPack> list)
			throws IOException, MissingObjectException {
		pruneCurrentObjectList = false;
		reuseSupport.selectObjectRepresentation(this, monitor, list);
		if (pruneCurrentObjectList)

	private void cutDeltaChains(BlockList<ObjectToPack> list)
			throws IOException {
		int max = config.getMaxDeltaDepth();
		for (int idx = list.size() - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) {
			int d = 0;
			ObjectToPack b = list.get(idx).getDeltaBase();
			while (b != null) {
				if (d < b.getChainLength())
				if (d >= max && b.isDeltaRepresentation()) {
				b = b.getDeltaBase();
		if (config.isDeltaCompress()) {
			for (ObjectToPack otp : list)

	private void searchForDeltas(ProgressMonitor monitor)
			throws MissingObjectException, IncorrectObjectTypeException,
			IOException {
		// Commits and annotated tags tend to have too many differences to
		// really benefit from delta compression. Consequently just don't
		// bother examining those types here.
		ObjectToPack[] list = new ObjectToPack[
				+ objectsLists[OBJ_BLOB].size()
				+ edgeObjects.size()];
		int cnt = 0;
		cnt = findObjectsNeedingDelta(list, cnt, OBJ_TREE);
		cnt = findObjectsNeedingDelta(list, cnt, OBJ_BLOB);
		if (cnt == 0)
		int nonEdgeCnt = cnt;

		// Queue up any edge objects that we might delta against.  We won't
		// be sending these as we assume the other side has them, but we need
		// them in the search phase below.
		for (ObjectToPack eo : edgeObjects) {
			list[cnt++] = eo;

		// Compute the sizes of the objects so we can do a proper sort.
		// We let the reader skip missing objects if it chooses. For
		// some readers this can be a huge win. We detect missing objects
		// by having set the weights above to 0 and allowing the delta
		// search code to discover the missing object and skip over it, or
		// abort with an exception if we actually had to have it.
		final long sizingStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
		beginPhase(PackingPhase.GETTING_SIZES, monitor, cnt);
		AsyncObjectSizeQueue<ObjectToPack> sizeQueue = reader.getObjectSize(
				Arrays.<ObjectToPack> asList(list).subList(0, cnt), false);
		try {
			final long limit = Math.min(
			for (;;) {
				try {
					if (!
				} catch (MissingObjectException notFound) {
					if (ignoreMissingUninteresting) {
						ObjectToPack otp = sizeQueue.getCurrent();
						if (otp != null && otp.isEdge()) {

						otp = objectsMap.get(notFound.getObjectId());
						if (otp != null && otp.isEdge()) {
					throw notFound;

				ObjectToPack otp = sizeQueue.getCurrent();
				if (otp == null)
					otp = objectsMap.get(sizeQueue.getObjectId());

				long sz = sizeQueue.getSize();
				if (DeltaIndex.BLKSZ < sz && sz < limit)
					otp.setWeight((int) sz);
					otp.setDoNotDelta(); // too small, or too big
		} finally {
		stats.timeSearchingForSizes = System.currentTimeMillis() - sizingStart;

		// Sort the objects by path hash so like files are near each other,
		// and then by size descending so that bigger files are first. This
		// applies "Linus' Law" which states that newer files tend to be the
		// bigger ones, because source files grow and hardly ever shrink.
		Arrays.sort(list, 0, cnt, (ObjectToPack a, ObjectToPack b) -> {
			int cmp = (a.isDoNotDelta() ? 1 : 0) - (b.isDoNotDelta() ? 1 : 0);
			if (cmp != 0) {
				return cmp;

			cmp = a.getType() - b.getType();
			if (cmp != 0) {
				return cmp;

			cmp = (a.getPathHash() >>> 1) - (b.getPathHash() >>> 1);
			if (cmp != 0) {
				return cmp;

			cmp = (a.getPathHash() & 1) - (b.getPathHash() & 1);
			if (cmp != 0) {
				return cmp;

			cmp = (a.isEdge() ? 0 : 1) - (b.isEdge() ? 0 : 1);
			if (cmp != 0) {
				return cmp;

			return b.getWeight() - a.getWeight();

