Class AnyLongObjectId

    • Constructor Detail

      • AnyLongObjectId

        public AnyLongObjectId()
    • Method Detail

      • equals

        public static boolean equals​(AnyLongObjectId firstObjectId,
                                     AnyLongObjectId secondObjectId)
        Compare two object identifier byte sequences for equality.
        firstObjectId - the first identifier to compare. Must not be null.
        secondObjectId - the second identifier to compare. Must not be null.
        true if the two identifiers are the same.
      • isEqual

        public static boolean isEqual​(AnyLongObjectId firstObjectId,
                                      AnyLongObjectId secondObjectId)
        Compare two object identifier byte sequences for equality.
        firstObjectId - the first identifier to compare. Must not be null.
        secondObjectId - the second identifier to compare. Must not be null.
        true if the two identifiers are the same.
      • getFirstByte

        public final int getFirstByte()
        Get the first 8 bits of the LongObjectId. This is a faster version of getByte(0).
        a discriminator usable for a fan-out style map. Returned values are unsigned and thus are in the range [0,255] rather than the signed byte range of [-128, 127].
      • getSecondByte

        public final int getSecondByte()
        Get the second 8 bits of the LongObjectId.
        a discriminator usable for a fan-out style map. Returned values are unsigned and thus are in the range [0,255] rather than the signed byte range of [-128, 127].
      • compareTo

        public final int compareTo​(byte[] bs,
                                   int p)
        Compare this LongObjectId to a network-byte-order LongObjectId.
        bs - array containing the other LongObjectId in network byte order.
        p - position within bs to start the compare at. At least 32 bytes, starting at this position are required.
        a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.
      • compareTo

        public final int compareTo​(long[] bs,
                                   int p)
        Compare this LongObjectId to a network-byte-order LongObjectId.
        bs - array containing the other LongObjectId in network byte order.
        p - position within bs to start the compare at. At least 4 longs, starting at this position are required.
        a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.
      • startsWith

        public boolean startsWith​(AbbreviatedLongObjectId abbr)
        Tests if this LongObjectId starts with the given abbreviation.
        abbr - the abbreviation.
        true if this LongObjectId begins with the abbreviation; else false.
      • hashCode

        public final int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(AnyLongObjectId other)
        Determine if this LongObjectId has exactly the same value as another.
        other - the other id to compare to. May be null.
        true only if both LongObjectIds have identical bits.
      • copyRawTo

        public void copyRawTo​(ByteBuffer w)
        Copy this LongObjectId to an output writer in raw binary.
        w - the buffer to copy to. Must be in big endian order.
      • copyRawTo

        public void copyRawTo​(byte[] b,
                              int o)
        Copy this LongObjectId to a byte array.
        b - the buffer to copy to.
        o - the offset within b to write at.
      • copyRawTo

        public void copyRawTo​(long[] b,
                              int o)
        Copy this LongObjectId to an long array.
        b - the buffer to copy to.
        o - the offset within b to write at.
      • copyRawTo

        public void copyRawTo​(OutputStream w)
                       throws IOException
        Copy this LongObjectId to an output writer in raw binary.
        w - the stream to write to.
        IOException - the stream writing failed.
      • copyTo

        public void copyTo​(OutputStream w)
                    throws IOException
        Copy this LongObjectId to an output writer in hex format.
        w - the stream to copy to.
        IOException - the stream writing failed.
      • copyTo

        public void copyTo​(byte[] b,
                           int o)
        Copy this LongObjectId to a byte array in hex format.
        b - the buffer to copy to.
        o - the offset within b to write at.
      • copyTo

        public void copyTo​(ByteBuffer b)
        Copy this LongObjectId to a ByteBuffer in hex format.
        b - the buffer to copy to.
      • copyTo

        public void copyTo​(Writer w)
                    throws IOException
        Copy this LongObjectId to an output writer in hex format.
        w - the stream to copy to.
        IOException - the stream writing failed.
      • copyTo

        public void copyTo​(char[] tmp,
                           Writer w)
                    throws IOException
        Copy this LongObjectId to an output writer in hex format.
        tmp - temporary char array to buffer construct into before writing. Must be at least large enough to hold 2 digits for each byte of object id (64 characters or larger).
        w - the stream to copy to.
        IOException - the stream writing failed.
      • copyTo

        public void copyTo​(char[] tmp,
                           StringBuilder w)
        Copy this LongObjectId to a StringBuilder in hex format.
        tmp - temporary char array to buffer construct into before writing. Must be at least large enough to hold 2 digits for each byte of object id (64 characters or larger).
        w - the string to append onto.
      • name

        public final String name()
        Get string form of the SHA-256
        string form of the SHA-256, in lower case hexadecimal.
      • getName

        public final String getName()
        Get string form of the SHA-256
        string form of the SHA-256, in lower case hexadecimal.
      • abbreviate

        public AbbreviatedLongObjectId abbreviate​(int len)
        Return an abbreviation (prefix) of this object SHA-256.

        This implementation does not guarantee uniqueness. Callers should instead use ObjectReader.abbreviate(AnyObjectId, int) to obtain a unique abbreviation within the scope of a particular object database.

        len - length of the abbreviated string.
        SHA-256 abbreviation.
      • copy

        public final LongObjectId copy()
        Obtain an immutable copy of this current object.

        Only returns this if this instance is an unsubclassed instance of LongObjectId; otherwise a new instance is returned holding the same value.

        This method is useful to shed any additional memory that may be tied to the subclass, yet retain the unique identity of the object id for future lookups within maps and repositories.

        an immutable copy, using the smallest memory footprint possible.
      • toObjectId

        public abstract LongObjectId toObjectId()
        Obtain an immutable copy of this current object.

        See copy() if this is a possibly subclassed (but immutable) identity and the application needs a lightweight identity only reference.

        an immutable copy. May be this if this is already an immutable instance.