Project Dependencies


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.ant jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.ant.test jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.archive jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.http.apache jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.http.server jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.http.test jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.lfs jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.server jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.server.test jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.test jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.pgm jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.pgm.test jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.apache jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.apache.test jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.test jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.ui jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)

Project Transitive Dependencies

The following is a list of transitive dependencies for this project. Transitive dependencies are the dependencies of the project dependencies.


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
args4j args4j 2.33 jar MIT License gson 2.8.9 jar Apache-2.0
com.googlecode.javaewah JavaEWAH 1.1.13 jar Apache 2
com.jcraft jsch 0.1.55 jar Revised BSD
com.jcraft jzlib 1.1.3 jar BSD
commons-codec commons-codec 1.11 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
commons-logging commons-logging 1.2 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
junit junit 4.13.2 jar Eclipse Public License 1.0
net.bytebuddy byte-buddy 1.9.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
net.bytebuddy byte-buddy-agent 1.9.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
net.i2p.crypto eddsa 0.3.0 jar CC0 1.0 Universal jna 5.8.0 jar LGPL, version 2.1Apache License v2.0 jna-platform 5.8.0 jar LGPL, version 2.1Apache License v2.0
org.apache.ant ant 1.10.12 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.ant ant-launcher 1.10.12 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.commons commons-compress 1.21 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.httpcomponents httpclient 4.5.13 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.httpcomponents httpcore 4.4.14 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.sshd sshd-common 2.8.0 jar Apache 2.0 License
org.apache.sshd sshd-core 2.8.0 jar Apache 2.0 License
org.apache.sshd sshd-osgi 2.8.0 jar Apache 2.0 License
org.apache.sshd sshd-sftp 2.8.0 jar Apache 2.0 License
org.assertj assertj-core 3.20.2 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.bouncycastle bcpg-jdk15on 1.70 jar Bouncy Castle LicenceApache Software License, Version 1.1
org.bouncycastle bcpkix-jdk15on 1.70 jar Bouncy Castle Licence
org.bouncycastle bcprov-jdk15on 1.70 jar Bouncy Castle Licence
org.bouncycastle bcutil-jdk15on 1.70 jar Bouncy Castle Licence
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-http 10.0.6 jar Eclipse Public License - Version 2.0Apache Software License - Version 2.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-io 10.0.6 jar Eclipse Public License - Version 2.0Apache Software License - Version 2.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-security 10.0.6 jar Eclipse Public License - Version 2.0Apache Software License - Version 2.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-server 10.0.6 jar Eclipse Public License - Version 2.0Apache Software License - Version 2.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-servlet 10.0.6 jar Eclipse Public License - Version 2.0Apache Software License - Version 2.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-util 10.0.6 jar Eclipse Public License - Version 2.0Apache Software License - Version 2.0
org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain jetty-servlet-api 4.0.6 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.gpg.bc jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.junit jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.junit.ssh jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.apache.agent jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.eclipse.jgit org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.jsch jar Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
org.hamcrest hamcrest-core 1.3 jar New BSD License
org.mockito mockito-core 2.23.0 jar The MIT License
org.objenesis objenesis 2.6 jar Apache 2
org.osgi org.osgi.core 6.0.0 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.slf4j jcl-over-slf4j 1.7.32 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.slf4j slf4j-api 1.7.30 jar MIT License
org.slf4j slf4j-simple 1.7.30 jar MIT License

Project Dependency Graph

Dependency Tree

  • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.coverage:pom: [Information]
    • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit:jar: (compile) [Information]
      • com.googlecode.javaewah:JavaEWAH:jar:1.1.13 (compile) [Information]
      • org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.30 (compile) [Information]
    • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.ant:jar: (compile) [Information]
    • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.archive:jar: (compile) [Information]
      • org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.21 (compile) [Information]
      • org.osgi:org.osgi.core:jar:6.0.0 (compile) [Information]
    • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.http.apache:jar: (compile) [Information]
    • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.http.server:jar: (compile) [Information]
    • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.lfs:jar: (compile) [Information]
    • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.server:jar: (compile) [Information]
    • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.pgm:jar: (compile) [Information]
    • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.ui:jar: (compile) [Information]
    • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.apache:jar: (compile) [Information]
      • org.apache.sshd:sshd-osgi:jar:2.8.0 (compile) [Information]
      • org.apache.sshd:sshd-sftp:jar:2.8.0 (compile) [Information]
        • org.apache.sshd:sshd-core:jar:2.8.0 (compile) [Information]
          • org.apache.sshd:sshd-common:jar:2.8.0 (compile) [Information]
      • net.i2p.crypto:eddsa:jar:0.3.0 (compile) [Information]
    • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.test:jar: (compile) [Information]
      • junit:junit:jar:4.13.2 (compile) [Information]
        • org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:jar:1.3 (compile) [Information]
      • org.assertj:assertj-core:jar:3.20.2 (compile) [Information]
      • org.mockito:mockito-core:jar:2.23.0 (compile) [Information]
      • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.junit:jar: (compile) [Information]
      • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.junit.ssh:jar: (compile) [Information]
    • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.ant.test:jar: (compile) [Information]
    • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.http.test:jar: (compile) [Information]
      • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http:jar: (compile) [Information]
    • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.pgm.test:jar: (compile) [Information]
    • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.test:jar: (compile) [Information]
    • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.server.test:jar: (compile) [Information]
    • org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.apache.test:jar: (compile) [Information]