		// Above we stored the objects we cannot delta onto the end.
		// Remove them from the list so we don't waste time on them.
		while (0 < cnt && list[cnt - 1].isDoNotDelta()) {
			if (!list[cnt - 1].isEdge())
		if (cnt == 0)

		final long searchStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
		searchForDeltas(monitor, list, cnt);
		stats.deltaSearchNonEdgeObjects = nonEdgeCnt;
		stats.timeCompressing = System.currentTimeMillis() - searchStart;

		for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
			if (!list[i].isEdge() && list[i].isDeltaRepresentation())

	private int findObjectsNeedingDelta(ObjectToPack[] list, int cnt, int type) {
		for (ObjectToPack otp : objectsLists[type]) {
			if (otp.isDoNotDelta()) // delta is disabled for this path
			if (otp.isDeltaRepresentation()) // already reusing a delta
			list[cnt++] = otp;
		return cnt;

	private void reselectNonDelta(ObjectToPack otp) throws IOException {
		boolean old = reuseDeltas;
		reuseDeltas = false;
		reuseDeltas = old;

	private void searchForDeltas(final ProgressMonitor monitor,
			final ObjectToPack[] list, final int cnt)
			throws MissingObjectException, IncorrectObjectTypeException,
			LargeObjectException, IOException {
		int threads = config.getThreads();
		if (threads == 0)
			threads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
		if (threads <= 1 || cnt <= config.getDeltaSearchWindowSize())
			singleThreadDeltaSearch(monitor, list, cnt);
			parallelDeltaSearch(monitor, list, cnt, threads);

	private void singleThreadDeltaSearch(ProgressMonitor monitor,
			ObjectToPack[] list, int cnt) throws IOException {
		long totalWeight = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
			ObjectToPack o = list[i];
			totalWeight += DeltaTask.getAdjustedWeight(o);

		long bytesPerUnit = 1;
		while (DeltaTask.MAX_METER <= (totalWeight / bytesPerUnit))
			bytesPerUnit <<= 10;
		int cost = (int) (totalWeight / bytesPerUnit);
		if (totalWeight % bytesPerUnit != 0)

		beginPhase(PackingPhase.COMPRESSING, monitor, cost);
		new DeltaWindow(config, new DeltaCache(config), reader,
				monitor, bytesPerUnit,
				list, 0, cnt).search();

	private void parallelDeltaSearch(ProgressMonitor monitor,
			ObjectToPack[] list, int cnt, int threads) throws IOException {
		DeltaCache dc = new ThreadSafeDeltaCache(config);
		ThreadSafeProgressMonitor pm = new ThreadSafeProgressMonitor(monitor);
		DeltaTask.Block taskBlock = new DeltaTask.Block(threads, config,
				reader, dc, pm,
				list, 0, cnt);
		beginPhase(PackingPhase.COMPRESSING, monitor, taskBlock.cost());

		Executor executor = config.getExecutor();
		final List<Throwable> errors =
				Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>(threads));
		if (executor instanceof ExecutorService) {
			// Caller supplied us a service, use it directly.
			runTasks((ExecutorService) executor, pm, taskBlock, errors);
		} else if (executor == null) {
			// Caller didn't give us a way to run the tasks, spawn up a
			// temporary thread pool and make sure it tears down cleanly.
			ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads);
			try {
				runTasks(pool, pm, taskBlock, errors);
			} finally {
				for (;;) {
					try {
						if (pool.awaitTermination(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
					} catch (InterruptedException e) {
						throw new IOException(JGitText
								.get().packingCancelledDuringObjectsWriting, e);
		} else {
			// The caller gave us an executor, but it might not do
			// asynchronous execution.  Wrap everything and hope it
			// can schedule these for us.
			for (DeltaTask task : taskBlock.tasks) {
				executor.execute(() -> {
					try {;
					} catch (Throwable failure) {
			try {
			} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
				// We can't abort the other tasks as we have no handle.
				// Cross our fingers and just break out anyway.
				throw new IOException(

