* Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Google Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2008, Marek Zawirski <>
* Copyright (C) 2008, Shawn O. Pearce <> and others
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.IncorrectObjectTypeException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.filter.AndRevFilter;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.filter.RevFilter;
import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter.TreeFilter;
* Initial RevWalk generator that bootstraps a new walk.
* <p>
* Initially RevWalk starts with this generator as its chosen implementation.
* The first request for a RevCommit from the RevWalk instance calls to our
* {@link #next()} method, and we replace ourselves with the best Generator
* implementation available based upon the current RevWalk configuration.
class StartGenerator extends Generator {
private final RevWalk walker;
StartGenerator(RevWalk w) {
walker = w;
int outputType() {
return 0;
RevCommit next() throws MissingObjectException,
IncorrectObjectTypeException, IOException {
Generator g;
final RevWalk w = walker;
RevFilter rf = w.getRevFilter();
final TreeFilter tf = w.getTreeFilter();
AbstractRevQueue q = walker.queue;
if (rf == RevFilter.MERGE_BASE) {
// Computing for merge bases is a special case and does not
// use the bulk of the generator pipeline.
if (tf != TreeFilter.ALL) {
throw new IllegalStateException(MessageFormat.format(
JGitText.get().cannotCombineTreeFilterWithRevFilter, tf, rf));
if (w.isFirstParent()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
final MergeBaseGenerator mbg = new MergeBaseGenerator(w);
walker.pending = mbg;
walker.queue = AbstractRevQueue.EMPTY_QUEUE;
final boolean uninteresting = q.anybodyHasFlag(RevWalk.UNINTERESTING);
boolean boundary = walker.hasRevSort(RevSort.BOUNDARY);
if (!boundary && walker instanceof ObjectWalk) {
// The object walker requires boundary support to color
// trees and blobs at the boundary uninteresting so it
// does not produce those in the result.
boundary = true;
if (boundary && !uninteresting) {
// If we were not fed uninteresting commits we will never
// construct a boundary. There is no reason to include the
// extra overhead associated with that in our pipeline.
boundary = false;
final DateRevQueue pending;
int pendingOutputType = 0;
if (q instanceof DateRevQueue)
pending = (DateRevQueue)q;
pending = new DateRevQueue(q);
if (tf != TreeFilter.ALL) {
int rewriteFlag;
if (w.getRewriteParents()) {
pendingOutputType |= HAS_REWRITE | NEEDS_REWRITE;
rewriteFlag = RevWalk.REWRITE;
} else
rewriteFlag = 0;
rf = AndRevFilter.create(new TreeRevFilter(w, tf, rewriteFlag), rf);
walker.queue = q;
if (walker instanceof DepthWalk) {
DepthWalk dw = (DepthWalk) walker;
g = new DepthGenerator(dw, pending);
} else {
g = new PendingGenerator(w, pending, rf, pendingOutputType);
if (walker.hasRevSort(RevSort.BOUNDARY)) {
// Because the boundary generator may produce uninteresting
// commits we cannot allow the pending generator to dispose
// of them early.
((PendingGenerator) g).canDispose = false;
if ((g.outputType() & NEEDS_REWRITE) != 0) {
g = new RewriteGenerator(g);
if (walker.hasRevSort(RevSort.TOPO)
&& walker.hasRevSort(RevSort.TOPO_KEEP_BRANCH_TOGETHER)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(JGitText
if (walker.hasRevSort(RevSort.TOPO)
&& (g.outputType() & SORT_TOPO) == 0) {
g = new TopoSortGenerator(g);
} else if (walker.hasRevSort(RevSort.TOPO_KEEP_BRANCH_TOGETHER)
&& (g.outputType() & SORT_TOPO) == 0) {
g = new TopoNonIntermixSortGenerator(g);
if (walker.hasRevSort(RevSort.REVERSE))
g = new LIFORevQueue(g);
if (boundary)
g = new BoundaryGenerator(w, g);
else if (uninteresting) {
// Try to protect ourselves from uninteresting commits producing
// due to clock skew in the commit time stamps. Delay such that
// we have a chance at coloring enough of the graph correctly,
// and then strip any UNINTERESTING nodes that may have leaked
// through early.
if (pending.peek() != null)
g = new DelayRevQueue(g);
g = new FixUninterestingGenerator(g);
w.pending = g;