Apache Software License - Version 2.0: Jetty :: Http Utility, Jetty :: IO Utility, Jetty :: Security, Jetty :: Server Core, Jetty :: Servlet API and Schemas for JPMS and OSGi, Jetty :: Servlet Handling, Jetty :: Utilities

Eclipse Public License 1.0: JUnit

MIT License: SLF4J API Module, SLF4J Simple Binding, args4j

Revised BSD: JSch

Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License): JGit - AWT User Interface, JGit - Ant Tasks, JGit - Ant Tasks Tests, JGit - Apache httpclient based HTTP support, JGit - Apache sshd SSH Tests, JGit - Apache sshd SSH agent support, JGit - Apache sshd-based SSH support, JGit - Archive Formats, JGit - BouncyCastle-based GPG support, JGit - Command Line Interface, JGit - Command Line Interface Tests, JGit - Core, JGit - Core Tests, JGit - HTTP Server, JGit - HTTP Tests, JGit - JSch-based SSH support, JGit - JUnit Http Utility Classes, JGit - JUnit Ssh Utility Classes, JGit - JUnit Utility Classes, JGit - LFS Server Tests, JGit - Large File Storage, JGit - Large File Storage Server, JGit - Large File Storage Tests, JGit - Test Coverage

New BSD License: Hamcrest Core

Bouncy Castle Licence: Bouncy Castle ASN.1 Extension and Utility APIs, Bouncy Castle OpenPGP API, Bouncy Castle PKIX, CMS, EAC, TSP, PKCS, OCSP, CMP, and CRMF APIs, Bouncy Castle Provider

Apache 2: JavaEWAH, Objenesis

BSD: JZlib

Eclipse Public License - Version 2.0: Jetty :: Http Utility, Jetty :: IO Utility, Jetty :: Security, Jetty :: Server Core, Jetty :: Servlet Handling, Jetty :: Utilities

Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0: Jetty :: Servlet API and Schemas for JPMS and OSGi

CC0 1.0 Universal: EdDSA-Java

Apache Software License, Version 1.1: Bouncy Castle OpenPGP API

The MIT License: mockito-core

Apache License, Version 2.0: Apache Commons Codec, Apache Commons Compress, Apache HttpClient, Apache HttpCore, AssertJ fluent assertions, JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J, org.osgi.core

Apache-2.0: Gson

Apache 2.0 License: Apache Mina SSHD :: Common support utilities, Apache Mina SSHD :: Core, Apache Mina SSHD :: OSGi, Apache Mina SSHD :: SFTP

LGPL, version 2.1: Java Native Access, Java Native Access Platform

The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: Apache Ant Core, Apache Ant Launcher, Apache Commons Logging, Byte Buddy (without dependencies), Byte Buddy Java agent