		// If any task threw an error, try to report it back as
		// though we weren't using a threaded search algorithm.
		if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
			Throwable err = errors.get(0);
			if (err instanceof Error)
				throw (Error) err;
			if (err instanceof RuntimeException)
				throw (RuntimeException) err;
			if (err instanceof IOException)
				throw (IOException) err;

			throw new IOException(err.getMessage(), err);

	private static void runTasks(ExecutorService pool,
			ThreadSafeProgressMonitor pm,
			DeltaTask.Block tb, List<Throwable> errors) throws IOException {
		List<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<>(tb.tasks.size());
		for (DeltaTask task : tb.tasks)

		try {
			for (Future<?> f : futures) {
				try {
				} catch (ExecutionException failed) {
		} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
			for (Future<?> f : futures)
			throw new IOException(
					JGitText.get().packingCancelledDuringObjectsWriting, ie);

	private void writeObjects(PackOutputStream out) throws IOException {
		writeObjects(out, objectsLists[OBJ_COMMIT]);
		writeObjects(out, objectsLists[OBJ_TAG]);
		writeObjects(out, objectsLists[OBJ_TREE]);
		writeObjects(out, objectsLists[OBJ_BLOB]);

	private void writeObjects(PackOutputStream out, List<ObjectToPack> list)
			throws IOException {
		if (list.isEmpty())

		typeStats = stats.objectTypes[list.get(0).getType()];
		long beginOffset = out.length();

		if (reuseSupport != null) {
			reuseSupport.writeObjects(out, list);
		} else {
			for (ObjectToPack otp : list)

		typeStats.bytes += out.length() - beginOffset;
		typeStats.cntObjects = list.size();

	void writeObject(PackOutputStream out, ObjectToPack otp) throws IOException {
		if (!otp.isWritten())
			writeObjectImpl(out, otp);

	private void writeObjectImpl(PackOutputStream out, ObjectToPack otp)
			throws IOException {
		if (otp.wantWrite()) {
			// A cycle exists in this delta chain. This should only occur if a
			// selected object representation disappeared during writing
			// (for example due to a concurrent repack) and a different base
			// was chosen, forcing a cycle. Select something other than a
			// delta, and write this object.

		while (otp.isReuseAsIs()) {
			writeBase(out, otp.getDeltaBase());
			if (otp.isWritten())
				return; // Delta chain cycle caused this to write already.

			try {
				reuseSupport.copyObjectAsIs(out, otp, reuseValidate);
				otp.setCRC((int) crc32.getValue());
				if (otp.isDeltaRepresentation()) {
					typeStats.deltaBytes += out.length() - otp.getOffset();
			} catch (StoredObjectRepresentationNotAvailableException gone) {
				if (otp.getOffset() == out.length()) {
				// Object writing already started, we cannot recover.
				CorruptObjectException coe;
				coe = new CorruptObjectException(otp, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$
				throw coe;

		// If we reached here, reuse wasn't possible.
		if (otp.isDeltaRepresentation()) {
			writeDeltaObjectDeflate(out, otp);
		} else {
			writeWholeObjectDeflate(out, otp);
		otp.setCRC((int) crc32.getValue());

	private void writeBase(PackOutputStream out, ObjectToPack base)
			throws IOException {
		if (base != null && !base.isWritten() && !base.isEdge())
			writeObjectImpl(out, base);

	private void writeWholeObjectDeflate(PackOutputStream out,
			final ObjectToPack otp) throws IOException {
		final Deflater deflater = deflater();
		final ObjectLoader ldr =, otp.getType());

		out.writeHeader(otp, ldr.getSize());

		DeflaterOutputStream dst = new DeflaterOutputStream(out, deflater);

	private void writeDeltaObjectDeflate(PackOutputStream out,
			final ObjectToPack otp) throws IOException {
		writeBase(out, otp.getDeltaBase());


