Class WildMatcher

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class WildMatcher
    extends AbstractMatcher
    Wildmatch matcher for "double star" (**) pattern only. This matcher matches any path.

    This class is immutable and thread safe.

    • Method Detail

      • matches

        public final boolean matches​(String path,
                                     boolean assumeDirectory,
                                     boolean pathMatch)
        Matches entire given string
        path - string which is not null, but might be empty
        assumeDirectory - true to assume this path as directory (even if it doesn't end with a slash)
        pathMatch - true if the match is for the full path: prefix-only matches are not allowed
        true if this matcher pattern matches given string
      • matches

        public final boolean matches​(String segment,
                                     int startIncl,
                                     int endExcl)
        Matches only part of given string
        segment - string which is not null, but might be empty
        startIncl - start index, inclusive
        endExcl - end index, exclusive
        true if this matcher pattern matches given string