Apache License v2.0: Java Native Access, Java Native Access Platform

Dependency File Details

Filename Size Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information
args4j-2.33.jar 155.4 kB 165 74 2 1.5 Yes
gson-2.8.9.jar 258.1 kB 214 196 10 - Yes
JavaEWAH-1.1.13.jar 166.9 kB 120 106 5 1.8 Yes
jsch-0.1.55.jar 282.6 kB 180 167 4 1.5 Yes
jzlib-1.1.3.jar 72 kB 36 26 1 1.5 Yes
commons-codec-1.11.jar 335 kB 243 96 7 1.6 Yes
commons-logging-1.2.jar 61.8 kB 42 28 2 1.2 Yes
junit-4.13.2.jar 384.6 kB 389 350 32 1.5 Yes
byte-buddy-1.9.0.jar 3.2 MB 2288 2239 37 - Yes
byte-buddy-agent-1.9.0.jar 43.2 kB 41 31 2 - Yes
eddsa-0.3.0.jar 63.3 kB 48 33 5 1.6 Yes
jna-5.8.0.jar 1.7 MB 178 117 4 1.6 Yes
jna-platform-5.8.0.jar 1.3 MB 1313 1266 14 1.6 Yes
ant-1.10.12.jar 2.3 MB 1246 1162 62 1.8 Yes
ant-launcher-1.10.12.jar 18.7 kB 14 4 1 1.8 Yes
commons-compress-1.21.jar 1 MB 576 524 35 1.8 Yes
httpclient-4.5.13.jar 780.3 kB 511 470 24 1.6 Yes
httpcore-4.4.14.jar 328.4 kB 283 253 17 1.6 Yes
sshd-common-2.8.0.jar 935.7 kB 604 523 61 1.8 Yes
sshd-core-2.8.0.jar 910.5 kB 536 453 59 1.8 Yes
sshd-osgi-2.8.0.jar 1.8 MB 1107 976 104 1.8 Yes
sshd-sftp-2.8.0.jar 362.4 kB 198 168 12 1.8 Yes
assertj-core-3.20.2.jar 4.9 MB 3321 3244 62 - Yes
bcpg-jdk15on-1.70.jar 376.4 kB 317 293 16 - No
bcpkix-jdk15on-1.70.jar 963.7 kB 862 804 51 - No
bcprov-jdk15on-1.70.jar 5.9 MB 4576 3470 149 - Yes
bcutil-jdk15on-1.70.jar 482.5 kB 443 414 21 - No
jetty-http-10.0.6.jar 233.6 kB 127 108 3 - Yes
jetty-io-10.0.6.jar 184.2 kB 122 107 4 - Yes
jetty-security-10.0.6.jar 117.9 kB 75 61 3 - Yes
jetty-server-10.0.6.jar 750.8 kB 367 346 8 - Yes
jetty-servlet-10.0.6.jar 163.2 kB 89 74 4 - Yes
jetty-util-10.0.6.jar 541.9 kB 325 299 13 - Yes
jetty-servlet-api-4.0.6.jar 273.1 kB 137 86 5 - Yes
org.eclipse.jgit- 2.8 MB 1606 1535 51 - Yes
org.eclipse.jgit.ant- 11.4 kB 19 4 1 - Yes
org.eclipse.jgit.ant.test- 2.2 kB 7 0 0 - No
org.eclipse.jgit.archive- 19.3 kB 23 9 2 - Yes
org.eclipse.jgit.gpg.bc- 57.2 kB 38 18 3 - Yes
org.eclipse.jgit.http.apache- 18.7 kB 24 7 2 - Yes
org.eclipse.jgit.http.server- 86.4 kB 78 61 3 - Yes
org.eclipse.jgit.http.test- 5.8 kB 15 3 1 - Yes
org.eclipse.jgit.junit- 58.7 kB 39 26 2 - Yes
org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http- 25.6 kB 23 10 1 - Yes
org.eclipse.jgit.junit.ssh- 67.1 kB 63 12 1 - Yes
org.eclipse.jgit.lfs- 66.7 kB 58 41 4 - Yes
org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.server- 39.7 kB 41 23 4 - Yes
org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.server.test- 2.3 kB 7 0 0 - No
org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.test- 4 kB 13 1 1 - Yes
org.eclipse.jgit.pgm- 285.6 kB 140 119 5 - Yes
org.eclipse.jgit.pgm.test- 10.6 kB 15 3 2 - Yes
org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.apache- 198.8 kB 120 96 6 - Yes
org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.apache.agent- 30.5 kB 36 16 1 - Yes
org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.apache.test- 2.4 kB 7 0 0 - No
org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.jsch- 32.6 kB 36 13 2 - Yes
org.eclipse.jgit.test- 5.2 kB 15 2 2 - Yes
org.eclipse.jgit.ui- 21 kB 25 11 1 - Yes
hamcrest-core-1.3.jar 45 kB 52 45 3 1.5 Yes
mockito-core-2.23.0.jar 565 kB 613 542 64 1.6 Yes
objenesis-2.6.jar 55.7 kB 59 43 10 1.6 Yes
org.osgi.core-6.0.0.jar 475.3 kB 387 158 21 1.5 Yes
jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.32.jar 16.6 kB 23 9 2 1.5 Yes
slf4j-api-1.7.30.jar 41.5 kB 46 34 4 1.5 Yes
slf4j-simple-1.7.30.jar 15.2 kB 20 10 1 1.5 Yes
Total Size Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information
64 36.4 MB 24741 21419 1039 1.8 58
compile: 64 compile: 36.4 MB compile: 24741 compile: 21419 compile: 1039 - compile: 58