		DeltaCache.Ref ref = otp.popCachedDelta();
		if (ref != null) {
			byte[] zbuf = ref.get();
			if (zbuf != null) {
				out.writeHeader(otp, otp.getCachedSize());
				typeStats.deltaBytes += out.length() - otp.getOffset();

		try (TemporaryBuffer.Heap delta = delta(otp)) {
			out.writeHeader(otp, delta.length());

			Deflater deflater = deflater();
			DeflaterOutputStream dst = new DeflaterOutputStream(out, deflater);
			delta.writeTo(dst, null);
		typeStats.deltaBytes += out.length() - otp.getOffset();

	private TemporaryBuffer.Heap delta(ObjectToPack otp)
			throws IOException {
		DeltaIndex index = new DeltaIndex(buffer(otp.getDeltaBaseId()));
		byte[] res = buffer(otp);

		// We never would have proposed this pair if the delta would be
		// larger than the unpacked version of the object. So using it
		// as our buffer limit is valid: we will never reach it.
		TemporaryBuffer.Heap delta = new TemporaryBuffer.Heap(res.length);
		index.encode(delta, res);
		return delta;

	private byte[] buffer(AnyObjectId objId) throws IOException {
		return buffer(config, reader, objId);

	static byte[] buffer(PackConfig config, ObjectReader or, AnyObjectId objId)
			throws IOException {
		// PackWriter should have already pruned objects that
		// are above the big file threshold, so our chances of
		// the object being below it are very good. We really
		// shouldn't be here, unless the implementation is odd.


	private Deflater deflater() {
		if (myDeflater == null)
			myDeflater = new Deflater(config.getCompressionLevel());
		return myDeflater;

	private void writeChecksum(PackOutputStream out) throws IOException {
		packcsum = out.getDigest();

	private void findObjectsToPack(@NonNull ProgressMonitor countingMonitor,
			@NonNull ObjectWalk walker, @NonNull Set<? extends ObjectId> want,
			@NonNull Set<? extends ObjectId> have,
			@NonNull Set<? extends ObjectId> noBitmaps) throws IOException {
		final long countingStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
		beginPhase(PackingPhase.COUNTING, countingMonitor, ProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN);

		stats.interestingObjects = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<ObjectId>(want));
		stats.uninterestingObjects = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<ObjectId>(have));
		excludeFromBitmapSelection = noBitmaps;

		canBuildBitmaps = config.isBuildBitmaps()
				&& !shallowPack
				&& have.isEmpty()
				&& (excludeInPacks == null || excludeInPacks.length == 0);
		if (!shallowPack && useBitmaps) {
			BitmapIndex bitmapIndex = reader.getBitmapIndex();
			if (bitmapIndex != null) {
				BitmapWalker bitmapWalker = new BitmapWalker(
						walker, bitmapIndex, countingMonitor);
				findObjectsToPackUsingBitmaps(bitmapWalker, want, have);
				stats.timeCounting = System.currentTimeMillis() - countingStart;
				stats.bitmapIndexMisses = bitmapWalker.getCountOfBitmapIndexMisses();

		List<ObjectId> all = new ArrayList<>(want.size() + have.size());

		final RevFlag include = walker.newFlag("include"); //$NON-NLS-1$
		final RevFlag added = walker.newFlag("added"); //$NON-NLS-1$


		int haveEst = have.size();
		if (have.isEmpty()) {
		} else {
			if (thin)
				walker.sort(RevSort.BOUNDARY, true);

		List<RevObject> wantObjs = new ArrayList<>(want.size());
		List<RevObject> haveObjs = new ArrayList<>(haveEst);
		List<RevTag> wantTags = new ArrayList<>(want.size());

