Class GitServlet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, javax.servlet.Servlet, javax.servlet.ServletConfig

    public class GitServlet
    extends MetaServlet
    Handles Git repository access over HTTP.

    Applications embedding this servlet should map a directory path within the application to this servlet, for example:


    Applications may wish to add additional repository action URLs to this servlet by taking advantage of its extension from MetaServlet. Callers may register their own URL suffix translations through MetaServlet.serve(String), or their regex translations through MetaServlet.serveRegex(String). Each translation should contain a complete filter pipeline which ends with the HttpServlet that should handle the requested action.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • GitServlet

        public GitServlet()
        New servlet that will load its base directory from web.xml.

        The required parameter base-path must be configured to point to the local filesystem directory where all served Git repositories reside.

    • Method Detail

      • setRepositoryResolver

        public void setRepositoryResolver​(RepositoryResolver<javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest> resolver)
        New servlet configured with a specific resolver.
        resolver - the resolver to use when matching URL to Git repository. If null the base-path parameter will be looked for in the parameter table during init, which usually comes from the web.xml file of the web application.
      • setAsIsFileService

        public void setAsIsFileService​(AsIsFileService f)
        Set AsIsFileService
        f - the filter to validate direct access to repository files through a dumb client. If null then dumb client support is completely disabled.
      • setUploadPackFactory

        public void setUploadPackFactory​(UploadPackFactory<javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest> f)
        Set upload-pack factory
        f - the factory to construct and configure an UploadPack session when a fetch or clone is requested by a client.
      • setUploadPackErrorHandler

        public void setUploadPackErrorHandler​(UploadPackErrorHandler h)
        Set a custom error handler for git-upload-pack.
        h - A custom error handler for git-upload-pack.
      • addUploadPackFilter

        public void addUploadPackFilter​(javax.servlet.Filter filter)
        Add upload-pack filter
        filter - filter to apply before any of the UploadPack operations. The UploadPack instance is available in the request attribute ServletUtils.ATTRIBUTE_HANDLER.
      • setReceivePackFactory

        public void setReceivePackFactory​(ReceivePackFactory<javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest> f)
        Set receive-pack factory
        f - the factory to construct and configure a ReceivePack session when a push is requested by a client.
      • setReceivePackErrorHandler

        public void setReceivePackErrorHandler​(ReceivePackErrorHandler h)
        Set a custom error handler for git-receive-pack.
        h - A custom error handler for git-receive-pack.
      • addReceivePackFilter

        public void addReceivePackFilter​(javax.servlet.Filter filter)
        Add receive-pack filter
        filter - filter to apply before any of the ReceivePack operations. The ReceivePack instance is available in the request attribute ServletUtils.ATTRIBUTE_HANDLER.
      • init

        public void init​(javax.servlet.ServletConfig config)
                  throws javax.servlet.ServletException
        Specified by:
        init in interface javax.servlet.Servlet
        init in class MetaServlet