		// Retrieve the RevWalk's versions of "want" and "have" objects to
		// maintain any state previously set in the RevWalk.
		AsyncRevObjectQueue q = walker.parseAny(all, true);
		try {
			for (;;) {
				try {
					RevObject o =;
					if (o == null)
					if (have.contains(o))
					if (want.contains(o)) {
						if (o instanceof RevTag)
							wantTags.add((RevTag) o);
				} catch (MissingObjectException e) {
					if (ignoreMissingUninteresting
							&& have.contains(e.getObjectId()))
					throw e;
		} finally {

		if (!wantTags.isEmpty()) {
			all = new ArrayList<>(wantTags.size());
			for (RevTag tag : wantTags)
			q = walker.parseAny(all, true);
			try {
				while ( != null) {
					// Just need to pop the queue item to parse the object.
			} finally {

		if (walker instanceof DepthWalk.ObjectWalk) {
			DepthWalk.ObjectWalk depthWalk = (DepthWalk.ObjectWalk) walker;
			for (RevObject obj : wantObjs) {
			// Mark the tree objects associated with "have" commits as
			// uninteresting to avoid writing redundant blobs. A normal RevWalk
			// lazily propagates the "uninteresting" state from a commit to its
			// tree during the walk, but DepthWalks can terminate early so
			// preemptively propagate that state here.
			for (RevObject obj : haveObjs) {
				if (obj instanceof RevCommit) {
					RevTree t = ((RevCommit) obj).getTree();

			if (unshallowObjects != null) {
				for (ObjectId id : unshallowObjects) {
		} else {
			for (RevObject obj : wantObjs)
		for (RevObject obj : haveObjs)

		final int maxBases = config.getDeltaSearchWindowSize();
		Set<RevTree> baseTrees = new HashSet<>();
		BlockList<RevCommit> commits = new BlockList<>();
		Set<ObjectId> roots = new HashSet<>();
		RevCommit c;
		while ((c = != null) {
			if (exclude(c))
			if (c.has(RevFlag.UNINTERESTING)) {
				if (baseTrees.size() <= maxBases)

			if (c.getParentCount() == 0) {
		stats.rootCommits = Collections.unmodifiableSet(roots);

		if (shallowPack) {
			for (RevCommit cmit : commits) {
				addObject(cmit, 0);
		} else {
			int commitCnt = 0;
			boolean putTagTargets = false;
			for (RevCommit cmit : commits) {
				if (!cmit.has(added)) {
					addObject(cmit, 0);

				for (int i = 0; i < cmit.getParentCount(); i++) {
					RevCommit p = cmit.getParent(i);
					if (!p.has(added) && !p.has(RevFlag.UNINTERESTING)
							&& !exclude(p)) {
						addObject(p, 0);

				if (!putTagTargets && 4096 < commitCnt) {
					for (ObjectId id : tagTargets) {
						RevObject obj = walker.lookupOrNull(id);
						if (obj instanceof RevCommit
								&& obj.has(include)
								&& !obj.has(RevFlag.UNINTERESTING)
								&& !obj.has(added)) {
							addObject(obj, 0);
					putTagTargets = true;
		commits = null;

		if (thin && !baseTrees.isEmpty()) {
			BaseSearch bases = new BaseSearch(countingMonitor, baseTrees, //
					objectsMap, edgeObjects, reader);
			RevObject o;
			while ((o = walker.nextObject()) != null) {
				if (o.has(RevFlag.UNINTERESTING))
				if (exclude(o))

				int pathHash = walker.getPathHashCode();
				byte[] pathBuf = walker.getPathBuffer();
				int pathLen = walker.getPathLength();
				bases.addBase(o.getType(), pathBuf, pathLen, pathHash);
				if (!depthSkip(o, walker)) {
					filterAndAddObject(o, o.getType(), pathHash, want);
		} else {
			RevObject o;
			while ((o = walker.nextObject()) != null) {
				if (o.has(RevFlag.UNINTERESTING))
				if (exclude(o))
				if (!depthSkip(o, walker)) {
					filterAndAddObject(o, o.getType(), walker.getPathHashCode(),

		for (CachedPack pack : cachedPacks)
			countingMonitor.update((int) pack.getObjectCount());
		stats.timeCounting = System.currentTimeMillis() - countingStart;
		stats.bitmapIndexMisses = -1;

	private void findObjectsToPackUsingBitmaps(
			BitmapWalker bitmapWalker, Set<? extends ObjectId> want,
			Set<? extends ObjectId> have)
			throws MissingObjectException, IncorrectObjectTypeException,
			IOException {
		BitmapBuilder haveBitmap = bitmapWalker.findObjects(have, null, true);
		BitmapBuilder wantBitmap = bitmapWalker.findObjects(want, haveBitmap,
		BitmapBuilder needBitmap = wantBitmap.andNot(haveBitmap);

		if (useCachedPacks && reuseSupport != null && !reuseValidate
				&& (excludeInPacks == null || excludeInPacks.length == 0))

		for (BitmapObject obj : needBitmap) {
			ObjectId objectId = obj.getObjectId();
			if (exclude(objectId)) {
			filterAndAddObject(objectId, obj.getType(), 0, want);

		if (thin)
			haveObjects = haveBitmap;

	private static void pruneEdgesFromObjectList(List<ObjectToPack> list) {
		final int size = list.size();
		int src = 0;
		int dst = 0;

		for (; src < size; src++) {
			ObjectToPack obj = list.get(src);
			if (obj.isEdge())
			if (dst != src)
				list.set(dst, obj);

		while (dst < list.size())
			list.remove(list.size() - 1);

	 * Include one object to the output file.
	 * <p>
	 * Objects are written in the order they are added. If the same object is
	 * added twice, it may be written twice, creating a larger than necessary
	 * file.
	 * @param object
	 *            the object to add.
	 * @throws org.eclipse.jgit.errors.IncorrectObjectTypeException
	 *             the object is an unsupported type.
	public void addObject(RevObject object)
			throws IncorrectObjectTypeException {
		if (!exclude(object))
			addObject(object, 0);

	private void addObject(RevObject object, int pathHashCode) {
		addObject(object, object.getType(), pathHashCode);

	private void addObject(
			final AnyObjectId src, final int type, final int pathHashCode) {
		final ObjectToPack otp;
		if (reuseSupport != null)
			otp = reuseSupport.newObjectToPack(src, type);
			otp = new ObjectToPack(src, type);

	 * Determines if the object should be omitted from the pack as a result of
	 * its depth (probably because of the tree:<depth> filter).
	 * <p>
	 * Causes {@code walker} to skip traversing the current tree, which ought to
	 * have just started traversal, assuming this method is called as soon as a
	 * new depth is reached.
	 * <p>
	 * This method increments the {@code treesTraversed} statistic.
	 * @param obj
	 *            the object to check whether it should be omitted.
	 * @param walker
	 *            the walker being used for traveresal.
	 * @return whether the given object should be skipped.
	private boolean depthSkip(@NonNull RevObject obj, ObjectWalk walker) {
		long treeDepth = walker.getTreeDepth();

		// Check if this object needs to be rejected because it is a tree or
		// blob that is too deep from the root tree.

		// A blob is considered one level deeper than the tree that contains it.
		if (obj.getType() == OBJ_BLOB) {
		} else {

		if (filterSpec.getTreeDepthLimit() < 0 ||
			treeDepth <= filterSpec.getTreeDepthLimit()) {
			return false;

		return true;

	// Adds the given object as an object to be packed, first performing
	// filtering on blobs at or exceeding a given size.
	private void filterAndAddObject(@NonNull AnyObjectId src, int type,
			int pathHashCode, @NonNull Set<? extends AnyObjectId> want)
			throws IOException {

		// Check if this object needs to be rejected, doing the cheaper
		// checks first.
		boolean reject = filterSpec.getBlobLimit() >= 0 &&
			type == OBJ_BLOB &&
			!want.contains(src) &&
			reader.getObjectSize(src, OBJ_BLOB) > filterSpec.getBlobLimit();
		if (!reject) {
			addObject(src, type, pathHashCode);

	private boolean exclude(AnyObjectId objectId) {
		if (excludeInPacks == null)
			return false;
		if (excludeInPackLast.contains(objectId))
			return true;
		for (ObjectIdSet idx : excludeInPacks) {
			if (idx.contains(objectId)) {
				excludeInPackLast = idx;
				return true;
		return false;

	 * Select an object representation for this writer.
	 * <p>
	 * An {@link org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectReader} implementation should invoke
	 * this method once for each representation available for an object, to
	 * allow the writer to find the most suitable one for the output.
	 * @param otp
	 *            the object being packed.
	 * @param next
	 *            the next available representation from the repository.
	public void select(ObjectToPack otp, StoredObjectRepresentation next) {
		int nFmt = next.getFormat();

		if (!cachedPacks.isEmpty()) {
			if (otp.isEdge())
			if (nFmt == PACK_WHOLE || nFmt == PACK_DELTA) {
				for (CachedPack pack : cachedPacks) {
					if (pack.hasObject(otp, next)) {
						pruneCurrentObjectList = true;

		if (nFmt == PACK_DELTA && reuseDeltas && reuseDeltaFor(otp)) {
			ObjectId baseId = next.getDeltaBase();
			ObjectToPack ptr = objectsMap.get(baseId);
			if (ptr != null && !ptr.isEdge()) {
			} else if (thin && have(ptr, baseId)) {
			} else {
		} else if (nFmt == PACK_WHOLE && config.isReuseObjects()) {
			int nWeight = next.getWeight();
			if (otp.isReuseAsIs() && !otp.isDeltaRepresentation()) {
				// We've chosen another PACK_WHOLE format for this object,
				// choose the one that has the smaller compressed size.
				if (otp.getWeight() <= nWeight)
		} else {

		otp.setDeltaAttempted(reuseDeltas && next.wasDeltaAttempted());;

	private final boolean have(ObjectToPack ptr, AnyObjectId objectId) {
		return (ptr != null && ptr.isEdge())
				|| (haveObjects != null && haveObjects.contains(objectId));

	 * Prepares the bitmaps to be written to the bitmap index file.
	 * <p>
	 * Bitmaps can be used to speed up fetches and clones by storing the entire
	 * object graph at selected commits. Writing a bitmap index is an optional
	 * feature that not all pack users may require.
	 * <p>
	 * Called after {@link #writeIndex(OutputStream)}.
	 * <p>
	 * To reduce memory internal state is cleared during this method, rendering
	 * the PackWriter instance useless for anything further than a call to write
	 * out the new bitmaps with {@link #writeBitmapIndex(OutputStream)}.
	 * @param pm
	 *            progress monitor to report bitmap building work.
	 * @return whether a bitmap index may be written.
	 * @throws
	 *             when some I/O problem occur during reading objects.
	public boolean prepareBitmapIndex(ProgressMonitor pm) throws IOException {
		if (!canBuildBitmaps || getObjectCount() > Integer.MAX_VALUE
				|| !cachedPacks.isEmpty())
			return false;

		if (pm == null)
			pm = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE;

		int numCommits = objectsLists[OBJ_COMMIT].size();
		List<ObjectToPack> byName = sortByName();
		sortedByName = null;
		objectsLists = null;
		objectsMap = null;
		writeBitmaps = new PackBitmapIndexBuilder(byName);
		byName = null;

		PackWriterBitmapPreparer bitmapPreparer = new PackWriterBitmapPreparer(
				reader, writeBitmaps, pm, stats.interestingObjects, config);

		Collection<PackWriterBitmapPreparer.BitmapCommit> selectedCommits = bitmapPreparer
				.selectCommits(numCommits, excludeFromBitmapSelection);

		beginPhase(PackingPhase.BUILDING_BITMAPS, pm, selectedCommits.size());

		BitmapWalker walker = bitmapPreparer.newBitmapWalker();
		AnyObjectId last = null;
		for (PackWriterBitmapPreparer.BitmapCommit cmit : selectedCommits) {
			if (!cmit.isReuseWalker()) {
				walker = bitmapPreparer.newBitmapWalker();
			BitmapBuilder bitmap = walker.findObjects(
					Collections.singleton(cmit), null, false);

			if (last != null && cmit.isReuseWalker() && !bitmap.contains(last))
				throw new IllegalStateException(MessageFormat.format(
			last = cmit;
			writeBitmaps.addBitmap(cmit,, cmit.getFlags());


		return true;

	private boolean reuseDeltaFor(ObjectToPack otp) {
		int type = otp.getType();
		if ((type & 2) != 0) // OBJ_TREE(2) or OBJ_BLOB(3)
			return true;
		if (type == OBJ_COMMIT)
			return reuseDeltaCommits;
		if (type == OBJ_TAG)
			return false;
		return true;

	private class MutableState {
		/** Estimated size of a single ObjectToPack instance. */
		// Assume 64-bit pointers, since this is just an estimate.
		private static final long OBJECT_TO_PACK_SIZE =
				(2 * 8)               // Object header
				+ (2 * 8) + (2 * 8)   // ObjectToPack fields
				+ (8 + 8)             // PackedObjectInfo fields
				+ 8                   // ObjectIdOwnerMap fields
				+ 40                  // AnyObjectId fields
				+ 8;                  // Reference in BlockList

		private final long totalDeltaSearchBytes;

		private volatile PackingPhase phase;

		MutableState() {
			phase = PackingPhase.COUNTING;
			if (config.isDeltaCompress()) {
				int threads = config.getThreads();
				if (threads <= 0)
					threads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
				totalDeltaSearchBytes = (threads * config.getDeltaSearchMemoryLimit())
						+ config.getBigFileThreshold();
			} else
				totalDeltaSearchBytes = 0;

		State snapshot() {
			long objCnt = 0;
			BlockList<ObjectToPack>[] lists = objectsLists;
			if (lists != null) {
				objCnt += lists[OBJ_COMMIT].size();
				objCnt += lists[OBJ_TREE].size();
				objCnt += lists[OBJ_BLOB].size();
				objCnt += lists[OBJ_TAG].size();
				// Exclude CachedPacks.

			long bytesUsed = OBJECT_TO_PACK_SIZE * objCnt;
			PackingPhase curr = phase;
			if (curr == PackingPhase.COMPRESSING)
				bytesUsed += totalDeltaSearchBytes;
			return new State(curr, bytesUsed);

	/** Possible states that a PackWriter can be in. */
	public enum PackingPhase {
		/** Counting objects phase. */

		/** Getting sizes phase. */

		/** Finding sources phase. */

		/** Compressing objects phase. */

		/** Writing objects phase. */

		/** Building bitmaps phase. */

	/** Summary of the current state of a PackWriter. */
	public class State {
		private final PackingPhase phase;

		private final long bytesUsed;

		State(PackingPhase phase, long bytesUsed) {
			this.phase = phase;
			this.bytesUsed = bytesUsed;

		/** @return the PackConfig used to build the writer. */
		public PackConfig getConfig() {
			return config;

		/** @return the current phase of the writer. */
		public PackingPhase getPhase() {
			return phase;

		/** @return an estimate of the total memory used by the writer. */
		public long estimateBytesUsed() {
			return bytesUsed;

		public String toString() {
			return "PackWriter.State[" + phase + ", memory=" + bytesUsed + "]";

	 * Configuration related to the packfile URI feature.
	 * @since 5.5
	public static class PackfileUriConfig {
		private final PacketLineOut pckOut;

		private final Collection<String> protocolsSupported;

		private final CachedPackUriProvider cachedPackUriProvider;

		 * @param pckOut where to write "packfile-uri" lines to (should
		 *     output to the same stream as the one passed to
		 *     PackWriter#writePack)
		 * @param protocolsSupported list of protocols supported (e.g. "https")
		 * @param cachedPackUriProvider provider of URIs corresponding
		 *     to cached packs
		 * @since 5.5
		public PackfileUriConfig(@NonNull PacketLineOut pckOut,
				@NonNull Collection<String> protocolsSupported,
				@NonNull CachedPackUriProvider cachedPackUriProvider) {
			this.pckOut = pckOut;
			this.protocolsSupported = protocolsSupported;
			this.cachedPackUriProvider = cachedPackUriProvider;